Android :: Disable Trackball In App?
Aug 17, 2010Possible Duplicate:
Disable trackball click in Android
How can I disable the trackball in my app? I only want the buttons to work when you click them using the touchscreen.
Possible Duplicate:
Disable trackball click in Android
How can I disable the trackball in my app? I only want the buttons to work when you click them using the touchscreen.
I've run into some difficulties with implementing a custom progress dialog. Even though an overlay intercepts touch events the user can still operate the trackball and click elements that are supposed to be disabled.
Is there any way around this?
This is my third Eris replacement, all have had the silent speaker bug. This one has it as well, but now this one has the continuously scrolling left trackball even while not plugged in, making the phone unusable. I have an Incredible ordered, but until that arrives whenever it decides to, I'm stuck using an old LG Chocolate. Any ideas on this? I have had nothing but bad luck with my replacements. Almost wish I could have the original one back, which only had silent speaker intermittently.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have used my HTC desire for a month now and I am very pleased with this ultimate android phone.I have only one issue with the phone/system though. The optical trackball is hyper sensitive. Whenever I use the phone ouside and the sun is shining, then the track ball activates due to the light and the phone/system uses the input to always scroll to the right. This is pretty annoying because this means that I cannot use the phone outside. Resently I also discovered that a small lamp next to my couch can activate the trackball as well.Does anyone know if its possible to disable the optical trackball or am I the only one who has this problem? If so then maybe it's a hardware error and I will try to return the phone.As a temporarily solution I have placed a sticker on top of the track ball.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI see that there is a led notification and i was wondering if there is a trackball notification for the HTC Hero? Without Rooting the phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy application requires users to hold down the trackball in order to access an advanced menu.Not all phones have a trackball, however, so I need to remove this requirement for such phones.Is there a way to detect if the phone has a trackball?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan i use trackball to move around buttons?then if i am on the button, can I change the background of the button just like highlight?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have tried all day to capture a trackball event in a View. Basically I want to use the trackball to move a Sprite in a 2D game left and right. The onTouchEvent works perfectly well in the View to move the Sprite with my finger but it would be nicer and cleaner to use the trackball.Can anyone provide me with a simple example that uses the trackball to move something in a View in a 2D type game world (not a menu or UI type of example)? Or can someone explain what I'm not doing. Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to move an image around the screen according to the trackball movement. I am able to capture the movements using the onTrackballEvent method. But this is being called for very small float values (I believe for each rotation?) of the trackball.Now as X and Y positions of views should be integers when specifying with LayoutParams, it makes no sense to move the view with every rotation. Instead I want to move the view only after the user stops rotating the trackball.Is there any method by which we can get whether the user stopped using the trackball or not?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to move the image left right,down,up directions according to track ball.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have different elements in my layout: Buttons, RadioButtons, EditText, a ListView and I have made a RelativeLayout that is clickable and starts a new intent. Everything works ok except that I can't select that element with the trackball. Is there any way to achieve this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to programmatically deselect/wipe whatever the user has selected with the trackball/trackpad When I hit the back button on an Activity, the Activity it falls back to has a button that is selected as if the user had used the trackball/pad. I'm not sure what is selected on the previous Activity, but obviously something is. I'd like to programmatically wipe any selection just before the Activity finishes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm kind of new in android AOSP development, and I'm trying to click to the trackball and launch an app already installed (Camera App). I'm looking at the policy.androdoid, but i just doesn't understand how to gain controls of the hardware buttons and where to start.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a HTC Magic and just love the glowing trackball if you have missed a call. So i wanted to use the trackball light in my own android apps, but i can not find anything on how to make it glow. Does anyone know how to turn the light of the trackball on and of?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you please tell me how can I simulate a TrackBall Event in emulator? I just the left/right black button in the middle of the emulator, but i set break point in dispatchKeyEvent() and dispatchTrackBallEvent() of the But only dispatchKeyEvent() breakpoint get activated. I want to see 'dispatchTrackBallEvent' get breaks. Can you please tell me how to simulate a TrackBall Event?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to figure out how to continuously update the coordinates of the trackball. Right now, I just want to write the values on change to TextViews to understand how it works.
I've been looking at the onTrackballEvent. Right now, I assume that each event passed as an argument to it should be seen as a complete event, that is from the start of the trackball movement to the end. Is this correct? Because if so, the values of x and y will be the same during the execution of the onTrackballEvent body. If this would NOT be the case, I could just use a timer and update the values at a regular interval..
So either I have to somehow interrupt the onTrackballEvent call and write the values, repeatedly over and over again while it is still moving, which seems weird, or...well this is pretty much were my Google search skills and Android knowledge comes to a halt.
Is there a way I can make the LED or trackball pulse while my application is running and the screen is on? The same behavior as when a phone call is received for instance?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I control the trackball light in a nexus one ? I found something with NotificationManager but the samples do not work for me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've run into an issue where performing a lot of touch events seem to block the move events from the trackball. Anyone else run into this issues? I can't use the Thread.sleep() fix because that will obviously stop all input, so I'm hoping someone has been able to throttle the touch command without effecting the move ones.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView with a header and I am able to click the header as if it was a list item however there is no highlighting if it receives focus from the trackball/D-Pad. Basically I want the header view to operate exactly as if it were just another list item in the ListView. Is there a way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI set an ImageButton's click listener via setOnClickListener(), but it doesn't respond to trackball clicks like a regular Button.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using a couple of ListView elements in my app. In all cases, it doesn't highlight the selected item when I click/touch it, but I can use the trackball to scroll up and down, and can see the orange highlighted color then. How do I fix this? one of them is a LinearLayout with two TextViews in it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any DOM event in Webkit associated to trackball events (movement and pressing)?
Or is there any other way to handle those events from a webpage?
I have a FrameLayout view which contains one (MapView-like) control and some additional buttons overlaying it. (the layout xml is below).
I want to allow the user to pan/scroll the main view using not only touch but also the Trackball.
The problem is - using the trackball just switches the focus between all the controls on the layout, and I cannot seem to find a way to contain the onTrackballEvent to just the MainView. code...
On the Nexus One (at least in 2.1-update1, and I think in 2.1), there is a setting under Sound & Display: "Pulse notification light". This doesn't seem to be present on the "2.1 with Google APIs" emulator image. I've not yet checked any other devices. I want to set this programmatically without user interaction, in order to make a Locale plugin, so the device can grab my attention when I'm awake at my desk, without having it floodlighting the room when someone spams me at 4am. It's quite bright.
I didn't see it in android.provider.Settings.System where many other things on this screen live, so I had a look in the platform source. There are some relevant parts in NotificationManagerService, in enqueueNotificationWithTag and updateLightsLocked. That goes off into HardwareService which seems well past the point of caring about user settings. I've no idea where this setting is implemented or how I might influence it. I fully expect the answer to be "there is no API for this" (perhaps related to it being Nexus One specific), and that the best I can do is to schedule (using Locale or something else) an Intent of ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS to remind me to set the box manually, which would suck. I'm hoping that I've missed something, or that a Googler is reading this and can tell me that this is planned for addition to the API?
Just started testing my games in 1.6 and the first thing I notice is that on the landscape ones, the dpad up/down/left/right orientation doesn't switch 90 degrees like it did on all emulators before.
The device trackball/dpad will still change with orientation (right becomes up on landscape, etc..), right?
We encountered a strange problem in Browser. When browsing certain web page with CGI form, browser doesnt respond to trackball click event unless we play around the UI ormove cursor around or switch between application. However, tocuh screen works all the time. I can't give an example of problem making web site yet. Just wodering is it an isolated case to me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI coded an AppWidget the user can add to his homescreen. There are a bunch of images (ImageView) in it that perform different actions like starting Activities on click (realised with PendingIntents). To make it easier to navigate through the AppWidget I'd like to use the trackball (as it works with the SearchWidget or FacebookWidget) but I just can't make it work. Here's my layout code for the AppWidget...
So I want to be able to navigate through a bunch of these "Spots" that are all relativeLayouts. How can I make that work out? I'd be really happy about every hint or idea!
I have a list activity that creates a header row above the data rows from the adapter. I want to receive click events when the user selects the header or a data row (but my data rows have check boxes in them, so this part is tricky). When I use the touch screen, I get this expected behavior:
1. Tapping on any row causes a click event and a dialog appears.
2. Long-pressing on a data row causes a context menu to appear.
3. Long-pressing on the header row does *not* show the context menu.
However, when I use the arrow keys (emulator) or trackball (G1), I get this unexpected behavior:
1. Selecting any row fails to cause any click events, even though the row's appearance changes like it's being clicked.
2. Long-pressing on the header row *does* show the context menu, which I don't want.
3. Occasionally, it doesn't focus the correct row when I move up or down (e.g. it skips from the header to the last data row).
Was just thinking about this - do you think the lack of a ball/pad will further fragment Android?
There's already apps/games that require it. EVO users I reckon will be out of luck. What if a really awesome app arrives later that requires the ball?