Samsung Behold 2 :: How To Update To 1.6??
Jul 1, 2010I just did update with APN, then it said completed.but it still 1.5. how to update?someone tell me step by step?I cant wait.

I just did update with APN, then it said completed.but it still 1.5. how to update?someone tell me step by step?I cant wait.
Sprint release the 2.1 update for the Samsung Moment today. Here is the link to the update on Sprint's website. Will this update work for our Behold II? I'm willing to try to install it on mine (I'm currently running 1.6 no twiz). What do you think guys?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe version of the software that is most current is version 6 (the phone shipped with version 3).
To ascertain version: Go to Dialer/Hit Star/#9999#
You will see the PDA; Phone; and Software Version numbers in this section
The T939xxxx6 for PDA AND PHONE and then
Software Version - ending in .006 on the last line.
I was told that the reason that I keep seeing the "No update file exists" message when I check "update firmware" is because I have the latest version.
At some point my phone was updated without giving me a message. I did notice the red and blue arrows yesterday. But there was no message. My SD card mounted and dismounted on its own and gave an error message, and then all references to the error and SD card disappeared.
If your phone is/has exhibited this sort of behavior, you may already have the update.
Does anybody know how we would root this rom without flashing one of BH_MAN's kernels? Would we have to use that try3 file again?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI woke up this morning and notice there was a black android icon in the notifications bar, it said android update(I THOUGHT IT WAS 2.1 SO I WAS HAPPY LIKE A MUG ). i went to use the bathroom and came back to install but it had disappeared, i went to settings and click "software update" see if i can check, but nothing was available.
View 15 Replies View RelatedTmo has stopped pushing the update due to problems it causes with the phone. Read up here:
Samsung Behold 2 Update Pulled, Behold 2 Users Cry In Dismay | TmoNews - Unofficial T-Mobile Blog - News, Videos, Articles and more
I have an unlocked samsung behold 2 on stock firmware/rom never been rooted. However, im currently using it with the att service. I have a activated prepaid tmobile sim card that i have been trying to use to get the behld update but I've had no luck. I've tried the force update posted in this thread but it did not work for me. I've also called tmobile and samsung and all they could tell me was that updates are sent out Monday nights so ive had my phone on with more than fifty percent battery and tmobile sim in every monday night. I really need this update can anyone help?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHas anyone who won their Behold II from Samsung last year ever gotten an update? I just got off the phone with T-mobile and I was told that Samsung would need to send out the update. Please let me know if you have received the first update and then the 1.6 update, also has anyone received a forced update from T-mobile?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I had previously rooted my BH2. I used both the Galaxy and the newer BH2 Stock from BH MAN. Since I was having that annoying random reboot problem, I decided to use my 14 day period and just get a new one. So far so good.
But now I'm sitting here with it out of the box. I really miss having it rooted... mainly the speed of the phone. But I'm wondering if I should just wait until this little update comes out before spending the time to root and then odin and then root yet again. Anyone have any thoughts?
We have been lied to, forgotten about, and now we have been spit upon without the courtesy of calling it rain.
We've taken more beatings than jesse james has gotten from his nazi mistresss.
i heard that you have to update your IMEI with T-Mobile to get the Bug Fix Update. but i went to the tmobile store and they said they needed my old phone for some reason but i already sold it. then i called tmobile and they had no idea what i was talking about so what number am i supposed to call and what do i tell them specifically?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAnyone know anyway to get the update here in alaska. I have a tmobile card and i primarily use att. We have one tmobile hotspot up here think i could hit there network through that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just wanted to start a thread for comparison between the two if anyone has used both, please give us a review! Just trying to decide if I should flash to the 1.5 stock to receive the update.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was in love with this phone, and I had no sort of problem at all. THEN, I see the red and blue arrows so I had to update, which I knew wasn't going to do alot, but should help the phone out. It didn't. After it was done, my phone had the slowest lag I've ever saw, and when I would unlock the phone it gave me a static white screen sometimes before going to my home screen. I just want to go back to how it was, I had no mounting problems ect. Anyway to do this? Would it be the ODIN program?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't have the Tmo data plan and I still have not got the update yet. Have anyone without the data plan received the update?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrom TMobile Forum - Didn't Get Update. Quote:
View 10 Replies View RelatedToday I decided to install the tweaked V3 W/Take 5. Started to update rom and couldn't get phone to connect. It would say debugging was working but nothing in ADB > Devices. Long story short A few hours of fiddling Took out SD card and it started working. Formatted the card Flashed rom. Worked a few times and now nothing. Every now and then when i reboot the phone it will work. It only works for 20 minutes or so and then stops. I get the USB Connected Prompt and when I press it (waiting for the Mount window) It goes back to nothing.ectly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the update, and I'm wondering if I use recovery mode if I will reset back to pre or post update.
I ask because I like to run factory stock and delete apps I do not use. And I would like to delete the Device management now, but would want to be able to go back at some point when another update comes down.
The trick to delete the data from the settings doesn't work, it reappears immediately.
Multiple users have confirmed it has successfully updated their phone (my self included). I will be testing whether it works after an ODIN back to Stock and will post back my results here.
You know what's odd. I've never gotten an apps update notice in the notification bar. When I'm using the MyTouch I get them all the time but never have I seen it with the Behold II.
I just assumed that it wasn't a feature with 1.5
Usually I just go to market and check my downloads to see what updates have come in. I wonder if this could be a reason why I haven't received the bug fix.
I used to get about 35-40 hours on one charge before the wonderful update to 1.6.I got off the charger at 6am TODAY and now i am at 20%.ridiculous nothing on my phone has changed except the 1.6 update (and some app updates cause 1.6).Anyone else seeing this issue?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI just got off the phone with Tmobile since my visual voicemail wasnt setup, and took the time to ask if they have any word on an update to their android line up. He said he just received an email today from up top that yes Tmobile is working with Google to provide an update to the Cliq, Behold II, and myTouch(Not sure if I heard G1 or not).So the fact that the reps have gotten word of it makes me feel alot better about this. And his understanding was the Cliq would be first but the rest to follow not long after that.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWith the New Update Do this For me?
adb pull /system C:BH2 ( C:BH2 = Your File Folder ) then upload the file's and Post them here?
Since I'm still waiting on the Update myself, I've had a brief chat with my Source at Samsung & he confirmed there isn't nothing life chaning in the kernel regarding problems. All fixes was addressed mainly to the OS it's self.
The Faster I can get the System Dump of the Update, the Faster I roll out updates to the system.img for everyone..
Since my update to bh_Man R7 I started getting odd text messages:
//VVM:SYNC:ev=NM;c=1;t=v;s=7274607261;dt=08/04/2010 08:53 -0400;l=7
anyone else have this?
I don't want those apps in my phone because it takes a lot of space and i never used it. But i could n uninstall it because it automatically attached to the phone. So how could i uninstall those apps?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi'm about to do the odin 1.6 update and i've never done anything like this on a phone before. my question is, will all my contacts and pictures and such still be on the phone after i do the update or will i have to back them all up someway ( pics to computer, contacts to sim or paper)?
View 2 Replies View Relatedas the title says superuser and root for apps is not working. i installed BH_MAN's stock update rom (which was supposed to have root for apps, as far as i know) and cannot use apps requiring root. also superuser doesn't seem to actually be working. Can someone please help? everything else works great! I just need to use apps that require root.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI take no responsibility for wasting your time or making you stupider.
View 13 Replies View RelatedAlright whats up people I was recently searching through and through for a way to get mobile internet without paying that ridiculous android price so as I was searching I stumbled across a regular behold forum at Samsung Behold Forum - New Proxy (TMobileX (Free Internet!)) - UPDATE: Analysis 01.07.10 -> 1500 Users because someone said free internet for it and I gave it a run to see if it would work with our behold 2 and surely enough it does.
Instructions on how to use proxy:
Open up the (default) browser on your Samsung Behold.
Type in the following address into the :
Type in the address you want to visit in the form on the page and select whether or not you want to use my HTML trick (free; allows you to see sites in full HTML not 'WAP-stripped').
After many attempts to try and use the terminal emulator that is already preloaded onto the behold 2 , and many failures..After trying out different Terminal Em.'s and always having my phone lag because they wernt made for it...i have finally found a way to get terminal emulator working with no lag or no slow down in performance... First you must have root,of course, Next, Use an app called root explorer or something similar and goto the folder /system/app/ and find the two files Term.apk and Term.odex, and MOVE them to your sd card from your phone,you want them gone from your system/app folder After that simply goto the market and search for Terminal Emulator , re-download and there you have it, Working term. em. on the behold 2.Peace Ladz.
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