Motorola Droid :: Safe Default Apps To Remove
May 11, 2010Why is there not a sticky listing default apps that are safe to remove and, probably more importantly, NOT safe to remove? Seems like this would be good info (especially for noobs) to see.

Why is there not a sticky listing default apps that are safe to remove and, probably more importantly, NOT safe to remove? Seems like this would be good info (especially for noobs) to see.
I've tried bringing down apps into the trash but they don't delete.For example, cooperate etc
View 3 Replies View RelatedWay to remove the messaging app on the droid? i use handsent app and hate when a message comes in that i am always asked what app to use to open the message
View 12 Replies View RelatedPhone: verizon motorola droid running 2.1 when i type in the commands on the terminal emulator to remove an app ( stupid amazon mp3 ) it tells me its a read only file.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm not trying to remove programs necessarily, but more trying to clean up my SD card. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I am rooted. I have a bunch of folders on my SD card that I'm not sure where they came from or what they are for. If anyone can tell me what I can delete, I'd seriously appreciate it. Here's my list:
.tmp (directory)
albumthumbs (directory)
amazonmp3 (directory - I've never used amazon mp3)
Android (directory)
Clockworkmod (Directory)
Cracked Apps (I made this, I use this one) (Directory)
data (directory)
DCIM (directory)
DiskCacheIndex68357 (not sure what type of file, but the icon is a blank sheet of paper)
Okay, I don't use sense anymore because I am totally loving launcher pro. However, I have noticed with fresh 2.3.3 that there is a lot of junk on there that I don't want or need, like "coin," "battery," "Dice," etc. Since these are system apps I can't remove them through the uninstall app. Does anyone have any idea of which of these sense apps are safe to remove through adb and which are not?
View 10 Replies View RelatedThis thread is for speeding up android and improving battery life for Behold 2.I learned back in my days of ignorance(iphone days,lol) that by removing certain startup apps,services,and languages you can make the phone faster,and have better battery life,you can do same thing on android.Less services=more RAM,more CPU power,faster os,better battery. Updated Things you will need: Root and Root Explorer app or ADB,there is probably other apps you can use also.
With your Root Explorer or Astro navigate to /system/app folder,cut and paste any service or app that you don't need to a backup folder on sdcard.That way if you removed something that you might need later you can always put it back (NOTE:when you put back apps that you removed don't forget to set permissions,that's the reason i recommend using Root Explorer because other file managers to my knowledge wont let you set permissions on files)..................
I am new to downloading apps on a smartphone, but I see that many of them are made by what appears to be individual people, and are free, does this mean there is any kind of concern for any virus, or others (or the app maker) to get into my info. I know it tells you the app will have access to all of your phone data.. should I be at all concerned with the possibility of anything happening from getting free apps made by individuals?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter successfully installing the 2.1 leak, is it safe to remove the zip file from the SD card to clean up space?
View 2 Replies View RelatedLast night I donated and am just waiting for the paid version now, but I have a couple of questions:
1. What exactly is "freezing" an app? Will it remove the app from the app drawer? Will it just prevent it from running?
2. Can I use Titanium backup to delete apps that are safe for delete like amazon.mp3, etc?
3. If I "freeze" an app like backup assistant will it still be on the phone so that it doesn't brick if I do a reset?
4. Can I delete or freeze things like crap ringtones so they don't show up when I am setting a ringtone?
Rooted running LFY 1.7 and I am wondering how to remove a few apps that I dont need...Trying to remove stuff like car/home, corporate email, facebook, news and weather, twitter, etc...Do I need an app?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to completely remove Media scape and install the default sound/picture/movie applications. I'd also like to have the default Android theme and home, instead of the Sony Ericsson bullshit.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove some of the stock apps that I don't use like amazon mp3? I am rooted but I am not running a custom Rom just rooted and over clocked thats all.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI don't use blockbuster and some others, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to remove the apps. They won't delete...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just tried this, Optimize Phone Performance (Launcher Tips) - CyanogenMod Forum - Page 2 And I renamed the Launcher and CorpCal...can I also do it to other system services...such as Messaging since I use Handcent?
View 13 Replies View RelatedSorry for a new thread but I was afraid my question would not be seen because of the size and age of the other thread. I was using the DX/D2 overclocking app and decided to download the Droid X/2 overclock so now I have 2 overclocking apps. Should I remove one so they do not conflict?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to remove the factory apps that come installed on the droid or any way to keep them from coming on. For example the corporate calendar shows on when check to make sure no apps are running so I have to hit the kill apps button to stop it until it decides to come on again. I have no use for this and some other apps that came installed
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust wondering what apps you guys have uninstalled fromm your rooted droids... I'm really getting annoyed by some of these apps like google talk storage, alarm clock, and calender launching themselves when they have no business at all running.And even regular apps do this which baffles me why people make apps that launch themselves I wish we had user acccount control I bet someone will make this type of app for rooted devices one day.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI want to have my apps stored on my SD card by default when I download them. Can anyone tell me how to set that up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was using the facebook app and clicked a youtube video link and decided to make youtube the default app to launch for this specific action. However, I later decided that I want it to launch the link in a browser (so I can read comments) instead of playing instantly after clicking the link.
I tried "Clear defaults" under settings>applications>manage applications but there is no settings for youtube. I tried to clear defaults for facebook and my browser, and tried reinstalling the facebook app but no luck.
Is it safe to download and install any Android apps that are available on the Internet? Or are there recommended 'safe downloading' practices which I should follow?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen i switch my phone on it keeps saying memory card is save to remove i then go to the settings to mount the sd card but it wont allow me to do so is there a fix for this with out have to reformat the sd card and then have to put all the stuff back on to the sd card. i have formated the sd card before just incase u wanted to no any fix for this ?
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best approach when using default Android drawables? Should I use android.R.drawable or should I copy the drawables in my project and use R.drawable?
Is there any risk, that in a newer version of Android, some of the default drawables are removed or resized? Or, affect in some negative way, the look of my app? Also, which of the drawables in the Android source code are considered "stable" and should be relied on?
I'd rather not copy the drawables because I think that the look of the app should be consistent with the Android version used. So, for example, for version 1.6 it should use the default Android bitmaps for version 1.6.
what is the safe max temp that the cpu should get onyl asking now cause it seems my replacement phone is running warmer then my previous and i dont want to cause any whats the safe max temp in C
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm getting my Droid X next Friday, coming from a rooted Droid. I was thinking about rooting the DX before actually activating it by doing the Android screen corner taps; mainly because I want to install Titanium Backup using ADB, so that I can go ahead and restore all of my apps without having to wait for a Market sync, and so that I don't have to go back into each app and set them up. My question (well... more like a couple questions) is installing an app using ADB all that safe?--I read somewhere it was kind of sketchy. And would it even be safe to outright bypass activation/setup to root and do this? Thanks!
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