Samsung Moment :: Anyone With Moment Running 1.5 Try Google Goggles?
Mar 2, 2010Anyone with a moment running 1.5 try Google Goggles? Else I will just have to wait for 2.x

Anyone with a moment running 1.5 try Google Goggles? Else I will just have to wait for 2.x
Is anyone running cyanogen on their moment? is this possible?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone else has had an issue with their Samsung Moment rebooting by itself. Mine has been doing this at least once a day. I am running 2.1 that was updated at the Sprint store, however, it was doing it before this. I have had the phone a week.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted moment running joeys 1.9.1 custom rom, and maxx's recovery 2.0.I am running battery left, beautiful widgets, pure calendar, voice mail widgets running on my screens.The weather channel is reporting in the notification area.I did have setcpu running with profiles but just uninstalled it about 10 minutes ago.Though I'm not sure because after went to root my phone was working faster and the battery was lasting, so I went on an app binge.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have had my phone for a few weeks and i am loving it. i downloaded the pandahome hero theme for my phone and it is really good and runs a little faster than the moment stock screen, but it crashes a lot. does anyone else have this theme and have similar issues? it seems to freak out when i open the key board when im not in a texting app. just curious if anyone has run into this issue. next pandora does not run well at all. everytime i do anything while pandora is up it starts breaking up and sounds like a transformer is talking. wondering if there is a fix for this at all. thanks for any help. also in an unrealted note, has anyone used its like 2 bucks a month for unlimited free apps. is this a good site or is it shifty? just curios if anyones tried it.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhere the elusive camcorder icon is in the 2.1 factory build from Sprint?I moved the icon from the third screen to the tray and it is GONE not in widgets nuttin, nada zilch.However.The camera icon is there and I can switch to camcorder just fine once launched but this is really driving my OCD into overdrive.There is mention of a camcorder image in the camera.apk manifest without specifying a specific file or location.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyone used a sports armband with their Moment? There are, of course, dozens made for the iPhone, but I wonder how well those would work with the moment. Some are likely rather generic, but then others are probably custom-fit to the iPhone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI followed the instructions and now I'm rooted and running joey and max recovery. How do I get apps 2 sd to work?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWIFI tethering. Is there a app that works with a rooted moment running jc v7
View 2 Replies View RelatedMorning. So I finally was able to figure out upgrading to 2.1 required me to plug directly into my PC's motherboard instead of a USB HUB (My G15 Keyboard) And I was watching a few videos and saw a program called linpack. Now I wanted to get 2.1 because my moment felt incredibly sluggish. After the upgrade it does feel faster but I ran linpack to see what I got. It came back at 2.578 MFLOPS and took 35.52 seconds. In the videos it took like 1/4 of a second to finish, I am waiting over half a minute! What is going on here. Bad install of linpack or is my phone running with the snails.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to open a secure website (https) and the Moment stock browser balks. Will another browser work or is this a limitation on the phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've already done the update but both pre and post update, my Moment intermittently won't respond when getting a call. The call comes in, I hear the ringtone but no matter what buttons I press, the phone won't respond. I have to wait until voicemail kicks in or the call has ended.
I called Sprint technical support and they're going to send a new (I hope it's new) phone. I hate to set up the phone for the third time. Is there a fix or should I just bite the bullet and get the new? phone? Has anyone had this problem?
What experiences have you had with replacement phones from Sprint?
Should I be worried about getting a lemon phone?
Does setcpu speed up the Moment at all or is its only real use for downclocking to save battery?
View 3 Replies View RelatedGizmodo has a Black Friday list and just added the Moment at a big discount. About the 12th deal listed under Cell phones. It's supposedly offered from Wirefly. Come on and join us the more the merrier. I got mine from BB @ $99.
Black Friday Deals: The Only List You Need - Black Friday - Gizmodo
I currently have a voice plan, with sprint, for my dying LG Musik and my father's Palm Centro and am seeking to replace my Musik with a Samsung Moment. I have an upgrade available on my account, however I don't want to get locked into a data plan, since I rarely spend any time away from Wifi.
Does anyone know if there is a way for me to use my upgrade to aquire the Moment without commiting to the data plan?
set up the wifes new moment her gmail still says 109 unread I went intp gmail on the pc and marked all as read then refreshed on the phone, no luck, tried going to manage apps and clearing all gmail and refreshing, still no luck short of one by one deleting all 109 any way to fix the count?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo i had a hard decision to make when buying a new phone. It was between the HTC Hero and the Samsung Moment. After about 2 weeks I finally made the jump. A lot of the apps are on the I phone and I touch which is pretty cool. But can anyone tell me if it is possible to maybe change the phone kinda like jail breaking? Is there anyway of making the Moment a wireless tether for internee?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMost every other "issue" to this phone has been a non-issue for me to this point.However, the one feature Samsung really screwed us on is the voice capabilities of the phone.I think they are tied to the Nuance system and therefore unusable by other apps like google voice search and where.I hope samsung or sprint writes a live search app for this phone.I bought the phone with the expectations of this phone being capable of voice commands without being limited by nuance.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI know nothing about rooting phones, so i thought Id ask here. Im in the process of choosing between the moment and the hero, and I cant decide. The biggest concern I have is how fast will the Moment be rooted. Its sounding like they are close with the Hero, and once that is done will that make it easier for someone to figure out how to root the moment? Or is it like starting from scratch from phone to phone? Im also a bit concerned that no one at XDA will be helping with the process since the moment is not an HTC phone. I had a Treo800 when it first cameout, and it seemed like it took FOREVER for roms to make it way to that device. Any thoughts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I take a Moment that is flashed to Cricket and flash it back to sprint.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am a Sprint customer looking for an Android phone for basic functions. I am trying to choose between the Hero and the Moment. I have 1 of each right now from Sprint, on the 30 day trial. Here are the challenges I find with each. Does anyone know of any fixes for these?
1) Phone hangs up during calls because of lack of proximity sensor
2) Speaker phone wont turn off once activated, unless I end the call
3) Vibration mode is very weak and basically useless. Cant feel it in my pocket
4) Sprint Navigation does not work
1) Battery runs out before end of day
2) Bluetooth is spotty and wont always connect
3) Web navigation not as smooth as Hero.
Here I am with 2 HTC Hero phones, with only one on an active account. I would love to try out the Samsung Moment, but don't have the $$ to just go out and buy one.My hero comes with all it had when new, plus I have an extra battery for it I will add to the deal. This hero has only been used for about a week, and while using it, it "lived" in my Blackberry Tour holster to give it maximum protection. There are no scratches or rub marks on it, never been dropped and I have reset it to Factory Specs via the SECURITY MENU and the ESN is clear and ready to be activated on your SPRINT account.Please email me at if you are interested. Maybe we can work out a swap.Now for the additional 1 to 2 feet of snow that is forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, on top of the 2.5 feet still on the ground.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIf you are needing an extra ac adapter, car charger and sync cable, I found an awesome deal here... For 5.95 + shipping of like 2 something you can't beat it. Ordered mine today. Now I can keep a charger at work and you never know when your sync cable may die and a car charger.
Google I saw that these do infact work with the Samsung Galaxy S but don't know if they work with the Moment. Has anyone tried?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve been on Sprint for a few years now, currently using the Diamond which is the biggest pile of trash ever pushed on to a mobile phone user. With the Big promotions I tried getting the moment throught best buy 179 deal for existing customers but sprint told best buy that I wasnt at 22 months on my current contract ( which is the 500 sero plan through 8/1/2010 ) so I cant get and upgrade ( except 75 bucks off the msrp through sprint ). Im pretty pissed, what options do I have?
View 25 Replies View RelatedAnybody know for sure whether the Moment's screen is glass or plastic?I've looked around for the answer, but there seems to be conflicting reports.So far I'm amazed at how scratch resistant the screen is.Still pristine after heavy usage, so I'm assuming it's a glass screen.But I haven't been able to find any definitive source.
View 10 Replies View Relatedanyone have wave secure work on the moment? I get the splash screen, then over the license agreement, a message
Wave secure is only available for x?t?[][][][]??Kf?? users. Please insert a x?t?[][][][]??Kf?? SIM to continue registration.
pressing ok closes the application.
I upgraded to the samsung moment at the end of December and absolutely love the phone. I have been reading all the posts concerning battery issues and have the same problems myself. I have tried numerous tips and tricks that i have read on this forum to hopefully increase my battery life. My post today is about how to forward a text message using the moment. I upgraded from an Samsung Instict and had no problem forwarding messages using the phone; however, I do not get the option to forward when i hit the menu key when looking at a text.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have tried converting videos to the mobile MP4 format. I copy them to my SD card on my Moment, but when I browse to that folder in file viewer on my phone.. it doesn't see the files. Has anyone had any luck playing video's off the SD card?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a Samsung Moment and I am having issues when converting dvd movies to play on my moment.. The real issue is it will play as mpeg 2 or 4 fine, but its the fact that it only shows up as a small rectangle and does not use the full potential of the screen. When I put sd where I saved the movie into my hero, the movie fills up the whole screen even though the dvd is wide screen..I am using DVD Fab to convert my dvds, it works fine with my hero and my ipod touch.
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