Motorola Droid :: How To Sync Podcasts?

Nov 8, 2009

I know there is the app Listen but I was wondering if there was a way that I could sync my podcasts from itunes onto my Droid. I just tried Listen it doesn't seem to download the episodes but streams them? Is that right?

Motorola Droid :: How to Sync Podcasts?

Android :: Downloaded Podcasts Sync To Droid?

Oct 28, 2009

If I end up switching to the Droid, I'm sure that one of the things I will miss the most will be grabbing podcasts on the fly but, will I still be able to download podcasts through iTunes on my desktop and sync them to the droid?

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Motorola Droid :: Podcasts Scheduling - Type / Custom

Nov 29, 2009

This is quick and easy. Can I get a sampling of what people are using for podcasting apps and likes/dislikes? Here is what I want to be able to do:

1. ESPN-"type" podcasts (scheduled, generally weekly, etc.)
2. Semi-"custom" podcasts (hometown newspaper podcasts, generally not scheduled)

Would preferably like something I can schedule to download at night.

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Motorola Droid :: Damn Music App Picked Up Podcasts?

Aug 14, 2010

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, as any number of other highly improbable things were occurring but there we were, in the car, Droid plugged into the stereo, listening to MP3's, courtesy of the Music app, when a podcast started. At first I thought it was because the damn Music app picked up my podcasts that were in a different directory. Since we were at frequent complete stops anyway (Philthydelphia traffic), I looked at the infernal device and discovered that the Median app was playing a podcast - at the same time the Music app was playing music. I don't know if you can even do that on purpose, or why you'd want to, but there we are. Without any prompting whatsoever, I was getting two audio apps at the same time.

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Android :: Any Way To Listen To Podcasts On Droid?

May 13, 2010

Is there a way to listen to itunes podcasts on my droid? I have seen people talk about google listen, but I can't see that letting you get podcasts from itunes?

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HTC Droid Eris :: How To Access Podcasts?

May 10, 2010

I am very new to this culture. How can I access podcasts? I understand that podcasts can be streamed live or downloaded for later listening. How does one do either of these things?

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Android :: Listening To Podcasts At 2x?

Jun 1, 2010

I am looking for a way to listen to educational talks that I have as MP3s and podcasts at twice the speed. My brother does this on his iphone and he learns twice as much as me. I like .podkast and google listen but neither offer that option. Also tried the stock media player, tune wiki and cubed 3 - no luck on double speed.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Which Application Best For Managing Podcasts?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to determine which app is best for podcasts and how exactly to manage them when not syncing to iTunes. It's my last step to figure out in the great iPhone to Evo migration!

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Motorola Droid :: Droid Corporate Calendar To Exhcange Server Sync

Mar 29, 2010

I just purchased my Moto Droid last week. It has been great to this point with few problems. The one item I have not been able to figure out is as follows:

When I input an event on my corporate calendar on the Droid it does not sync back to my exchange server calendar. It works great in the other direction.

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Samsung Captivate :: How To Subscribe And Get Podcasts?

Nov 17, 2010

Hope this isn't too simple a question: but how does one subscribe and download podcasts - such as "this American life"? Is there something built into the device or is an application needed?

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Android :: Application To Download Podcasts?

Aug 11, 2010

Anyone know of a decent podcast app that will download podcasts (preferably at user defined scheduled times) to your phone (even better the SD card)? My old Nokia n95 did this perfectly, but haven't seen such an app for the Android. I have seen some that will stream, but I don't care for streaming, I'm looking for it to download the podcasts.

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HTC Desire :: Downloading Podcasts Available On Itunes?

Oct 6, 2010

I am looking for something that will allow me to download podcasts that are only available on itunes. I have feedR which is very good for most podcasts and will allow you to download them to the SD card for listening at a later date. It's also an excellent piece of kit for news feeds but that's a different issue. There are some podcasts I like to listen to that are only available on itunes and feedR cannot download these. Does anyone know of a way of downloading these onto the desire?

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Android :: Application Syncing Everything Instead Of Just Podcasts?

Oct 23, 2010

Its really obnoxious. It doesn't matter if make sure and unselect 'sync music' and only have one particular podcast checked, it will sync everything. All podcasts, entire music library, everytime. I cant for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong and its pretty damn annoying because of how much longer it takes to do it, when really if it would sync just what I wanted it to, it would take less than 5 minutes. At least WinAMP is out and perhaps will be a better solution than this buggy app Doubletwist. This is my last time dealing with it unless I find a home-run solution.

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General :: How To Find Podcasts On Incredible 2

Apr 28, 2012

I've dragged and dropped some podcasts (mailnly this American Life episodes) onto my Kingston card via Kingston/media/Podcasts. This is the same process I use to bring music over (but I put into Kingston/media/Music.

I can't find the podcats through the phone. I thought the podcasts may be accessible through the Music app, but only my music albums are viewable.I know they've got to be right in front of my face but I can't seem to access the podcast content.

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Motorola Droid :: Sync GoDaddy Email Account With Droid?

Nov 20, 2009

I have my gmail account and a Comcast POP 3 account working on my Droid but would like to set up a domain email account that I use with the Droid. I am not sure what type of email format godaddy uses. Is this possible?

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Get To Corporate Sync In Box?

Jul 22, 2010

Anyone know how to get to the corporate sync in box?

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Motorola Droid X :: Corporate Sync Set Up

Sep 3, 2010

I added my corporate account through Corporate Sync.It seemed to take just fine and appears to be set up. I checked the boxes that I wanted contacts and calender to sync and checked off the email one.I hate to seem like an idiot here, but where and how does the calender and contacts sync and show up on my phone? Is there some other software needed here or an add on plan from Verizon?

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Motorola Droid :: Ford MS Sync

Oct 31, 2009

Anyone here who's played with a pre-release Moto Droid and know if Ford's Microsoft Sync works with the Droid?I'm mainly interested in the phone/Blue Tooth functionality, does it connect, how is the sound level on the recipient's end?

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Motorola Droid :: Missing Sync

Jul 17, 2010

I heard this is a great App for syncing Droid with Outlook but I'm having problems with my first sync. Getting an error message that says "Desktop not found".

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Motorola Droid X :: Why Sync Gmail?

Sep 10, 2010

Why do I need to sync gmail? I ask because I've had it unchecked forever and I still get email from my gmail account and when I delete mail they delete from the server. So what's the point?

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Motorola Droid X :: How Do You Use Music Sync

Sep 23, 2010

So I decided to bite today and updated to 2.3. How do I setup my droid to sync to my music library over wifi. This is the big promised feature I've been waiting for with Froyo.

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Motorola Droid X :: Sync Icon Won't Go Away - 2.2

Sep 23, 2010

I just went from 2.2 leak to 2.1 and then to OTA 2.2.

When I got to 2.2 OTA, I did Titanium "restore all apps with data" (not the option with "all system data").

Now, I have a sync icon in my notification bar that won't go away.

In settings->accounts, I have no accounts at all set to sync (I even unchecked my google contacts and calendar).

I already did one system format (because the first time I restored with titanium I restored system data too and saw in some other threads that could be a cause). After the system restore, but before titanium, I wasn't getting the sync icon.

I can't not use titanium to restore or it'd be a huge task to get things back to the way they were.

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Motorola Droid :: GPS Won't Sync Until Reboot?

May 17, 2010

A few days ago, as I left our house, I set my Droid to navigate to my destination and handed it back to one of my children; they enjoy seeing the GPS in action.

Oddly, for ten minutes the GPS failed to sync. I forget the exact message from the Google Navigation app, but it was something like, "Looking for location". The map didn't update with our position. We weren't in a hurry, so I stopped and fired up the "GPS Status" app; it showed a few satellites but no fix for a couple minutes.

I finally powered the Droid off and restarted it. After that seemed to get a fix instantly - certainly no more than a second or two.

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Motorola Droid : What To Use For Sync Your Contacts?

May 5, 2010

I am using a Motorola Droid (via Verizon Wireless) and connect to my Vista desktop via a USB cable, and employ the latest 2010 version of Microsoft Office to keep my contacts and correspondence in order. When I had a Windows based smartphone, all was right with the sync'ing world - as it was nearly seamless... all contacts up to date and accounted for. When I switched devices, all changed, and I had to use a third party program to keep my contacts list current. I tried Mark/Space's The Missing Sync, but found that the only way I could sync my contacts was either via bluetooth or wirelessly (which neither options were possible on the desktop device), but I could sync my music, photos and documents via USB. Gee, thanks. No other way around it, it seems... either it's done wirelessly or not at all. I can see the simplicity and ease of use - if you're set-up for that, but what of those that aren't. Got my $39.95 back in due time. CompanionLink offers a few options... either via USB or directly - through Google. I found that both worked well, but each transferred contacts to my phone - but, transposed first, middle and last names of SOME contacts and not others. Odd. No explanation as to just how or why that happens. I've settled - for the time being - on using the CompanionLink for Google version, and make what changes I require - and keep an eye on just what and where the records are changed. If you make changes to the Google contacts - it does not automatically do the same to the Outlook 2010 files on the connected desktop for some reason. Don't know if or when that happens. Ditto the same if changes are made on the Droid - if and when they get transferred to both Outlook 2010's contact list, as well as the same on Google. Perhaps there is a "special setting" I just haven't come across as yet.

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Motorola Droid X : How To Sync Only Contacts?

Jul 29, 2010

So, I want to be able to sync my gmail "My Contacts" ONLY. Not "All Contacts," as that's pretty much everybody I have ever e-mailed and I don't need them in my phone. I haven't found an answer to this anywhere as it seems like it's not possible on the X. If I go to settings, there's an option to Sync my gmail account or just phone. If I go to display group, I can choose Google again, but not a particular group within google.

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Motorola Droid :: Can't Take Gmail Sync

Jan 14, 2010

I can't take this stupid gmail sync issue anymore. I have been browsing web for the last 2 days and have tried everything short of throwing my phone against the wall. My MacbookPro will get the gmail and it will literally take an hour or so to get the mail on Droid (unless i refresh it myself). Isn't this a GOOGLE phone??? Of all the things gmail should be a breeze on this phone. I had a blackberry prior to Droid and email on Blackberry was never a problem. Infact I used to brag about how quick it was. Anyways I have been going through different forums and lots of people are having this similar problem. I hope we get a fix soon as this seems to be a software problem.

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Motorola Droid :: Can I Sync Phone To A Mac

Dec 24, 2009

Yea, I'm probably getting a droid tomorrow I am so excited! Anyways, I own 2 macintosh computers and i was wondering if you can sync the droid to macs and iTunes.

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HTC Desire :: How To Copy Podcasts To Phone From Laptop?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a number of podcasts in my itunes library that I'd like to put on my Desire. Is it as simple as plugging the Desire into my laptop, creating a folder called Podcasts, and copying them into there? Or is there an app I could or should use to achieve this?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: List Of Good Podcasts?

Jan 13, 2010

I was hoping that we could get a good list of Podcasts going that people enjoy. I really enjoy listening to them, but don't really know what to look for when I search google's "Listen" app. Lets get some suggestions and descriptions going!

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Android :: Downloading Podcasts / MP3 Directly To Phone?

May 10, 2010

I regularly download Podcasts which I then play as MP3's on my current HTC TYTN2. Rather than download to the laptop then transfer to the new Desire I would rather download directly to the Desire but when I go to the Podcast I want - on the BBC site, the instructions of 'Right Click and Save as Target' don't apply.

If I click that instead it simply plays the Podcast - which I don't want. What I really want is to be able to download the Podcast/MP3 directly to my phone SD card - is there an app which would help or am I forced to download via the laptop?

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