How To Insert And Check Data From Database And Move On
Sep 26, 2011
where do i insert my data into database so that when i click on the login button it will check the username and password typed by the user with the database. if its correct it will move on the menu page.
my code below
package com.logintesting;
import android.os.Bundle;
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Nov 24, 2010
We have an android app that currently sends data to a php script which writes to a mysql DB on the same server. We are thinking of using a scalable remote DB e.g. amazon RDS.The question is how does our android app write to these remote DBs? Do they have some kind of rest API, or do we have to send the data to the same php script on our server but use that to post to the remote mysql DB?
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Oct 11, 2010
I have parsed xml data but I don't know how to insert it into a SQL Lite database and I don't know where I have to place the xml database file in Eclipse IDE folders.
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May 22, 2010
In my project, I would like to create a database with single table. I would also like to insert data on this table from word or excel document. is it possible? if so please how can I do it? some code snippets would be of great help. I have four different activities which I would like them to interact with this single table. the first is the main activity and its purpose is just to launch the other three activities according to user choice. so it has no interaction with the DB. but the other three activities will read from the table whenever called. Can you please tell me how to call the dbhelper on these activities? I am unable to do this and I am currently creating one db per each activity which is not the optimal way.
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Jul 2, 2010
I'm doing Major Project on my final year and I'm very new to Android plus I;m not good at codings. I need help with my login page. I've created something like a database connection java file which is this:
I've already created a database for users using SQLite. The database name is Users and the table is called User. The records inside the table are Username, Password, LastName, FirstName. I've inserted one user's info into the database. The problem is I do not know whether my is correct.
And I've also created Hardcoded Login page:
So I want to know how I should apply the database connection on the Should I insert database connection something like db.Open();? I studied ASP.Net a few months back and I kind of forget most of what I've learnt.
So how should I open the database connection on and how to check with database whether the user enters the right username and password?
Just incase you need my xml, here's the code:
I need to learn how to do it so that I can apply for other pages for example page.
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Jul 8, 2010
I'm doing Major Project on my final year and I'm very new to Android plus I;m not good at codings. I need help with my login page.
I've created something like a database connection java file which is this:
I've already created a database for users using SQLite. The database name is Users and the table is called User. The records inside the table are Username, Password, LastName, FirstName. I've inserted one user's info into the database. The problem is I do not know whether my is correct.
And I've also created Hardcoded Login page:
So I want to know how I should apply the database connection on the Should I insert database connection something like db.Open();? I studied ASP.Net a few months back and I kind of forget most of what I've learnt. So how should I open the database connection on and how to check with database whether the user enters the right username and password?
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Nov 17, 2010
I'm trying to insert text into my SQLite database, but for some reason it doesn't work. It never executes..
Code below (this is my function that I'm calling):
public void setInfo(final String tableName, final int id, final String title, final String time, final String content) code...
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Sep 20, 2010
I currently facing problem where user have the choice to enter several working experience, where every working experience include several details (company name, duration, roles etc) I don't know how should I store it since users have the freedom to add as many working experience as they have.I have a table as below
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE_WORKEXP =
"create table workexp (work_id integer primary key, _id integer not null," +
"workcompany text, workduration text, workrole text, workskills text" +
"workproject text, worksalary integer, workreason text," +
"foreign key(_id) references user(_id));";
I have a problem while trying to insert / update and delete entries as company name can be duplicated. Any advice or suggestion? I'm glad to provide more info for you to help me.
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Sep 15, 2010
I have array list of geopoints
List<GeoPoint> geoPointsArray = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>();
I want to put geoPointsArray array in to SQLite database and then fetch the data back as an array.
Now I use ContentValues for insert into array as:
ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
initialValues.put(KEY_TIME, time);
db.insert(tableName, null, initialValues);
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Aug 13, 2010
I'm trying to insert values on Android SQLite Database. The question is, Iḿ trying to insert a word, the table has 3 columns, ID, WORD, COUNT. When I insert a word in the database, some method will verify if this word exists on the database. If yes, it will increment the value of COUNT for this word.
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Aug 23, 2012
i have to develop the app is insert the database from spinner in mysql database via soap webserices in android application...
i have use below webservice code:
package com.xcart;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
this is my android source code for spinner:
public class InsertionExample extends Activity{
private final String NAMESPACE = "[URL]...";
private final String URL =
my logcat window says following error:
08-23 02:48:40.030: D/AndroidRuntime(4055): Shutting down VM
08-23 02:48:40.030: W/dalvikvm(4055): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800)
08-23 02:48:40.060: E/AndroidRuntime(4055): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
what error is occurred here.give me solution...
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Jul 15, 2010
I have two files, one called "part1.txt" and another one called "part2.txt", which look like following
part1.txt part2.txt
lili like eating apple
lucy like playing football
Now i want to insert the contents of these two files into a single table with the schema
table_name(linefrompart1 varchar(100), linefrompart2 varchar(50))
My program reads the first file line by line and insert the data into the first column. But if it reads the second file and tries to insert the data line by line into the second column, it doesn't work the way i want. A table which i want should look like following
linefrompart1 linefrompart2
lili like eating apple
lucy like playing football
But instead i got the following table
linefrompart1 linefrompart2
lili null
lucy null
null like eating apple
null like playing football
Does somebody know how i can fix this problem?
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Jun 6, 2010
I am new to android.
Create db ,table and insert data and retrieve it make it display in list.
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Jun 26, 2010
I have the Everything Data Family 1500 Share Plan.Just check my data usage today. What is this Roaming Data Charge?I was in USA and in the states all the time.Anyway to avoid this in the future? There's no charges now, but it could get worst.
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Apr 6, 2014
I send data to my mysql database the posted data is empty...I don't know what is wrong with my code.
[HIGH]urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream ());
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Nov 15, 2013
Any good application for check the sms and data plan consumption?
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Dec 26, 2009
I have google voice. And the quality is excellent but im on a non data plan so I can't check it out in 3g. I live in a t-mobile edge zone so I want to know about the voice quality & reliability cause I'm planning on getting a nexus with a t-mobile data only plan. Will it be like a regular phone call or will I have poor quality?
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Jul 25, 2010
I have successfully been getting GPS data through the registerLocationListener() and onLocationChanged() methods. The only problem with this is that the speed reading of my app freezes if there is no more GPS data (e.g. when I go indoors, enter a tunnel, etc). The behavior I want for my app is that the user is somehow notified that the speed reading is probably not accurate due to a lack of fresh data (set speed to zero, blink the speed reading, etc). How can I do that? I though of checking periodically whether the GPS unit was detecting any satellites, but I'm not sure how to force periodic checks.
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Sep 15, 2010
I went into Weather Bug (free version) to check the weather and accidentally hit the menu button. Decide to check preferences for the heck of it and I see "Enable Updates' set to yes and Update Interval set to every 1 hour. What?? I know it's probably not a huge drain - but I had no idea that it was checking on a regular basis (and why I don't know). So please check your apps to make sure they are not updating data auotmatically! After that I went into every app I had to make sure I was either signed out or or set updates to manual.
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Jun 28, 2010
I am using log to store all the transfer. How can I check the logged data?
Log.i("login", "recevied " + getResponse(response.getEntity()));
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May 10, 2010
I will be getting an EVO when it comes out. I now have a Motorola Droid. What is the best way to get all of my apps and data from the Droid to the EVO? Can I save everything to the Droid SD card and then put it in the EVO?
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Aug 11, 2010
I've ordered the 16gb class 10 to replace the default 4gb one (using navigation alot), is there something which can help me to move to new card one easily? I mean, with 2.2 - I moved all my apps to SD, and if I turn it off, would they just ... die somehow? Or it's enough to just copy all content from old SD to my PC and then back to new one? No tricks?
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm considering exchanging my Incredible for a new one. The screen is really pink, I thought I could handle it, but it's really bothering me - especially since I use the auto backlight, so it's sometimes dim enough that the pink is very pronounced. The pink screen issue is NOT the point of this thread. I've read the other threads. I've read the other sources cited in those threads, the ones citing particular types of AMOLED displays using a particular layout of subpixels causing more pronounced reds. I understand it all, but I've also seen pictures of side by side Incredibles - one very pink, one very white. Pictures don't lie. I don't know what to believe, but if I go test an Incredible, and it's whiter, I want it. Sorry to waste so much space on this post with this, I just know how it goes on forums, and don't want to get into an argument over the pink screen issue.
That said - Here's my question: What's the best way to move everything over to my new incredible? I doubt I'll have the opportunity to have both in hand at home, meaning I'll need to copy whatever I'm going to copy before bringing it back. I primarily run Linux, but have access to a Windows machine as well. Contacts and e-mail come from Google, so I'm not worried about those. I'm primarily concerned with my Sense layout and installed apps.
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Oct 17, 2013
I need to get the progress of a couple of games and a few other apps to my new phone. I am not rooted, and I am not necessarily interested in doing that either. Is there a way to do it without being rooted?
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Apr 3, 2009
I'm using a PreferenceActivity with a PreferenceScreen defined in a xml file. i want to make sure that the data set on a preference editor are valid (integer , integer in a range....)
So , i want to be able to intercept a click on a button of the EditTextPreference , check the validity of the data and if the data is incorect , display a message to the user and come back on the EditTextPreference.
What would be the best way to achieve that?
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Oct 22, 2010
Is there a way to make sure that I'm am using just wifi and not verizons data? It seems as though I am using ALOT of data for someone that don't leave the house but a few days a week.
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Jun 2, 2010
Getting the evo on Friday - want to move my long history of palm data over. Any best recommendations would be appreciated - want contacts, datebook, memos and ideally ewallet (will contact them) to convert. Will buy a program if worth it.
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Sep 16, 2012
How can I move data files of gameloft games to external SD? Without root? For newer gameloft games like Asphalt7, the location seems to be sdcard/Android/obb/GameName. I want to change it to something like
I know that by rooting, I can use apps like Directory Bind, GL2SD, etc to do this. But I don't want to root my phone just yet, as I want the warranty to run over.
I don't mind decompiling the APKs individually to get the job done. But when I decompiled the APK of one such game using apktool/apkmanager, the set of XMLs that I got didn't have the cache location (I searched for "sdcard" in all the XMLs using Notepad++ but couldn't find anything).
I know of a "Gameloft Patcher" that can do something like this, but it is for older gameloft games, where the cache location is sdcard/gameloft/games.
I would like to specify the cache location myself, as it varies individually for each game. That's why I thought of decompiling the APKs, but couldn't get it to work.
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May 4, 2010
Where can I check for the Dir/ files/ data created in Internal Memory/SDCard ?
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Jul 19, 2010
Is their a way to tell how much data you have used like on the iphone?
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