Android :: Calculating Distance From Two Places
Oct 18, 2010I have latitude and longitude of two places. Can i calculate the distance between them in android?

I have latitude and longitude of two places. Can i calculate the distance between them in android?
I'm trying to create a compass for my application BUT the difference is that, instead of having a line always pointing to north, I want this line to point for a specific point. I've been trying dozens of algorithms and nothing works. I've finally found one that points me exactlly to the point I want. But it doesn't move if I change the position of the device which is my objective. Basically, what I want is that no matter the direction I'm using my device. The line always point me to the point (picLatitude,picLongitude). I understood that for the line to move, I can't use static variables. I need to use the values offered by the onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event). This are the data I have available:
event.values[0]: azimuth, rotation around the Z axis (device in relation to north, 0º) event.values[1]: pitch, rotation around the X axis event.values[2]: roll, rotation around the Y axis mLatitude: device current latitude got from GPS (variable) mLongitude: device current longitude got from GPS (variable) picLatitude: static picture latitude established previously picLongitude: static picture longitude established previously distance: distance in Km from device to the picture calculated previously
And this the formula that works correct, and gives me the correct angle. (But it doesn't use any of the Sensor Data so the line Compass doesn't move):
double dLong = picLongitude - mLongitude; double y = (Math.sin(dLong) *
Math.cos(picLatitude)); double x = (Math.cos(mLatitude) * Math.sin(picLatitude) - Math.sin(mLatitude)*Math.cos(picLatitude)*Math.cos(dLong)); double angleDegreesWrongRange = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x))); float angleDegrees = (float) ((angleDegreesWrongRange+360) % 360);
I got this "bearing" formula from this website: I've try adding, subtracting, the azimuth.. I've tried with the others, seriously at this point I'm just demoralized.
I am trying to calculate a route based based on either geographic location or address. I figured the obvious way would be to use some part of the built-in Google Maps package, but it proved harder than assumed. There used to be a package called, but from that disappeared with the 1.0 release of the Android SDK.
I know that Google Maps has a public JavaScript API, but since the application is developed for the Android (in Java) and I would like to have an offline alternative, is there any other library packages, built-in or 3rd party, that I can use to achieve this?
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Note: To use the Google Places API you must first request a Maps API client ID and cryptographic key which you must use to sign your request URLs. For information on signing URL requests, please see the URL Authentication documentation within the Web Service APIs home page. But followed the instruction, I still do not know how to get the Maps API client ID and cryptographic key.
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My two points are
long1 = 51.507467;
lat1 = -0.08776;
long2 = 51.508736;
lat2 = -0.08612;
According to Movable Type Script the answer is 0.1812km
My application gives the result (d) as 0.230km code...
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View 12 Replies View RelatedI want to know that how can i calculate distance between two point using their latitude and longitude in android ?
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Need - to calculate distance between California to New York or London
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View 2 Replies View Related1) I have not been able to find out in which units Location.distance Between receives the latitude and longitude. Is it degrees or micro degrees? Whats the unit for the distance returned? 2) In windows XP using Eclipse 3.3.2. Emulator does not send coordinates properly. Either it by hand or by loading a gpx file the location Listener is not invoked. This same code I have tried it in Ubuntu and works fine. Does someone know how can I solve this? In the office there is no linux installed and I can take my personal laptop.
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I am using the Location class distanceTo() function to calculate distance between two location the current one and the one from the database.
This work fine and i am able to use this distance to calculate proximity in the rest of my app, but the distance it self is not apparently in meters i am getting result like 4134801.4 i am sure that the distance is 3200meters in this case.
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Canvas.draw(x, y, radius), what value should I put to this method ?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedFirstly, I wanted to mention taht I live in Canada, so that might mean some solution do, or don't exist. What I am looking for is some sort of smart phone that can do the following: GPS navigation stuff, makeing bookmarks of places, and entering coordinates is good. Voice over IP . even if it is using the voice implementation of something like ventrally, that would work, even better is to have it act like a true phone. Ideally I want to do this so that I can use WIFI network, rather then phone minites, to keep monthly cost down. Phone and video are cool and all, but on my current "dumb" phone I don't use them at all.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if the Location.distanceTo method will use the accuracy field of the Location object when approximates the location, or do I have to add by my own the errors to these fields. The usage is to compare the distance against a proximity value.
Float dist=currentLocation.distanceTo(loc2); Would this be if (dist<100meters) or
if (dist+currentLocation.getAccuracy()+loc2.getAccuracy()<100meters)
Should I wait for Places to have points, badges, and rewards like Foursquare or just go for Foursquare? I hear that Places has a lot of potential to surpass Foursquare but like that guy said, it looks pretty boring. I don't want to do Foursquare and then have to start over if/when Places takes off and adds all those points, badges, and rewards.
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