Android :: Create Folder In Main Screen Programmatically?

Oct 28, 2010

How to create a folder in main screen programmatically?

Android :: Create Folder in main screen programmatically?

Android :: Main Menu Folder Like Organization App

May 3, 2010

I am looking for an application that would let me organize my main Android menu using folders or groups of icons. Preferably in a similar way iPhone OS 4 does it but I'm not picky and anything that would help me to sort out the cluster of programs I use would be appreciated. I only look for two features in this application:

1. That it organizes in groups (under one icon) or folders applications in Android main menu (and not on the main screens with widgets).

2. That it was free as there's no paid apps at the moment in the Market where I live.So, if anyone could help me or know of an application like that I'd appreciate all the help!

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Android :: When Inflate Using LayoutInflater Always Taking The View From Main Layout Folder

Mar 1, 2010

I've a list view with custom list adapter(list_item.xml). I have multiple layout folder to support multiple screen size. I found out when I inflate using LayoutInflater, its always taking the view from main "layout" folder.

I've a phone with screen size "427x320".

This is my code:....................

I want the layout inflater to pick the list_item.xml from "layout-427x320" folder and not "layout" folder.

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Android :: Programmatically Protect Folder With Password In Droid?

Sep 17, 2010

Is there a way to programmatically protect the folder with password in Android ?

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Android :: How To Find Culprit File In Droid Project Even After Expanding Main Folder

Jul 9, 2010

The side bar in eclipse shows a red cross on the title of my project folder but there are no such signs in the directories below it in hierarchy. In which particular file does error exist? How can I know that

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Motorola Droid :: Where Main Wallpaper Folder Is Located?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm rooted and all. i just want to know where the main wallpaper folder is located. does anyone know what i should even look for?

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Android : Get Resolution - Programmatically Set Layout Folder / Supporting Multiple Screens

Aug 19, 2010

My application will have two layouts, one for large screens and one for normal. For testing I'm working with one phone (800x480 240dpi) and one tablet (1024x600 240dpi) but both are detected as large screen hdpi and long aspect ratio, so I'm not able to assign different layouts.

The only approach I think that can work is to create layout-large and layout-normal, get the resolution and programmatically set the layout folder. Is that possible?

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Android :: Create Table Row Programmatically

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying to create table row and place 3 elements: EditText - EditText - ImageButton as following:................

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Android :: Create XML File Programmatically?

Aug 10, 2009

I want to create an XML file to Store my Application Settings into. ( I can't use SharedPrefs because i want that Settings file later to be accessed by Some other Code.)

I can easily create an XML with java's code and store it in File too. but in Android I can create xml with the same java code but can't save it into the file coz they have removed the package javax.xml.transform from SDK.

I am Attaching the Java code here...


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Android : Create ListView Programmatically

Sep 15, 2010

I am new in Android. whats the wrong with the following code:


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Android :: How To Create A Transparent Activity Programmatically?

Jul 28, 2010

I want to launch an Activity with a webView as its content from current Activity. This new activity needs to be transparent and webview should be in the center. I looked around the web but only solutions I found were using style xmls. I want to do it using pure code i.e. no xml declarations. if anybody has come across this then please shed some light.

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Android :: Create EAP Wifi Configuration Programmatically

Nov 22, 2010

I know how to create Open/WEP/PSK/PSK2 configuration programmatically.


But how do I create one for '802.1x EAP'?
Looking into the source code at:


Seems to do the work but 'config.eap' is not accessable from my application.

Is there a way to configure EAP types or is it not possible?

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Android :: Programmatically Create / Destroy AppWidgets?

Mar 5, 2010

Is it possible to programmatically create and/or destroy AppWidgets?

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Android :: Programmatically Create A View And Add Some Textviews Into It?

Jul 17, 2010

Is there a way i can create a view and add some textviews into it ? programmatically ? any sample code?

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Android : Create A Bunch Of Textviews Programmatically?

Apr 17, 2010

I need some help with the following scenario, as I am so used to make all of my layouts with XML, but now I have a situation where that won't work.

I am working on the second version of my app that delivers news, in the comments section I used to use a listview to display user comments, but it doesn't work that great for comments that could be anywhere from 5 to 500+ characters long. So I want to create a whole bunch of TextViews in a scrollview and stack them below each other.

My best guess was this, although it is definitely wrong because it only shows one comment. I assume I have to use some kind of LayoutParams and so I've looked into it but am still not sure how exactly to use them.

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Android : Way To Create Spinner Programmatically From Array

May 6, 2010

I'm all new to Android and I'm trying to create a spinner programmatically and feeding it with data from an array, but Eclipse gives me a warning that I can't handle.

Here's what I got:

This ArrayList holds the elements that should be in the spinner (gets filled from a file later on):

ArrayList<String> spinnerArray = new ArrayList<String>();

This is code ...

Now the second line (ArrayAdapter...) gives me a warning in Eclipse saying "ArrayAdapter is a raw type... References to generic type ArrayAdapter<T> should be parameterized", I have no idea how to fix this (or what that means in the first place :) ).

It's just a warning and the App seems to run alright, but I'd still like to understand what's wrong and fix it.

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How To Create Scrollbar Within Main XML File

Jun 17, 2012

In any application where you need to scroll down to access more posts or something, how do you create the scrollbar within its main.xml file? I've tried ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView, but nothing seems to work.

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Android :: Create Non-default Style Widget Programmatically

Jul 21, 2009

In ApiDemo, there is a progressBar demo. It creates a horizontal progress bar with a xml.

<ProgressBar android:id="@+id/progress_horizontal" style="?android:attr/progressBarStyleHorizontal" android:layout_width="200dip" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:max="100" android:progress="50" android:secondaryProgress="75" />

But how to create one programmatically? If just new ProgressBar(fContext), it is Default ProgressBar style.

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Android :: Better To Create Db / Tables Programmatically - Through A .db File In Assets?

Mar 2, 2010

Does Android have a "best practices" guideline on creating & populating the db/tables programmatically vs. deploying a .db file in assets?

What are the pros/cons of both approaches?

I have a db with big long strings in several columns, and about 50 rows, so writing the insert statements alone would take quite some space. It seems a waste.

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Android : Create FindViewById Parm Dynamically Or Programmatically At Runtime

Sep 27, 2010

I have an xml layout that will display a grid made up of textviews within tablerows. The textview names are cell00, cell01, etc. At runtime, my program will determine which cell needs to be changed.

Is there a way get format a name so that it can be passed to the findViewById method at runtime? For example, if cell00 is needed, how can I generate the parm in this code?

TextView currcell = (TextView) findViewById(

Something like "cell"+00 doesn't compile because the findViewById method doesn't accept a String type. I don't want have every textview name in the grid hardcoded in the program - there must be a better way.

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How To Create Button Programmatically

Oct 7, 2011

public class SamActivity extends Activity
private Paint mPaint;
private MaskFilter mEmboss;
private MaskFilter mBlur;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


This is my code.In this i draw a line over the image.Now i want to know how to create button programatically?

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Android :: How To Remove LOCK Screen / Appear After The Emulator Boot Up To Main Screen?

May 14, 2010

LOCK screen aprears at the main screen, after boot the emulator boot up. I want to disable the locking at main screen, So that while next time i boot up my emulator not LOCK screen apears. Can any body suggest me best solution for this?

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Android :: Any Way To Create Shortcut To A Folder?

Jan 3, 2010

Any way to create shortcut to a folder located in sd card ?

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Android :: Create FOLDER For Some Message

Sep 21, 2010

am creating a sms application in which am trying to move some msg according to users choice to predefined Folder....but am not getting any way to do this task.

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Android :: How To Create Xml File And Put Into Raw Folder?

Oct 8, 2010

can anybody tell how to create a xml file and write in android and where to put the file for aceess again is it possible to put into raw folder?

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Android : Create A Sliding Layout Like The Main Android Menu?

Oct 13, 2010

I need to create an application with 4 view. I need to pass from a view to an other simply by a touch and a move to the left or to the right (no button). The effect I would like is the same that you see when you navigate in the main menu of android when you pass from a page to another.

I have tested the ViewFlipper, but I cannot use it: it seems not to catch the touch event correctly. I don't even know if it is the right component.

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Android :: How Can Programmatically Draw Text On Key Guard Screen / Lock Screen?

Oct 31, 2010

Is there a way to draw on or modify the key guard wallpaper programmatically?It looks simple enough for the home wallpaper, you can use WallpaperManager. But how about for the lock screen wallpaper?

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Android :: Put Algorithm Code To Create Binary Library / Link This In Main Function Code?

Jan 27, 2010

I can build a daemon with my algorithm code and main function.I put all files in one folder under /development and make This executable file works successfully

Now I want to separate my algorithm code and main function code. I hope to build a binary library with my algorithm code and main function will link this binary library to use.

Where to put my algorithm code to create binary library and how to link this binary library in main function code?

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HTC Incredible :: How To Create A Folder For Apps?

Aug 15, 2010

Is there anyway to create folders on the "all programs" page you get when you push the widgets/apps button next to Phone? I'd like to push that button and then maybe see a games folder at the top and a media folder for camera apps and media players. Maybe a news/reference folder for my dictionaries, reference and news apps. The rest of the stuff I'd like to just leave there open and accessible.

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HTC Incredible : Way To Create Folder For Bookmarks?

May 2, 2010

Can I create a folder and put my most used bookmarks in it - so I don't have to bring up a browser every time ?

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