Motorola Droid :: Not Boot Into Recovery
Sep 17, 2010My Droid will not boot into recovery,what do I do?

My Droid will not boot into recovery,what do I do?
I tried installing Tranquility and must have screwed something up because now my phone won't boot past the Motorola Logo. It's been sitting here like this for about 15min and I can't even boot into recovery by holding the power and home buttons. I don't know what else to do now. Idk if my phone is bricked but even if it is don't I need the SBF file to unbrick it and I can't find that file any where. I did a nand backup or whatever before doing any of this so hopefully that can help me. What should I do now?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy Motorola Droid will no longer boot into recovery. the last time I was able to access it was when I rooted. Please help. I have tried the recovery console command in adb shell. It did not change anything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded one of chevys kernel an I was going to install this kernel hoping for better battery life. Before I did, I tried booting into recovery and all I got was the M symbol. I then tried flashing alternate recovery(sprecovery) and then went to boot into recovery an that still didn't work. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't know if its related to that download of the kernel or what. But this is very frustrating knowing I don't have recovery.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI KNOW my phones rooted, ive applied the update and ive been doing root things for quite awhile. However, when I go into rom manager, download a rom, and install it, it brings me to the normal recovery menu, the blue one with only 4 options. I reapplied the and still nothing. When I try to reflash the clockwork it says... An error occured when attempting to run priveleged permissions
View 3 Replies View RelatedFinally made the move and rooted! Cheated and used one of the one click jobs. No matter with recovery I flash, when I reboot, it goes to the stock one. What do I need to do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy phone won't boot into recovery. Will they give me a new phone for this. Or will they get suspicious?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI messed up the reinstall i was doing of flyx and it messed everything up. i cant boot past the M logo and i lost recovery so i have no idea what to do. It's sad because i've been doing all of this since the g1 but this is the first time i have been truly lost.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI restored my X using my nandroid backup. Upon following the steps to apply Apex's ROM, everyone was going fine. I signed into my google account on my phone. Once I made it to the home screen, everything was black and still is. No matter how many times I power cycle or pull the battery its black. How can I boot into recovery to run my restore again?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI loaded this on my phone and am now have a strange problem. I can no longer enter recovery mode. The rom works great for me, apps that need root still work (like setcpu and root explorer).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI semi-bricked my phone. I installed Rubix Rom through Rom Manager and it installed over top of FlyX. It starts up like normal (just doesn't go to the Koush Recovery screen on startup). When I unlock the phone, there is just the status bar and everything else is completely black. I can connect usb and change how it connects.Is there a way to get into the Koush Recovery manually at startup somehow? I just want to flash back my backup. I'm at work and I'm using OSX so I can't exactly do the SBF (unless someone knows a way without having to set up a virtual machine).
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've been running Kangerade since shortly after it came out... And loving it.. Yet today I saw my phone was rebooting - and waited (figured it over heated or some such..) and waited... And waited... That android boot image does stop being cute after a while... Crap.. Just cycling... Go into recovery... Umm.. No seriously.. Go into recovery.... Go on.... Nope. (apparently latest ROM MAnager screwed up CWmod..) So... Can't load my phone... Can't restore backup..
View 19 Replies View RelatedI download ROM manager and flashed clockwork recovery, but it wouldnt let me boot into it. I tried from ROM manager and by rebooting and holding x. MY permission were all set correct, i dunno what happened. I have read else were that other people were having the same problem. I went ahead and flashed SPrecovery back and it worked.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI can't get into recovery. Not through the Droid X Boot Strap app or through rom manager.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had Frozen yogart installed, tried to install a theme and now it wont start and it wont boot into Clockwork, its going into stock recovery.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've been reading and I've downloaded the ROM Manager from the Marketplace. I've also downloaded a ROM to install. I have tried to boot my phone into recovery mode (pressing X while powering back on) and all I get to is a screen with the exclamation mark and a phone under it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded rsdlite set up the drivers and flashed the 2.1 sbf, I was on the leaked 2.2. on Droid X it says to boot into recovery and wipe system and data, but if I try to go into recovery it just shows a triangle with a ! inside it. So I booted normally and its stuck at the red eye. help pleasee I really need my phone
View 3 Replies View RelatedI try to understand android boot sequence on my JB (under CM10). I found some docs and there should be specific partitions (boot, recovery, system, cache, data).
My understanding of the boot sequence is now:
A) normal boot:
1) Power ON ->
2) bootloader ->
3) boot-partition where i flashed the kernel aka boot.img ->
4a) system-partition with the OS (libs, UI, etc) where i unpacked over CWM my ->
4b) data-partition, where i unpacked and installed all the apps ->
4c) cache-partition with user data
B) recovery boot (adb reboot recovery):
1) Power ON ->
2) bootloader ->
3) recovery-partition with CWM where i may unpack all the .zip stuff to proper partitions, or restore from sdcard, etc.
Is this correct? I wonder, because i didn't installed CWM into recovery-partition. It cames from install of CM10 (fastboot -i 0xfce flash boot boot.img), so it must be in boot-partition and not in recovery?
So, next confusion: i looked up to /proc/mtd and i don't see neither boot nor recovery partition here:
# cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 19000000 00040000 "system"
mtd1: 00600000 00040000 "appslog"
mtd2: 06580000 00040000 "cache"
mtd3: 1a400000 00040000 "userdata"
I did a backup with CWM and loocked the data. There aren't boot, and recovery backups:
# ls -lha /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-10-
d---rwxr-x 2 system sdcard_r 4.0K Oct 4 18:56 .
d---rwxr-x 3 system sdcard_r 4.0K Oct 4 18:49 ..
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 1.6K Oct 4 18:54 .android_secure.vfat.dup
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 54.6M Oct 4 18:55 cache.yaffs2.img
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 360.2M Oct 4 18:53 data.yaffs2.img
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 212 Oct 4 18:56 nandroid.md5
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 214.6M Oct 4 18:51 system.yaffs2.img
So, i think i didn't understand the boot sequence and partition schema corectly.
ok, so I put the PB31IMG file on my sdcard, and the dinc_ota. I changed dinc_ota to update. (I did not name the file I powered down, I entered bootloader, and it loaded the PB31IMG and whatever. then I hit volume down and selected recovery. this brought me to clockwork recovery. I noticed the isntructions said to boot into STOCK recovery. well, I like a dummy ignored that and tried to apply the thru clockwork.
This is what I got:
So, is this because I tried doing it through clockwork recovery? is it because I didn't apply the first OTA update we got? what does that mean exactly anyways? is it saying I need to install the leaked froyo ROM, and then update the radio? How do I boot into stock recovery and not clockworks recovery? does this count as applying the once, meening if I do it again I'll brick my phone? should I sell this thing and get a samsung flip phone because I'm too stupid to own a Dinc?
Download these three files and put them in the root of your sdcard. (You must have ADB on your computer)
File 1 : Download (rename to "")
File 2 : Download
File 3 : Download(Handler 1.5)
Step 1 : Boot into stock recovery (Camera+Power then select down) (press Alt + L to see options)and flash file one.
Step 2 : Load up ADB when the computer recognizes it type.
I have tried using rom manager, holding the power button and selecting reboot recorvery, and by holding the power button and x. Each way I see the white m twice then the phone just boots up. I am running cm7 7.0.3. I have only had the phone for a week, I am trying to wait for the vigor. It worked fine Friday when I flashed cm7
View 4 Replies View RelatedI went to reboot my Droid because it was lagging a little and when it came back on it go stuck at the Cyanogen boot screen. I pulled the battery, put it back in and held the X to boot in recovery and my recovery won't come up either. It just skips right to the Motorola M and if it doesn't get stuck there it goes back to the Cyanogen screen.
I haven't made any changes to the phone at all so I am completely puzzled on why this is happening. I obviously can't take it back to Verizon since its rooted so if there is a way to fix this I really want to because I love my phone and my wife will kill me if it is screwed up.
I was rooted and decided to unroot for giggles. After i did I went to root again and now I am getting this: "E: cant open/cache/recovery,command " When I reboot into recovery mode.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI took unrooted my phone today because I was going to excange it for a new one because of a loose headphone jack but it turns out it was my headphones. I used SMupdater and it went fine. now when I try ot root again I get a "can't open cache/recovery/command" error in recovery and it wont let me select any of the options by hitting the camera button. idk what to do
View 2 Replies View RelatedI hit the top button. Flash Clockworkmod recovery or what ever it said. I then backed up my Current ROM. I then downloaded Cyanogen v6.0.0 cr2. It downloaded and rebooted my phone. But It went to a screen with a Triangle w/ exclamation and a phone under it. I then hit the up vol button and camera, and now I'm at the Android system recovery page and I don't know what to do next. These are my options reboot system now apply wipe data/factory rest wipe cache partition wipe base band data. I did click to backup current ROM and wipe data and cache.
View 38 Replies View RelatedFirst off let me say that I was wrong about this issue. Its not an issue with Easy root it is just something built into android. So I apologize to anyone I argued this subject with but specifically Patch. Its also not an issue with rom manager. This applys to users that after flashing a custom recovery they can boot into it once but the next time you try to boot into recovery it has reverted to stock.
This mostly happens to users of easy root or users that use my guide for rooting using Linux
So for the fix.
Download this file and place it in the root of your sd card.
Download Terminal Emulator from the market. The one by the dev Jack Palevich.
Open it and type the following commands.
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
dd if=/sdcard/ of=/system/etc/
chmod 550 /system/etc/
after that just flash the custom recovery of your choice and you should be good to go.
I tested this on my phone and another user tested it for me and it worked for both of us. If anyone has an issue let me know. This issue is so sporadic that its hard to have people test the fix.
I reflashed back to stock recovery to try a different rom and now I can't seem to boot into recovery. I was using velocity 0.2 with the JIT OC kernel and rom manager using the clockwork mod recovery. after flashing back to VS740ZV6_01 and rerooting and reapplying the clockwork mod recovery I cant seem to load any new roms or backups because the phone hangs at lg screen on reboot. have to pull the battery and it will then reboot normally but no recovery. also trying to hard reset results in hanging at lg screen. in addition, market app is missing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a new ace 3 LTE S7275R. I tried installing CWM recovery found here: URL....I tried with odin 3.07 and 1.85Every time, odin shows success, but when trying to boot into recovery, the phone gets stuck at "recovery booting...."The phone is otherwise working...getting CWM to work? how can I return to stock recovery at least?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I just got my S4 rooted and everything seems correct. I then installed Rom Manager so I could start demoing some of the ROMs out there. Went through all the steps to flash Rom manager as the recovery but I cannot get my recovery to go to CWM, it just keeps going to the stock android recovery. I have googled the crap out of this and am coming up with nothing. in fact I have written several android apps but this just does not work.
My device is a Verizon Samsung S4 model SCH-I545 running android version 4.2.2 Kernal: 3.3.0-690088se.infra@S0210-13#1
Just rooted yesterday, and everything was running great... untill I installed Simply Stunning v4.3. I went to make a back up and found that I cannot access my recovery, it was stuck at the M. Now Rom Manager says that if this happens, flash a different recovery then flash clockwork back. Here is the catch- When I try to flash a different recovery I get this, "An error occurred while flashing your recovery."
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