Android :: How To Create Xml File And Put Into Raw Folder?
Oct 8, 2010can anybody tell how to create a xml file and write in android and where to put the file for aceess again is it possible to put into raw folder?

can anybody tell how to create a xml file and write in android and where to put the file for aceess again is it possible to put into raw folder?
Any way to create shortcut to a folder located in sd card ?
View 3 Replies View Relatedam creating a sms application in which am trying to move some msg according to users choice to predefined Folder....but am not getting any way to do this task.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to create a folder in main screen programmatically?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to create folders on the "all programs" page you get when you push the widgets/apps button next to Phone? I'd like to push that button and then maybe see a games folder at the top and a media folder for camera apps and media players. Maybe a news/reference folder for my dictionaries, reference and news apps. The rest of the stuff I'd like to just leave there open and accessible.
View 10 Replies View RelatedCan I create a folder and put my most used bookmarks in it - so I don't have to bring up a browser every time ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I create a folder and give it a 'name' in my HTC Desire and apply a password to it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to create a folder to store messages in? Eg. Joke text messages? On some phones you can create a folder to store messages ready to send to contacts. This doesn't seem to be possible on the Desire.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you create a new folder in the stock mail widget? i have a couple of e mails i want to save on my phone but the only folders it will let me put them in is trash, draft, or in box. how do i create a folder and put e mails into them?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a personal folder in mail to keep email I want to save. Just can't figure out how to do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if it's possible to create a folder in addition to the standard ones (outbox, sent, deleted, etc) that exist in the stock HTC email program. I would like a way of saving certain emails and I don't know if there's a way for doing that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to create a new picture folder instead of the default ones?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to create an icon on the actual program list called "Games" for example and containing all the g sames Ive downloaded. Ive used apps organizer to label my games as games!
View 6 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the for the droid 2 and all instructions and tips say:
If your rooted it's as easy as putting it in the /data/local folder!
Well there is a /data folder on my Nexus and it's empty. If I try to make a new folder it says "cannot create new folder" in File Explorer that came with CM6.1. Astro greys out the create folder button. What am I missing? Also I saw that you can ADB push it. WTF does that mean? I know how to do some fastboot stuff, is it the same? Reboot the phone with the USB connected and run commands on my PC?
I'm looking to clean up my home screens a little and would like to be able to create one on-screen folder or widget that can hold multiple other widgets for quick access and easy launch. Specifically, I have quite a few ColorNote files that I need quick access too, but don't necessarily want clogging up my home screen. I'm hoping there's something out there - either a folder organizer, launcher, or widget that can do this for me.
I currently use GoLauncher and FolderOrganizer on my SG Note.
I've been using Touchdown trial for a few days now and can't seem to find an answer to my question in the other threads. When I have an e-mail that I want to file in an exchange folder all of my folders show up on the phone and I am able to send the e-mail to any folder in my inbox on the server.My question: Is there a way to check my folders from the Droid after I have filed e-mails there? I went into settings and assumed that if the inbox was syncing that I would be able to pull up the other folders. I added a couple of the folders to sync under advanced settings and they show up but when I try to open them up there aren't any e-mails.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan any one give the code to read and write to a file in the Android assets folder.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy SD card on my droid x went bad so the verizon store gave me a new one but it seems they formatted it for a blackberry hence I see blackberry folders in there Can someone tell me the file/folder structure for Android 2.2? Once I format and clean it up, what are the directories I should be creating? If there's a link that describes it, that would even be better..
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy wife convinced me to get an xperia X10 because she loves hers so much. My previous phone was a Palm Centroid and I needed a new phone because the power button was very difficult to activate. On my Sandro, I was able to create a personal apps folder of the apps I use the most. The Quick Start guide that came with my phone has two pages explaining basic functions. One box shows being able to Move/Delete Icons, but it only shows how to delete them. Use the long Touvh to move it to the trash can icon. But I don't want to delete them, I want to move or copy them to a personal apps folder.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to create a icon on my Droid desktop pointing to a specific folder on my SD Card. I have a folder where I store all my movie videos that I would like quick access. The Gallery is much too slow having to search all my pictures and videos on my entire 16GB SD Card to populate and it doesn't even display the video name (its difficult to identify movies by the small thumbnail it displays). The best way to launch these currently I find is to traverse the directory tree using an explorer app, but I prefer a quicker method if possible.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a symbolic link of a shared folder in a folder that I have. How could I duo these in android? GT-I9300
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have my Nexus One connected with the USB.When I visit the File Explorer of the DDMS, if I click on the "data" folder the little plus near the name "data" disappear for 2-6 seconds and then reappear but the contenct of the folder "data" is not showed!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have several files stored in my project /res/values folder, is there any way to open and read these files from my android application? Each file contains text informations about one level of my game.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can you read GZIP file in Android located in the "ASSETS" (or resources/raw) folder?
I have tried the following code, but my stream size is always 1.
GZIPInputStream fIn = new GZIPInputStream(mContext.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.myfilegz));
int size = fIn.available();
For some reason the size is always 1. But if Idon't GZIP the file, it works fine.
Using Android 1.5
Question: How do you programmatically distinguish between directories and regular files in the assets folder?
When using AssetManager to access files in the assets folder, it seems impossible to determine if a file is in fact a file or a directory. You get the list of files from the list method and then open the file using the open method. I thought perhaps using the openFd method to get the asset file descriptor (and then subsequently requesting the normal file descriptor) would provide me some information. But requesting the file descriptor for a directory results in an IOException (which makes sense since what would it mean for a directory to have a file descriptor...?).
Currently I'm relying on that IOException (resulting from attemptng to open a directory in the assets folder) in order to determine if a file is in fact a directory. (Opening a regular file works just fine). This seems like a bad idea. Any other suggestions to distinguish between a file and a directory?
My app has .txt files in subdirectories in the assets folder. It reads those .txt files and puts them in a textview. It's working great and no problems.
Should I be concerned about the files in the assets folder getting deleted by the user or missing. If this ever could happen, my app would get an error because the file would not be there when it tried to read it into the stream.
Is there a need for me to check the existence of an asset file before I read it or does the asset manager take care of it all? I also was wondering if there's a chance that a user would or could delete and asset file.
Like I say, everything works fine without me inserting code to check for file existence. I just wondered if people use the .exists() statement every time they go to read in a stream from assets.
Did you ever have music files without tags ? (for example ripped from your CDs)Did you ever add some music in a "new music" folder in your memory card, without knowing exactly all the artist / albums?Do you know the "unknown artist" who sings the "Track 01", even if your file name is correct?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to get an InputStream (or file handler) to feed a SAX parser from an XML file stored at the Resources XML folder (instead raw Resources folder)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to save an arraylist to a .txt file below is the code I am using, which runs without error but when I try to go to Astro file manager and browse the data folder there is nothing there.
String filename = stationname.getText().toString() + System.currentTimeMillis();
FileOutputStream fos = openFileOutput(filename,Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
Report is the ArrayList that holds each of my station Reports.
How to read data from the assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension in my Android application?
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