Samsung Fascinate :: Silent Phone But Alarm Ringer On?
Sep 13, 2010I wanna have the phone on silent but the alarm ringer on. Anybody know if this feature is available?
View 4 RepliesI wanna have the phone on silent but the alarm ringer on. Anybody know if this feature is available?
View 4 RepliesIs it possible to turn the phone on silent but still have the alarm go off in the morning? I was able to do this with my env touch. I would just set it to "alarm only" for the volume setting.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy samsung Captivate doesn't make noise at all. The ringer, notifications and alarm volumes are all maxed out. It also ISN'T on silent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to silent Alerts Quickly ?.. When I go to bed at night I don't want to hear the Beeps when i get e-mail, IMs etc. But i do want to hear the phone ring. I know I can go Settings-> Sound and Display -> Silent Mode. Any suggestions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to change the ringer mode of the phone to RINGER_MODE_SILENT when a call is incoming by using the following lines of code.
While the phone stops ringing it continue to vibrate although the documentation of RINGER_MODE_SILENT says it should also stop vibrating.
I'm using the SDK 1.6
As I didn't find a solution yet, I tried to deactivate the vibration settings manually.
am.setVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER, AudioManager.VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF );
But this also doesn't prevent the phone form vibrating when a call is incoming.
Today I tried to solve the problem by canceling the vibration via a Vibration object.
Vibrator vib = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
Again, without success. Now I'm running out of ideas and asking myself if it is possible to stop the vibration at all.
I've discovered another interesting fact when I've reread the documentation of the Vibrator class. The documentation says:
"If your process exits, any vibration
you started with will stop."
On my HTC desire, when I'm choosing a notification sound I no longer have the choice of just having it silent while I can still have the phone ringer on. I was able to do this with my old Droid back in the US and just wondering if anyone knew a way setup their Desire this way. Just I'm at work all day and still want to be able to hear calls but don't want a ping everytime I get an email or a text msg. Really appreciate any help people can give here.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use Ear to set my ringer profile and it seems to work great. However the ringer volume often goes to silent mode, because I unintentional push the ringer volume button and I miss the calls. Does anyone have a solution for this? Is it possible to turn of the ringer volume button on the Hero?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a ringtone set for all call but when the call comes in it wil start to ring then go silent or very very quite i have tried the defualt ringer as well and same result? I have the ringer set to the highest it can go and still seems quite.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHere's the task.. when I'm sleeping I want my phone to shut up. But.. I still want ONLY the alarm. Is that possible? My old phone had an 'alarm only' setting. Any such luck?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to have a bedside alarm clock that shows tome, etc. the desk cradle function would be perfect but you cannot bypass the screen shutdown function. is there ant way I can bypass? I have tried a couple of free apps for alarm clock, but so far they all have too many quirks.
View 7 Replies View RelatedUsed the search feature to no avail. The stock calendar app is not honoring any of my alarms/reminders setup in my Google calendar. I installed Gemini, and turned on the Notifications, but it tells me to disable any other notifications. Problem is, I can't find an option to do that anywhere.Long story short, if anyone knows of ANY calendar app for the Fascinate that will honor alarms/reminders, please let me know. I am in desperate need of one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if there is a way to keep the screen from going to sleep mode while in alarm clock mode? Last night was my first night with it and I put it in alarm clock mode, but the screen would time out with in a minute and wont stay illuminated. Am I missing something here?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been reading a lot about the droid x and the fascinate.
I like my palm pre because of the webos, but i really really hate the keyboard and some other minor annoyances.
I had an eris before and it was ok. i still have it and use it mostly as a kindle for reading in bed at night.
Here are my questions:
1 - on the Eris, my main complaint is that when reading on the Kindle app in the dark, the soft keys light up and are really bright. is there some sort of patch or something that i can use so that that doesn't happen on the fascinate?
2 - alarm clock - the palm pre plus does not have a separate volume for the ringer and the alarm. if i set the alarm, i have to be prepared for any other notifications to come thru as well. on the fascinate, is there the ability to silence everything BUT the alarm clock?
3 - GPS - i use google maps a lot and go to big cities on the East Coast frequently. some of the droid x/fascinate threads say the fascinate gps is laggy/inaccurate. has this been the experience of users in ny/dc/baltimore/philly? i know that in my mostly podunk town, gps can be off by quite a bit, but much more accurate in larger cities. not sure of the technicalities behind GPS so maybe it's just my imagination.
This morning when my alarm was supposed to go off, it didn't. I happened to wake up. I could see the alarm icon flashing on the screen. Later I set a new alarm and no sound. I tried dialing my phone and got no ring tone. I checked on the settings and everything was correct. No silent mode, etc. So then i shut the phone down and restarted it. Then everything was working fine. But..the alarm sound not working or phone sound not working is not good. You could not tell its not working until its too late.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had set the Hero to "silent mode" (by long-pressing the power-off button and selecting "silent mode"). A crossed-out quaver appeared in the notification bar to confirm that the phone was silenced. However an alarm has just gone off very audibly. What have I done wrong?
View 46 Replies View RelatedI recently bought my first Android: an HTC Hero. I really like it, but there's something that doesn't quite work as expected: When I put my phone in "silent mode", and I set an alarm (Clock application) to wake me up in the morning, the alarm doesn't sound in the morning. Other cell phone alarms do trigger when the phone is in silent mode. I don't think this is such an exceptional scenario: I want my phone to be quiet all night: no calls, no SMS's, no email notifications. But I do want it to wake me up in the morning. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor the last 3 months I've been turning my ringer to 'medium' (1/2 the bar) before bed and turning off my notifications for yahoo and sync so my gmail alerts won't wake me in the middle of the night. Then my alarm will go off as normal in the morning and I have to turn back on my yahoo notification sound and click the sync button to get my gmail messages.Just now my better half informed me that on his Dinc you can have it on silent or vibrate modes and the alarm still goes off as normal. I tested it on mine and it was the same. Okay, I'm half annoyed because I've been taking all these extra steps to silence my phone before bed and half annoyed because what's the point of having silent mode if the alarm is accidentally set during a meeting or a movie and it will go off? I'm also 1/2 pleased (yes, too many halves) that I now can just avoid unnecessary actions with my phone before bed every single night. My old LG Voyager had an "alarm only" setting (in addition to vibrate/silent /ringer) which makes more sense to me than "vibrate with alarm ring" or "silent with alarm ring". If my Voyager was set to vibrate and the alarm went off, it would just repeatedly vibrate. I am somewhat worried (always paranoid) that this is some kind of glitch and I'll have it set to vibrate overnight and one morning instead of ringing for my alarm it'll just vibrate over and over and I won't wake up. Being late to work is one of my biggest fears Is this the norm with other Dincs? I tried searching but there are so many alarm threads and questions and I am too tired to keep looking.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTurn up the ringer on the alarm clocks?
I know simple question but I can't figure it out for the life of me?
I was just wondering how I can assign one of the ringtones I put on my SD card as my alarm ringer using the stock alarm clock app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy does my moment ringer go off when I plug in the charger and when I take it out? It goes off only when I slide down the notification bar.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCant hear the notification or phone ring tone unless i,m next to it.
does anybody no what setting to increase the incoming ring tone and notification volume in the service menu
Okay so i created a folder on my sd card called ringers, worked great for allowing me to use my mp3 files that i croped for my ringtones, however when the phone rings it doesnt ring at the desired volume from the begining, it vibrates only for 1 pulse then the volume slowly comes in from min to the desired level it is as if it is set to escalating. I have searched through all the settings but if there is a way to turn this off i have missed it. I know the mp3 file doesnt escalate because i use the same file on my moment and it rings at full volume from the beginning.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAre there any good alarm applications for the X10i?
Basically I use my phone as an alarm to get up for work. My old Nokia N96 I could set the alarm and then switch the phone off at night and the alarm would still go off on time. This does not seem to be the case with the X10i. It doesn't even go off when the phones in airplane mode which is poor. I just don't want to have to leave my phone on overnight in case it rings and i wake up.
Are there any good alarm apps that allows you to turn the phone off and the alarm would still ring at 6.30 for work?
As far as I'm aware the standard alarm clock will not alarm when the phone is switched off. Does anybody know an alarm clock that will alarm when the phone is switched off ...? (preferably free)
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll I hope Samsung will no do what they did to the Behold II. They said they would update Android 1.5 to 2.0. They backed out and said they will only upgrade to 1.6 or 1.7.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThis also happened on my Droid, so I'm not sure what the deal is. When I'm in a call sometimes my phone will black in and out, if I tilt the phone it will kick on for a half second and then kick off. The phone is still working and I'm still in the call, but I'm unable to do anything on the phone. Alternatively, if the phone does stay on and I try to touch a keypad the screen goes black again. Also, sometimes I won't be able to touch the number pad. The only way to get the keypad to work is if I drag the top down, click the little phone icon, and then the keypad again and it will work. It's driving me CRAZY.
Lastly, I have my phone with the pattern unlock because I like to know only I can open it. However, I don't want the timeout delay to long and drain my battery, but if I need to touch anything my phone needs to be unlocked during calls. Is there an app that keeps your phone on JUST during phone calls?
I'm not sure if this is an android problem, or a samsung i9000 problem, but either way it's an annoying problem that I'd love to find a solution for ?_? I simply cant get the alarm to work for me (overnight. it's fine in the very short term). It appears to be because the clock stops moving/updating when the phone goes to sleep, because when I turn the screen back on I can see that the time is off by multiple hours, depending upon when it stopped updating, and stays that way for a couple of seconds before changing to the correct time.
Things to note here..
I do NOT use a task killer
The alarm volume is up
I have tried the alarm both with and without the Automatic, network provided time setting. The clock still stops moving. I've not updated anything from the standard (UK) firmware
Today, I made a call and the party on the other end was not answering. So, I tapped the red "end call" and nothing happened. There was not feedback from the phone at all. Other end kept ringing. No response anywhere on the phone. Soft keys would not respond--Nothing. Had to press power key and power off, then reboot.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is my first smartphone and I don't know if it's my phone or not, but It takes 2 or 3 tries to turn it on? Is it my phone were do most of the new Samsungs have that problem?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have had two samsung fascinate for about 2 months now. Yesterday my wife complained that after calling someone she wanted to hangup without leaving a VM and the phone was just frozen. This is not the black screen. This is she could see all the buttons etc and the hangup button was just not doing anything.She said she powered off and on to fix it.Well, this morning the same issue happened to my phone as well !! I wanted to hangup after a call and the phone was just frozen. I could not hangup. I kept hitting the red hangup button and nothing happened. Not to mention the other person got a long and blank VM.
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