Motorola Droid X : Sensors On Phone
Jul 23, 2010Is it possible?

Is it possible?
A simple question: How do I register for multiple sensors? I just switched from registerListener(SensorListener listener, int sensors, int rate), which is deprecated, to registerListener(SensorEventListener listener, Sensor sensor, int rate). Previously, I could use " | " to indicate multiple sensors, but now " | " is undefined, so how?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm programming an Augmented Reality application. It's development it's in an advanced state but I can't place the icons on the screen so still as anothers programs does (Layar, in example). This is because of the continuous variations of the sensors. I've tried the three modes of the sensors (FAST, GAME, and NORMAL) but I only get them to move more or less fast. The shivering is the same at different speed.
Finally I thougth I could reach my goal with a digital filter, averaging historical values. But again the icons continues moving, specially the most far placed ones (in the z axis). Please, could some one help me with some clue?
Last night i have downloaded Dolphin to play Wii Games. As you can imagine, play with the mouse is not as comfortable to emulate Wiiremote.
My idea is basically:
Control WII emulator with Android Sensors (As accelerometer, gyroscope, inclinometer) like Wiimote does
It seems to be quite interesting, I think that may be connectable by wifi and bluetooth with receiver (pc).
We are supposed to make UI actions only from the main UI thread. But it is not clear to me if callbacks like LocationUpdateListener (and other callbacks from sensors) are already in the UI thread or they require special care to access the UI components.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to get sensors' data ( especially Accelerometer) directly without using Listener approach. Actually I need to have the data really fast! I can not find any way to read sensor data by myself. Anybody knows anything about it? Is it possible to read data with more than 50Hz?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am now beginning an app which will use the compass and tilt sensors to determine a persons heading and line of sight. Can I assume the sensors on devices such as the G1 are fairly accurate or can I expect to run into problems such as the compass being 5-10 degress off etc?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have following code:
Code is working but here goes my problem: when I call it from main activity in this way:
Then i can see 10 times result of 'doing sth else!!!' and when loop is over i can see then result from activity. So sensor activity waits for some reason and then when main activity has nothing to do, sensors are doing their job.
of course I have well implemented: onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent)
I want to read sensord data directly, not using listeners, is it possible?
After porting ICS, derived sensors are not working.when i browse through SensorService code, i found that in ICS derived sensor data is computed only if accelerometer, magnetometer and gyro are present.I dont have gyro in my device. Is this the reason for failure?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if it's possible to obtain the physical height or altitude of your device, using the sensors or by any other means?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe accelerometer turns off when the screen is off. I'm guessing this is a bug but I haven't seen it logged. Am I missing something?
Perhaps the power management features need some improvement - the ability to specify what components are needed during a partial_wake_lock so that power can be conserved as efficiently as possible.
BTW, there is a bug logged noting that onSensorChanged() continues to be called for the orientation sensor (during sleep) but the values are not being updated.
I can't seem to find this info on the droids temperature sensor (the one available in the SDK):
Does it indicate ambient temperature or is it the temperature of the phone or chip?
Also, does the pressure sensor indicate atmospheric pressure?
How to make the following phone's magnetic and orientation sensor working? Both of these sensors are not working on my phone (verified by many apps such as Z-deviceTest, AndroSensor and Android Sensor Box).
Various applications have shown that this phone has 5 sensors :
- yamaha530 Orientation Sensor : 0.25 mA by Aichi Steel
- yamaha530 3-axis Magnetic Field Sensor :0.25 mA by Aichi Steel
- bma222 3-axis Accelerometer : 0.13 mA by The Android Open Source Project
- tmd2771 Proximity Sensor : 0.13 mA by Capella
- tmd2771 Light Sensor : 0.13 mA by Capella
Phone name : Clone Samsung Galaxy III S9300
Manufacturer : alps
Model: e1901_v77_jbl1_9p017
CPU: MTK6577 Dual Core 1.0GHz
Android version : 4.1.1
Baseband version : MAUI.11AMD.W12.22.SP.V15,2012/10/08 20:09
Kernel version : 3.4.0 (root @ abc-desktop) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 12 18:32:14 CST 2012
Build Number : e1901_v77_jbl1_9p017_20121105
Perhaps there is new ROM or kernal that can handle the sensors better?
I am having a difficult time figuring out a way to read the sensor data from a home screen widget. I can successfully create a home screen widget that extends AppWidgetProvider. I can successfully create a stand-alone application that reads sensor data (extends Activity). What seems to be impossble (for me) is combining them into a home screen widget that reads sensor data. The classes that you have to use, like SensorManager, SensorListener all seem to require an Activity which the AppWidgetProdiver doesnt have. I have also tried keeping my sensor data reader in a separate class that extends Activity and then instantiating that class in my widget. Makes sense in my head but no data is ever read from the sensors.
View 6 Replies View RelatedThey are at the final battle. It looks like we might have a fight on our hands since the Palm Pre just got the free hot-spot options from Verizon. March Smart Phone Madness Finals: Motorola Droid vs. Palm Pre Plus
The main points that I like to enjoy is: Droid beat out the phone that beat the iPhone, and the Droid got further in the brackets than any other Android OS phone Some of the progress is due to hardware, some due to following (over the Nexus'), but a lot due to the v2.01 (and now 2.1) version of the Android OS. Also, this poll is open ALL weekend - it does not close until April 5th, so we have tons of time...but then again, so does the Palm Pre. Let's have at 'em!
Is there any other way on the X to sync FB's pictures without it syncing the other junk like their phone numbers? I've tried Syncmypix but the quality of the pictures are kinda crappy.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove my themes and return the phone to stock, trying to get Froyo on my droid x..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI really want those characters people use on Facebook: hearts, smiley face, sun, etc. My best friend has a BB and says I can gwt them if i have auto text. I've Google the info and it there was one page that said to get the smart keyboard pro app. I have no idea in how to use it or get those cute little symbols. Please, anyine, HELP!!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had a Moto Droid since around the first or second week of its release. I have my phone rooted and I'm running BuglessBeast V0.5. At the end of November I can renew my contract early and I'll get a new Android based phone. Are there any phones worthy of replacing the Motorola Droid? There's no denying that the Droid had/has the biggest community and developer base but what is the next Droid phone that will be the biggest hit with the community and developers? That's the phone I want to get.
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhich one is sleeping? I feel like my phone is not sleeping when i press the lock key... it says phone standby uses 27% power and phone idle is 4%
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway I can silence the phone while I am sleeping except for phone calls?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a Nokia dumbphone I been using for the longest time from T-Mobile but I made the switch to get on big red and use the droid. So far so good. Any ideas how to transfer the contacts from a GSM phone onto the droid?
View 13 Replies View RelatedCan I get my Droid video clips off of my phone and onto my PC? I bought a SanDisk card reader usb port, put my SD card in it and plugged it into my PC. It doesn't show the video clips or "camera" pictures. I'd like to get some of this stuff off my phone and onto my PC.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Motorola Droid and the latest release of Android (Froyo 2.2).My question is I want to send a music video that is going to a Non-Android phone. This phone can play videos and is a standard Verizon branded phone. The video has already been converted to the standard .3gp format from my PC which uses Roxio 2010 Video converter. I have the following Apps installed to assist me:Astro File Manager (With both extensions installed and latest release)Handcent SMS (No Font Packs Installed).The video itself is almost 4 minutes long and the size of the video is only 9.40MB.
View 16 Replies View Relatedok so i am rooted with FRG22 froyo build on my droid1 and i just recieved the OTA update (it didnt see the OTA build number), so i am wondering, if i installed this OTA will it brick my phone? i actually want this update to brick my phone because i just got done reading this story that says if you managed to brick your phone in the process of updating to froyo, they will replace your droid 1 with a droid 2!! so someone please tell me, will this brick my phone? also i already had my droid replaced once before i few months ago when i dropped it, will verizon still give me my Droid 2 replacement?link to this article i read : Droid Broken? Verizon's Willing to Step You Up to the Droid 2 for a Replacement | Android Phone Fans
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of an app to improve contact searching in the Phone app? I would love a BlackBerry-like interface where the phone opens and you can just start typing a contact name (on dialpad) (or any contact data to select and narrow a contact search? Instead you have to perform an actual search or scroll - what a pain! If nothing exists - who's willing to build it?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI love Android, but I can only hope HTC makes a similar phone for Verizon.
This screen and interface look incredible. Snapdragon CPU. Too bad you are stuck with WinMo apps.
YouTube - HTC HD2 Sense interface video demo
I love using my DROID in the OEM Car Dock. I have it setup in landscape mode, but I'm seriously thinking of reconsidering this. More-or-less, because I have to. Every app seems to work great in landscape mode all, except for one, that is. The phone app. What's up with that?Go ahead, try it! Open up the phone app (displaying the dial pad), and turn the DROID on it's side nu thin'! Now open the hardware keyboard. Isn't that a hoot? I would love to know how you're supposed to dial a phone when there isn't any dial pad. In my honest opinion, this is one of the biggest over-sights with the DROID and I have yet to hear anyone mention this issue on this forum, or any other forums. NOTE: Scroll down to post # 16 for an update.
View 30 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to manually update the Droid phone to the new version of the OS? My phone doesn't have service because I am using it for learning development only.
View 8 Replies View RelatedKinda old news. Just saw this. There's a post from the phandroid bot but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this.The inventor of the first cell phone gave up his iPhone for a Motorola Droid!
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