Samsung Captivate :: Is There Widget / App To Display Weather On Lockscreen?
Sep 14, 2010Is there a widget/app to display the weather on the lockscreen?

Is there a widget/app to display the weather on the lockscreen?
Can anyone recommend a weather widget that displays the current weather based on location? Preferably cell tower info instead of gps and one that only used data every set interval based on my settings so that it doesn't use data constantly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to show the fancy widget on the lockscreen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the Time/Date display to look like the Evo's, which also shows the weather?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo since the 2.1 OTA my weather widget will display the city, but no weather icon. if i sync it manually, it will show up. with 1.5 it would update every 3 hours, regardless if i had Background data on or off (i normally keep it off).
so now with 2.1 it wont sync unless i have BG data on, or do it manually. any way around this?
I using launcher pro and trying to go with a minimalistic looking setup. I have battstat and digital clock running on my front page and I would like a nice weather widget. I have seen some on other peoples screens but can't seem to find the right one. I tried beautiful Widgets but had too much going on. Basically what I want is a small weather widget that fits in the corner of the screen with a transparent background? Any suggestions?
View 13 Replies View Relatedsays foggy, its not, its sunny. htc h2 person next to me is telling them correctly
View 4 Replies View Relatedanyone else having problems after the update to ***od's weather forecast & clock widget? i just updated mine and now it's having "connection to server" problems..?
nice update
I'm seeing strange photos in this widget when I click on the weather part of the widget, and then select the white helmet-looking icon that pops up second from the left. A sequence of about five photos pop up. They appear to be photos taken from the road in and around the city I traveled to today. One photo has today's date time-stamped on it...I'm not taking any photos today so not sure why they would appear.
I'm sure there is a simple explanation, I just can't figure out what the photos are supposed to be and why they pop up from within this widget.
hey guys i just bought and installed WidgetLocker and must say that it rocks. But there is one thing i can't get to work. I'm trying to display my battery life on the lockscreen but the widget i have (BatteryLife by CurveFish) does not work. It just shows a depleted battery icon and says "loading" while it never does load. It works fine on my regular home screen but I'd like to have one that is compatible with WL too. Also... i have limited space on my current lockscreen, so my ideal battery widget would only take up 1x1 space. Is there such a thing?
Thanks all in advance.
I've had my Hero on Orange for 4 or 5 days now and apart from when I first switched on the phone the weather app has just said "No weather data available" and the clock/weather widget has just had my location. I have the "location by cell" thing switched on, and I did manage to get it working once with the GPS, but other than that it just displays my location. It's the same whatever location I am in. The other cities download the weather just fine (London, Paris, New York, etc.). It's not like I'm somewhere tiny either, I am in Bromley. It doesn't make any difference whether I'm using WiFi or 3G.
View 49 Replies View RelatedIs there a simple weather widget that will display the current temperature on my home screen in a small size, like the size of a single icon? Something like what's on the Multimedia screen would be great. I don't want future weather, radar or maps... just the current temperature.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a widget that exists that will simply display the high and low temperatures for the previous day. And possibly also precipitation totals for the previous day, if any...
View 3 Replies View RelatedLooking for ideas. Since this is fairly new to me, I like to have several styles to play around with and didn't want to purchase Beautiful widgets or something similar just yet.
View 22 Replies View RelatedHow do i get to the music player controls on the lockscreen?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo I painfully watched my Cappy's battery door crushed under my friend's car as one of their "harmless" joke. Now there's not a single site on the internet selling these doors, and I'm desperate. I found dummy/display Captivates though, so I was just wondering if anyone knows if the dummy battery door can replace the REAL door by any chance?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI really like the layout and design of the Beautiul widgets home weather but the weather is off by like 10 degrees now for some unknown reason. When i first was using it it was accurate. So I installed weatherbug elite and i like it in combination with a clock widget buuuuuttttt for some reason no matter what i do in the settings it doesent always update its self ON THE WIDGET unless i click on the widget and open the app. It does sometimes but not always.
Anyways what is everybodys favorite? Is there anything comparible to Beautiful Widgets weather but with accurate temp and forecast?
I want a simple app that shows the weather and temp, does not need the time and date but if it does that's ok, I need to be able to customize the refresh time and I want the option to specify the location manually so that it doesn't pull GPS.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI was looking for a good weather app/widget with a clock.
View 25 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a widget that would do weather like my old HTC Touch Pro did. For example, when it is raining, when it updates, you get a windshield wiper for a second or two. I just liked the look of this and was wondering if this is out there. I have weather widget right now.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if there is an app like on the iPhone for weather that will show multiple weather temps for different cities so I can get an idea before I leave?
View 1 Replies View Relatedif you weren't aware, the "news and weather" widget from 2.1 has been ported to 1.5:
Nexus One Genie Widget
Anyone tried this? i installed it on my galaxy and have a problem: widget works fine (both the weather and the news/weather combo one), but when i tap it to go to the news/weather app i can only view the news pages, the weather page force-closes. if i was at home i could get the error message via logcat but i can't do that right now (will update with that later).
I just came from a Droid Eris, and the clock/weather widget was spot on as far as changing weather and showing the correct location based on my location in the network. My Fascinate came with the Weatherbug one, but only updates if you refresh. Has anyone found one for the Fascinate that updates correctly?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have the EVO and just got my wife the epic. I would like to put the digital clock with weather that I have on my evo on her phone; Also would like to add the favorites widget that comes with the evo as well. Does anyone know where I can acquire these?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt just says 'my location' on the home screen, shows the time but not the weather.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI tried removing it and adding it back about ten times and it still won't show the weather..just says "my location" under the clock. If I click on the clock and load it, I can then click on the clock and it will load the weather screen, updated and all...but it still refuses to load it on the home screen with the time. Happened a few days after froyo update. How can I get the weather back as part of the clock widget??
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems the long running problem with the weather widget on the desire has managed to pass on to the HD.
HTC Weather Widget broken?
Mine worked for a day and now I get the location but no weather update.
All other locations display all info fine.
Im in Australia on Vodafone - although from the previous mentioned thread seems to be software related rather than carrier location
Anyone else have an issue with the weather channel app? Occasionally I'll notice that the temp is way off on my home city. When I tap the widget to view my home city in the app there is no weather data - just a big N/A at the top of the screen. It will not update again until I reboot the phone. My other cities are always still updating. Only my home city is fried.This happens about once a day- anything I can clear out in the phone that might help? Uninstall and reinstall the weather channel app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedUpgraded myself from a Spica to Galaxy S recently and absolutely loving it.
Quick Question - When I got the phone, it had a Clock/watch on it where the current weather was its background or dial. I think it was a widget of the daily brefing App.
I dragged it to the Trash can thinking that I will replace it later like all other Apps.
Can someone help me get it back on, I cant seem to be able to do so. Tried installing the daily briefing as a widget, but the watch dosent come back.
So I got the 2.2 Update. If I try adding the News & Weather widget, the weather is always wrong. Always has the sun on all night and temperature is wrong too. I checked all options of course, should work fine. Has anyone else encountered this?
View 6 Replies View Related