Android :: Command To Find OS Information
Jul 23, 2010I have to store what version of android users are using, search all over internet, hard to find this info.

I have to store what version of android users are using, search all over internet, hard to find this info.
Assuming that old Icon design guidelines are not valid anymore, where can we find information about the guidelines to follow to design "new-styled" 2.X launcher icons?Should applications provide icons for both icon styles if they work for both versions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy program is targeting Android 1.5. I would like to retrieve system information about the device itself. I have found very few helpful classes by searching the APIs. the best I've found so far is the Runtime class and a few Build.* system properties.
I would like to be able to get information like the total amount of memory on the device, the amount of free memory (which I do not know if the Runtime class is actually giving me, since it specifically refers to memory available to the JVM) along with information about the processor.
Is this information available, and if so, where can I find it?
Is there a command to find out the pid of all process running on the emulator? If yes, can you please tell me how can I do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to "deploy" .apk files to a set of tablets for student use in the school. Every now and then I will be required to install new apps across a range of devices. I have sorted out the transfer of the apk files to the tablets using an app called "FolderSync" so that the files will be local on the SD Card. Hopefully this part should not be problematic. Due to the fact that the tablets will be used by students, I want to make the process of installing the apps as automated as possible. Using the command "pm install <app.apk>" command I have achieved this step also. My trouble is that I will require the script to improvise and find all apk files in a folder and install them. So far I have tried the following:
cd /sdcard/FolderSync/
find *.apk -exec "pm install {}" ;
However this returns "find: pm install app.apk: No such file or directory" This may be more of a Linux issue than android, or maybe even just me missing something obvious, however I have tried adjusting the syntax here and there and can't figure out how to successfully install a directory of .apk files.
I have the X10 and can anyone tell me how to find call time, texts sent and data used please.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhere to find the version information in source files on Android platform? I try to find out some information listed in setting>>about phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a Mac user (photographer/ videographer). I also rely heavily on my iPod Touch when mobile (i can often find a wifi signal when i am out and about). I use iCal on the Touch and iCal on my Mac as well as the address book on both everyday and as a Mobile Me user, my two devices sync so everything is mirrored and up to date. I also HATE AT&T for their terrible signal strength and coverage and have been a loyal Verizon customer for many years and this is why I don't have an iPhone. Okay, all that being said, is there an easy way to still use everything I love and rely on with my Mac (the calender and address book, mainly) and easily sync all of my existing information and future info to an Android based device? How easy is it to use an Android device with a Mac? I don't want to have to manually re-enter my entire address book into a new device.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted samsung captivate with sideloading enabled. After experimenting with different wifi tethering apps from the unofficial market, I began experiencing difficulties with my wifi connection. Even after uninstalling every app that I thought was changing the wifi state, the problem still persists. I can turn on the wifi and it will act normally for about 30 seconds before turning off without user intervention. In dmesg, the error is as follows: 'mmc1: Got command interrupt 0x00060001 even though no command operation was in progress.' Is this caused by an app or is this a more complicated problem?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI am working on an application that needs to find GPS location of the user. While testing my code on Droid i am unable to find the GPS location. While googling i found this link to an issue raised with Google.
But apps like Yelp can find the GPS location on droid. Is there a workaround to find the user location on a device? Here's the code I am using code....
Is it possible to have the sender's name/number displayed on the lock screen when a text is received? I've got handcent installed and I've got it set up so that when I receive a text, the quick reply box pops up for 10/20 seconds. But if I'm away from my phone and I later check to see if I've received a text, the only indication I have is a small icon on the navigation bar.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor an example, lets say I have a url which returns stats about a certain football team (the team name is a parameter on the url) and it displays the information purely as text (with maybe a bit of text before and after):
Stadium: MyStadium Capacity: 100,000 Shirt Colour: Red
Is anyone able to give me any advice on how I would go about retrieving only the information I need so i can put it into my own format and display it nicer? Would I need an xml parser, would I need the page source code, if so how could I get it?
I am very new to androids n want to know more abt t. pls give me informations abt SDK ,JDK,, eclipse etc n why they r used? how do i install n use tat pls posts links to videos.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm attempting to create an app that will display usage information for customers of Roger's Wireless(Canada). I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on how to:
1) input Username and Password info directly a web textbox to sign the Customer in, from an EditText View.
2) grab usage information in the form of text or images to display to the user within the app.
Just a pointer in the right direction on what method(s) would do this for me.
Is there are api that can get the music information, such as album name,author name,song name or time of this song?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to get the edittext value from webview(i.e My webview contains the edittext for username), Can anybody help me how to retrive them.... after clicking on some button of webview.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to I get the version name from the Manifest, I tried the following but I get a Null Pointer Exception. code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed android sdk 1.5, but in no where I can find the geo command. Where should I get one?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am writing an application which checks the security protocol of the phone's wifi connection. Between the phone and AP, they may use 'wpa', 'wpa2', 'wep' or unprotected 'open' connections. how to get such information?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to show the direction information in my app.Direction from one address to the another using Google maps and also wanted to set overlays at the starting address and the destination address.Is there any classes in android too do that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI found that android 3.0 is gingerbread, what are the new features in gingerbread and when it is going to be launched. And also i need information about the official release date of Honeycomb.
View 23 Replies View RelatedIf I click the button I will show current lattitude and longitude value in textbox..
I dont know how to achieve this..! i am using htc hero emulator..!
Spent my morning researching and pulling the latest facts about Mobile Firefox. Turns out, it IS coming to Android (thanks to the release of Android NDK) but only after the WinMo and Maemo versions.It will support tabs, sync, HTML5, CSS, JS, SVG, Flash, geolocation, and a bunch of other really neat stuff.Here's the post: Meet Firefox For Mobile [Video + Feature Highlights + More Info]
View 21 Replies View RelatedI've integrated lots of private information like accounting, messaging, emails, tasks and so on, into desktop widgets and everywhere around the phone. Every so often, someone wants to take a look at the phone and play around. Reading some important stuff is one thing, but people tend to mess the stuff around as well. Have you found a program or a way to protect from that? (other than denying to the people :> ) I guess some kind of shell program that you turn over when someone wants to demo the phone would be a nice solution.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've an issue related to the application uninstall. Actually when my application is removed, all the related accounts are removed, and consequently all the account contacts disappear from the device. I was wondering if there is a way to keep the accounts information or eventually to be notified when the application is being uninstalled, in order to allow the application to advice the user.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to find some technical details about Honeycomb, but I've found nothing so far other than very vague suggestions that it will be optimized for tablets.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to update information in Contacts database, phonenumber. Doc says that I could use getContentResolver.update(); Will this work and how to configure where and selectionArgs properly for doing this if it works?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am doing one application in which I am fetching the Cell, location ids of the towers. I am able to get cellid, lacid and networkOperator name. I am using the following code. private GsmCellLocation gsmCellLocation; gsmCellLocation = (GsmCellLocation)cellLocation; cellID = gsmCellLocation.getCid(); lacID = gsmCellLocation. getLac() ; String networkOperatorName = telephonyManager.getNetworkOperatorName(); But I need the location name of the tower, like what we get as Cell info display. How is it possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create an application that reads information from a database on a separate server(not the android phone). Does anyone have any information on how to create a database connector class?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i get battery usage by application in android.I need to know % of battery spent by application.It's possible using SDK?The information that i need, using an android device it's on "Settings>About phone>Battery use"
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