Android :: Astrid Task List

May 25, 2010

I'm using the astrid app. i have the task list on one of my screens. the question i have is how come all my tasks aren't listed on this screen. only 5 of them appear and i have about 8 tasks. i want all of my tasks to appear in this way as opposed to opening the app. is there a way to get all of my tasks showing?

Android :: Astrid Task List

Android :: Stop Astrid From Syncing With RTM Every Time I Check Off Task As Completed?

Jul 31, 2010

Is it possible to stop Astrid from syncing with RTM every time I check off a task as completed? I don't have a constant Internet connection and it keeps giving me a dialog window every time it can't sync.

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Android :: Task List Or Task Chooser App

Dec 12, 2009

Is there an app for choosing which apps you want to use that are already open or whatever. Or is there a button you can press to bring up a task list like you do with you blackberry when u hold the blackberry key and the list of open apps comes out.

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Android :: Google Task List

Apr 23, 2010

Is there a task list app that will sync my task lists on my google calendar with the app on my device?Im just finding Astrid pretty glitchy. It doesn't do the reminders properly and doesn't sync with my google account.

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Android :: How To Get The List Of Activities Within A Task

Jun 16, 2009

Is there a way to get the list of activities (all of them) for a ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo

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Android :: Place Requery() In Order To Refresh The List When I Add New Task From Another Tab?

Aug 11, 2010

I am making a very simple dump and display app. I would like to see my newly entered data displayed on the list found on the first tab. But I don't know where to place requery();

Here is the code for the first tab. (Displays the data from DB.)


I have tried doing (pseudo codes only)




But BOTH don't work!

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Android :: To Do List/daily Organisers With Repeating Task Function

Nov 3, 2009

I am looking for an organiser with repeating tasks so I can set my tasks I need to do everyday to repeat and still be able to add one off tasks to the same day. Does anyone know of an app to do this?

I had an app on my old phone that automatically popped up a list of things i wanted to do everyday and then I added anything extra for the day. Then as i completed them it removed them for the current days to do list but kept it repeating in the next days list etc...

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General :: Task List App With End Date?

Feb 6, 2014

I have been looking for a good task list app that has the seemingly basic feature of an end date for recurring tasks. I want to be able to set up a task to begin on Monday 2/10/14 and run through Friday 2/14/14. I have tried Todoist, Wunderlist,, TickTick and maybe another I can't think of and none of them do this. I would like something that is as full featured as the ones I tried, but with the simple function of an end date.

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Motorola Droid :: Task List Widget

Nov 19, 2009

Does anyone know of a task list widget that would take up a good portion of a homescreen and list tasks so you don't have to necessarily click to see what needs to get done. I feel that for me something like this would be a better reminder.

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Motorola Droid :: Task Manager Exclude List

Nov 12, 2009

No matter what task manager you're using, I'm curious as to what programs are in your exclude lists. I've added programs that I noticed continuously popping up (I guess the phone wants them?) as well as some of the widgets I have running. Here's my list: Code...

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HTC EVO 4G :: Add Apps To Ignore List For Advanced Task Killer?

Jun 18, 2010

First off let me tell you what I have done. I've turned off Wifi, 4G, email updates when I check it. I turn off internet and the other "data to apps" setting. I lowered the brightness. Turned off GPS and Bluetooth.

As of now I'm doing the plugging in charger, unplugging trick several see if that helps. (I must admit it's stupid that I even have to try this)

So, here are my questions:

1. How to I add apps to the ignore list for advanced task killer? I go to the ignore section and it's just a black screen. I don't know how to add apps.

2.What exactly is the CDMA" thing? I know what to do (I've seen the link)...but I don't know WHAT it does. Will it effect my ability on the phone?

3. What exactly is Google Talk...and how do I get rid of it(if it takes a lot of battery power) I noticed that if I hold the "finder" button and talk I can search on google! Really cool! If I turn off google talk is that feature gone? do I turn off google talk? (I could find it...but I consider this my "lazy" question".

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General :: Recent Apps In Task Manager Use Lot Of Ram / Why Does List Exist

Apr 3, 2013

if I remove all these it clears up to 400mb of ram. what benefit is there to leave all the recent apps there? is th3 phone chewing through more battery to use the 1.2gb of ram vs 800mb?

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Android :: Astrid Tasks 3.0 Warning

Aug 3, 2010

WARNING: Back up your Astrid 2 before doing the Astrid 3 upgrade!I just updated to Astrid 3.0 ("Update Available"). Silly me, I didn't read the notes other than to see that Astrid 3 was "all new". My tasks vaporized! The I tried to "restore" and it said I had to buy an add-on pack to do that. No indication of whether the restore in V3 is compatible with saved tasklists from V2. The experience left me cold. I uninstalled Astrid 3 and reverted to V2 via the link Then I restored from the saved list on my SD card from the scheduled backup that Astrid did last night. I still lost some tasks I entered today.

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Android :: Astrid Widget Transparency

Mar 20, 2010

Is there a way to set the Astrid widget to be partially transparent/translucent? I'd like it to let some of the background show through like the default search widget and the default calendar widget.

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Android :: Similar App To Astrid For Users?

Oct 3, 2010

With the news of such apps such as astrid (sharing data without using user notification), I just want to know if everyone who has/had astrid has decided uninstall or keep astrid? Is it advisable to uninstall this app now after this news?

Like many other users, I found this a really useful app, and if it means having to uninstall can anyone else a similar app to astrid?

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Android :: Astrid Widget Not Updating New Tasks?

Aug 11, 2010

I installed the latest version of Astrid, added two tasks, then added the Astrid widget on one of the screens on my phone. I went back and added more tasks, but they don't show up in the widget. Is this a bug, how do I get Astrid to always show the latest list of tasks?

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Android :: App To Re-request Permission After Install Astrid?

Sep 4, 2010

I am adding an option to my app (Executive Assistant) to integrate with the Astrid TODO list app. Astrid defines the permissions necessary for doing this. My app uses those permissions. Everything works fine if Astrid is installed before my app. However, many users will use my app first, then decide to use Astrid later (e.g., in at least some cases, because its now supported by my app). However, in this case, I will get a SecurityException if I try to read from the Astrid ContentProvider since that permission didn't exist when my app was installed.

One easy solution would be to simply uninstall, then re-install my app after Astrid has been installed. However, this would require the user to reconfigure my app, which would understandably be quite annoying for the user. (1) is there any way for my app to "re-request" the permission after Astrid has been installed? And, (2) if not, is there any easy way to save & restore my applications data (database & shared preferences) between an uninstall/reinstall so that the user does not have to reconfigure?

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Android :: Updated Astrid From Version 2 To 3 - How To Rollback?

Aug 18, 2010

So I updated Astrid from version 2 to 3 and realize it was a big mistake. They took away a bunch of options and now require a RTM account. Is there any way to rollback an app? I searched around and can't find the old version anywhere. On a side note I have noticed a very disheartening trend for Android software developers. They release an app and market it as free. They wait until enough people download it and build a strong user base. Then "update" the software which removes features unless you pay for the full version. This is just poor PR in my opinion.

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Android : How Can I Share List Of "task Killers"?

Oct 7, 2010

The so called "task killers" are sort of pain in my *** as users keep using it w/o understanding it, so I decided to check installed apps to find out if TK is installed and if so, warn the user about the potential consequences. Anyone got by any chance list of such apps (or packages) to share?

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Android :: Astrid Warning - Prevent Unexpected Erase?

Feb 12, 2010

Got a Samsung Moment a couple of weeks ago. Last night starting using Astrid (Task/ToDo app), which came pre-installed on my phone. When I launched Astrid for the first time, I got a warning message -- something about making sure Sprint Update or Sprint Updater doesn't kill Astrid, or ruin it, or something. Clearly, I didn't understand the message. But I clicked "Okay" anyway, and started using Astrid. But I'm worried that a Sprint Update could erase all my Astrid data -- my To Do's. I'm reluctant to create many Astrid tasks until I know how to prevent them from being unexpectedly erased. My questions: Can anyone explain the situation to me? (e.g., I have no idea who/when/how/where/what Sprint updates). Can anyone explain what I need to do to prevent the catastrophe about which Astrid was warning me?

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Android :: Astrid Widget Takes Almost Forever - Mean Hours To Load

Dec 9, 2009

Astrid is great! Easy to use. Small widget that displays tasks. Simple. Many options. but... When i reboot the Hero, it seems that the Astrid widget takes almost FOREVER! and i really do mean hours to load.

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Android : Astrid Alternative - Widget On My Homescreen To Show Tasks?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there any good alternative for the Astrid tasks app? I just need a widget on my homescreen like Astrid to show tasks. The problem with Astrid is that it has a backup process which keeps running in the background even when I disable backups. (See for yourself, in running processes).

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Android Program For Adding Task And Deleting Task In Listview

Aug 25, 2012

I'm writing an android program for adding task and deleting task in listview. I've add an onClickListener to the delete button so it can delete the task. However I was told I should not have the listener in the adapter violating mvc. how I can remove a task in my TaskListItem class. I got the method removeTask() in the adapter, but don't how I can use it in the TaskListItem class.

public TaskListItem(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mContext = context;

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Android :: Best App Killer (task, Advanced Task Or Something Else)?

Dec 27, 2009

Automatic task killer, advanced task killer, or something else?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Task Panel X - Advanced Task Manager - Causing Errors

Nov 7, 2009

I've been using Task Panel X and Advanced Task manager to kill unneeded tasks and keep memory at a maximum.

Recently, every time I open Task Panel X and then revert back to Home screen I get the HTC logo and then a loading screen while the device sets itself. This happens even if I kill NO tasks.

So my solution was to uninstall Task Panel X and then use just Advanced Task Manager. All the sudden, same result.

Everytime I open either of these apps and then go back to home screen I get a BLACK SCREEN WITH HTC LOGO, THEN A BRIEF (10 SECONDS) LOADING SCREEN. THEN ALL IS NORMAL.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Task Killer - Task Manager

Dec 11, 2009

I know this was talked about before at different times but I still have 3 questions.

1. what is the difference between a task killer and a task manager?

2. should we be using one of these apps or not?

3. when you look at the awake time if it is like 70% or 80% and you aren't using the phone a bunch I take it that means something is running,how can you find what is running.and is the awake time that big of deal?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Use - Task Manager - Task Killer App

Oct 15, 2009

Looking for a guide on how to use task killer. I had task killer on and deleted it. I think I was killing tasks that were needed to keep certain functions running that I use frequently. If someone would take the time to help me understand how to use one, I think I would be much more successful with it.

example - text messaging just stopped ( werrent receiving them ) . Once I took task killer off, everything started working again.

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Android :: Favorite Task Killer - Manager - Advanced Task Killer Free

Aug 22, 2009

Anyway, I just wanted for everyone to post their favorite Task Manager/Killer, and why, and if there are any flaws. I personally use Advanced Task Killer Free. It has a simple UI, and the when you select or unselect apps it remebers it so next time you launch the app you can only remove the apps that you usually do, and keep ones that always run. It doesn't slow down or break the system.

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Motorola Droid X :: Automatic Task Killer Vs Advanced Task Killer

Sep 9, 2010

Has anyone used both. Ive heard that that Advanced Task Killer, still drains the battery. What about the Automatic Task Killer, which puts everything to sleep when not in use.

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Android :: Way To Present List To User Where Each Item On List Starts An Activity When Selected

Nov 4, 2010

I am on my first Android application and I am on a timeline so details and examples will be useful since my knowledge is still minimal. I want my first screen to present the user with a list of activities to choose from. In my situation it is a recipe app where the user first chooses the type of food, such as, Beef, Chicken, or Pork. I want the application to launch an activity depending on the list item that the user clicked on. I am not sure if I should use a list view, a text view, a scroll view, a list activity, an activity group...

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