Android :: Query All Phone Numbers Of All Contacts In Database
Jun 5, 2009Can you please tell me how can I query all phone numbers of all Contacts in the Database? Where can I find some examples for that?

Can you please tell me how can I query all phone numbers of all Contacts in the Database? Where can I find some examples for that?
I have following code in pre-Android2.0 API:
What kind of selection should I do to retrieve contacts that have both name and phone number?
I am using this code to get the phone from the android address book:
I successfully created the Database and inserted a row however I cannot Query it for some reason. My Droid crashes everytime.
I get this exception
No such column: value: , while compiling: SELECT DISTINCT value FROM mainTable
In android, How can I query the name of the MMS sender and text of the MMS from MMS database? For SMS, there are these 2 columns for that: Sms.PERSON_ID and Sms.Body. But what is the equivalent columns in MMS Table?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to remove duplicates from the database. In my db duplication can be defined by combination of multiple columns. For example :............
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan anybody suggest what functionality to provide in a query utility class/classes? The idea is to provide a database utility package for android developers. I just wanna do it for android community and of course for my learning.:-)
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am new to Android and have been working on an app that needs to get all of the user's contact's phone numbers. Apparently the code I have does not work with the 2.1 SDK. So far here is the code I am using:
String[] projection = new String[] { Phone.NUMBER };
Cursor c = managedQuery( Phone.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null );
int colIndex = -1;
try {
colIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( Phone.NUMBER );
} catch( Exception e ) {
print( e.getMessage() ); }
print( "Column Index = " + colIndex );
//count is equal to 3
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ){
try {
print( c.getString( 2 ) ); //the 2 used to be colIndex
} catch ( Exception e ) {
print( e.getMessage() );} }
It seems that no matter what I pass into c.getString() it keeps telling me that I passed in -1. But I even hardcoded the 2, and it says the same thing. Any help would be much appreciated.
In my android app i need to get 50,000 database entry(text) and compare them with a value when the activity started(in onCreate()).I am doing this with the simplest way : i get the whole table from db to a cursor.However this way is too laggy.Are there any other way to do it more effective?The app is "scrabble solver" that is why i am not using WHERE close in my query (Take the whole data annd compare it with combination of the input letters).At first i was using a big table which contains whole possible words.Now i am using 26 tables.This reduced the lag and i am making database call on a thread that solved a lot problems too.It is still little bit laggy but much better.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm currently a Blackberry 8330 user and will be upgrading to either the Droid X or Droid 2 later this Summer. It will be my first Android phone and I'm looking forward to it! I have one simple question about this transition. I already have a Google account and have all my contacts saved there. I read a post a while back on here that if you don't have your phone numbers formatted in a certain way in your contact list, it may cause issues when transferring them to a new Android phone (multiple entries, missing entries, etc.).
Maybe that wasn't a correct statement, but I wanted to ask the question anyway. Are Android phones picky about phone number formats? For example, should I save them online as xxx-xxx-xxxx or maybe 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx instead? Or should I not save them with any hyphens? I just want a seamless transition of my contacts from my Google account to the new phone without a bunch of re-typing or deleting, etc.
I'm populating a listview from a database query and I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong.
As you will see in the image, the query is returning some sort of id. I've done a ton of googling, but the problem is that I don't know what to search!
I ve with my HTC Desire. Let me explain : When I go on PEOPLE I see my contacts there , if I click on them I cant see any phone number or mail nothing it just show me the contact name then under the name I see DETAILS then INFORMATION and down I can read ringtone and send to voicemail and then last Edit. Why is that? I dont think is normal and honestly makes me really depressed coz I cant call normally.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just installed fatal1ty's hero rom version 1.4 last night on my rogers magic(a version modified for 32a) and I have a couple questions about the different apps. First of all, is there any way to make it show only contacts with phone numbers? Every time I send a message with gmail, that email is automatically added to my contacts but I don't really want to see it there when I'm looking for phone contacts. It makes my list very long. I know I can do this with apps like aContacts but I want to use the HTC contacts app if possible. Second, I was playing some music and then my lock screen wallpaper suddenly decided to change to the album art. I assumed that it was supposed to do this but then after I stopped playing the music it stayed. I then changed the lock screen wallpaper but it did no good. Finally, how do I add words to my dictionary. The keyboard seems identical to the one that I had as a stock rogers magic except the "add word" button has disappeared.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIve not found any specific in depth instructions with my phone so here goes my question...I have managed to sync al my email gmail facebook and phone contacts to my handset, I want to put my contacts (mainly phone numbers) into groups so its easier to group SMS people etc, when i try to add contacts to a group it only seems to come up with my Gmail added Email addresses, i have gone into the relevant menu and selected display phone contacts only (or something similar) and re tried but still i am getting just my Gmail addresses as the only option to add to groups. Any help would be greatly appreciated and im sorry if its blurringly obvious!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the Motorola Droid and my roommate just bought the HTC Droid Eris. He has 1000+ contacts in his Google Account and only wants to display ones with phone numbers. The MOTO Droid does this easily - Dialer > Contacts > Menu >Display Options > "Only display contacts with phone numbers" I'm baffled - the Droid Eris doesn't have this option? Is this an HTC Sense thing or an Android 1.5 thing? And, have any Droid Eris owners found this annoying and found a work around?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to import contacts from face book only if they have their phone numbers in their account info? I don't want to have to sort through all of the contacts with no numbers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI added a contact on my PC ( which then got sync'd to my phone. I pasted the phone number in from a website, which began something like this: "+44 (0)207..." When I dialed the number on the phone, a recorded message told me that voicemail settings had been changed, and to hang up and dial again in five minutes. Immediately, an SMS message arrived from ">pers", saying "Network message - please delete", followed by a load of random gibberish. Looking in the Call History, it appears that the phone ignores the brackets, and dials, "+44 0207..." which is incorrect. It ought to know that numbers in brackets after the country code are only used when dialling locally without the country code. Calling that incorrect number (I don't know if it's the specific number I called, or just that prefix) somehow connected to some aspect of the (T-mobile UK) voicemail system. I wonder what setting I've changed?Googling suggests that the SMS from ">pers" is some sort of phone-configuration message that is normally supposed to be intercepted by the phone. Anyway, bottom line is this - if you add contacts to your Google account on your PC (which is sometimes very convenient, and a great feature of the Google system), be careful to remove any unnecessary area prefixes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got all my Facebook contacts numbers synced and it comes in contacts but its not coming as phone contacts. Only when it comes as phone contacts i can use them in other apps like Viber and Whatsapp. Its not practically possible add and each very number manually (1800 friends ). Is there any way to copy Facebook numbers to phone contacts or likewise?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy fiance and I both got the Eris last week, and we both got our contacts transfered from our old phones (hers was LG EnV Touch). We both had existing Gmail accounts which were setup by the Verizon techs at the store as well. The other day, she started telling me that she was getting this weird message on her phone "Too Many Contact Deletes" or something to that effect. I disregarded it as nothing, and carried on until tonight.
She called me freaking out that all her favorite people in her HTC Favorites Widget were gone, including me, and that my number just showed up when i called her, no name, no picture, just number. So I had her check her People list and she said they were all still there, except that all their Phone Numbers were missing. I quickly logged into her GMail account to confirm, sure enough, everyone was still there, but all the numbers were gone.
I did some research and found a little bit on the error message she got originally, but nothing about random deletion of contacts phone numbers. I still have her LG EnV Touch here with all her contacts, and am contemplating deleting all of her Gmail contacts, all of her Phone contacts and then importing the list into GMail, and syncing with the phone. Is that what you would do? I'm worried that this will happen again. What is this caused by and how does she prevent this in the future?
I own a Droid, and consider myself fairly savvy in the Android world, however my wife recently got the Ally and is having a problem editing her contacts. So when she initiqally booted up the phone it walked her through logging into google and facebook, etc, and it imported all those contacts into the phone, however, she wants to add in their phone numbers now, but its not letting her. We click on the menu button, click eedit contact, but then there is no way to edit or add phone numbers.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHi,
After saving my contacts to the SD card, resetting the phone, then importing them all back, the numbers are now in the form of 012-345-67891. Does anyone know how to remove the hyphens?
Whenever an unknown number texts me, my phone is adding random facebook contacts to those numbers. For example, Orange texted me and it came through as being from this guy who is a friend of a friend who i have on facebook. It adds his name and profile picture to the top of those texts though and it's really annoying. It also started doing it with a second person (totally unrelated to the first), this time for texts from my bank. What i have discovered is that on facebook they both have a line in their info which says 'Mobile Number: " but then no mobile number (shown in the picture below), so i presume they've both put a space there and for some reason my phone has taken this and linked them to these unknown numbers. I've deleted both "Facebook for HTC Sense" sync and "Facebook" sync (not desirable, because i like seeing peoples profile pics and birthdays in my phone contacts), but it still happens. I also tried unlinking the first person from all of the links it had made, but that didn't work either. I have a HTC Hero running 2.1.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figured out a way to print google contacts with all phone numbers?
I see how to print them all one one sheet but it only print one phone number for each contact. some of my contacts have several phone numbers asigned.
verizon back-up sucks so I'm trying to do it with google.
So I have an app where I put arbitrary strings in a database and later extract them like this:
This works fine in all cases except for when the string looks like a float number, for example "221.123123123". After saving it to the database I can extract the database to my computer and look inside it with a DB-viewer, and the saved number is correct. However, when using cursor.getString() the string "221.123" is returned. I cant for the life of me understand how I can prevent this. I guess I could do a cursor.getDouble() on every single string to see if this gives a better result, but that feels sooo ugly and inefficient.
I just made a small test program. This program prints "result: 123.123", when I would like it to print "result: 123.123123123"
I lost most of my contacts on update to 2.1. BUT - there is this facebook sync thing that looks really cool.
I tried this, and now, opening my Phonebook shows all my facebook friends with their facebook profile pic, and number (if they have entered one on facebook). Sweet! Less work for me!
BUT - a lot of my facebook friends do not put their number on their profile, so I need to add the number for these Phonebook contacts. However, there seems to be no way of adding a phone number for them; and these people do not appear when I want to select a contact to send a text to? What is that all about? How do you add phone numbers to contacts that were synced in through facebook, so you can then select them when you want to call or text them?
Is it possible to move contacts and phone numbers from excell to razze maxx?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an RSS reader for Android. I've faced a certain difficulty which the problem I can't resolve since databases aren't my expertise.. So i figured out maybe one of you could help me out! I currently have 3 tables (Categories, links and feeds). My goal is too link a feed to multiple categories. Therefor I'm using a Link table. My databases is an Android ContentProvider (sqlite) and looks like the following:
| Categories | | Links | | Feeds |
|------------| |---------| |-------|
| _ID | | Category| | _ID |
| Title | | Feed | | Title |
| URL |
I currently wrote the following code in my FeedListActivity to retrieve a list of links and their feeds.
Now my question:
I was wondering how I could optimize this database layout, code or query so I would get my entries in a more efficient way. Because i believe this link table or the query to retrieve links isn't needed! Or am i doing this the correct way?
Does anyone know if it is possible to set default numbers in my phone for text messages and phone calls for individual contacts, please? I would like to set up the phone so it defaults to mobile phone numbers for text messages, so I don't accidentally try to send a text message to a landline.I have fiddled weith the phone for ages, but haven't yet found the option to do this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have setup 2 test contacts in my emulator.
I'm running the following query, it should pick them both out, populate my domain object, and add to a list. The output at the bottom should therefore be 2, but it is 5, why is this? (cursor.getCount() is 5 instead of 2)
I have stepped through each iteration of the while loop and it is retreving the same contact multiple times, but with different values for POSTCODE, such as the phone number
I can't get contacts via content provider in Android 2.0 emulator. The test code is pasted. When I click "Account" in the menu, it shows "Force close".