Motorola Droid :: Cyanogen ROM For Phone?
Feb 19, 2010Was wondering if there was on out there

Was wondering if there was on out there
Just updated ROM Manager and saw it, figured I'd let all you hooligans know.
View 49 Replies View RelatedJust came up in ROM Manager... has been released.
Just installed and rebooting now...Launcher2 has been fixed, for those wanting that! Change log:
* Fix Launcher2.
* Minor release to include new ESE81 drivers and renderscript backport.
I know who created the original, he's a big name, and I know who ported it to droid, but what makes it immensely different from say BB? I don't care too much about themes, I use a stock theme, so as far as performance, or features other than live wall paper color options, what am I missing?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI have been looking all over for this. Can someone just post up the changelog in this thread?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI rooted and tried to flash the new 6.0 Cyanogen to my Droid and it got stuck on the Cyanogen boot screen. Can anyone please tell me what I might be doing wrong? I must be missing a step somewhere I'm just not sure where.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need some help here if you can. I was running the latest cyanogen rom and it was running pretty smooth. Then I tried to change the theme without flashing clockwork!! ( duh, I forgot!!! )now I'm stuck on the moto logo!! I tried wiping the whole phone, factory reset, my backups , battery pull, and its still stuck on the moto logo. I got my phone to boot up now! I was just getting a lil frustrated, thats all. I think the phone needed to take a lil break too!
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've rooted and flashed CyanogenMod 6.0 onto my Droid. I went slow; it took me a while and lots of careful reading on this forum. I used ROM Manager to flash and I'd like to continue using it to install themes. Is that a good idea? Is it always necessary (or recommended) to wipe all when flashing new themes?
View 9 Replies View Relatedfirst of all i went and downloaded CM 6.0.0 but i'm guessing the flavored ice arent made for this yet? So i went to download and wiped data/cache..but when i rebooted, it didnt go to the setup, and i couldnt set up my gmail/and had no market or anything. So i went and tried to use rom manager to download and see if it changed cause i used clockwork before. but its not even in there, just 5.0.8. When i downloaded 6.0.0 it worked and i had my gmail setup but i just didnt find the flavored ice for 6.0.0.
View 3 Replies View RelatedNeed some help, please....I used ROM Manager to download Cyanogen, backed up my Ultimate Droid V8, then installed Cyanogen. Did not wipe data. When the ROM loaded, there was no Droid virtual keyboard in any of my apps. But Cyanogen looks cool and I'd like to give it another try. If I wipe my data, does that mean I have to reinstall all my apps? If I wipe my data, will it still appear if I restore my backed-up ROMs?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes metamorph work on cyanogen?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have had a lot of issues lately with dropping calls and it started since I installed Cyanogen. I'll be on the phone chatting away and it just becomes quiet and I'm not on the phone anymore with that phone. Or it will actually vibrate and I'll be kicked off the phone. I'm still running Cyanogen Rc3 if that matters.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a clear status bar that I could install over the latest cyanogen rom. I had one from fadelight, but it doesn't play nice with the market.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just rooted and installed the latest stable Cyanogen; it got stuck in a boot loop, but a restore fixed that. However, I don't have Android Market on here, can anyone tell me why? I searched, but didn't find an answer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to try cyanogen's latest build (although still not sure which one that is) but after trying to google everything I need answers to I am just getting more confused so I thought someone here could help.
I only have used sprecovery so this whole clockwork recovery is confusing. Says I need it but if I don't like cyanogens how hard is it to revert back to my adamz smoked glass that i have now with sprecovery? Don't even want to try and tackle the titanium backup thing.
Does Cyanogens come with busybox? Will I still have wifi tether and a kernel that supports it? What is this thing about having to install google apps in some special way as i read they are left out?
What I am looking for is all the cyanogen goodness (the ability to flip the phone and have screen rotate 180 degrees)with a smoked glass theme, stock theme or green theme, wifi tether(a must), moving wallpaper,overclocking and the ability to load my custom boot animations.
I like my Adamz smoked glass rom a lot but want to be able to rotate the phone and have the screen change. I have everything listed above except phone rotation now.
I have not had a single problem running Adamz rom or any issues with sprecovery. I can use these with ease so I am hoping someone can point me to an easy guide to make the change and answer a few of these questions.
Been attempted to "add" the Corporate Calendar app (CorpCal.apk) into Kousch's CyanogenMod for the last two days....I've used Root Explorer, Busybox, etc. using the following command lines:
View 1 Replies View RelatedCyanogen with bekit 1ghz running at 40 degrees. Is this a bad combination? I'm constantly at 40 degrees. If not there, usually upper 30s. I'm hearing people are often in low 20s with their ROMs. What's the deal? I don't even play games that much, nor do I browse intense websites. Would you suggest a different kernel?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust dl the new Cyanogen 5.08 and am missing my smoked glass theme badly. Rom manager shows the newest version is for the former Cyan mod, not the current version. Was wondering if dling it would work with the newest version of Cyan?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm running 2.2 cyanogen 6.0 and watermark'D after i got done loading this everything worked email internet ect.ect. but not the market does anybody know what I did wrong.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to cyanogen and now the text under the icons is messed up. When I upgraded I used rom updater and did a wipe with all the data. When I reboot it shows up fine but a couple hours later they are pushed to the right and you can't read all of it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor the past 2 hours I have been searching this site and reading about Rooting and Flashing new ROM's etc. and I'm still having trouble. I downloaded Cyanogen 6.0.0 and when the phone re booted it got stuck at the Cyanogen boot animation screen, and when I pulled the Battery and rebooted in to recovery I was able to restore everything and now the phone works again.
So first off, how long should it take after downloading a new ROM to boot back up with the new ROM installed? And how can I save the ROM in to the SD card? And when I go to DL Cyanogen it asks which home application I should use and gives me ADWlauncher and Launcher 2 as options.
how do i enable scripts on my jrummys remix cyanogen theme? Every i try to do su -enablescripts. it says -enablescripts not found. when i try su -blockads / it says -blockads not found
View 5 Replies View RelatedI went to reboot my Droid because it was lagging a little and when it came back on it go stuck at the Cyanogen boot screen. I pulled the battery, put it back in and held the X to boot in recovery and my recovery won't come up either. It just skips right to the Motorola M and if it doesn't get stuck there it goes back to the Cyanogen screen.
I haven't made any changes to the phone at all so I am completely puzzled on why this is happening. I obviously can't take it back to Verizon since its rooted so if there is a way to fix this I really want to because I love my phone and my wife will kill me if it is screwed up.
Okay, I have received several PM's on this but tonight, someone asked me to give a complete step-by-step walkthrough. It's Easter and I figured I could use the good Karma I have removed the name of the user that asked for this even though they didn't care...I just prefer to keep it anonymous and if that person identifies just don't want to do it.I figured this might help someone else so here it is.
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to install Cyanogen mod are very difficult. I find myself back-tracking all the time.You can't just simply start there, first you have to unlock your phone, right?Then root it? Then install Cyanogen mod, but in between all of that you have to install the Nexus 4 toolkit, which i did, and it says that it's unable to find my drivers.
I've uninstalled my drivers, turned my computer (I have windows 8) back on so it'll re-install them, got the LG drivers pack, went to the XDA forums were they gave me the right link to download more drivers, still nothing.
I dropped my phone from a waste level height onto concrete, the phone appears to be in perfect condition but the screen is completely black and unresponsive. I had upgraded the phone, a motorolla Backflip, to Cyanogen 7.1 so it would suck less (still sucks) and what I need to do is somehow fix the screen or maybe view the files somehow from my computer. There was tons of really important school related notes on a notes app I downloaded as well as other really important files. My number one goal is to somehow get these notes or just see them at least in whatever way possible, fixing the phone is not so much of a worry because I already have a replacement. The phone vibrates when it powers up and the LED notification light blinks as it is being charged like its supposed to, the keyboard keys don't light up like they're supposed to and I'm not sure they work, but the home, back, and the other button with the four squares on the front of the phone work and vibrate when tapped but they don't light up either. The phone is clearly on I just can't see it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted HTC Evo with the stock 2.2 system, and I am considering installing Cyanogen Mod 6, but I'm not sure if it is worth the hassle. What benefits does CM6 have over the rooted version of Froyo on the Evo. I kind of like the Sense UI, so that keeps me from going ahead and installing it. I know that Bluetooth controllers actually work in emulators if you use CM6, so that is a major selling point for me. Is there anything else I should know?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running the latest version of Cyanogen Mod on my evo and LOVEit! However, I have yet to be able to install a theme on my phone. I was under the impression that it was just like flashing a ROM to my phone and that I could even use ROM Manager to do so, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do it. Here's a current screenshot of my main home screen: Basically, all I want to do is to be able to turn the notification bar black. I'd like for all the menus and popups and whatever else to be black as well, but I would settle for just the notification bar.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe test version of the new CM6 is out!All the info you need is here:[ROM] CyanogenMod-6 for Nexus One:
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have 6.0 on my EVO (thx guys). I flashed the google app package and i think everything got installed. Is there a way I can just select what i want?
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