Sprint HTC Hero :: Need Apps 2 SD Without Root
Nov 4, 2009It could be possible sooner than later! Google: "ISO Developers for App2SD" | Android Phone Fans

It could be possible sooner than later! Google: "ISO Developers for App2SD" | Android Phone Fans
So im wondering, are there any places other than searching the andriod market for apps if you are rooted? Or can I just simply dl regular apps from the market that will work normally even though im rooted?
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if the upcoming Android 2.1 update to the Sprint Hero will allow us to save apps to the SD card without having to root the phone? And also, some things to think about: remember that the Hero only runs class 2 speeds, even if the card is class 6. Do you think this will change once we receive Android 2.1? Because if not, I would imagine that the phone would be slow opening apps (assuming apps to SD will be available).I know that if they do program the Hero to allow class 6 speeds, and allow apps to SD (without root) then the Hero could run MUCH faster than it does now.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo what are some of the most trusted options for getting such apps?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone and have Damage 2.07.2 running, I am attempting to install Wireless Tether, however something seems off about my Superuser Permissions Application, upon Wireless Tether starting I have Superuser Permissions App come up but the screen on the App is blank, I wait a moment and then have to wait or force close. It seems as though none of the Apps that require root are working properly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I've rooted my Hero, flashed a custom ROM, flashed a custom kernel, and then I downloaded some root-requiring apps (namely setCPU and Wifi Tether). However, whenever I open these apps, they do not ask me for Superuser Permissions!
For example, when I open setCPU, it says "No root access detected. Are applications allowed access to root? Operating in read-only mode." How do I fix this?
Can someone briefly explain the steps on how to root the Hero, so I can put apps on the device?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have Fresh 2.1.2 loaded on my Hero. When trying to launch MetaMorph it tells me to make sure i have enough space in /system. I have wiped and reinstalled the rom and have almost 90 mb free on the phone. I also can't get root explorer to work but am more interested in getting MetaMorph working. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know of anyway to fix this?
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen you root your hero and load a Rom, is the android market and all the apps still compatible?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to remove pre-installed programs?
For example, the following programs were pre-installed:
Amazon MP3
And maybe some others.
I've just tried:
Settings | Applications | Manage Apps
And noticed there's not always an option to Uninstall on these and some others.
Is it possible to remove, delete, uninstall, or get them off the device?
Is there any way to remove the pre-installed Sprint programs?
Sprint TV
Are there some "core apps" or "core programs" that can't be removed?
A brief search on this matter on related threads seems to indicate only on "rooted" phones.
I recently rooted my phone and was wondering how to install custom themes and lock screens for my hero. I am new to this as the title implies, so a link/instructions on how to install/create these would be what I'm looking for. I also am looking for solutions that do not need to install a new ROM as I just want to mod the current one that I have since i haven't found one I like. I rooted the 2.27.651.5 official sprint software with the instructions from the xda forum here: [GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero - xda-developers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a 1 click root that works for the Sprint HTC hero? I've tried the one on the Unlockr site, but it fails to create a backup?
View 5 Replies View RelatedRooting Android 1.5 on the Sprint Hero. Rooting 2.1 can be found HERE. Manually rooting your phone: This section will cover how to manually root your phone. Keep in mind there is a one-click method, but reading this is helpful and educational. You do not have to do it this way, but I suggest at least reading though it. The following was taken from here: Before We Begin, here is a video on doing this manually:You Tube - How To Root The Sprint CDMA Hero.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt arrives in the mail in a day or two, and I want to know if I should root it first thing before activating it or wait til I get it registered. Will I be able to install the official updates after being rooted? I hear that they fix a ton of issues.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently installed the new security patch that came out around the release of the EVO because I was unaware of what it entailed. However this battery life problem has become sickening and I would really love to root my phone and get rid of all this sprint trash on my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am new to all the rooting your phone stuff. So i was just wondering why i should root my Sprint Hero. I know that an ipod can be jail broken ... is it the same or different than that? and i was wondering how hard it is to root a phone and get live wallpapers and stuff.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs anyone aware of a listing of apps that require Android 2.1 to run (e.g. apps like Google Goggles, etc.)? I've searched the threads here at Android Forums and elsewhere and haven't been able to find such a list or site.
Now that I upgraded to 2.1, I'd like to "see what I've been missing" and take advantage of the new OS.
Im sure it is posted somewhere, but I just can't seem to find it.How does one go about uninstalling Sprint bloatware on a rooted phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to root my CDMA HTC Hero so i can receive/send MMS msgs, but I don't know how. It would be great if someone could walk me through it or direct me to a place that can. my spec are as follows. Provider: Ntelos FW: 1.5
Baseband Version:
Kernel Version: 2.6.27-6bc66721
Build Number: 1.55.581.2
Software Version: 1.55.581.2
Okay so i did the the unrevoked method of rooting my htc hero and it worked fine for a couple months however one morning my phone reset it self and the superuser permissions icon in the apps tray was gone. I tried running through the steps to root it again (How to root your CDMA HTC HERO running Android 2.1 (Windows) | MacHackPC) but the superuser icon never came back. I'm not sure what to do, I even tried pressing the on button and the home to select flash from recovery and that didn't work either. any idea how i can get my phone re-rooted?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone knows how to remove sprint apps like NFL and NASCAR? I heard that all you need is to root phone.
View 34 Replies View RelatedCan i root the phone even though i installed the ota update? like could i reflash the .5 2.1 update if i could download it somewhere
View 5 Replies View RelatedAbout to make the commitment to rooting and flashing to Fresh 1.1, but before I start on that path, I just want to detail my plan and ask a few questions. This is my first time rooting
1. Download that one program to downgrade/take off that recent firmware update
2. Download Fresh 1.1
3. Download File manager (any suggestions?)
4. Follow one-click rooting steps
5. Flash to Fresh 1.1
6. Download/use Nandroid to create a backup
7. Download and install patch for browser's flash player
Am I leaving anything out? Does the order look correct?..................
I finally took the plunge tonight on a whim with the help of Mahalo Cat, Thanks Bro, here is what I did so far, and I will keep adding to the original post as I see fit
My Software build is 2.27.651.6
I had both the Universal Androot and the Rom Manager on my phone already downloaded. I then was chatting with MC and simply hit the Universal Androot and rooted, LOL. Then I checked to see if I had SuperUser and I did. I then open the Rom Manager and had a blank screen for about 15 seconds and then there seemed to be a delay in the response of my phone, but then all came back, I then flashed the ClockWordMod recovery and then gave it superuser permission, then it brought me to a menu screen, where I then proceeded to scroll down to do a Nandroid backup, called it Stock_2.1 with no spaces "Very Important" and then it took about 3 to 4 minutes to do a full back up and then said back up was done. I then hit reboot phone in the menu. So that is it for tonight, I will play with it like this for a bit, then on the weekend I will flash a different ROM for the heck of it and see what that is like.
Is any sort of temp root possible? Sprint Hero? I just wanted to root, uninstall sprint garbage and unroot.
Most would say, well why don't you leave it rooted? Well I don't have a good answer for that. I guess I dont wanna jack anything up. I'd want to phone to function like it is now. Plus I'm not sure if rooting gives you that main menu (dos type window) when u boot up. Didnt really want that.
ok i have the htc hero for sprint. i want to root it and i have done some research on this and decided thats what i want to do. i have tried to do it by the threads on here but i cant figure it out. could someone please help me with this? also i want to install a new rom and some different features could someone please explain what exactly that means?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI flashed my Hero installed a custom rom and still have no root access? anyone know why this would happen? I installedDamageControl v2.07.2
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wanted to open this thread for everyone who accidentally downloaded and installed the OTA update but wants to Root there hero. I was one of those unfortunate individuals. I will be periodically checking numerous websites for fixes on this problem. I would like anyone who has any information on this fix to let it be known becuase I have found alot of people in my same shoes. Hopefully This can be really helpful to some people.
View 8 Replies View RelatedGeek For Me - Fresh ROM for Android CDMA Hero Blog Archive How to: Root the CDMA HTC Sprint Hero
No matter what I do I cant get past step 9. I keep getting permission denied. Please help I have been messing with this for hours.
Just saw this app in the market to root your phone. Any other Hero users tested it out?
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