Sprint HTC Hero :: Firmware Updates - No Notifications
Jul 9, 2010I have recently got myself an HTC hero but can't seem to update the firmware so I'm stuck with the 1.5 firmware atm and haven't yet received any notification that was promised.

I have recently got myself an HTC hero but can't seem to update the firmware so I'm stuck with the 1.5 firmware atm and haven't yet received any notification that was promised.
Firmware Updates - Automatically Or Manually
Sprint Pushing Maintenance Update to HTC Hero
Just picked up the EVO 4G and looking to root in order to remove the Sprint apps and other bloatware (Peep, Footprints, etc.). I'm just trying to find out if it will be possible to use OTA Sprint firmware updates (i.e. the inevitable 2.2 down the road) once the phone is rooted, and if so, will it reset the phone (delete all data) or merely revoke root access? Down the line, I'm not so concerned about having root access, mostly right now with removing the excess.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently got a brown Hero from Carphone Warehouse on Vodafone (30, 300 mins, unl.txt & data, 24 months) and I'm over the moon with it. I'm so glad I didn't do what all the sheep in my office have done and get an iphone.
I had read that the Hero is pretty laggy but a firmware update would sort it out. It does lag sometimes, yeah but no big deal. I thought I'd still get the firmware update though, so I've been checking out the best way to do it. Here's the problem: On the HTC download page the generic ROM upgrade is v.2.73.405.5, but I'm already running 2.73.405.66, so I didn't install it. The 3UK users though get to download 2.73.771.73, but with my serial I can't get it.
How much difference do the firmare updates make? How can I get the latest one? I'm feeling a bit gutted that only 3 and Orange are getting properly supported by the folks at HTC. Why not support the other networks in this way?
What are the latest ROm and Firmware versions for HTC ?
I have : Firmware : 1.5 (2.0 is out right :S?)
And build : 2.73.405.5
Are there any updates ?
Sprint gears up for more Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile goodness Boy Genius Report
Sprint said itself that the Hero/Moment would be getting software updates. They didn't say 2.0, but HTC already said they're skipping 1.6 for 2.0. It would be suicide for Sprint to go to 1.6 when Verizon will have 2.0 in 3 days.
Yay Sprint! Now don't be too laggy in releasing this! My phone has SO many bugs it's not even funny!
I finally got rooted backed up and flashed now can someone please tell me how to turn off auto updates to ensure I can maintain my root status
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy hero's firmware is 1.5. Do I understand correctly that the latest is 2.1? How do I get there? Is it a lot of manual work or is it pretty straight forward.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow many times do I have to do that little disable described in the 2.1 root thread? Do I do it every time I redo my OS or just the one time that I've rooted? When I did the input's in command prompt, I was in the actual OS and I didn't receive any errors, but it didn't confirm that I disabled them or anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know there isn't a firmware update but for the past 2 days when I go in and check for Firmware updates it says "checking for Firmware update" then it just dissapears, it no longer comes back with "No update available". Anyone else having this problem? I powercycled and pulled the battery and it still does this. It also fails updating my profile and fails updating the PRL. All other data features work just fine.
View 5 Replies View RelatedEDIT: OK, it looks like i have to run the RUU to go back to the version ending in .5 first. My new question is how do I back up all my settings and programs before this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve only had my Hero for a week, however I've noticed that when I update an app, the icon is duplicated when I go to "All Programs." Its cluttering my Programs page because there's double of like 25% of my apps. The only way I've been able to fix this is to uninstall and then install it again. Is there any way to fix this??
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor quite some time before getting my Android phone, I was using the iPod Touch, which would automatically tell me when there were updates for my Apps, and I would simply click "update" to update and install the latest versions.Recently, Facebook updated its App.I would not have known about this unless I read an article and went to the Android Market to find the Facebook App.It appears there are no automatic updates for Apps. Is this correct?
View 16 Replies View RelatedHow do you Flash these? For example, I'm running Fresh 2.1.2 at the moment but the Wireless Tether don't work and I downloaded a fix he apparently has. Do I Nandroid Backup, Wipe and Flash the fix or can I just flash the fix without the wipe.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought a Hero in April of this year. I have tried to download the firmware update 2.1 but my phone says there isn't an update available.I'm currently running version 1.5, software version 1.56.651.2.I have tried to update the firmware through my computer (Macbook) but the files are Windows programs.Any advise?
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust rooted my Sprint Hero and it was easier than I thought. Can I download programs that require higher firmware than 1.5? Does it matter what custom ROM I have?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmight be a dumb question, but I don't wanna do the fw update on my fresh 2.1.2 hero, if it's going to break root. I'm guessing not but want to be sure.
View 7 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my Hero won't perform any System Updates. When I click on any of the top 3 update options (Firmware, Profile, or PRL) the option turns green while my finger is on it but doesn't respond. This happened in the weeks before the 2.1 update also, but I just stuck it out, and after the 2.1 update it worked again - until recently. Now no updates can be requested. No root. Any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 1.5 on my rooted fresh 1.1 hero. does anyone know if it makes any difference if the firmware is 1.5 or 1.6 on the hero. i am addicted to tryin to make my hero faster and better.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm interested in reading about rooting my phone, it's a Sprint CMDA Hero. But, it looks like this is the GSM Hero rooting forum, but, where is the All things root forum for the CDMA Hero? I have the 2.1 firmware, so, is it even possible to root this phone now? I know when I first bought it because they updated it in the store, it couldn't be rooted because they did some OTA update, but, was wondering if that has changed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFrom the People widget or "contacts" there is a tab that has Facebook "updates and events". While this is nice I would like to clear out the updates once I have seen them and can't for the life of me figure out how to do that. I don't use the auto update feature so when I press refresh I get everything which is fine but once I have seen them I would like to delete them off my Hero.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLooker, lookie, new Aria ROM to allow OTA firmware updates, plus two other bug fixes. I think they are gearing up for Android 2.2, HTC Mobile Phone Support - HTC Aria? (AT&T) - Downloads
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan anyone tell me how often new firmware/updates are released by HTC? Do they release them as often as apple do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an unlocked 02-germany Galaxy on Orange UK. This was all news to me today that the Galaxy users aren't entitled to Over-The-Air updates nor is it apparently a "Google" phone in the same way the HTC G1 is. (Samsung, when are we getting Donut?). I'm not clear what the distinction is. Maybe someone can tell me. This is a big let down to be honest, I wouldn't have probably bought the device if I knew this. Even app updates nots don't come through and my bro has been showcasing Donut on his G1 (also on Orange UK) all morning to make matters worse. Any news on when we get donut now? Is this the only non-OTA updated Android device. How does one confirm this? I presume the Magic is however.
View 20 Replies View RelatedOkay, start at the start! got this phone (unlocked pay as you go) from Clove (Excellent) and put my o2 pay as you go sim inside, and straight away im on 3g no problems.....
Then..... See some nice new firmware, (JM2) and think i will have some of that! (Install with odin, not using CSC file Initially, then using CSC -- EURO ? not UK specific? file included with update
And now....
On both counts i have had to manually install the apn settings, (no problem)
Apps are missing from the market place, (new google id & with & without csc file)
Im thinking the CSC file is more important than we think, in that it holds APN information for UK operators, and that when you go into marketplace this CSC file reflects a UK phone in some way, and displays according apps
Battle for Mars ... only the lite version is available HistoryEraser ... is no longer available etc etc...
So two things can anyone with JM2 see those apps?, and other thing I have a feeling that Kies won't update our phones to the latest firmware (Eventually) if our csc file reflects that our phone is a EURO phone, not neccesarily a problem if you use odin but you know what i mean!
Other thing that i wasnt aware of ... using odin resets battery stats. On xda developers there is a fix for this
Last thing......
Can someone who can see these apps upload the csc file somehow.
There were reports recently about new firmware for the phone. I7500xxik1 Are there any news about this?
I am still sitting on the fence trying to decide whether to get Galaxy/Spica or wait until the new htc devices (from the recent leaked list) are released.
I didn't do a before/after comparison of the firmware in my Moment, during the upgrade to 2.1. But did a firmware update come along with 2.1, or was that strictly an upgrade of the Android software?
Maybe there's something there, that would resolve the CDMA lockups that we sometimes encounter, since the 2.1 update didn't entirely solve the problem.
Maybe we'll see an update from Sprint/Samsung.
Should I update the firmware on my rooted Hero, and if so, how would I go about doing this? The OTA download occurs, as well as the beginning of the install, but I get to the green screen and it says:
Build : RA-heroc-v1.2.3
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E: No signature (265 files)
E: Verification failed
Installation aborted.
market - informs you of updates - keeps track of free apps too. nice!
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am a using samsung galaxy i 7500 in india could any one guide me where could i get the games ,Apps & firm ware updates.
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