Samsung Galaxy S :: Original 2.1 Firmware
Sep 12, 2010where can i find the original 2.1 eclair firmware for galaxy s cant find it anywhere accidently overwritten when i flashed it with 2.2 jp2 firmware...

where can i find the original 2.1 eclair firmware for galaxy s cant find it anywhere accidently overwritten when i flashed it with 2.2 jp2 firmware...
I am trying to get my hands on the Original Optus Firmware for Australia - my phone has stopped reading SIM cards (it is definitely hardware as I have flashed multiple different ROMS) and I need to get back to stock for warranty's sake. I have done some research but have been unable to find it. I believe that the number for it should be i7500DTII5 (according to this site).
View 5 Replies View RelatedPls advise me the best unofficial firmware update to download. Froyo based.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have andoid firmware version 2.2 i cannot install this app from AppBrain Android Market - find the best Android Apps and Games :-( this messages pop always up (NOT FOUND The requested item could not be found)
View 30 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have the original recovery image backed up somewhere? The external speaker on my i7500 crapped out and when I take it to get serviced I'd rather them not say "custom recovery, custom rom...your warranty is void."
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a user who has a Samsung Galaxy S3 and is using the GMail app to read her emails. This all works fine except for when she goes to reply to one. When she replies, everything looks ok and she can even send without a problem. The problem comes when the message is received the original message (below what she typed) just reads "Original sender wrote : " and that's it. That actual original message isn't there.
I've checked all the settings and even recreated the account and it still does it. I also checked the sent messages and it's like it there too so it's definatley something to do with the phone. The only thing we've found is that if you edit the original message in any way - even just by adding a space - it goes through correctly.
I have flashed the GT-P1000 tab with clockworkmod version 6 (i am not sure the exact version) using Odin.Now after flashing the recovery, I have successfully installed Cyanogenmod 11 (nightly build) and everything was successful and everything is great.
A friend of mine borrowed the tab and he put a pattern to lock the phone, instead of asking him what is the pattern I just decided to wipe the tab again to make a clean install. So what I did was I went to recovery and selected "format /system" which I shouldn't have, then after rebooting it is not booting up to Cyanogen anymore, so what i did was I just wiped everything (format /data, cache and factory reset)
Now this is the weird part, the devices has kept on booting up to clockwork recovery and it says the device is not yet rooted, it is asking me if it is ok to root it, I always selected yes
After another boot up, the clockwork recovery is now version it is really weird? I never installed any clockwork mod with a lower version... How did that happen?
Now whenever I try to install from sd card or restore it or mount it nothing happens, it just says:
E:Can't mount
E:unknown volume
E:unable process volume! skipping
I tried to flash the recovery again using Odin many times but still the clockwork mod is stuck in version
Right now, I am not sure if my understanding of the entire system is correct:
1. Should I install a new recovery, if yes, how and why is it whenever I am installing it again it is not being installed, it gets stuck to version
2. Are there any other recovery I should use and how should I install it? is it the same as using the Odin?
3. Is there a way to install the original recovery of this tab and then from there I will start over again.
I rooted my phone a few weeks back and loaded up the Froyo update, but I fancy a change. What Firmware/theme /ROM etc are you all using?I've been looking around and can't find many places to get such things.I've seen a few people have modified their SGS (physically). I'm not wanting to go down that road, but I'd love to hear from others that have done and wish to post pics of what they've done too.I love my phone far too much to physically modify it.So, what have you changed on your phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like change my galaxy s firmware as my current galaxy is the south Arabia version (I9000.JXJPE with Froyo.JPJPG). It has all the arabic apps and no market available. How can I get a European rom, I am from Malta, Europe so any rom which is in English and has market available and working is ok for me. Also will any rom work? or I have to pay attention to anything in particular before trying to flash over my phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently bought a unbranded Galaxy S and I have 2.1 froyo. The current firmware is PDA ;JF1/PHONE:JF1. How do I find out if there is any newer available.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy everyone is upgrading their firmware? What is wrong with the default version? it lagged the phone or bugged or sth?
My galaxy default firmware:
Android v2.1 update 1
Is it we must manually update firmware?
What will happen if we update it will my phone brick if i fail?
Is there anywhere a summary of Build.MODEL strings for different Android handset models? Something like:"Hero" - HTC Hero "ERA G2 Touch" - branded HTC Hero "T-Mobile myTouch 3G" - branded HTC Magic "GT-I5700" - Samsung Galaxy I'm curious what is the percent of rooted devices among my app users, but sometimes is hard to tell which device is which (and yes, I know rooted firmware can mimic vanilla one, it just usually doesn't).
View 1 Replies View Relatedi was trying to unbrick my old cliq by flashing the original firmware and it failed idk why and it wont dectect it any more and the phone has a black screen and only the keys light up any way to save my old cliq??
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo I need to flash back to original 2.1 to get the official 2.2?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just want to know that if I root my tab with custom rom.. Then is it possible to revert back or unroot the tab to original rom so that it's warranty doesn't void.
View 6 Replies View RelatedOkay, start at the start! got this phone (unlocked pay as you go) from Clove (Excellent) and put my o2 pay as you go sim inside, and straight away im on 3g no problems.....
Then..... See some nice new firmware, (JM2) and think i will have some of that! (Install with odin, not using CSC file Initially, then using CSC -- EURO ? not UK specific? file included with update
And now....
On both counts i have had to manually install the apn settings, (no problem)
Apps are missing from the market place, (new google id & with & without csc file)
Im thinking the CSC file is more important than we think, in that it holds APN information for UK operators, and that when you go into marketplace this CSC file reflects a UK phone in some way, and displays according apps
Battle for Mars ... only the lite version is available HistoryEraser ... is no longer available etc etc...
So two things can anyone with JM2 see those apps?, and other thing I have a feeling that Kies won't update our phones to the latest firmware (Eventually) if our csc file reflects that our phone is a EURO phone, not neccesarily a problem if you use odin but you know what i mean!
Other thing that i wasnt aware of ... using odin resets battery stats. On xda developers there is a fix for this
Last thing......
Can someone who can see these apps upload the csc file somehow.
I have Samsung firmware version DF29 on my Galaxy and Im wondering is this the most up to date firmware or should I be upgrading to something else? Its the firmware that came on the phone and if its not the latest, what should I be running? I prefer a firmware thats been tested and known to work flawlessly. I dont really want to use any firmware in delopment stages etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedA new Firmware relaese has been posted:
the::unwired - FIRMWARE: Samsung prepares for Samsung GT-I7500 Galaxy ROM Update [UPDATE]
Found this while searching Google:
Download Galaxy S Android 2.2 Firmware
Is that a legitimate firmware from Samsung? Has anybody here try it?
Checked this morning and there is a new Kies (dated 15/10) available for download from the Samsung mobile UK site. In addition there is also a firmware update. I've installed Kies but not the firmware update yet.
Does anybody know if the firmware is 2.2?
Any idea which program would allow me to backup the current firmware so all the apps by my service provider can be gotten back when I unroot my phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been waiting for kies to say that new firmware is available (when it works!) and finally it knows there is an update to my JF3 - presumably JM1.
However, is says that 'this device's version cannot be updated'
My SGS was bought from and is using an Orange SIM and as far as I can tell it is not locked or branded.
The current firmware is
Phone ...XXJF3
Is this an 'Orange' CSC?
How I can get it updated?
I finally managed to install new firmware through Kies.
I live in Indonesia, bought the phone from a gadgets store. The phone is unlocked/sim free/unbranded.
The original firmware code (dial *#1234#):
Phone: Unknown <-- what the ?
And this is what I've done:
Downloading and installing Kies from Australia instead of Indonesia. The version number is higher The important 64-bit drivers already included. Installed smoothly on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, but had driver problem in Windows Vista Home 32-bit. I don't bother to try to reinstall Kies in Vista again though, so I don't know if this version is really not working in Vista 32-bit.
Press/dial *#272*HhMm# (Hh and Mm is hour and minute in 24H format, 2 digits) then select the code from the list equal to "Sales Code" at the top, which is XSE (Indonesia), and press Install. Warning, this step will erase the internal SD card. Make backup first if you must. Android then began to installing "something".
After the installation from step two is completed, the phone will reboot itself. To make sure that everything is still working (no more downloaded Applications or Contacts though, everything was wiped out), I did reboot the phone once again. The phone works normally. But my phone type was still "Unknown" at this point.
Without changing any setting in the phone and Kies, I connect the USB to the phone, Kies fired up automatically, and voila! My phone was detected, and Kies also gave me a notification that a new firmware is available (I9000DXJG4). So, I downloaded and applied the firmware.
New firmware installed successfully. Works better and faster/smoother than DXJF4. GPS is much better now. Love it.
Dial *#1234# gives me this now:
Phone: I9000DXJG4 <-- yay!
In this firmware, Samsung also includes an application/widget called "Task Manager", which is pretty much like those "Task Killer" apps in the market.
And now, The Buts!
YouTube (APK) is not working. In JF4 it worked well.
Android Market now can't download every item I selected, but it can show the list normally. I did login successfully using my Google account.
Samsung Kies detected the phone but now giving me this warning "The SIM card is not inserted, can't continue communication". The SIM card is inside the phone!
Samsung Kies really gives me a headache, literally. Old problems fixed, new problems arise. Anyone knows how to solve that three problems? Please?
Or, should I redo the *#272*HhMm# procedure once again after installing the new firmware?
Addressed to Samsung and to anyone else experiencing these stuff.
1.BUG! when surfing the internet using the in-built browser (or any 3rd-party browser) 10/10 times the Auto-fit function does not work. And this is for ANY website I have tried so far.
2.a way to enhance and smoothen how an app (or an acitivty like playing music or watching a video) closes and goes back to the main home screen ala iPhone. (READ: the way it fades back or a millisecond door closing like the iPhone)
3.a way for the auto-rotate function smoothly and better like the iPhone. The Galaxy S rotates roughly and the 1GHX processor surely should do something like what the iPhone does. And a lot better!
4.a way to boost the in-built wi-fi signal. My router is N-standard and when I go to my room which is 7 steps away (and only blocked by a small thin wall) the signal greatly degrades which In my opinion is odd.
5.a way to be able to use some Google or 3rd party app or when doing another task (like looking through photos) when playing an MP3 file on the background. For example in my experience when I was playing an MP3 file and when I went to Google Maps the music stops playing. Why?
6.URGENT! multitasking please to be a norm! Surely with a 1GHz processor there should me very minimal slowdown when opening and using multiple apps; 4 out of 10 times the phone freezes and goes very slow when doing multiple tasks and the more files (especially music and videos) you put on it.
7.when playing an MP3 file to use the 5.1 channel surround sound function in conjunction or in unison even if the Equaliser and the Effect function are set to a user's preference.
8.on the Main and Applications home screen the ability to sift through each home screen continously. For example if I was on home screen # 7 and I want to go back to home screen #1 without having to press the main center Home button and going back 7 steps why not make sifting through home screens continously. Can you see what I mean by this?
9.swipe sideways to unlock like the iPhone
10.a battery-saving app please! i've charged my brand-new Galaxy S and once I start using it (just using weather, news and watching a video) the battery slowly starts fading away after say 15 minutes. although not overly fading away.
11.BUG? when the 3G/HSDPA signal is too low (between 0 to 2 bars which is beyond my control) the wi-fi is automatically turned-on for some reason.
12.when zooming in on a photo (using pinch-to-zoom) taken from the phone the picture doesn't sharpens itself unlike the iPhone
Connected my Galaxy S to Kies for the first time last night to check for firmware updates. It says I'm running JM3 and that there are no newer versions available. Just wanted to check that that is actually the latest version? Also, only one of my contacts (in phone memory) shows up in Kies.
View 6 Replies View RelatedCould we flash the samsung galaxy's firmware on our phone just like the 1.6 galaxy?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am getting a little confused.
My phone is running
Android v2.1 update 1
The following firmware versions are listed on Samsung Firmwares website:
I9000XXJE2 2010 May
I9000XXJE3 2010 May
I9000XXJE5 2010 May
I9000XXJE62010 May
I9000XXJE7 2010 May
I9000XXJE9 2010 May
I9000XXJEC 2010 May
I9000XXJF1 2010 June
I9000XXJF2 2010 June
I9000XXJF3 2010 June
I9000XXJF7 2010 June
I9000XXJFB 2010 June
I9000XWJFD 2010 June
I9000XWJFF 2010 June
I9000XWJG1 2010 July
I9000XWJG3 2010 July
I9000XWJG5 2010 July
Are these official Samsung versions? If so, why does Kies not offer to upgrade my phone if there are later versions? If not and I upgrade to a later firmware version:Which version should I upgrade to? Do I need to root the phone? What happens if Samsung release later versions - will there be a conflict etc? Will it affect any of the apps I currently have? Will there be a problem upgrading to v2.2 Froyo?
If I root the phone:What happens if Samsung release later versions - will there be a conflict etc? Will it affect any of the apps I currently have? Will there be a problem upgrading to v2.2 Froyo?
The reason i would like to upgrade the firmware is the lag - I can live with it, but if there is a solution I would rather not. If I could remove the lag it woulld be the perfect phone.
One thing I am not too keen on, is ending up in a similar situation to my jailbroken iphone - became a pain in the arse everytime a new version of the OS was released.
Seems like a silly question but i had an HTC desire which i swapped for the galaxy s for obvious reasons... anyway in the settings/about phone section on my desire there was an option to check for firmware updates but in the galaxy there is not so my question is this...
View 6 Replies View Relatedi want to flash some new firmware on my samsung galaxy s4 and it doesn`t work.
it don`t reboot in the recovery.
how to flash the original mk806 (rk3066, headphone jack) firmware/rom.
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