Motorola Droid :: Phone Camera Taking Blurry Pictures / Why Is This?
Nov 29, 2009This may sound like a weird question, but why is my Droid camera taking blurry pictures. I just got the phone today.

This may sound like a weird question, but why is my Droid camera taking blurry pictures. I just got the phone today.
I have had nothing but great success with the leaked Froyo that I've been running since Saturday afternoon. Battery life seems to be improved, haven't noticed any FC's, etc... until today. I know that the Droid has had some camera issues namely the 24.5 auto focus bug and the auto focus hardware becomes faulty but this is new to me. I didn't have this problem with 2.0.1, stock 2.1, rooted 2.1, Pete's BB, Fab's NexBeast. There have been numerous kernels on the phone as well and going back through my gallery nothing was blurry. I have wiped the lens, made sure the camera app is on auto-focus, I've clicked the button once, twice, halfway, a dozen times, etc and I've even tried FXCamera - if the subject is more than 6" away it is blurry. I'm running the 1.0 P3 kernel but 1.1 & 1.2 have given me the same issue. I've tried this at 1Ghz, 800, 600 & 400Mhz. I know this is pre-release but is anyone else having the same issue?
View 26 Replies View RelatedAny idea why the quality of pictures is so much better when using GOOGLE? If pictures can be that good why does the camera suck when taking pictures?
View 4 Replies View RelatedNo matter what I do with the settings in my new Droid phone camera all of the pictures are blurry. Before responding please note I did wipe the lens, and yes I tried all of the "focus" options. Any suggestions
View 27 Replies View RelatedMy camera won't take properly colored pictures any more. It started out as an intermittent problem but now it's just all the time and it really bugs me. The camera on these phones sucks to begin with but it did come in handy some times. This is the kind of pictures it takes now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust bought a Galaxy S3 from Cricket Wireless and everything works perfectly fine but when I go to use the camera the pictures are blurry and when I take a picture of a object that close like 3-4 inch away the picture is clear but if I want to take a picture of something else like a potrait or somthing mid range to far the picture is blurry like it doesn't want to focus. I tap the screen to try and focuses it and nothing happens.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted samsung galaxy ace plus with speedmod 4.4.2 (kitkat).
Whenever I take pictures using the stock camera,the focus is fine but when i see the picture it always comes blurry.
Anyone elses pictures ever come out blurry. was trying to take a pic with one hand and i dont know if there is something wrong or if it just really has to be held stable during the picture?
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs the video camera/camera of the Droid X HORRIBLE. Videos are VERY GRAINY, Pictures are blurry, I have tried every setting possible, I am on 8MP for camera and 720p for hd. Any chance there is a way to fix it? I have seen other peoples video and they are MUCH better than mines. And people said the Droid 1 camera was bad (which I had) this is awful.
View 32 Replies View RelatedD1, running lithium mod I noticed that the camera images are really blurry when taking pics further than maybe a foot away. I flashed back to BB 0.4 and still have a problem. Anyone know what's going on, which ROM I should use and if there is a fix?
View 19 Replies View RelatedHi. im having a trouble getting Android's camera to work. i started CameraActivity Intent from MapActivity (when i start camera activity, i unresgister all listeners used in map activity), and when i call takepicture method, it just exits camera activity and return to map activity dumping strange msg showing below.
the camera sounds off the shutter-sound and it crashes camera activity. sometimes it succeeds, and sometimes doesn't.
it happens when im using docomo's HT-03A, 1.6sdk is installed.
Anyone having same trouble as i do?
My camera used to work perfectly. My pics were amazing, and it was just amazing. The focus was never off. Clear, crisp, sharp images. Now, out of nowhere it seems, the camera won't focus. My images are EXTREMELY blurry. It's terrible. Even when I'm just setting up to take the pic, the image looks blurry on the screen. It's bad enough that I can no longer even get the barcode scanner to work. I'm assuming that something wrong with my lens and not anything to do with software etc. And yes, I've cleaned it. And cleaned it. And cleaned it to no avail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was simply wondering if there was any way to make the default camera or even. Any camera app use the volume control buttons to take the photo? My phone HTC Evo with Fresh 3.0.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDroid Incredible 2.2 no root default camera app user. When I tap to focus on the camera and am really close to something it goes from blurry to sharp and then blurry at the last second (when it snaps the picture) I took this video to demonstrate what I mean. Is there any way to take a picture like this? Or to manually focus with the stock camera app? Or an app that will help me take good quality macro pics of coins, pins, etc. I will pay for an app. I saw posts with the macro camera lens but I have no desire to glue a metal washer onto my camera lens.
Does the HTC Droid Eris camera have flash capability? If so, how do I use/find the flash when taking photos?
View 3 Replies View RelatedRecently I have noticed my contact pictures in my people widget and when someone calls me are rather blurry and out of focus, they weren't like this, just happened recently, I was wondering if anyone else has seen this problem and no how to correct it, without a hard reset. Have turned phone on and off, removed widget and put it back, looked in settings for some settings for pictures, nada, that I can find.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to turn off the sound of when a picture is taken, the snap sound?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to turn off the flash and/or the shutter sound of the camera when taking a picture?
Flash Mode says auto under it, but the box is grayed out and I cannot select it to change it.
This is the same for the auto focus feature, I am unable to select that as well.
Does the synced Facebook contact pictures still show up blurry, or are the crisp like in 1.5? I haven't seen a thread about this so I thought I would ask.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to take a photo only focus on the object we want and the background is blurry?
does x10 have it?
I have been trying to deal with the blurry images from the Eris's camera but enough is enough. Unless my subject is completely still for 10 seconds, my picture is looks blurry. Does anyone have this problem? Could I fix it in settings? I am currently using the 5 meg pixel setting.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering how fast I can take pictures one after another withoud surprises from the phone (like fx: 'force close;) Does any of you know that time? I know that 500 milisec is safe time. When i experiment with 100, 200, 300 milisec there is error but who knows, maybe i do sth wrong.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got the Milestone a few days ago. Couldn't find similar problems when searching. Having issues with taking Widescreen images. Take a look at the very right side, there is a small strip that's out of place. Actually, this strip is part of the image that should be on the LEFT side of the image instead. Doesn't happen when taking 4:3 5MP picture. Compressed the images, but you can see it below when zoomed. Anyone know what the deal is? Just a small but slightly annoying issue.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhat do you all think of the quality of the pictures on your DX's? No need to post pictures..... just want your opinions. Maybe rate 1 - 10 with 10 being best. I hated the pictures I took on my Droid 1. The quality was poor at best. Especially inside. I've taken a few with the DX using Vignette and they are pretty good.
View 47 Replies View RelatedI am sitting here looking at some pictures I took with my Droid then uploaded them to Facebook and Twitter and they don't look good at all. Its like the colors are all faded looking. I have shot some nice looking pictures with my phone before but for some reason here lately they look horrible! Anybody else notice this with their phone when your uploading to a website? I do have photoshop mobile so maybe I should try and edit them first before I upload a picture next time.
View 30 Replies View RelatedI spent some time today doing controlled tests with the camera on the Droid and these tests confirmed my thoughts about the Droid camera: It will take decent pictures, but not in autofocus mode. I've posted a link to the pictures in Picasa **here**.The EXIF data shows the following: f.2.8 is the only aperture used. High shutter speeds in hazy sunlight will enable you to steady the camera. Most of the shutter speeds topped out ~ 1/1400 of a second. The other variable is ISO and in bright sunlight it's set very low, usually around ISO 50. This is a good thing since it allows you to have a high shutter speed since these tiny cameras are inherently hard to steady. I cannot account for the fixed aperture of f.2.8. In a larger camera such a wide setting would normally assure a rather soft picture. Here it seems to work.
The sample pictures I posted were duplicated many times in my tests and the results were consistent. As you look at the samples you will first see a wide picture.I then opened the picture in Photoshop and took it to 100% (all pixels displayed) then I cropped an area of interest. The results show the fixed focus working fine (with not as much shutter lag since it's not hunting for focus) and the autofocus mode completely broken. I think this shows a definite software issue. The hardware seems fine, although the shadow areas are quite noisy, the result of a tiny sensor and its overflowing photosites.So go ahead and take pictures outdoors and you'll probably get decent pictures set at infinity, even when you are taking pictures of friends in groups. I'll make a guess that this software bug is a result of a code screwup at the very last minute. If we can be patient I suspect the fix will be a simple one.
Anyone else have this problem? I take a photo and its not there and takes opening and closing the gallery a few times. Sometimes I have to take another photo and then they both show up. Is this a bug with 2.1 or is there a fix for this?
View 28 Replies View RelatedMy physical camera button won't take a picture. It does the ding noise for being focused or whatever and the square turns green, but it won't take the picture anymore. If I want to take one I have to use the auto focus on screen tap. The same goes for the camcorder function. I have no clue what's causing this as it always worked fine before. I have the leaked 2.3.15 Froyo with rub-ix focused Rom + nexTheme. To my knowledge the camera button always worked fine until I noticed today that it wasn't. (Now watch, this is probably some stupid obvious thing I've overlooked.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was deleting some pix and somehow my entire library of pix I took on the phone was deleted. Is there any way to restore the pix? Or they are gone forever?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI took some pics today and most of them came out distorted. Almost like a partial fish-eye. People are stretched wide.
View 7 Replies View Related