Android :: Activity Lifecycle OnStart OnStop Possible?

Oct 5, 2010

In the Android Application Fundamentals it says that after the call to the onStart()-method of the activity lifecycle either the callback method Resume() or onStop() is called. In case of an "normal" Start of an activity the system calls onCreate(), onStart(), onResume().But does somebody know an example where onStart() - onStop() are executed one after another?

Android :: Activity Lifecycle onStart onStop possible?

Android :: Activity Lifecycle On Nexus One - OnStop Not Called

Mar 4, 2010

I have a problem with the activity lifecycle specifically on Nexus One (2.1 running on emulator works fine). If I just create a simple empty Activity with no special launchModes that logs the calls on the onStart and onStop methods, this is what I see: - launch app: onStart called; - home button: onStop NOT called; - launch app: onStart NOT called; - home button: onStop NOT called: and so on. Sometimes if I press the back button then the onStop is not called, but the when i launch the activity again the onStart is called and right after the onStop is called. Similar results with different launchModes. What is going on? Can anyone confirm this?
i found an android issue for the problem here: and a similar thread here

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Android :: Starting An Activity In OnStart

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to start a floating activity from onStart to retrieve some info from the user right when the initial activity begins.

I have the following:


And callProfileDialog() is just:


ProfileDialog.class returns a String from an input box. If the result returned is RESULT_CANCELED then I restart the activity.

The problem I'm having is that when the program starts, the screen is just black. If I hit the Back button a RESULT_CANCELED is returned then the initial activity shows as well as the floating activity (since it recalled itself when it got a RESULT_CANCELED). Why can't I get the activities show by calling ProfileDialog.class from onStart()? I got the same result when I called it at the end of onCreate() which is way I switch over to use onStart().

I have also tried the following:


But this doesn't work either. It all works fine once I hit the back button but without doing that, it's all black.

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Android :: Can't Call Service Function In Activity's OnStart / OnCreate?

Sep 28, 2009

My activity bind a service. I want to call the service's function in activity's onStart/onCreate function, but it doesn't work. The service started sunless but the connection is null. When I just call the service's function in other function (onClick for example),

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Android :: How Do I Know If Activity.onStop Is Being Called?

Dec 3, 2009

I need be able to tell if Activity.onStop() was called because my application is moving to a new activity, or if it was closed because the user pressed the "Home" key or hit the back button from the bottom of the activity stack.The reason is because I need to know when it is appropriate to shut off music that is playing in my application (A game). There is nothing more annoying than hitting home and having something playing music in the background.However, Activity.OnStop() is called for each activity change, and I don't want to suspend music when moving between multiple activities in my app. I just can't find a way to differentiate between going home and going to a internal activity.Am I perhaps hooking into the wrong events?

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Android :: Translucent Activity Not Calling OnStop On Exit

Dec 3, 2009

I'm having this strange issue where upon exiting a subactivity that is translucent (android:theme="@android: style/Theme.Translucent" ) the onStop() method doesn't appear to be called. have a TimerTask that runs and is supposed to be terminated when the subactivity ends in the onStop() method, but I'm instead left with an orphaned thread running in the background. It go particularly bad when I ran the subactivity several times. When I revert to no theme, the onStop() method is called and the activity behaves properly. Is there something I missed about how Translucent activities'lifecycles differ from standard activities?

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Android :: Simple Code I Can Add To OnStop To Stop GPS Activity?

Aug 31, 2010

Just like the title says, Is there a simple line of code I could add to onStop()that will simply stop any gps activity currently going on with my application?

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Android :: Activity Lifecycle And Static Variables

Jul 14, 2009

I just ran into a situation where it looks like a static variable reference is persisted across activity sessions. I didn't expect that because I thought that when an activity exits, it's de-referenced and garbage collected. I am wondering if anyone can shed some (more) light on when the VM eliminates object references for Activities and Services and in particular when static variables get reset to default values?

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Android : Activity Lifecycle Cause Memory Leaking

Aug 7, 2009

The Activity Lifecycle could have implementation and or design bug: One case is to initialize a big image in onCreate(), try to reuse the image during the whole lifecycle, and then recycle the image in onDestroy(). Test showed that onCreate() is called every time one navigate away from the activity and back again, but onDestroy() is not called at all. This behavour causes memory leaking for the big image (size 960*1920). After 6+ times away and back to activity, the system runs out of memory and has to kill the process.

One workaround is to initialize the big image in onResume() and recycle in onPause(), but that's not so good reuse.

Could it be better to change the process (as shown in the diagram) a little bit such as: Call onDestroy() first when a process is killed?

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Android :: Rule That Relates OnMeasure To The Activity Lifecycle

Jul 12, 2010

I have a custom view on which I need to call a method from my activity after the view has been measured in onMeasure. I would like to know exactly when onMeasure is called in the View layout process. It looks like onMeasure is called after my activity´s onCreate, onStart, and onResume. I could override onMeasure and maintain a variable that contains whether the view has been measured or not. However it would be nice to know if there is a rule that relates onMeasure to the activity lifecycle?

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Android :: Using Activity Lifecycle Methods / What's Best Strategy For Binding?

Sep 15, 2010

I'm binding to a local Service (that is, not using IPC and AIDL) from several activities. I want to ensure that I'm not holding references to this service from activities that the user isn't using. My options are: 1.) to bind to the service in onCreate() and unbind in onDestroy(). 2.) bind in onStart() and unbind in onStop(). 3.) bind in onResume() and unbind in `onPause(). Or some combination of these. Which is the best-practice way of binding and unbinding to a local service? Do I not need to be concerned with holding local connections from stopped activities? Additionally, once bound to this particular service I am retrieving a Cursor which is attached to my ListActivity via a CursorAdapter. The data retrieved by the Cursor may have changed while the Activity was out of view so I want to requery it when the Activity is shown again. If I bind in onCreate() I can requery in onRestart(). If I bind in onResume() each time the data will be fresh because I'll query it in the Service's connected callback.

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Android :: How To Handle Activity Lifecycle On Wake Up - Alarm App

Oct 4, 2010

I'm having a couple of problems with an alarm app I am developing.

The first thing that I think is a bit weird is that when an alarm goes of and wakes the phone up. These things happend.


Why are they run in that order? The last two should not be called? And this is what's causes me big trouble, because when i press home or back on the phone, onPause is run, which I want to call finish() from. And that part works as it should, but that does not work when the phone wakes upp from sleep bacause of the onPause call...

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Android :: Get Information Of Activity Lifecycle Callbacks In Views Drawn?

Aug 3, 2010

I want to get the size of a view that is in my activity but I am not able to get that information in any of the activity lifecycle callbacks (onCreate, onStart, onResume). I'm assuming this is because the views have not been drawn yet. At what point are views drawn and is there a callback I can put my code so I can get the size of the view?

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Android :: Activity / Process Lifecycle - Save / Load Data To / From Disk

Nov 26, 2009

My app is made of two activities, A and B. I'm considering this sequence of steps: Activity A is started. A launches B [A is paused, B is running]. B launches a map intent [A and B are both paused now]. Now the user is using the maps application and the system decides it needs more memory. Can the system kill only one of my activities for memory, or will it always kill all activities in a "process" in this situation?

Both activities share some static data like:

class Data {
public static String mName;
public void save() {
// write to file: mName;...................

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View Lifecycle And Refresh When Returning From Activity?

Oct 26, 2012

I'm writing an application for Android and have multiple Activities, there are three to be exact. When a user drills down to the record they would like to view, they can modify it.

The issues is that when I click the back button to move to the previous screen, i'd like to refresh it to reflect the update performed by the end user. I can't figure out how to hook onto the appropriate event and then refresh my data on that view.

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Android :: Detailed Android Activity Lifecycle - OnAttachedToWindow()

Jun 14, 2010

I'm interested in android activity lifecycle and I would like to get more detailed description/documentation/reference than widely available basic (onCreate->onStart->onResume) one.

My need comes from realizing that starting new activity (Theme.Dialog styled) from onAttachedToWindow() greatly improves response time if comparing to starting it from onCreate(). I wonder how this onAttachedToWindow() fits into whole android activity lifecycle. Official API ref description "Called when the window has been attached to the window manager" doesn't help a lot.

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Android :: OnStart() Not Called When Service Restarted After Being Killed?

Jul 25, 2009

I have a service that needs to hold a persistent TCP connection, think IM. I'm reluctant to use setForeground() - the service being down temporarily isn't that big a deal, and I am assume I can trust that I'll be run again once memory is available, correct? The problem here is this. The service was started via startService() before being killed. However, when it is restarted, only onCreate() is executed. This makes it hard to continue, because starting work onCreate() means I can't even bind to the service (to say query it's status) without it doing so. Is this a bug or per design? What is the status of the service after it is being restarted? Is it consider "started" by the system, i.e. waiting for a call to stopService()?

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Android :: ListView SetAdapter In OnCreate - GetChildCount Is Zero In OnStart?

Oct 7, 2009

I want to display a ListView with checkboxes, and I want some of the checkboxes pre-selected. The ListView has setAdapter called during onCreate, and the list information appears when the screen is drawn. However, when I attempt to set certain list items as checked, my ListView reports getChildCount() = 0.

My SharedPreferences contains a list of sounds that have been previously selected, as a comma delimited string of list indices. Because the list appears to have no children in onStart, my attempts to set items as checked fails.

On the good side, once the list is rendered, I can select entries and hit Back, and my selection is stored to SharedPreferences correctly.

How can I load my previous selection into the list? Should I be using something else here?

In the spirit of open source. here's my code:


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Android :: Scheduling Restart Of Crashed Service - But No Call To OnStart

Mar 7, 2010

In the 1.6 API, is there a way to ensure that the onStart() method of a Service is called after the service is killed due to memory pressure?

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Android :: Scheduling Restart Of Crashed Service - Need Call To OnStart?

Mar 7, 2010

In the 1.6 API, is there a way to ensure that the onStart() method of a Service is called after the service is killed due to memory pressure? From the logs, it seems that the "process" that the service belongs to is restarted, but the service itself is not. I have placed a Log.d() call in the onStart() method, and this is not reached.

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Android :: Why Are OnCreate() OnStart() Etc Called When Handset Orientation Is Changed

Dec 14, 2009

I got my hands on Android which is really fun. But at some point I don't seem to understand the concept. I've got a Main class which reads like this:


In the onCreate(...) I set the layout to setContentView(R.layout.main); and add an OnTouchEvent Listener to the sole View in main.xml: myView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {@Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event){...

As you can see I also implemented a SensorEventListener which is used if required. All works fine so far.

But my problem is this (at this point my misunderstanding kicks in): whenever I rotate the device the onCreate(), onStart() etc. methods are called, causing my app to act as if it just started. Furthermore, I feel unable to implement an onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { ... } Listener.

Can anyone please explain where my error in reasoning is? I am working on a tiny app which is more or less done, except for the just mentioned bug(s). Maybe I got it all wrong but it does what it is supposed to do (i.e. sending touch positions and accelerometer data over the network via UDP).

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Android :: On Pause Not Being Followed By OnStop

Oct 7, 2010

I am seeing an issue where when I hit the "back" button, I get the onPause call, but it isn't followed by onStop and on Destroy. On most phones, I see this, but on one particular phone (Droid-X),

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Android :: Crashed Service Restarted By System Doesn't Call OnStart

Mar 31, 2009

I have noticed that if my background service crashes the system will automatically restart the service after 5 seconds. This is great, but I have noticed that only the onCreate method gets called and not the onStart method. Does this mean the service is properly restarted or do I need to do something special in the onCreate method to make sure it is? I did have my initialisation logic in the onCreate method and my starting service logic in the onStart method but it looks like it will all have to be in the onCreate method.

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Android :: OnStop Does Not Affect MediaPlayer

Oct 12, 2010

I have a mediaplayer object inside an activity that plays from mp3 files situated in the res/raw folder. The MediaPlayer.create(Context context, int resid) method is used to create and return a mediaPlayer object to play this track. What I have noticed is that when the activity is obscured by another activity and hence the "onStop()" method is called , the music continues to play. Can anyone explain why this occurs? I though that onStop would essentially freeze any actions taking place by objects associated with the activity, except for services etc

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Android :: OnStop OnDestroy Called From Back Key Or Not ?

Sep 17, 2009

Each time I switch the orientation of the device, onStop() and onDestroy() are called. They are also called when I close the Avtivity (dismiss()), and when I press 'back' key. In onStop() or onDestroy() methods : how can I know how I can here ? I'd like to run some code when I close the Activity (back button), but not if I change screen orientation

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Android :: Interactivity Coordination OnStop And OnResume

Oct 16, 2010

I have two activities. One loads all rows from a database, and the other saves to the database. When I have the second save in onStop and the first repull the data in onResume, they do it out of order (the first resumes and then the second saves). I managed to fix this by putting the saving data in onPause, but why was this happening? Was this the cleanest way to do it?

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Android :: Saving Dialog State - OnStop Not Getting Called?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm saving the state of my activities for orientation change support, it works well. Sometimes I have a dialog open though and need to save its state as well. My dialog's onStop() method doesn't seem to get called when I change orientation. Where would get notified inside the Dialog that we're being destroyed, so I can save its state?

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Android :: Not Calling OnStop When An Incoming Call Is Received

Apr 28, 2010

I have an application that is silencing the ringer while it is open, then when it closes it unsilences it. Currently I am doing these two things in OnStart and OnStop. The only problem (and it's a big one) is that when a phone call comes in, it stops my application (calling OnStop), then rings at its normal volume. Is there any way to get around this? I tried using onCreate and onDestroy, but I want to restore the original volume setting as soon as the program is closed, which onDestroy doesn't seem to do. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers+unsubscribe@ For more options, visit this group at

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Android :: OnStop Not Getting Called When I Press Back Button

Jul 24, 2010

The docs say "The onStart() and onStop() methods can be called multiple times, as the activity alternates between being visible and hidden to the user"When I press the back button an it will go back to the previous activity which totally covers the old one.What is going on here?

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Android :: Lifecycle Of Activities ?

Apr 5, 2010

In my application I have several activities, the main screen has 4 buttons that each start a different activity. So one of them is a search activity, once it searches it shows you a result activity. This result activity can be reached from other activities, so in general something like this:

Main activity -> Search activity -> Result activity

Main acitivty -> someother activity -> Result activity

Now, if I have reached this result activity and press back once or twice, and after that press the Home key it will show the Home screen. But if I want to get back to my application by holding the Home button and clicking on my app it will always go back to the Result activity, no matter which activity was the last one I was using. And if I press again back it will take me back to the Home screen.

If I try it again it will take me again to the Result activity. The only way to avoid this is to start the application by clicking on the app's icon. And this takes me to the last activity I was using and it remembers the state so if I press back again it doesn't take me to the Home screen, instead to the activity before it. To illustrate this:

Main activity -> Search activity -> result activity --back--> Search activity --Home Button--> Home Screen --Hold Home and select the app --> Result activity --back--> Home Screen

--Click application icon--> Search activity --back--> Main activity

Another thing that happens is that if I press the Home button while on the Result activity, and start the app by clicking the icon, it will take me to the activity prior the the Result one.

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