Android :: Apps Disappearing When Charging
Nov 5, 2010
When I plug in my charger (USB charger from pc) I get the message, preparing SD card, and a few random apps get removed, until I unplug the charger then they appear again. I wanted to play Angry Birds while my phone was charging but it doesn't let me as it's one of the apps that gets removed.
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Jun 18, 2010
I was just reading a few threads on this forum about such apps as Swype & Dungeon Hunter for example and I've noticed when I use my non-rooted Evo I am unable to find either of these apps. Has anyone else had any issues with apps disappearing or just not showing up when you do a market search?
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm running a captivate with Froyo on it, and every time I start the phone 2 apps disappear from my home screens. One being Angry Birds, and the other being Labyrinth Lite. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Are there any fixes?
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Nov 26, 2010
A friend got a Desire yesterday and is having a rather odd problem with it - she put the power control widget on one of the screens, set the news feed to the BBC, and then downloaded a couple of apps (angry birds etc). When she downloaded these the powercontrol widget disappeared and the news feed 'unset' itself from the BBC.Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening or how to stop it?
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Jun 28, 2010
from my "root" folder i create. the only app that stays on the folder is astro (which does not require root). even if not on a folder, my root apps disappear from any of my home screens. no problems w/ them in the app drawer. running bb v.0.3 but had this problem since bb 0.1.
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Oct 11, 2010
So last night I went to change my battery and when the phone booted back up, a lot of programs were not installed anymore and I was getting about 3 other programs that were force closing right away when it came on.I tried to reinstall the apps, but I was still getting some force closes and general funny stuff going on.So I factory reset it and started from scratch again today. I got most of my apps reinstalled and thought it was fine. Then just a little while ago, I noticed that I couldn't browse the Internet or use the market. I rebooted and it was fine.A little while later I went to use my phone to make a call and when I unlocked it, all my home screens were blank! Reboot again and that fixed it.
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May 7, 2014
I'm using a Gemini Devices Gem1031BK 16GB tablet running Android 4.1.1 and Nova Launcher. I have 2 main problems.
Problem 1, if I move my photos to the SD card I can no longer view them on the tablet. It is as though they no longer exist, but the tablet will run Apps stored on card.
Problem 2. I keep getting "App Not Installed" messages although the icon is still present on the desktop. This happens with various apps, Candy Crush Saga, BBC iPlayer, BBC Media Player etc. The only thing I can do then is reload the app from the Play Store.
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Nov 9, 2010
I've had my HTC Desire for about 2 weeks. I have searched through the forums for info...but between threads getting off track or just not understanding anything, I thought it would be easier to ask basic questions about my particular issues.
1) What is root? I have the 2.2 update, I am happy enough with HTC and my carrier (Telus) and I don't need tonnes of room right now.
2) Speaking of room, I try to put my apps on my SD card with the 2.2 update but only Google Earth and Night Sky are able to do it. All of my icon packs etc. wont go to SD. I'm pretty sure I have lots of room left so I dont think this is a huge issue.
3) Battery issues. I didn't do the first full charge as I had to use the phone asap when I bought it. I don't have much going on with my phone, no active wallpapers, just weather toggle and clock, text and a few phone calls, check a couple websites, maybe a video here and there, and sometime use GPS for maps. I keep my screen on zero percent and I soft touch the power button to go black screen when i'm idle. I turn off gps and wifi when not using them. With that said, I cant keep the phone idle and off charge overnight without it going to zero. After a charge I lose 10-20% in the first hour. I have never lasted a day on a full charge.
4) After playing around with customizing my phone with icons and widgets I am done. All I need this phone to do is make phones calls, text and check my favorite websites. I use my tracks when I go running and listen to music when I run. Thats all I want it to do. Its a phone so I would love if it could keep a charge in case of an emergency. I was late for dinner the other night because my battery died and I couldn't even call to say I was late! so....
5) What do you recommend I do with my phone to keep it as basic as possible and powered up?
6) What are the key apps to make this the best user experience?
7) When in my pocket I lock screen but once I found that I had 23 unsuccessful attempts to open screen from jiggling around in my pocket lol. Is there anything to help me with that?
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Apr 16, 2010
I feel like there should be a way. Anyway, let me know
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Aug 17, 2010
My HTC Wildfire shows a red LED when charging, which changes to green when fully charged. But as I have red/green colour blindness I cannot tell when it is fully charged. Anyone know of an app that will allow me to change these colours?
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Nov 10, 2009
Charging Battery - Alternative Methods? Charging with USB Cable to any Computer?
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Jul 17, 2010
I got home at 9 PM and my battery was at 50%. I've had it connected to my PC in Charge Only mode this whole time. It's 12:37 AM and it is still at 50% charging.Does this happen to anybody else?
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Nov 2, 2009
The following code used to render an indeterminate progress bar with a message below, all on top of a video view. Once the video was ready, the message and the progress bar would be made invisible. Ever since cupcake, the progress bar doesn't show at all.
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Feb 6, 2010
A few of my contacts have been disappearing, I have "Back my settings up" on, but it doesn't seem to help. Anyway I can get my contacts back without asking? Or anyway I can prevent it?
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Aug 20, 2010
I love handcent but got an issue. Text are disapearing from handcent. I recieve them and I see them in handcent but a few hours later its gone from handcent ( shows the last text as text from like a month ago) just started happening 2 weks ago. I tried removing handcent and re-installing. Even tried an older version. still happens. I can see the lastest text in the list of text BUT when I open that persons text its not there. And its all in the Stock Text app.
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Apr 17, 2009
1. I send an email to my G1 (not Gmail... just ordinary pop3 email)
2. I get the notification OK.
3. The email applications says "RedMist________________(1)"
4. So I click on RedMist, and then Inbox
5. It shows the email subject and then, within 1 or 2 seconds, the email disappears. without me clicking to view the email.
6. No matter what i do i cannot view this email again.
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Jul 16, 2009
I have an application that has two tabs: -First tab contains contacts -Second tab contains chats
Some times when I select the second tab it dissapears and a black background is shown. This issue does't happen when the first tab is shown You can find a picture of the issue here:
This issue happens randomly and i can't reproduce it consistenly.
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Jul 7, 2009
I am having a problem with ListViews. After adding a few items to the list and it becomes larger than the layout, my cancel button disappears. Scrolling and everything else on the ListView still work fine, but it replaces the views I have below it. Anyone else run into this issue? Am I missing something?
Here is an example layout:
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Jan 8, 2010
The last image button is not being rendered (in fact I see an error which quickly disappears to show the rest of my view minus the last imagebutton.
My activity layout looks like this:
Tried to debug this in Eclipse but didn't find the cause.
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Jun 28, 2010
I have installed the Android SDK and plugin for Eclipse and written my first test app. I am trying to view the device in the DDMS section of Eclipse, but my Android Virtual Machine is usually not listed in the Devices section when it is running. Occasionally it will appear for a minute only to disappear again. I found an article recommending that I run adb kill-server to get it to restart and appear. This works about 50% of the time, but the device just disappears again in 10-60 seconds. My main desire with this is to push some files to the sd card on my Android Virtual Machine, but the device doesn't stay visible long enough to push any data to it.
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Jun 21, 2013
I've just move from the Iphone 4 to the S4 and am trying to set it up. I'm failing miserably with email.
I use email but have it downloaded to Outlook and it is deleted from the server when I do this.
I want to access the same emails on my phone - well, those emails that have not yet been downloaded from the server. So for example, if I'm not at home and laptop is switched off (not accessing Outlook) then I can get the emails to my phone until I get home and download them to laptop. When I download them to my phone I want to leave a copy on the server for Outlook to get.
So............... I've manually set up email using pop3 settings on S4.
An email will download to my inbox on the phone...... but then when I next go in to check emails on phone those that have been downloaded just disappear?
Delete email from server is set as never in the settings. And outlook on my laptop is turned off so emails are not being downloaded there.
Why are my emails auto deleting and where re they going. How do I stop this?
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Oct 21, 2010
I've heard this happening with Gmail to other people, but I didn't believe it, now it's happening to me. I had a very very very vitally important email sent to me yesterday, and after viewing it, it just vanished. Gone for good. I can't find it. I've checked every folder, I've checked All Mail, I've checked trash, I've checked spam, drafts, everywhere. This is the 3rd or 4th time I've had an email vanish in the past 3 months. Completely gone, as if it never existed, without me deleting it.Has anyone else experienced this with Gmail? I know a few people who don't use Gmail for this very reason, but I thought they were crazy, now it's happening to me. HELP! I need that email back
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Jun 18, 2010
I've noticed over some time that some comments are disappearing and not just old ones but ones that have recently been placed, is this a bug?The comment that I noticed was placed on 6/3 but doesn't show on the phone, it only shows on some sites that index the market.
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Jul 26, 2010
every time I have looked at the market comments for my app over the last few days some more comments have disappeared. This is whether I look on the phone or on the developer console.Unfortunately the comments that Google has chosen to 'lose' are my most favourable comments leaving several "This app suxss" type comments by the usual Neanderthals who like to be abusive. I have checked with a helpful user who left a positive comment and they have not removed them themselves or de-installed so what is going on? It is seriously hurting my downloads/sales and the impression that potential users of my app see when they look on the market. I have emailed Google but no reply yet.
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Sep 16, 2009
Over the past few days I have been trying to implement custom widget functionality. In this case I have instantiated a RemoteView containing some TextViews and an ImageView in one application's BroadcastReceiver. The BroadcastReceiver receives the intent signaling it to send the RemoteView to the calling application. When the calling application receives this RemoteView it uses apply to inflate the view properly and display it on the screen.
The problem occurs when the activity changes, the inflated RemoteView occasionally has information disappear. One time the image even changed into another image from a drawable located in the BroadcastReceiver's application. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem and/or have a solution?
I have looked at posts concerning ImageViews in widget use and orientation changes. Is this problem related? I am not entirely sure. I am currently running Android 1.5 SDK and am not able to upgrade for this side project of mine.
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Dec 30, 2009
I am using "Hello, Android" 1.5& 1.6 with the 2.1 android Java build. I type: import android.os.Bundle;
It disappears as soon as I finish typing!
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm just getting started developing for Android and I'm running into a weird problem.
First off, I'm running Eclipse for Java devs v3.5.2 with the Android 2.1 SDK installed.
Basically, whenever I do just about anything the "gen" (, etc.) folder will just disappear from the project. I'm seen some people online say that it was still on the drive, just gone from the project listing in Eclipse, but in my case it is literally and completely gone.
The only fix I've found is that if I refresh, then try to build, it gives an error and "gen" shows up in the project view (though it's not on the disk), then delete it from within the project, then Rebuild All and it will say that it cannot find it and is recreating it.
Problem is, I have to do this every single time I want to build.
There's got to be a fix for this.
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Sep 24, 2010
I am writing my first simple Android App: It loads temperature samples from a Java based measurement system (CSV via HTTP), shows the available channels in a Spinner and when a channel is selected, it shows the corresponding value and a timestamp in two TextViews. The App works fine, except a little cosmetic problem: The items in the drop-down list are separated by a horizontal line (divider) and depending on the scroll position, some lines disappear and appear again, when I scroll some more pixels up or down. The phenomenon happens on the emulator screen as well as on the handheld display (HTC Wildfire). Seems to be a screen resultion problem. Does anyone have a hint how to avoid this?
See my code below...
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May 27, 2012
I have a Samsung nexus 1 and every time I go into Google chat (I have never logged out) there is less and less history...right now this is the only way I can go online. Wondering why this is happening! Is my chat history saved in my Gmail? (Haven't been able to check yet)
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Oct 1, 2009
Almost all our users complain that after upgrading to the newest version of our "Camera Pro" app, either the app crashes or the icon is not showing up anymore in the home screen. The problem seems to be gone after deinstalling and reinstalling the app. How can it be possible that the icon is gone? This is the first version we used zipalign on, can this have something to do with it?
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