Android :: Creating Static Data Structure On Application Startup For Android

Oct 27, 2010

In my application, I am going to create a few listviews that are dependent on the listview before it. For example,Then, depending on user choice, will go next screen, let's say, it contains a submenu of each type of school,that may be different or may be the same to other states.What I want to know, is how to populate these different lists dynamically as the user goes on? I don't know what the best of doing this is, and I seem to be looking in the all the wrong places because I keep getting stuck. Once all the data is added into whatever structure is used, it will be static. I basically just need help as to how to code information into some sort of hashtable or anything of the sort that can be easily referenced, and later when the Application is updated, be able to add more schools/states/submenus etc.

Android :: Creating static data structure on application startup for Android

Android :: Best Efficient Data Structure To Store Object In Android Application

Sep 10, 2010

I want to build a data structure in my application to store many entries indexed by keys. Each entry has several parameters to retrieve and update.

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Android :: Loading Google Maps Data Into Searchable Data Structure

Mar 2, 2010

For my CS bachelors I am doing a Senior project using android and google maps.My vision was to do a (relatively) simple Dijkstra shortest path using google maps road data. I was going to add elevation change along with 2D distance. I am doing well playing with maps in android but I am completely stumped trying to access google maps data in any sort of searchable form.How would I go about accessing the data for say intersections of roads (lat/long) in a particular area?There has to be a way to pull that data in some sort of tree form. It seems like it may be possible with kml?Any pointers would be awesome.I want my paths to follow roads but If i cant this is going to turn into an orienteering application fairly fast.

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Replace Single Row View In Custom STATIC ListView - STATIC Data

Mar 18, 2013

I have Eclipse Juno and I'm working on an app with that.

The main activity will have a scrollable menu that takes you to all the other activities.

So the general structure/outline right now:[HIGH]Relative Layout ImageView (header logo type thing) ListView (the actual scrollable menu)[/HIGH]Here's the problem though... I can't find any simple list tutorials. I can easily make a single line list work but I need to make a two line list and one that is static, not dynamic and no examples are out there for that. It's like if you want to make a 2 line list, you can only learn how to do it in the most code-heavy ridiculous way possible.

Essentially what I am looking for with the list is this: Item one: Centred, bold, non selectable title (Resources)

- Item two-??: two line list items, click-able to a new activity, title of the section on first line, description on the second line.

- Item ??: Centred, bold, non selectable title (Tools)

- Item ??-??: two line list items, click-able to a new activity, title of the section on first line, description on the second line.

Nothing dynamic that is ever going to change, no super complex wonkey calculations, just to simply have the data set in stone (preferably via XML) and to call it into the list.

I experimented with some of the other list views and no matter what I did, I could get, via editing the resources and NOT using Java, more that one item on a single line but it wouldn't format it properly according to the layout I guess because I haven't got the ID correct or whatever I don't know.

I mean, all the examples I've seen for a 2 line list are extraordinarily over-coded and just bloated. I mean I have a website I am still working on in C#/ that has far more complex things in it with half the code that I've seen for the examples of the two line lists.

I tried on my own to figure it out (I am decent with C# and vaguely familiar with Java, self taught, and programming for some other systems like Python, again all self-taught), but like ALL coding references, they're organised by the actual code you implement (that you don't know) instead of by what you want it to do (so you have to search the whole code base to find something that you don't know what it's called but know what it does). >:C

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Android :: Dynamic Array Instead Of Static / When Creating ListView Icons And Text

Oct 29, 2010

I am using this following code which creates a ListView with text and an icon but the problem that I have which the following I want the array to be dynamic instead of static so my list gets created dynamically not statistically. My ultimate goal is to retrieve specific strings from my Db and to display it then on the Listview where every string would be in each row.

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Android :: Swing Widget - Displaying Tree Like Data Structure

Jun 21, 2010

I want to display a tree like data structure, for the Swing JTree is ideal. Is there any widget that provides that? Or any implementation of Swing for Android?

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Android :: Application With Multiple Views - Best Practice For Structure?

Jun 20, 2010

I am new to developing for android. I have a question regarding some best practices. My app is like a dashboard from which multiple different "sub-activities" can be started and done. I am wondering what is the best way to structure the app. One way is to have different layouts and load and unload them appropriately. The other is to start new activities using intents. At least this is what I have gathered from what I have read.

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Android :: Data Structure Used For SMS Messages In Android

May 5, 2010

Does anybody know what data structures are used to the store messages in an SMS client app, and whether there is an existing API for this.I was perhaps looking at implementing a link list for the purpose but if the work has already been done in an API then perhaps it would be unnecessary to commit time to the task that could be spent programming other parts.

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Android :: Storage Of Static Data Within App

Jul 28, 2010

I am currently developing a simple info app on various uni campuses. I want the app to operate predominantly in an offline state thus I want to store all my information locally. The data within the app will not be subject to any change thus I was wondering what the best (practice) method was to store such data? Basically should I be storing the info in a SQLite db, java file or xml?

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Android : Startup One Application Programmatically From Other Application

Jul 15, 2010

Say I have app A, in app A i want to set a schedule to startup the app B and C at specific time?

Is it possible to do that? if yes how?

Just need to know the code to fire the outside app.

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Android :: Put Static Data Into SQLite Database?

Jun 8, 2010

If I have a bunch of data that is never going to change (eg. an English language dictionary or the rgb values of a couple hundred color names), how do I use an SQLite database to store it? I know a database is faster than loading everything into memory when the app starts, but how do I make the database either the first time the app runs or "before" the apps ever runs?

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Android :: High Performance Access On Static Data

Nov 24, 2009

I am writing a program where I have to access some static data, and now I am looking for the best method of how to include them into the project.Reading in the data by parsing an XML is *slow* (even using the SAX parser). 2. Reading the data by parsing a CSV file is faster than loading an XML, but again is too slow. 3. Putting the data into a Java file directly (e.g. by defining an array) fails because Dalvik says it is too large. 4. Reading in the data using serialization is slow. The funny thing here is: It takes a bit longer than loading the XML file. 5. Reading in the data from a SQLite database is the fastest method until now. But a bad workaround is needed: A SQLite DB can not yet be read directly from the resources, but instead has to be copied to the cache or to the SD card - even for read-only access. Right now I am using method 5, but I would really like to use a more simplified and faster solution.

What I found out: Unserialization in Java is *fast* (reading a HashMap with 5000 integers and strings in 79ms on my PC), while the same action on my G1 takes over 13500ms. I know that I can not compare a PC to a mobile device. But still, there seems to be a big difference here. I think that the JRE directly copies the serialized data to RAM, while Dalvik seems to read every object step by step. Is this going to change in the future? And, most interestingly: what do you do to access lots of static information?

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Android :: AutoCompleteTextView Static Data / Slow Performance

Jun 1, 2010

I am facing the following problem: I have a big list of street names(~2000 entries), which is stored as a variable. I have an AutoCompleteTextView which should complete the names. The process takes really long time(approx. 2 - 3 seconds) to complete the suggestion. Is there any way to speed this up? I am pasting my code, if this is necessary:The getStreetsData() method simply returns the static list of the names.

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Android :: Static Data Structures On Embedded Devices

May 2, 2010

I've started working on some Android applications and have a question regarding how people normally deal with situations where you have a static data set and have an application where that data is needed in memory as one of the standard java collections or as an array.

In my current specific issue i have a spreadsheet with some pre-calculated data. It consists of ~100 rows and 3 columns. 1 Column is a string, 1 column is a float, 1 column is an integer. I need access to this data as an array in java.

It seems like i could:

1) Encode in XML - This would be cpu intensive to decode in my experience.

2) build into SQLite database - seems like a lot of overhead for static access to data i only need array style access to in ram.

3) Build into binary blob and read in. (never done this in java, i miss void *)

4) Build a python script to take the CSV version of my data and spit out a java function that adds the values to my desired structure with hard coded values.

5) Store a string array via androids resource mechanism and compute the other 2 columns on application load. In my case the computation would require a lot of calls to Math.log, Math.pow and Math.floor which i'd rather not have to do for load time and battery usage reasons.

I mostly work in low power embedded applications in C and as such #4 is what i'm used to doing in these situations.

It just seems like it should be far easier to gain access to static data structures in java/android.

Perhaps I'm just being too battery usage conscious and in my single case i imagine the answer is that it doesn't matter much, but if every application took that stance it could begin to matter.

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Android :: BroadcastReceiver For Data SMS - Static Works - Dynamic Does Not

Mar 29, 2009

I have created a broadcast receiver statically by specifying it within the Manifest, and I have also created the "same" broadcast receiver in code and have registered it with the application context. The static way works very well, but the dynamic way does not receive the expected broadcast. It could be that I am not creating the intent filter correctly, or that I need to register it with some other context somewhere. Please see the code examples to see what I am doing. This is related to receiving data SMS, it works very well on a device using a broadcast receiver defined in the Manifest. The correct permissions are set for both examples.

The following is from the Manifest, and the resulting receiver gets the expected broadcasts:


The following is the code example that doesn't work (it does work with an intent like "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" but not for data sms):


The question is - why does this broadcast receiver get notified of the incoming data messages? It seems some other resource is notified when the Manifest version of the receiver is created...

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Android :: Application Startup On Boot

Jun 8, 2010

Other than downloading a 3rd party application that auto-starts apps on boot, is there a way within the OS itself to autostart programs when the phone reboots? I have a few apps I use for work and would be nice if they autostarted on my Droid without having to launch each one independently.

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Android :: How To Create Startup Application

May 26, 2010

I am new to android. I need to create an auto startup application. That application will control the files( if we open a image file from Gallery (or) mail attachments, on that time our application give a alert dialog to the user). Please guide to how to create an auto startup application to control all the file format in the android emulator.

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Android :: Get An Application Context Into A Static Method

May 7, 2010

I'm working on an Android application that has several Activities. In it I have a class with several static methods. I would like to be able to call these methods from the different Activities. I'm using the static methods to load data from an xml file via a XmlResourceParser. To create a XmlResourceParser requires a call on the Application Context. So my question is, what is the best way to get a reference to the Application Context into the static methods? Have each Activity get it and pass it in? Store it somehow in a global variable?

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Android :: ProgressDialog To Show On Application Startup

Jun 28, 2010

What is wrong with this code:-


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Android : Can I Store Data In APK After Creating It?

Feb 4, 2009

This issue has troubled me a lot, please help if you have any ideas.

- I am accessing an xml file from withing the apk, (stored in /res/ raw). The xml is read succesfully. My goal is to use this xml file as data that can be changed in the apk.

- I tried unpacking and packing the apk file with ZIP compression and the newly packed apk worked on the phone.

- I changed the xml file and packed the contents of the apk into a new apk

- "install was unsuccesful" was the result of installing the new apk

As I see it, for every file stored into the apk, there are equivalent references stored in the manifest and cert files:

for example: SHA1-Digest: YS8iSCii71WMNrK7CHy5XLXBo+k=

Do you have any other ideas of how I can store/alter information into the APK?

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Android :: How To Incude Include Static Files - .a - In Jni Application?

Jul 31, 2009

I am recently developing a application use android jni.but,it cannot works.The application is base on a static library, and ofcourse with some *.h files.I have include the .h files in my .cpp file, but it seems , the comile cann't find the vars definded in them.

My is like this:


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Android :: Show Dialog When Application / Activity Startup

Aug 24, 2010

Can we show the dialog when our application/activity startup?

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Android :: Avoiding Black Screen On Application Startup

Apr 6, 2010

When I start my application initially, I get a black screen which stays for a few seconds before my main activity starts. In case of iphone an image with name default is displayed for that split second. I am not sure how to do the same in android. I tried as below in vain

<activity android:name=".Index" android:label="@string/app_name"
android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:theme="@drawable/defaultimage">
<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
</intent-filter> </activity>

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Android :: Call Non Static Method In Static SQLiteDatabase Class

Mar 30, 2010

i want to display a msg to the user (msg box or Toast) when exception happend in a static SQLite Database class that i use. the problem is that i cant call a non static method in a static class , how can i handle this. this is the class

private static SQLiteDatabase getDatabase(Context aContext) {

and i want to add something like this in the class when exception happen but context generates the problem of reference to non static in static class.

Context context = getApplicationContext();
CharSequence text = "Hello toast!";
int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);;

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Android :: Cannot Make Static Reference To Anon-static Method

Feb 7, 2010

I'm having some issues with the old "Cannot make a static reference to a non-static method" error in my Android program. I am creating a sand falling game (similar to the Powder Game) and I created a class called Control to create a Control Bar at the bottom of the screen with a slider for brush size (that works fine) and a button to pop up a Dialog to allow users to pick the selected element. However, when I call DemoActivity.showDialog(2) from my code, it gives the static reference to non-static error (DemoActivity is the main activity of my application). I also tried changing it to just Activity.showDialog(2), but I got exactly the same error!

Here's my code:


I fixed it by adding the following to my code:


And then calling control.setActivity(this); from my onResume section of!

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Android : Creating App Database With Big Amount Of Data

Dec 23, 2009

The database of my application need to be filled with a lot of data, so during onCreate(), it's not only some create table sql instructions, there is a lot of inserts. The solution I chose is to store all this instructions in a sql file located in res/raw and which
is loaded with Resources.openRawResource(id).

It works well but I face to encoding issue, I have some accentuated caharacters in the sql file which appears bad in my application. This
my code to do this : Code...

The solution I found to avoid this is to load the sql instructions from a huge static final string instead of a file, and all accentuated characters appears well.

But Isn't there a more elegant way to load sql instructions than a big static final String attribute with all sql instructions?

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Android :: How To Clear Static Variable Values / When Will I Close My Application

Aug 31, 2010

I have used some static variable in my application, i want to clear static variable value when will i close my application.anybody know please give solution for that.

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Android :: Application That Reads File From Internal Storage On Startup

Aug 3, 2010

I am writing a app that reads a file from the internal storage on startup. I have followed the guildelines here:
It successfully works on the emulator, and I can find the file my app created under
DDMS > data > data > com.MyAppName > files.

Now I would like to install my app on a real device, but do I need to explicitly copy the file onto the device? If so, what's the location should I copy the file to? Or will the file be created when I install my app? I need some pointers or guidelines, I'm quite clueless about the device. Or perhaps if anyone knows any keywords for me to search for an answer.

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Android :: Non-static Method Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

May 26, 2010

I am modifying the source code here:

I get this error:


This error is line 13 on the second box.

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Android :: Best Way To Store Application Data / When Data Stored / Data Format Could Change In Future Versions?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm making an Android Java app game (although this question applies to all languages really) and hope to release the first version soon. I'm nervous about how I save data in my game. My problem is that, if in a later update, I decide to store more data or store the same data in a different way, I need to be careful I don't lose or corrupt data for users that upgrade (i.e. I want users to be able to use data created by an old version in the new version, like their high scores from before).For example, say I want to save high scores in version 1.

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