Android :: Asynch Network Library For Phone?
Oct 16, 2010Do you know some asynch network io library for android?

Do you know some asynch network io library for android?
I am new in the field of ANdroid. I am using FBReaderj code for my project. I want to download a book from my website. In FBREADERJ they have integrated with three site. I want to add my own.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an Android library project that makes calls to PreferencesManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences.
I have 2 version of my app, paid/free, and they are not able to access the preferences stored by the library code.
Can someone tell me the right way to store values in SharedPreferences in library code and have the values available to projects that include the library?
According to this SDK guide, unit-testing a Library project can be achieved by creating a standard application project, reference the Library project and then instrument the application for unit testing. However, when I do this and launch the test application I get the message.No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3".I'm using Eclipse and the Android ADT plugin, all latest versions.the projects compile just fine. The test project also installs fine to the emulator. But in the console I can see that it looks for <library>.apk, which of course doesn't exist since I'm compiling this as a library into the test project.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a jni library which depends the third shared library, I must copy the third shared library to /system/lib, otherwise, Java application can't load jni library. But you know, on G1 with official OS image, /system/lib is readonly. I tried to call System.setProperty to set java.library.path to the location stored the thired shared library before load jni library, but the issue still exists.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAs I understand, the three ways of distributing my application are via Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project.Jar - cannot contain resources or XML layouts (so this is out for me)Android Library - I don't really know how this works but the Google API uses it..Android Library Project - includes resources but allows the client free rein on the code as it is distributed as source.If I am to create a closed source application that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute to other Android programmers, what should I use? And can someone direct me to a tutorial on creating an Android Library?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSorry if this is a bit of a vague question, however im struggling to find a single solid example on how to do unit testing (isolated testing) with Android. So one project contains models and logic, then another project contains tests for said library. There is no front end or UI, so I want to do the bare minimum to just be able to test that my methods all work in isolation.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCould someone guide me to an online tutorial that explains this really well?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would like to build an app that OCR a pictures and get text from them. What java library should I use?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm updating my application to take advantage of Android library projects. While I can get everything to build fine within Eclipse, I'm stuck trying to update my script to support library projects. At the moment, I can't figure out what options to pass to appt to tell it to look at my library projects when building my main project. Checking aapt--help has not been illuminating so far. Any suggestions?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using and android 2.2 phone for testing and getting an error.
07-27 01:24:55.692: W/System.err(14319): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.shoaib.AndroidCCL.MyClass in loader dalvik.system.DexClassLoader@43abbc20
First I wrote the following class:
package org.shoaib.androidccl;
import android.util.Log;
public class MyClass {
public MyClass() {
Log.d(MyClass.class.getName(), "MyClass: constructor called.");
public void doSomething() {
Log.d(MyClass.class.getName(), "MyClass: doSomething() called.");
And I packaged it in a DEX file that I saved on my device's SD card as `/sdcard/testdex.jar`.
Then I wrote the program below, after having removed `MyClass` from my Eclipse project and cleaned it:
public class Main extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
I have been looking at the ConnectivityManager class documented at .
I would like to know if an Android application can open a network connection (socket) on a specified network interface [on a device supporting multiple network interface types WiFi, Cellular, WiMax etc] ? I am looking for the capability for an application to open a socket on a given type of network for example over WiFi network or over 3G Cellular Data network.
If this is possible in Android, how would I code this requirement within the API Framework ? The ConnectivityManager enables an application to learn about available network connections and currently categorises them as either TYPE_WIFI or TYPE_MOBILE.
There is a member function in the ConnectivityManager class called requestRouteToHost(int,int) [url] which "Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified host via the specified network interface. An attempt to add a route that already exists is ignored, but treated as successful." Sounds like this would install an IP routing table entry to reach a given host via a specified network interface type (WiFi or Mobile). After calling this would it be sufficient for an application to open a socket and connect to the desired destination address ?
Or perhaps the application needs to bind() a socket to a local address of a network interface of the desired type (WiFi or Mobile) Or by setting a socket-level socket option of SO_DONTROUTE ?
I want to upload my music library or access the files directly from the computer from anywhere, including my phone for free. I have done some searching around and have only found, but it doesn't let you play an entire playlist from your phone, only a single song at a time. Anybody have any ideas? Also, I hear people talking about gmote when I look around, but isn't that a remote control? Not a way to play the music on the phone, please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have recently got a Samsung S4 after being an Apple person. I went straight to Winamp as I use it at home on my PC and love it, and want to keep it consistent. I am able to import my iTunes library into Winamp on my pc without issue. It is when I go to copy it onto my phone that I have problems. I right click on the folder/playlist I want to move across, select Send To -> Devices -> Galaxy S4 and it appears to copy. However, when I check on my phone, the playlist shows as <name>.pla and there is no music in the playlist. Only if I click on Songs in the main menu does it show the songs, but of course all together and in alphabetical order. Is there a step I am missing out on here? I was looking to upgrade to the full version, but at this stage, I'm not willing to go any further unless I can get this resolved.
And trust me, I want to keep using this program; just annoyed that I can't get it to work properly on the phone as it's the best and only player I use on my PC.
Android AMF client library Aftek has extensive experience in developing enterprise Flex applications. We have used BlazeDS extensively and we believe that it would nice to provide all the benefits provided by AMF for Android applications as well. We have developed an Android AMF client library which would enable Android application developers use the same extensively. The Android AMF client library supports remoting and secured remoting. This will allow all android applications to use the existing backend like .NET, Java, or PHP. The implementation is asynchronous in nature providing success and failure callbacks. This allows application to perform other tasks without blocking the application. We are currently performing some performance benchmarking and plan to release our library very soon. We would also be incorporating the messaging feature as well.
Android RTMP client library:Aftek has extensive experience in developing voip and audio/video and media applications. Media applications has a huge market and there would be quite a few people eager to develop the medial applications on Android. We believe that it would nice to provide all the benefits provided by RTMP for Android applications as well. We are developing an Android RTMP client library which would enable Android application developers use the same extensively. Our Android RTMP client library would support some add-ons that would help developers to deliver robust media solutions.
Using this library, ZXing, we have a project at school in which we'll implement a inventory system using Android phones.
We aim to use an Android phone to be a inexpensive replacement to this:
I've read some of the warnings on the FAQ for certain phones. Is there a specific phone that Android developers prefer (with use of the ZXing library in mind)? We have to buy the phone ourselves, so we would prefer not to buy the wrong phone!
How do you delete the widgets/shortcuts on the seven home screens. I accidentally put something on the same home screen twice and want to delete one of them. And how do you order them how you want them to be?
Then, how do I sync my iTunes library to the phone?
I have built an android app which use Google Map feature. I want my app installed on phones which does not install Google Map, in that case, I would disable the map feature. There is a "uses-library" tag in manifest file, what can I do with that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if, with the G1, it's possible to force the network traffic to pass through the Wifi or through the Cell GSM network. I need to force an application to connect through the tower network to get some login information. Is this possible? Anyone have any ideas as to how this would be possible? I'm trying to accomplish this inside an app with the Android SDK (Sorry I wasn't more clear about that originally)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am developing an application that use the GPS and the geolocalion. So, during the application launch, I have to be sure that the user has activated the network and GPS. If he didn't tested 2 solutions : Ask the user to activate them himself (so the application quit, and the user has to reload it) Redirect the user in the corresponding view in order to activate them ( via something like "android.provider.Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS " )
The second solution is better to my mind but can be very boring for the user if he has to activate the Network + the GPS + Nework localisation That's why I ask if it is not possible to activate all that automatically if it is not possible ? I think it is possible because it exists widget that let the user activate network, gps etc... but how can we do that in the application?
I am getting sick and tired of these AT&T/I-Phone commercials bragging about how that network and phone can multi-task on the web during a phone call. For anyone wondering why our incredible DROID doesn't do actually DOES. First of all, it is not the I-Phone that can do this, it is their network. All you have to do on your Droid is turn on the Wi-Fi. With it on and connected you can surf the web, use any internet connected app, etc. all during a phone call.
Not a legal expert or anything, but doesn't this sound a little like false advertising by the "other guys"? Sorry if this has already been posted, just venting more than anything. Comments welcome...
I'm using a combination of alarm (set with AlarmManager) and background service to periodically synchronize data in my application. The only problem I have is that when sleep policy terminates Wi-Fi connection the synchronization no longer works. Is there a way to "wake up" the Wi-Fi connection that has been put to sleep? GMail somehow manages to do that because it notifies me about new e-mail even if the phone entered sleep mode.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my incoming calls r outgng cal it should display the phone number as wel as with network name For eg: 9876543210,Airtel like that. How to do that i am new to android. So anybody help me. whats the way to develop it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs stated in the title, it looks like my Android device shows a `lower' (mobile) network availability than a `traditional'(i.e. not smartphone-like) phone.Why?Am I the only guy experiencing this?
View 5 Replies View Relateddo you know how to get the Home country code, current country code, the Mobile directory number on a cdma network. I see TelephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso() can get the current country code, but it is not reliable on cdma network.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a long lived service, it wakes up (via the AlarmManager) at intervals and connects to a web server. If the phone goes to sleep and one of my polling intervals happens the phone wakes up enough to let me attempt to connect to the network but the ConnectionManager claims there is no network. Given the system log this is correct, it was torn down. Pushing "Menu" once is enough to get the network back up and then my service can connect. How do I get the network to reconstruct itself?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI only get a phone signal about a third of the times i start the emulator. I've read on these groups that you have to have an internet connection before starting the emulator. Since i'm connected to the internet 24/7 :) this is not the problem I've also read somewhere that you should try do disable all other network connections (which i've done) and the problem persists. I'm using Windows 7 and Android 2.1 + API's emulator. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to android
View 2 Replies View RelatedI seem to be seeing an issue with the data network access on the EVO. When it happens none of my applications get internet aceess and my mobile network status says "turning on". The only way I've found to fix it is to pull the battery. Any one else seeing this? If so is there a better fix than pulling the battery?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCurrent configuration Use Android emulator and GAE tools (to access local GAE service I set uri and it works.I would like to use Android device(phone) via USB to call web service running on connected "local" computer.What is best configuration practice ((I don't have static IP) I am using mac and linux)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWould this Android code be a correct way to test for http network availability during a phone call, or does it exclude networks that should be included or vice versa: