Motorola CLIQ :: Looking For .m3u Streaming Audio Player
Jan 5, 2010I'm looking for an audio player that will automatically launch when I click on a .m3u file/link from within my browser. So far I've had no luck finding one.

I'm looking for an audio player that will automatically launch when I click on a .m3u file/link from within my browser. So far I've had no luck finding one.
Any music player that can stream audio formats aac+,pls,m3u.asx,.ram?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe dev guide suggests this
MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
mp.setDataSource(this, Uri.parse(""));
mp.prepare(); mp.start();
I can't seem to get it working though.
I'm getting " Prepare failed.: status=0x1"
I am currently new to android development I been working on the examples in the Dev Guide in the android website. I want to get a stream from a server I have to play in the emulator when I insert the url it doesn't seam to want to play. My question is there a way to get the emulator to play audio or is it all enabled also does MediaPlayer require a special kind of format like mp3 or ogg? his is the code i am running on my 'onCreate()' method.
MediaPlayer mp - new MediaPlayer();
Just got my G1 9 days ago. Sweet! I'm assuming that in the near future, almost everything imaginable will be available to install. I miss my "Pocket Player" for WM6, as I used it to access a radio station on the phone. Here is the url:
I have looked in the "market" on the phone and a number of programs purport to play some form of "streaming audio", but they all seem to connect to someone's server that has a playlist of songs that someone else likes. Does anyone know of, or have the sense that someone will actually develop an app that allows one to put in a url such as the one above, and actually be able to listen to the radio station as you would on a radio or on a PC?
Does anyone know if there is a way for either meridian or the regular android player to recognize audio tags on lossless audio files?
View 1 Replies View Relatedlet me start out by saying that I totally expected this to flop, and not even come close to working.I have a Kenwood DNX6140 installed in my car.So on the way home tonight for some reason I decided to try an experiment.I live in southern california. I ran the A-Online-Radio app, and searched for a radio station I loved in Rochester, NY when I was going to school there. Low and behold, it shows up in the list.So, I turn on the bluetooth on the phone, and connect to the kenwood. I switch the kenwood to the bluetooth input, it says "connected to Droid" (didn't even expect to get this far lol), and hit play on the A-Online-Radio.
And poof, the audio starts playing through the kenwood and out my car speakers.That is so freaking awesome, I still can't believe it.The last time I was able to do this was with my VZ XV6700. I would use internet explorer on the WM device, and connect to the web page, and start the streaming, which would come out of the phones speakers. Then I'd connect an FM transmitter to the phone, so I could hear it on the stereo in the car. That sucked, was a pain in the butt, but it worked.
This is the oddest problem I've ran across since I started playing with rooting and ROMs. After a few days of installing a new ROM and/or kernel(happens across Bugles Beast, Liquid Frozen Yogurt, Simply Stunning, and Sapphire, etc) any stream that incorporates flash and has streaming audio, the audio stream plays in slow motion. Oddly enough, the video is fine, but the audio is awfully. It doesn't happen on day 1 on the ROMs, its ALWAYS a few days after I install and happens on any site I try. I've tried Unistalling the Flash player and tried several different builds of the leaked Flash player and it never fails.
I know its a long shot, but does anybody have ANY idea what might be causing the audio to freak out after a few days? I can't deduce if its a combination of apps that I'm installing or some kind of incompatibility between ROM and kernel choice I make...but its uber frustrating and I'm having to shy away from some of the nicer ROMs because I need my audio fix for the day.
Just tried in the new RC3 of Cyanogen and it does the same exact thing..I'm really at a loss, I have NO Idea how to tell whats causing this problem.
So I use my X to stream pandora/slacker and the droid media player through my ford sync bluetooth system. I am having two separate issues I am hoping someone can comment on.
The first is that pretty much every other time I try to stream music I do not get any sound. I have to reboot my phone for it to work. Everything is paired correctly and volume it turned up etc. This is my 2nd X and they both did the same thing. Happens on 2.1 and 2.2 leak
Second is that my steering wheel controls randomly work. Sometimes the music player doesn't skip sometimes it does. Also recently if I have pandora or slacker playing and I press the skip forward button on my steering wheel the droid music player starts and I get both slacker/pandora and the droid music player playing at the same time. I should also mention i am on the 2.2 leak.
I was looking for a bluetooth device that I can connect to my Home theater receiver. Size is not an issue as it will sit in the closet and will be running on AC power all the time. I saw this real cheap device on deal extreme but reviews aren't great. DealExtreme: $12.99 Bluetooth 2.0 A2DP AVRCP Stereo Music Receiver and Handsfree (Black)
I also found this. BlackBerry Bluetooth Stereo Gateway: Cell Phones & Service . It is made for BB but will work with any A2DP device. A mini usb AC adapter is required for power source. Also found a motorola device for this. Motorola 89015J Dc800 Bluetooth Stereo Gateway | Discounted prices on all Bluetooth Headsets for the All All -
When will this be fixed! I have a kernal with the supposed 2.0.1 fix however when I put volume to 100%(for jamming in my car) I still get the crackling audio bug! Is there something I can do or will I just have to wait for motorola to fix it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting the following error when I try to play some song using the standard "Music" App: "sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file" So far I have only had this happen on .ogg files. I can play some .ogg files with no problem but other will not play. Often there is one I can play and one I can't from the same album which I ripped from my CD in the same ripping session so the encoding parameters should be the same. Another weird thing is that I sometime can succeed in playing a song by finding it in OI File Manager and selecting it there. OI File Manager opens in in the "Music" App and it plays not problem, but I cannot open it from within "Music" App!
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen the stock Android media player is playing a song, if you tap the album art box, you will discover that the Droid X has a visualizer for your viewing pleasure.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI like to listen to audiobooks from the library. I use Overdrive, but it only allows me to download MP3's. I would like to be able to listen to WMA audiobooks, is there a player that will allow me to do this?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I'm listening to audio with my headphones through cherry rplayer and then take the headphones out to use the speaker, I don't get any sound...I have to shut down any audio players functions before I get any sound out of the speaker. Not sure if cherry rplayer is the culprit or not. I have also noticed that my media player starts playing by itself...
View 8 Replies View RelatedCan Someone recommended an unlocking site for Motorola Cliq (T-Mobile)? Would be highly appreciated.
Also can anyone vouch or confirm the legitimacy of the following sites?
3.Unlock Motorola
4. Unlock Cellphone Code
I was wondering if anyone was able to get their T-Mobile/Motorola Cliq to work on T-Mobile's basic data plan? They now have a specific Android data plan. I can't believe that they raised the data and unlimited text message plan to cost $45/mo. in total for Android phones! I'm using the $19.99 unlimited data/messaging plan now and would like to continue to use it. If anyone has successfully done this, please let me know how you did it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering what is the benefit of rooting a moto cliq. Will I be able to up grade to 2.2? A buddy of mine claims I could run other apps such as the sprint nascar app is this true?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am using an unlocked Cliq on AT&T network. All my data works fine, but I'm having trouble with text messages. Normal texts come and go fine it seems, but I'm unable to send picture messages. I assume I'm also unable to receive picture messages, though I haven't specifically tested that. The bigger problem is a random text I keep getting. It comes from 11-216-116-11, and always says the same thing, "error invalid number please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code." They always come in threes, and I always get them when I reboot the phone or sometimes they come randomly. Can anybody help with these issues?
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy favorite TV and FM stations all have links on there websites for live streaming vidoe/audio. They all have Quicktime or Windows Media links but my Evo will not plahy them. I've tried several Radio apps on the Market but no luck with them either. Is this a planned fix or do I have to go back to to a I-phone or a windows based phone?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've had my cliq about a month now, and I love the phone! it's perfect for my needs, but im having alot of issues with it.
1: Sometimes my phone will sometimes just ignore a phone call. I'll receive it, it will ring for literally half a second, then the call will stop and will show as a missed call. This used to happen on my RAZR, too, so I think it's more a T-mobile issue than the phone.
2: My CLIQ keeps combining, moving, or changing my contacts. For example: A few weeks ago, I added my new bosses' phone number, labeled him as my boss, and then went about my business. Later that day, I was texting a friend, only to find out that her Phonenumber/information had meen stored under my new boss' name!
Another similar Issue, I added 2 people: A new friend's cell, My boss' cell, and my boss' office (all under seperate contacts). Then later that day, suddenly my friend's contact information is merged in with another friend's, and my mom's text messages are coming in under my boss's office information! (Needless to say, I was VERY confused to receive a text saying that he loved me)
3: Sometimes the phone is super slow/crashy. I get a lot of "this program is taking too long. would you like to close it?" Messages. I make use of advanced task Killer to kill off apps i'm not using from the background (Games, Facebook, ect) Why is my phone always so slow?
Way i have my CLIQ set up and some things that I have and to me, this is the ultimate set up (with very simple tweaking).
For starters, we aren't able to root yet (maybe in a month or so?) so I need my phone to run as light and fast as possible.
The MotoBlur is a great feature to attract people, but the service isn't full Twitter, FaceBook, or Myspace. I personally think you'll get a much better experience from getting these applications separately.
I have MotoBlur still signed in (just so it can sync my contacts, settings, etc.) however, I did sign out of my facebook and twitter accounts (I dont ever use mysapce) and that meant no need for those stock widgets (the status, happenings, messages). You know what that means? Not so much data interaction even when I'm not using my phone aka longer lasting battery!
So I put the widgets in the trash and made my homescreen how I want it. My phone moves faster and lasts longer, as well as shows the freed up memory with those cancellations (about 8 to 10 MB).
Now, in my opinion, the facebook apps arent needed. The web browser on this thing brings out the website beautifully, especially in the touch interface of facebook.
Twitter does too, but it wont move as fast. So I would suggest going into the marketplace for your twitter apps. Also, I will list below the applications I have as well as why, and the amount of space they take up. Remember, the more memory used, the slower your phone performs.
Ready? Here we go...
1. "AppManager": simply manages your 3rd party applications. It enables you to install from the SD, or uninstall with ease. Also, it allows you to move and uninstalled app to the SD card, just in case you may want to re-install later on. This keeps you from having to search through the marketplace again.
Memory used = 99kb
2. "Nice Battery": One of many great battery managers out in the market. I like this for its simple battery status as well as 3G/2G shortcuts (some people don't realize you can turn 3G off to save on battery). I didn't know how to turn it off and use 2G (EDGE) until I got this app. Also, one touch bluetooth, wifi, GPS, and cell location switches are used. The application says it will notify you if you overcharge or leave services on (both optional).
Memory used = 24kb
3. "Swift Twitter": Great, light, twitter app. All the capabilities of the apps you want. If you use twitter then you know what I mean, you know what you need, and this does it. Done.
Memory used = 460 kb
4. "Rings Extended": this application allows you to use custom ringtones with much ease. If you, like myself, have downloaded ringtones from a website directly to your phone then you notice you can use them as ringtones. However, if you turn your phone off then back on, that ringtone is gone out of the phone memory. This application allows it to save the tones and directly pick them from anywhere on the SD card. Great stuff. One of my favorite apps.
Memory used = 75kb
5. "OI File Manager": OI manages your files on your SD and in the phone with simplicity and ease. There are also some great apps that do the same job, but to me, some of them have really unnecessary functions and can become confusing after a few clicks. Need to move, copy, delete? There's an app for that (suck it iPhone!)
Memory used = 149 kb
6. "TasKiller": this is the app I speak about most. This is my tiny terminator. It kills any application running in the background that you may be unaware of. You can go into the application and choose which functions to kill (and by "kill" I mean stop it from running, not eliminate it from your phone, as I think many people misinterpret). My favorite feature of this lies in the one touch killswitch widget. I have it on the 5th screen so I dont touch it by accident. It knocks everything out and you can just hit the home button and start off running only the necessary apps. Significant speed difference people! Like I said you can kill one or all functions, it's up to you.
Memory used = 171 kb
7. "SMS Backup": I haven't noticed a way to save SMS on this phone which is fine. SMS Backup does something very simple and unique. It backs all of your SMS to your Gmail folks. It creates a folder, SMS (rename it if you'd like) and stores them all conveniently in your google mail account where you can go in and view, delete, lick the screen at, etc.) Pretty sweet if you ask me. Once again, keeping internal memory free. Yes!
Memory used = 661 kb
Those are some of the great functioning apps I have running. And my phone moves very fast! I have no lag. Occasionally the accelorometer may take a half second longer, but that's about it.
As I'm sure most of u know the Motorola Cliq doesn't allow you to set individual text notificications.Like how you can set each contact with there own ringtone, you you can't give each contact there own text notification.Does anyone know of an App or anything that can rwmwdy that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted phone running the standard TMobile 1.4.8. I just checked for a system update and I selected to install the update that was available OTA
However, my phone is now stuck at the Android Recovery screen because the error message is saying something about how it can't mount the (not the full real filename) and installation was aborted. So when I choose to reboot the system and it loads up my phone... but only to have to self-reboot a few minutes later
pretty much, my phone is stuck in this endless loop of restarting because I choose to do the system update...
I'd like to be able to keep tabs on my dogs while I'm away. Ideally, I picture an app running on my PC that can stream audio to my cell, when I run an app on my cell. Any ideas around this? And there can be monkeys in the middle (PC to webpage to phone).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get my Desire to stream audio on my Parrot MK600 car hands free kit. It pairs and connects, I can make calls over the hands free and it downloads the contact but when I play music from the stock Music app it still comes out over the handset.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I integrate the cupcake audio streaming code into the existing android sdk?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI subscribed to JetFlix, in the market. (Jetflicks! TV - Android app on AppBrain) It is a $3 app with a $10/month subscription. I watch it on my phone in my car at the lake during my lunch break. I know that probably sounds sad, but it is AWESOME. I'm a manager in the dang corporate world, and I forget that I am at work by the time I'm done with a movie and come on back to the office. It's my dirty little secret. ANYWAY, there are some great shows available on this application, and I was thinking of replacing my Netflix subscription with it if I could just stream it to my TV at home. I haven't bought an HDMI cable yet, because I don't have a use for one just yet. But is anything "streamable" to the tv? I read that only pictures and videos that were shot with the camera stream though the HDMI cable. If that is the case, what is the point? I keep all that stuff on a hard drive anyway. So my question: can I hook up an HDMI cable and stream Jetflicks to my TV? The Jetflicks movies play on the native Internet browser. So I guess a more accurate question would be: Does the native internet browser display on the TV through the HDMI cable? If so, is there audio?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to stream mp3's over http using Android's built in MediaPlayer class. The documentation would suggest to me that this should be as easy as :
MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
However I am getting the following repeatedly. I have tried different URLs as well. Please don't tell me that streaming doesn't work on mp3's.
E/PlayerDriver( 31): Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported
W/PlayerDriver( 31): PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete
E/MediaPlayer( 198): error (1, -4)
E/MediaPlayer( 198): start called in state 0
E/MediaPlayer( 198): error (-38, 0)
E/MediaPlayer( 198): Error (1,-4)
E/MediaPlayer( 198): Error (-38,0)
For my app, I need to record audio from MIC on an Android phone, and send it over TCP to the other android phone, where it needs to be played. I am using AudioRecord and AudioTrack class. This works great with a file - write audio to the file using DataOutputStream, and read from it using DataInputStream. However, if I obtain the same stream from a socket instead of a File, and try writing to it, I get an exception. I am at a loss to understand what could possibly be going wrong.
This is the code:.................