Motorola Droid X : Android Not Loading Properly

Aug 10, 2010

I have a problem with my phone. It started out as the phone lagging and everything and I went to a representative for Verizon and told me to get the application Advanced Tasked Killer to kill all the task so it won't lag. It worked for awhile and it started again even though I used that application. I pulled out the battery to restart it and its stuck at the android eye loading icon. What do i do? get it replaced?

Motorola Droid X : Android not loading properly

Android :: Layout Not Displayed Properly While Loading Listview Dynamically

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to laod the listview dynamically. There are three textviews inside a listview. The text to be set in the textview is fetched from the server. All this is working fine. I am able to fetch the text and am able to display it inside the listview.

The only problem is the position of the textview. The xml layout file is as under:


If I look at this xml layout in the eclipse layout tab then it is displayed properly. Problem occurs only when the text is fetched dynamically.

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Android :: Layout Not Displayed Properly While Dynamically Loading A Listview In Android

Apr 22, 2010


This is the layout that I am inflating in the Adapter. Everything is displayed, but only the second textview which should be displayed at the bottom is getting displayed at the top. Can someone let me know the problem with this?

I I view this in the layout tab in Eclipse then it displays properly. The problem occurs only when the text is fetched dynamically.

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Properly Charge Android Phone?

Jul 22, 2010

So when are you charging your Droid x.
#1- Are you waiting until it dies completely and shuts off before you put it on the charger?
#2- Are you putting it on the charger when the warning pops up that your battery is almost dead?
#3- Are you putting it on the charger when ever you get a chance to give it a charge.

How long are you letting it charge for?
#1- Are you letting it charge to 100% with the (check mark) before you remove it?
#2- Are you letting it charge all the way through the night? (so like for 6-8 hours while your sleeping)
#3- Are you pulling it off before 100% and if so do you do that every once in a while or all the time.

This is my first smart phone so I am trying to figure out how everyone else does it. I have had the phone for 2 days now and have already downloaded the new OTA update. So with me being on it pretty hard core I am getting about 15 hours of battery life. I think that is really good. But I let the phone die all the way and shut itself off before I put it on the charger and I pull it off right when it says 100%. Is that bad? Should I not let it die every time and should I let it charge longer even though it says 100%?

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Motorola Droid X :: Wi-Fi Not Working Properly?

Jul 21, 2010

It seems as though my droid x has a hard time with the wi-fi connection. I turn it on and the wi-fi signal comes up but i am getting horrible speeds. my ping is anywhere from 300 to 900 (Horrible) and then my download speed is 1400kbps or so. and the upload is around 1500 kbps or so. I have tried atleast a dozen tests. The speeds almost seem like 3g speeds. is it becuase the 3g isnt being turned off when the wifi is on and that is what i really am testing? please any advice would be great, i really like this phone but if my internet connection is going to be like this I don't think i can handle it.

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Motorola Droid X :: Back To Work Properly

Aug 10, 2010

A quick list of why this is not working to my knowledge, then a list of things i have done. All of which could be solved if we could reflash roms. Sadface,I got my phone and rooted, system dumped. So i have every apk.I cannot use default messanging.apk it fc, calendar was fcing on opening events or adding new, it now works i, reinstalled all calendar apks, and started using jorte so it did not matter anymore. I cannot add new accounts, receive mms (fixed post 3). Handcent can do everything but recieve MMS with out the stock messaging application. I cannot open stock messaging (fixed post 3), or the stock home application. I have to use launcher pro.I installed the core bloatware city id and blockbuster. And hard reset that's when alot of this default apps stopped working. The phone was worse before the hard reset. I think if i uninstall all my apps. Leave su and busybox, install all the system apks, format sdcard, reload su busy box, and any additional all root files that are needed, i can hard reset to a perfect stock phone with root and start over only renaming system apks one at a time with a reboot in between to guarantee things work properly.

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Motorola Droid X :: Dialer Not Working Properly

Jul 22, 2010

I had to call in to the automated system and enter my jury ID number and pin. The ID number is 9 digits and the pin is 4 digits. When punching these numbers in using the stock dialer, the system I was calling kept messing up. It didn't prompt me like it should, and when it read my entries back to me, they were wrong. The system would report that I'd entered 88 when I'd entered 80 or something. I tried this 3 or so times before I started to think my phone was the problem. I called back with another phone and it worked fine (it was some old Motorola phone but I've actually interacted with this system using my iPhone 3G in the past just fine). I called the system back with my X and, this time, punched in the numbers slowly (half a second or so between key presses). This time, everything went swimmingly. I haven't replicated this on other automated systems, but it's clear at least one of them has a problem with the X's stock dialer when it's used quickly. Anyone have a similar problem?

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Motorola Droid :: Calculator Not Working Properly

Mar 3, 2010

The calculator app that comes with the Android OS apparently has an error. I've confirmed this error with two other Moto Droids and one HTC Android phone. In the calculator app enter:

3322.72 - 3321.92 then = and the answer is .799999

The correct answer is .80. This may seem like a minor point (.000001 error) but the answer is still wrong! Basic arithmetic operations should be a no brainer.A Verizon service rep confirmed this error on the Droid and Eris phones he had in their call center.

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Motorola Droid :: Gmail Does Not Work Properly

Aug 25, 2010

I have read through many similar stories on here, but none are resolved. I restored an old backup from rom manager and now my gmail doesn't work properly. It wont send mail, it won't properly archive mail, the notifications don't work, and on. Did this happen because I restored an old version? Does gmail update itself or can I push a new update?

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Motorola Droid : Apps Not Opening Properly

Nov 25, 2009

I was trying to open the Messaging app by tapping the green talking bubble icon labeled "Messaging," and repeatedly, as in 5-6 times, it loaded the Gmail app instead. I rebooted my phone and now it's working.

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Motorola Droid X : Contacts Not Showing Up Properly

Jul 19, 2010

Got my X today, had Verizon transfer the contacts from my Omnia to the X. (Backup Assistant was not available for the Omnia)Anyway, on the home screen, if I click the bottom right contacts button, none of my contacts show up, even under the different categories. Nothing in google, nothing in phone contacts.However, if I click the bottom left button (phone icon), it brings up all of my contacts.How can I get this migrated over to the other contacts? I tried backup assistant and m:IQ, with no luck. Neither of them back up the contacts listed on the left icon list.Any help is appreciated.

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Motorola Droid : How To Properly Insert SD Card

Sep 22, 2010

I just bought a used Droid in great shape last night. After I got it home, I noticed that the previous owner removed the micro SD card. No big deal as I have two 8GB ones, so I popped in one of them and went to the settings menu to mount it. Long story short is the Droid won't read either card even though I can read them from my PC just fine.I suspect this is actually a physical problem; when I insert the micro SD card the card itself goes over the black plastic piece in the slot, then continues to ride over the metal part visible through the retaining clip hole. After it is inserted I can see the card in the hole around the retaining clip for the card in the 1" wide metal piece that spans the middle of the phone. After a ton of googling I finally found a post on a different forum that says the card should go UNDER this metal part and not over, but on my phone there is no room for a micro SD card; it's pretty flush with the black plastic piece and some gentle prying isn't helping any.Can anyone verify where the micro SD card should sit?

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Motorola Droid X :: Loading ROM

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to load 2.2 on my droid

I opened Droid X Bootstrapper and hit bootstrap recovery and got Success!

I then opened Rom Manager Flashed clockworkmod recovery, went to download rom, stock images, and downloaded Verizon Droid X 2.2, I first tried just backup existing rom, and then tried wiping data also, then tried neither of the two, none seemed to help the issue

Phone then reboots, goes to motorola screen then starts to install rom

Then it says
-assert failed: apply_patch_check (" /system/app/AdService/apk" , and alot of numbers and letters)
-Error in (location of file in sdcard)
(status 7)
installation aborted

I have been at this for the past few hours and its starting to annoy me, I just want 2.2 working so I can deodex it and run NexTheme.

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Motorola Droid X :: Loading A ROM

Oct 20, 2010

I have a Droid X with OTA 2.2 with ROOT.

I would like to try a few ROMS that are out there.

Can someone give me a list of needed programs and apps that i would need to go forward..........AND the order in which i should load them?

I have Titanium Backup and have done a backup with it. I have the full 2,2 SBF on my PC with RSDlite.

I know this has probably been asked a million times but a step by step would be nice (for me at least). I am reasonably tech but am a very nervous person.

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Motorola Droid :: Re-loading LP From My S/D

Oct 7, 2010

I have backed up all the settings for LP on my SD card. I have ASTRO and I see it there, I just have no idead how to retrieve all the files to allo my D1 to re-load LP again.

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Motorola Droid X :: Bad ESN - Can Activate And Use Properly On Venison Network?

Aug 22, 2010

i recently saw somewhere that you can clear a bad ESN on a blackberry... can you clear a bad ESN on the X and if so, afterwards, can it be activated and used properly on the verizon network?

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Motorola Droid X :: Search Button Not Functioning Properly?

Nov 7, 2010

I couldn't find anything on this so here we go.We all have the hard button for "Search".is it possible to have it search EVERYTHING but not give you Google suggestions first? (I can uncheck Google in the settings, but I want those suggestions as well, just not to clutter the top of the search) Let's say I want to find a Pizza place down the street from me.It's very possible it's already in my contacts, so when I type in "Johnny G's", I'd rather see any possible contacts first, and google searches after.But instead I get all google and youtube suggestions first and have to scroll through a long list to see if the contact is in my phone.This is the same for Songs and Artists as well.ALSO, anybody have a problem using the search button in Landscape?I type in something, then hit the back button to drop the keyboard, and it returns me back to the home screen.This works for dropping the keyboard in text messages because it's quicker than Holding the menu button.

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Motorola Droid X :: Push Email Not Working Properly

Jul 18, 2010

Using the stock Messenging app with the universal inbox. I have a couple of IMAP accounts setup and push turned on. Something odd happens to the Messenging app that prevents it from getting mail. It will hang quite often to the point where no mail is received at all until it gets unstuck (sometimes up to a half hour). If I go into the email account, it shows the spinning arrows as if it is trying to sync, but it just spins.

At first, I tried all the usual troubleshooting. I removed and re-added the e-mail accounts. I turned push off and on. I rebooted. I tried just about everything I could think of, but this has been going on since I got the Droid X. I made sure it was set to sync even when wifi is off. I'm not sure what is causing it to hang, but I removed and added each account and it's still happening. Eventually, I'll get the emails but sometimes it takes a half hour or more before it frees itself up. I can't even use a Task killer to kill the messenger app because when I open it back up, the arrows are still spinning.

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Motorola Droid :: Properly Install BB Baseband Update

Jul 3, 2010

How to I install Baseband update (C_01.43.01P) currently showing in CW under Bugless Beast. Tried once without wiping. Do I need to wipe... again. Stuck on Moto icon now.

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Motorola Droid :: Browser Not Working Properly On Rooted

Mar 26, 2010

I've recently rooted my droid and installed Bugless Beast 0.9 and Chevy1 OC'ing on it. Ever since then my browser will just decide to close and it takes me back to the home screen. I don't get a forced closed message it just takes me back to the home screen. I'm new to this rooting business so I'm not sure if there is something I am overlooking or what. I followed the instructions completed and wiped the phone before doing any of this.

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Motorola Droid X :: Stock Browser Not Working Properly

Jul 26, 2010

Whenever I'm trying to sign in to a webpage or enter a zipcode to locate a store the browser won't send the information through. When I click on send, search, or login nothing happens. It's frustrating when you're on the road and need to find something. I'm using the stock browser. I love my Droid X but this is starting to bother me.

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Motorola Droid X : Score Widgets Not Updating Properly

Sep 7, 2010

I am currently using ESPN ScoreCenter with Launcher Pro Plus and the widget won't update.It used to, but for some reason it stopped one day. I stopped using it and went to SportsTap.Again, it worked at first, but then said no games scheduled (which I know wasn't true).I went back to ESPN, but it won't do anything when I hit the widget. I have to go to my app drawer to open it to get any kind of information. What's the point of a widget if it doesn't do anything except take up space?Any ideas out there? (I tried deselecting the home screen cache option in LPP, but it didn't matter)

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Motorola Droid :: Loading All The Images?

May 5, 2010

I just received a brand new Droid from Verizon to replace my latest refurb Eris because of all the call problems i have had. I figured I could just swap the 8gb SD card I was using in my Eris (because it's a class 6) and put it in my Droid. But when I went to the gallery it started acting really strange. It seems it's having trouble loading all the images, and it's been kind of jumping around and behaving erratically. Is there anything I need to do to my card?

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Motorola Droid :: Speaker Phone Stopped Working Properly

Aug 17, 2010

About two days ago, my speaker phone stopped working properly.I can hear peole, but people can't hear me when in speaker mode on phone calls.Anyone else having this problem?

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Motorola Droid :: Custom Ringtone Notifications Not Working Properly

Jun 17, 2010

I programmed (in the "Settings") to have a custom ringtone (the Kimmunicator ringtone for Kim Possible) for notifications. However, it only vibrates when I get a text message. Also, the sounds only happens at random times, when I have NO notifications. It really bothers me. I want my Droid to give off the notification ringtone only when I have notifications, not when I don't have them.

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Motorola Droid :: ROM - Supports All Features Of NON Rooted Phone Properly

Feb 24, 2010

1) What, if any, is the BEST ROM based on these criteria


b) supports all features of a NON rooted Droid phone properly - can be v2.0.1 for all I care, I would just re-run this same list at a later date for a custom ROM running the official 2.1 or later equivalent I suppose.

c) while accomplishing all other criteria listed, still allows for overclocking by the USER - i don't mind using another app to do this - allows tethering and other applications which would typically require ROOT access

d) Accomplishes or at least allows for VOLTAGE and/or PROFILE adjustments to help fine tune battery life while balancing performance - again, doesn't really matter to me if I end up having to pay for an app to addon to accomplish this................

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Motorola Droid :: Keyboard Not Responding Properly - Software / Hardware?

Jun 30, 2010

When I am using the on screen keyboard in the vertical position, the "q" and the up arrow key don't work. When I push them the button next to it depresses. So when I hit "q" the "w" key is depressed. When I push the up arrow the "z" key gets pushed. All of the other keys appear to work. This crept in the last few days. I am currently running the Bugless Beast .4 with no theme at this point. I did a full wipe before the install. I also loaded the stock 2.1 and did a wipe before I loaded. To troubleshoot I have done the following:

Wiped the phone
Loaded a new ROM - Problem was there from the start
Let the apps restore from the market and then did a shut down and a battery pull
Keyboard worked perfectly for about 5 minutes then started acting up again
Created a new Google account that would have NO saved settings or application in the market
Wiped the phone again
Loaded BB .4 and logged in with the new account I created
Issue still exists

When I have the phone in landscape mode the number key when pressed hits the Shift button above it and occasionally the screen locks up. I have to hit the power button to turn the screen off and then back on and swipe and then I can use the keyboard again. I tried to load Better Keyboard version 5.x and still had the same keys busted. I got this phone through Craigslist back in January so I have no warranty.

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Motorola Droid :: POP3 Unable To Work Properly On Phone

Jan 19, 2010

Why does POP3 suck on droid? why did motorola release a pda that has such a problem with simple emails? Its not like theres even pictures or detail in the email. whats the problem? i hate buying the latest and greatest and discovering its not as good as years ago. even my gmail doesnt alert me half the time when i have mail. blackberry was alot slower but a million times faster with important mail.

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Motorola Droid :: Contacts With Similar Names Not Storing Properly

Jan 14, 2010

I went to send a text message today to a friend named Jamie and when I scrolled through my contacts and click on Jamie I see two numbers. One is for Jamie and the other is for James. The problem is only Jamie shows up in my contact list. Luckily, I had my old phone and I was able to see which number belonged to who. I tried deleting both contacts and re-adding but the same thing happened. Can anybody else confirm this or is there some setting that I am unaware of (ie. group similar names)? Not a huge deal just curious.

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Not Working Properly - Need To Restart Unit

Nov 8, 2010

These little bugs are starting to get annoying. This morning no sound on phone. Restart the unit and all is fine. If people had to restart and pull the battery as much on a BB Storm, they'd be complaining like crazy. Actually I rarely had to pull the battery on my Storm. Of course the Storm sat for a long time trying to load a website, but it did.

This thing is starting to bug me. It's official now. Open media and Camera Roll doesn't show it's icon half the time. Start it up and everything on SD card takes a while to show an icon. Go to Market and every other time nothing loads. This little stuff is adding up. Feel free to add your little bugs.

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