Sprint HTC Hero :: Facebook Not Linking Photos With Contacts
Jul 5, 2010Has anyone figured out this problem with facebook not linking photos with contacts? This is annoying...thought this was supposed to be an update not a downgrade

Has anyone figured out this problem with facebook not linking photos with contacts? This is annoying...thought this was supposed to be an update not a downgrade
Just got the Hero with Vodafone and have had no real problems, just wondering when i link my saved google contacts with there FB profile via the Hero, it allows me to pull there FB picture through as well but this doesn't seem to be displaying? I have looked at sites about FB privacy settings but couple of my friends have not got there privacay settings turned on.. still no picture?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I go to People> Update and Events> then click Link to Facebook and enter my info i keep getting an error message that says 'The service is currently unavailable. Do you want to try again?' How do I fix this damn thing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have to link a lot of my contacts manually to my Facebook friends. I read it should go automatic, but that doesn't seem to work for me all the time. (People -> Updates and Events -> Update now)
It seems it only automatically links people who have recently updated any photos recently. Is it possible to force it to go over each of my contacts and see if there is a match?
Also, I would LOVE it if the contact would be synced back into Gmail with the information it pulled from Facebook. Is this possible?
I'm quite loving my Hero (T-Mobile UK) and rather like the ability to link contacts to their facebook profiles if only to have their birthdays remembered. The problem is I keep getting logged out (possibly just when I reset the phone) and when I log back it has forgotten which contacts were linked to which profiles.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI spent an hour linking all my mates to their facebook profiles partly so I could have pictures associated with them. However, I accidentally removed my facebook account which reset them all. As it had synced with Google already, I just resynced the links back to my phone, no problems.However, now all the photos have disappeared and short of unlinking and relinking anyone (which will take a long time...), is there a quicker way to refresh their photos?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't access my Facebook photos using the HTC Album app or any other HTC app like contacts, but I can access all photos of my friends (except for one friend). I've played around with the settings on Facebook, but I don't know if I'm missing anything. I've also been able to access all of my photos and all of photos of my friends (including the one mentioned above) using the BFF Photo app for Android.I can access all my photos from Flickr just fine, and I can upload pictures to Facebook just fine using Facebook for Android, but I just can't view MY photos using any HTC app. I can also update my status just fine using the HTC Facebook app. Any ideas on things I should check?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFor most Google Contacts, once linked to a facebook account, properly display the photo as the contact photo. There are a few though that oddly don't. I can see their picture on facebook itself, it just doesn't get pulled into the Contact. I've inquired to these individuals and they don't seem to be using any particular privacy setting that would affect this.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI used to be able to do this via the "full site" but since the 2.1 update, I haven't been able to do so. Please help, because I really liked that I was able to do that from my Hero.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone else having problems where the pictures are all blurry? When I make calls and the picture of the person I'm calling pops up, it's looks horrible. Any way to change that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had to get a new EVO because my charging port failed on my first one. When I got the new EVO, I entered my gmail account & all my contacts came back down to the phone. I have re-installed all my programs and Facebook is working. I CAN NOT get my facebook to sync up with my contacts. I go into people, select the link icon, click Link to Facebook and it does nothing. I also went into Menu-Settings-Accounts & Sync and clicked Sync All (my facebook and gmail address are in there)--it runs the sync and I still get nothing. I pulled the battery, I updated my PRL & profile but it won't work. I even uninstalled Facebook, reinstalled it and it still won't work. Does anyone here have any ideas on how I get my FB contacts to sync up with my contacts?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to link my contacts with my Facebook friends so I have their pictures etc in my phonebook/messaging. The problem is that when I try to link them, it only displays my Facebook friends from E-Z. It won't display/let me link to any contacts before E in the alphabet.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having trouble with Facebook contacts ever since the 2.1 update.
I want to select a custom photo from my phone to use as a contact's picture, but no matter what I do, it always defaults back to their Facebook photo.
How do I fix this? It's terribly annoying that I can't keep the photo set for longer than two minutes.
When I first entered my account info for google and facebook it automatically linked my google contacts and facebook.
Forward to today and I had to delete and resync my contacts, after which it seems it wants me to link every contact individually. I must be missing something, surely there is a way to just tell it to make all suggested links.
Since upgrading to 2.1, my facebook contacts wont sync up to my phone so i cant link them to my contacts. Is this a bug or am i missing something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEver since switching to 2.1 (now on the newest leak, and btw does anyone know how we'd force the OTA to take if it doesn't on its own?), i am unable to link contacts on my phone to facebook people, which means no pictures, updates, or anything else.
View 34 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to automatically sync all your facebook contacts with Gmail contacts? My Incredible syncs some of the contacts but not all of them. I know there is the option to "link" information on your contacts but I have a huge number that have not linked and it would be a paint to manually go through all of them and do this on a contact by contact basis.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just recently got my xperia x10 and had to almost immediately upgrade to the 2.1 system. I am noticing a few things that I'm not fussy about from the 1.6 system but the thing that is bugging me the most is that I cannot (figure out how to) link contacts in my phonebook to their facebook and twitter accounts. In 1.6, when you edited a contact it gave you the option to click LINK. I cannot find any of this on the new system. As well, for contacts that I had linked before, their facebook profile pic (current from the time when i linked them before upgrading to 2.1) shows up on their contact information (i usually only link facebook, as i dont use twitter as much) and their profile is linked. However when i go into EDIT, it says FACEBOOK, Timescape and a big exclamation mark that has a message beside it saying : Timescape Plug-In Manager contact information is not editable on this device. i SHOULD be able to edit and link all my contacts. that was the whole purpose of the xperia having this timescape program.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI am the proud new owner of a Droid 2. After messing around with it for 2 days, I finally figured out how to link my Facebook contacts with my already existing phone contacts, so I did not have people in there twice, under two different names! However, only SOME of them are allowing me to change their caller ID names. For instance, my Mom is on Facebook, so instead of having her caller ID as her FB name, it allowed me to change it to "Mom", but for other contacts, it won't let me. Any idea why, or how to fix this? Also, is there still NO way to get rid of the unwanted contacts without deleting them from your Facebook friends list? That is driving me nuts! I don't need ALL 225 of my facebook friends in my phone.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI linked my facebook to contacts and some worked and some didnt? is there a way to go into a contact and say "this is the contact goes with this facebook" and likewise "this contact goes with this gmail contact"... since the names in my phone are not the same as the way they are saved in gmail of facebook? like a Jeffery might be saved as jeff in my phone...?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm am trying to link some phone contacts to my facebook friends. Most of them work, but sometimes when I manually try to link someone and "pick a facebook friend off the facebook friend list, sometimes my friends don't show up on that list?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI manually linked a few contacts in HTC Sense to their corresponding Facebook profile. Afterwards I see strange behavior including one or more of the following:The contact becomes unavailable to Google Gesture Search One or more single digit telephone numbers are added to the contact adding clutter. I learned I can delete these if I click Menu > Edit > choose Google > remove when clicking on the contact in the People app, I receive an error that the contact is not available I am running the stock Android 2.1 that shipped with my Incredible. This seems like a pretty substantial bug. Has anyone experienced and/or solved it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to transfer my Facebook Contacts into my people contacts? When I upgraded to 2.1, I forgot to sync a few contacts. The names show up, but as Facebook contacts and I want them as people contacts. Also, is there a way to delete Facebook contacts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo yesterday after being utterly sick of waiting for Orange to release 2.1, I made the leap and rooted my phone. I found it fairly straight forward and played around with a few ROMs finally finding VillainROM 12 to suit me the best. Only problem I've encountered so far, I can't link Facebook profiles to my Google contacts at all.
When I'm in the People App, I go over the Sync screen, enter my Facebook username and password to enable it. Then when I go onto a contact, scroll to the Sync screen and press link profile, it says there are no matches and there are no Facebook profiles in the list to link it with. I just get the message "No Matches Found" in the list instead. I have tried logging out of Facebook for Sense and logging back in, but its to no avail. The list still stays empty. I had all my contacts linked back in 1.5 HTC Sense.
Is there any way to have the phone import profile pictures for the contacts currently in your phonebook without it adding all of the random people that you are friends with?
View 1 Replies View Relatedanyone experience this within the last hour or so?I noticed that i had to sign back into my account on "Social Networking" in settings, but nothing is syncing back up. they are all still sync'd (if you go into a contact on the computer, there is a "note" in the "notes" section showing the link), but nothing is showing up. I'm guessing eventually it will download everything again and I just need to give it time, and I'm also sure it's a Facebook issue thing, since they just updated and tweaked their UI, but i was curious if anyone else noticed this.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAnyway to initiate they sync with ALL CONTACTS like it did during the initial setup?I imported my exchange contacts and deleted the gmail ones now I have no facebook sync with my contacts. I can sync them individually, but that would take forever.I know you can do them each independently. but I want to do ALL of them at once like it did when I first got my phone.Anyone know how to sync ALL OF THEM like it did in the beginning?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince I updated to 2.1, I am not able to link my contacts to my Facebook friends. I am signed in to Facebook through "Facebook for HTC Sense" (when I click "Add Account" and choose "Facebook," it won't do anything) but when I go to a contact and try to link to a friend, there is no one on the list. I have tried logging out and back in, then restarting the phone, but that hasn't fixed the problem. Also, is anyone else having the keyboard refuse to work when trying to send a text?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just flashed the fresh 2.1.2 rom and update and am having problems seeing my contacts with the facebook pictures. Is there a setting that need to be applied?
View 14 Replies View RelatedSince the last update, in my people app, which lists all my contacts, anyone with a facebook profile shows up twice. There are two identical entries, one after another, listed throughout all my contacts.
This is a gigantic PITA since it's effectively added another %50 to my contacts, making it more difficult to scroll thorough and choose a contact.