Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Recover Gmail?
Sep 10, 2010my friend unsuccessfully tried to enter the swipe password thing and now i require the gmail account i set up for the market and i don't know it nor can i recover it. any ideas what i can do?

my friend unsuccessfully tried to enter the swipe password thing and now i require the gmail account i set up for the market and i don't know it nor can i recover it. any ideas what i can do?
i deleted my contacts by mistake pls help me to get them
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had taken photo a while ago with my x10, however i have deleted from the DCIM folder and would like it back.
Is their anyway i can recover this photo back?
Googled this issue and can't seem to find the resolution. I am using the Gmail app which came pre-installed on the phone. I have entered my account details, I can send emails but I don't get a notification when I receive an email to my Gmail Inbox. I have checked the settings and I have setup a ringtone and selected the option to flag up an icon in the notification bar. However the only way I know I have an email is if I open the app. I have a task manager and Gmail is on the ignore list.
View 5 Replies View Relatedit's possible to add 2 gmail accounts through the GMAIL application. I've added 1 gmail account but can't ad the 2nd one. I usually did that on my Blackberry but can't figure out here on Xperia.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen newly setting up my X10 part of the setup process was (of course) email, so I entered my gmail info. I later set up gmail from the gmail icon.Now, when I receive email it shows in one..I open/read/close and it opens immediately in the other. I don't really care which I keep (although the gmail one is slightly nicer looking) but am afraid to delete either for fear of having it not work at all.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i sign in for gmail and gtalk with a diffrent account ? it always sign in wth the first email i put
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm trying to put my contacts from gmail onto my fone but not sure how to.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI put all my contacts on my phone from my sim card, great no problems, then opened a gmail acount which was usefull for editing and adding email addresses to the contacts. But I now have a problem where, if I add a new contact to my phone, say a name and mobile number, it will soon disapear when the phone synchronises with gmail. The only way I have found to add new contacts on the phone is to put them in gmail first on my lap top. I know It is possible the stop synchronisning but surely gmail shouldnt take contacts off my phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedPlease advise how to remove previously installed Gmail account.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm having "fun" with syncing my X10 with gmail. Like an idiot I turned on the sync with the default "All contacts" setting and discovered that it'd hosed my phone's contacts (because I didn't have any in gmail - it's a new account). So I put some of the contacts back in and switched to the MyContacts/ Starred Android Contacts bit. Gmail contacts then seemed to be saved to the phone, but there was no exchange the other way. This morning, I tried a manual contact sync (from Settings) and it 'spins' for about 1-2 seconds and then stops, leaving the symbol up on the screen, and the last update time isn't updated from last night. Needless to say the new contacts from the phone aren't being sent up to gmail. A quick check of the phone logs (Android System Info app) isn't helpful.Edit: forgot to mention that Calendar sync works fine - with events being exchanged between X10 and gmail just fine. I know there's 'issues' with the initial sync (according to Google's support forums) but anyone out there had the same problem and - more importantly - got a resolution.
View 2 Replies View Relatedok when i first got the phone it forced me to make a new gmail account.. so i did.. but ive already got myself a gmail account.. and dont need this one.. is there a way to change it? as ive tried the settings and didnt find any
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me how to sync my Gmail emails only and not my contacts as it just duplicates every entry or each contacts details are doubled up.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to send emails from my ntlworld account on my x10 but cannot connect properly. I am getting emails to me but not able to send.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAn attachment in gmail can't be saved. It can be opened with the preview button and the internal player will start play, but there is no way I can save that mp3 file.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhile in the process of setting up my phone, i created a gmail account, which i need so i can use market, etc. Just wondering if anyone knows how i can go about removing that gmail account. I spell my name wrong, so want to remove that email account and register a new one, but i can't find anywhere where i can delete it, it just keeps coming up to put my email in. I have deleted the incorrect gmail account on their website.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have 2 gmail accounts? for ex: i have a gmail personal account, and also a work account which i want to use my calendar as it tracks our days work. is this possible i cant see where is can set up a second one?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy gmail won't push with Google sync in X10, definitely have no problem with the sync settings (all ticked), and tried to clear the data in Gmail and even a factory reset, but still no push. I then tried Moxier coming with the X10, surprisingly Gmail push works in it, and a very good function in Moxier is that you can customize the periods of pushing and polling mode within the day. But I still want to know why Google sync does not work in my X10, any other people have similar problem? I actually have a Moto Quench, which could push Gmail in the beginning, but suddenly stop pushing without a reason. Finally, can someone explain how the Gmail push works in Moxier. As Moxier is based on Microsoft Exchange server, I wonder how Microsoft Exchange server synchronizes with Google, is Gmail built based on Microsoft Exchange server?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have logged in Gmail in my phone when I bought it. Since then it is logged in. It is like my gmail can be accessed by anyone who has my mobile and mails downloaded can be viewed/opened offline.But I do not know "how to logout from my gmail account".
View 12 Replies View RelatedI just bought an Xperia X10 mini pro, congratulations to Sony ericsson for the great job, the phone is really great !
I do have a major problem however
Is there any possibility i can disconnect/reconnect from my Gmail account ? Gmail is connected, all the time !
The Facebook application offers that possibility, gmail does not. I am afraid of loosing the phone or something, and that some stranger may access all my emails !
-xperia x10 mini-
I have a huge contact list now and its a bit irritating
I can start using favourite contacts option but i wanted to know if there's a way to chose to not sync the address book from gmail.
How do i delete a gmail account and make a new one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat I've gone and done is delete my gmail account of the Internet without realizing that it was linked to my x10 mini.
I've been through all of the settings and can't seen to find out how to create a new account.
i am unable to creat gmail account in anroid market from my x10 mini pro. while installation it fails and show a message that "cannt establish a reliable data connection to the server." kindly advise how to rectify this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI let my friend play around with my phone and now I'm locked out. I've been told to access via gmail account but it won't accept this . Any suggestions
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change Gmail account w/o doing a factory reset?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a gmail account when I got this phone purely because it asked me to (usually I use hotmail), then started a new job, where my boss said she uses gmail to communicate. Everytime I checked my gmail on the phone it woudn't tell me MY email address, (because, I shoulda known it) but I couldn't remember what it was, so I made a new gmail account, and started using it at work. I didn't want to have two accounts so when I found out what the original account was (in the phone). I went online on my computer and deleted the account, intending to replace it with the newer one. However since deleting the old email account, I can no longer update any apps, or buy any new apps. It continously asks for the old gmail's password, but won't accept it when I've entered it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSeems I just lost all my phonebook... the only reason I think it could have happened is because I cleared data regarding my google sync adress? Is this the case? There was a message mentionning i would lose data if I do so, but why is my phonebook that is normally on my sim card disappeared since I re adjusted google sync? This is ridiculous, lost years of contacts... please tell me there is a way to get my phonebook back... and that there is no link with what I did with Google sync...
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently as in the past few days I have noticed that new emails aren't giving me the status update/green flashing light as SMS messages are. The only thing I've done recently is re-flashed with the BA20 update and did a restore from Titanium backup of my apps and system info. I am getting mail, but no indicator. I have the account set to check every 5 mins and send and indication.
I sent a test email to my account and went into settings, data sync and synced gmail and the the indicator worked as it immediately found my new test email. I've received several emails in the past few days though with no indication. Any thoughts?
Because of several issues with SE sync, I am trying to use Google sync instead. However, this is also not working as expected: I wished to have all my phone contacts transferred from the phone to Gmail contact list. I started with an empty Gmail contact list. I enabled Google sync as described on the SE website. I don't know exactly what it does, but I also enabled Settings -> Data synchro -> Gmail (perhaps related to my e-mails?)
Result: Calendar syncs without problem. Contacts do not transfer from phone to Gmail
Second trial: I created a new contact "A" on GmailI created a new contact "B" on the phoneI ran sync
Result: Contact "A" synced successfully from Gmail to phone. No sync of contact "B" from phone to Gmail.
Third trial: I modified contact "A" on the phoneI ran sync
Result: The modification done on the phone did not sync to Gmail
Hints from the phone: When I try using Google sync for calendar, the sync icon shows for some seconds, before the date of last sync is updated. All ok. When I try using Google sync for contacts, the sync icon shows for 5-15 minutes. It then disappears, but no date of last sync is added. When I check the contact list, contacts have been synced from Gmail, but not to Gmail.
When I select Settings -> Data synchro -> Gmail, the sync icon blinks for some seconds with a yellow warning triangle. I don't know if this is related to my Gmail e-mails. The e-mails in the Gmail app are loaded without problem.I have already tried going to "manage application" and clear data for "Gmail" and "Gmail storage". I should probably mention that I synced my phone contacts with Gmail some months ago, without problems. This means that my Gmail contact list was not empty when I started messing with this. However, on my first sync attempt, contact lists on the phone and on Gmail were not synced. Instead, all Gmail contacts were added to the phone, causing 95% duplicate entries. I exported my Gmail contacts, deleted the entire Gmail contact list, and synced again to remove duplicate entries from the phone. Then started the process above. I would rather avoid deleting all the contacts from the phone to reload them from Gmail or SE sync, because addresses, facebook/twitter connections, etc. do not sync well.