Motorola Droid X :: Koush' Boot Strap App
Sep 22, 2010Just wondering if Koush's boot strap works on the new OTA? I'm not going to it myself I'm just wondering if the F'ed us there also?

Just wondering if Koush's boot strap works on the new OTA? I'm not going to it myself I'm just wondering if the F'ed us there also?
I can't get into recovery. Not through the Droid X Boot Strap app or through rom manager.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI semi-bricked my phone. I installed Rubix Rom through Rom Manager and it installed over top of FlyX. It starts up like normal (just doesn't go to the Koush Recovery screen on startup). When I unlock the phone, there is just the status bar and everything else is completely black. I can connect usb and change how it connects.Is there a way to get into the Koush Recovery manually at startup somehow? I just want to flash back my backup. I'm at work and I'm using OSX so I can't exactly do the SBF (unless someone knows a way without having to set up a virtual machine).
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to easily remove the bootstrap? I seem to have jumped the gun without reading that the bootstrap causes you to not be able to upgrade to 2.2. Anyway, I know you can flash the .SBF to the phone (by the way, I have no idea what that .SBF file is.), but I'm looking for a way that you can just remove it without losing all of my applications and such. So is there any easy way to do this? Also, if there is, I'd like to edit my post and put it in here as a tutorial so they can possibly sticky this thread in case anyone gets into a situation such as mine.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI've been on the fence forever with rooting my x. Been lurking your forum for awhile now among others. reading up. Just scared i'll mess my phone up and have to buy another. I'm sure you deal with people like me daily. Anyways, I'm going to wait for the official 2.2 to come out, then worry about rooting. My question is, If I would use androot and koush's backup, and only used trustworthy roms that people post on forums like this, with positive feedback. do i really have to worry about bricking my phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am running Koush's clockwork recovery and I am stuck in recovery performing back up. Is there anyway to reboot from recovery there is no option and when pulling the battery it just brings me back to performing backup?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI tried installing Tranquility and must have screwed something up because now my phone won't boot past the Motorola Logo. It's been sitting here like this for about 15min and I can't even boot into recovery by holding the power and home buttons. I don't know what else to do now. Idk if my phone is bricked but even if it is don't I need the SBF file to unbrick it and I can't find that file any where. I did a nand backup or whatever before doing any of this so hopefully that can help me. What should I do now?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI went to reboot my Droid because it was lagging a little and when it came back on it go stuck at the Cyanogen boot screen. I pulled the battery, put it back in and held the X to boot in recovery and my recovery won't come up either. It just skips right to the Motorola M and if it doesn't get stuck there it goes back to the Cyanogen screen.
I haven't made any changes to the phone at all so I am completely puzzled on why this is happening. I obviously can't take it back to Verizon since its rooted so if there is a way to fix this I really want to because I love my phone and my wife will kill me if it is screwed up.
I've taken a look at pictures and reviews ad it seems there is no hook for attaching it to a neck strap.I'm pretty used to have my smartphone attached to a neck strap to avoid forgetting it at random places and protect it against accidental falls.I know that the milestone is heavy (165g), but my current phone is not really light (124g).Is there really no hook?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI can't seen to find the neck or hand strap holes on this phone which is common in a lot of phones and mp3 players. Are they on somewhere on the phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've always had a phone strap to all my phones because it makes it easy to pull out of my pocket, but I am disappointed that the Captivate doesn't have a slot. How can i add one? Is there a case cover that would allow me to put one on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway I can attach a wrist strap on the note 3?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe great Koush has updated the great ROM Manager App and says that it should greatly reduce "broken" recoveries because recovery will not need to be reflashed every ROM switch or wipe. You can check out article and info here: ROM Manager App gets updated, once again proves its the easiest way to flash a ROM! | WJD Designs. And remember to go buy ROM Manager premium and support Koush
View 7 Replies View RelatedAlright so my phone has been rooted for a while now and I have been running Koush's Cyanogenmod for the DInc for a couple weeks. Now I was wondering how do I get themes for these ROMs and how do I install them?? I have seen people on the XDA forums theme their DIncs and they said something about metamorph but I have no idea what that is.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is to change the motorola logo that you see when you boot your phone to a custom image. This is separate from the boot animation seen afterwards.Tools/files you will need:
1) RSD Lite
2) droid sbf
3) SBFCodec
4) Photoshop (or paint, or whatever drawing program)
5) Hex editor (frhed is free and very easy to use)
NOTE: I do not use sbf-recall because it complains about needing version 1.3, so I use SBFCodec instead.Steps:
1) Run SBFCodec and open up the sbf file. This will extract all the smg files and header files.
2) Using photoshop, create an image that is 480 pixels wide and 182 pixels tall. Each color should be assigned 8 bits (1 byte), or in paint, just make a 24 bit bmp file. Mirror the image, making the left become the right, and the right becoming the left. Save as a bmp file (photoshop method).
3) Using a hex editor, open up your image and erase the first 54 bytes of data. (and possibly the last 2 bytes of data if you used photoshop. the number of bytes remaining should be exactly 262,080) With the remaining data, reverse the bytes. (using frhed, the option is in the edit menu->Reverse bytes)
4) Using a hex editor, open up the CG42.smg file created in step 1 and erase all data except the last 64 bytes of data (these 64 bytes of data should be FF's in the file). Then paste in the remaining data from step 3 to the beginning of the file and save. Your final file should be exactly 262,144 bytes large.
5) Go back to the SBFCodec window and save (this creates the sbf) the sbf file and name it whatever you want. i.e. boot.sbf
6) Using RSD Lite, flash this sbf to your phone. It may take 5-10 minutes for the flashing to complete. (after the 10 minutes, it might say "failed", just click on the show device button once that happens and you'll have succeeded)You now have a stock phone with a custom boot image. Go ahead and root your phone and stuff. Sorry for the difficult instructions, this was the only approach I could think of to edit the boot logo.
I installed a custom bootlogo a while back, but my phone is giving me hardware trouble (keyboard and audio jack) so I will have to eventually have it replaced.I was wondering if anyone had the original "M" bootlogo, or could direct me to where I can find it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm a long time reader but first time poster. I got my droid on launch day and have had no problems until today. I recently replaced Power Manager with Toggle Settings, but forgot to switch profiles while i was fishing so I ran out of battery really fast. I put it on the charger and it worked for a little, then i took it off before it was fully done and now it won't stay booted. It always goes back to the droid, then droid eye before the screen turns black and repeats. the green LED is blinking, and sometimes it shows the lock screen for a second, but just keeps trying to reboot.I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to get the SD card out of the phone and I think that may be the problem because I was charging through my computer from a fully dead battery.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis issue is actually my friends droid, but he has 0 internet without his droid and now it's broken.His droid not rooted, not dropped, never wet, no damage, etc -- will only power on after being plugged into a wall outlet. After being plugged in, it automatically starts up, gets to the motorola icon and sometimes the eye, and then reboots.Two things to note:While booting, the led flashes red, indicating a bad battery. However, on occasion, it will reach the unlock screen for mere seconds stating that the battery is at 60%.I can access recovery and do everything there normally without a restart. The only solution I can think of is a factory hard reset.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently tried to get a custom boot animation on my Droid X and copied the boot into system/media and now instead of a boot animation i have a black screen. How can i get the stock animation back on there? should i put my custom boot animations in data/local instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Droid will not boot into recovery,what do I do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Motorola Droid will no longer boot into recovery. the last time I was able to access it was when I rooted. Please help. I have tried the recovery console command in adb shell. It did not change anything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFinally, after months of being MIA and somewhat around in between, I finally have some new releases together. I am still working on some more also so check back for updates.
My old thread containing boot animations is now but links to the downloads for those animations are included in this thread. In order to minimize confusion and also to give everyone the desired visual before downloading that I know so many of us enjoy previews are included for your ease of selection and enjoyment.
Many thanks go out to LiQuID, Ubrocked, GirLuvsDroid & everyone else who has helped with ideas, testing and promotion. Also, with my newest mods available I'd also just like to shout out a thanks to: cool saber, for his droid does original boot animation. In addition, I now have some fully original boot animations available with a few more to come shortly.
LiQuID Frozen Yogurt Users:
Also, in LiQuID's new release of 1.7 LFY, with each theme color available these boot animations will already be included in the download links for the themes ready to go, so LFY users of 1.7 after its release need NOT download these unless you want to switch them out or you are customizing with a different theme and of course if you want to use them and you are running an older version of LFY. With each preview that you see, in order to download the one you want simply click on the preview and you will automatically be linked to the download for that boo animation.
After downloading, for users that are not already familiar with this you will need to make sure that you rename the boot animation when ready to use to the name exactly as I have it spelled there and I do believe that it is case sensitive.
Also, if you are a newly rooted user or are not sure how to replace this I recommend using root explorer - and then follow these steps:
1.Rename file to
2.Copy or Move File
3.Go to System/Media
4.Select Read/Write setting
5.Paste and click OK to overwrite(possibly copy this to another directory for a bakup before overwriting or you will lose the bootanimation already in your phone)
6.Long press to generate menu and select permissions
7.Select rw-r-r or use all permissions
8.Select Read/Only setting
9.Reboot and Enjoy
Another option is to:
put the, using terminal into data/local ...
typing command:
#cp /sdcard/ /data/local/
Keep the spaces it won't work without them also do not type the # symbols
# = superuser privileges
$ = no super user privileges
If anyone encounters any bugs, etc... or you just need a little more help on how to use these just post and I'll and I'm sure other users too, will be more than happy to do my/our best to correct any issues or assist in answering your questions.
I truly hope everyone enjoys and please consider donating (link at bottom) if you like my or LiQuID's hard work as we are facing possible eviction if we don't catch up on rent soon and can barely make it right now. If you can't we understand too and enjoy bringing you more enjoyment with your phones, we just ask if you can spare anything to please consider trying to help out a family in need.
I do not condone or run either of the following NSFW boot animations. I cannot be held responsible for any negative actions that may/will come as a result of anyone seeing these on your phone, be it your parents grounding you or your wife/gf slapping you or heaven forbid...kicking you in the groin. Use at your own risk.
View 29 Replies View RelatedI've done a fair amount of searching for boot animations (maybe I need to brush up on my searching skills) but I can't seem to find a good collection of boot animations. If people would be so kind as to upload vids of there custom boots and maybe some links to download that would be super fantastic of you!
View 20 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get into recovery mode using quick boot? Or is there a program out there that will alow me to get into recovery mode. I liked quick boot because it allowed me to make a backup of the phone to an sd card. I am still not sure how to use titanium back up so if there is another program suggested that would be great.
View 6 Replies View Relatedbesides program like advanced task manager that you have to manual uses or have to eventually shut the stuff there any app that can control what boots or kill it instantly upon boot.and also in apps like advanced task manager since you can add exclusions..what are some key things i should exclude like system things like is there something to exclude so it doesn't affect update notifications?
View 3 Replies View Relatedfeel stupid asking easy questions, but here i go.... tried installing a new kernel and tried one im guessing not compatiable. well, now it won't boot it stops at the motorola symbol and im wondering how i could either install a new kernel or recover a past saved rom.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to figure out how to add one to my phone... if someone could direct me to a how to guide?
View 15 Replies View RelatedA lot of people including me have been having trouble with boot loops or get stuck on the Motorola Symbol after messing around while rooting. In this post I will post some instructions on how to get out of this and get your phone back to normal.
Credit to files goes to CRPercodani and UBRocked for files and instructions from another thread.
1) Download the following drivers, programs, and files.
All credit for this animation release goes to Fab, I just made all the images about 20% smaller in file size (not dimensions).The best place in my opinion for boot animations is data/local. This allows you to keep your stock boot animation in place if you ever decide to delete this new one. The system looks here first anyway for the animation file, then in the system folder. Also if you flash a new rom, and don't wipe data, it should stay in place.
View 20 Replies View Related