Motorola :: Android Player To Recognize Audio Tags On Lossless Audio Files?
May 23, 2010Does anyone know if there is a way for either meridian or the regular android player to recognize audio tags on lossless audio files?

Does anyone know if there is a way for either meridian or the regular android player to recognize audio tags on lossless audio files?
Ive searched around and havent seen an answer for this one yet. all my music is tagged correctly and it plays fine with every other music player, but the samsung music player will recognize some tags and the rest it just files under "unknown" but then it lists all the info under the song title, so i have a ton of songs with long titles by artist "unknown." is there a specific type of tag that the samsung player wants? other than that i actually like the stock music player, especially the drop down on the lock screen. is there another player with a neat drop down like that on the lock screen maybe?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want combine two audio files. (A audio file + B audio file = AB audio file)So, my search result is:
1. useing an AudioTrack.
2. decode PCM from audio file.
3. combine PCM.
This is currect? It there another way?
Is there a way to determine the audio format of an audio file in Android? On normal java I do it like this:
File file= new File(...);
AudioInputStream stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
AudioFormat format= stream.getFormat();
I'm still trying to get to grips with the folder/filing system of the Desire's SD card. I have yet to put any of my own MP3's onto the phone but have put on a few short audio clips which I created at work. These were on the phone mainly so I could transport them home but I also occasionally play them from the phone. However I don't want them cropping up amongst music in the music player app/widget, but it seems no matter where I put them on the SD card they appear. The only exception is if I put them in media => ringtones which isn't ideal. Are there any other places where i can put them where they won't be found by the media player?
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a player that will handle MP4 AVC files with a 5.1 AAC audio stream? The video plays just fine but none of the players seem capable of "downmixing" to stereo.
I did find one that would play the sound all garbled. I'd hate to have to recode my entire library to stereo to use it on my phone.
Okay I've spent a lot of time searching forums, googling, and all that, but as far as I know, there is not a single player that supports gapless playback for mp3 files. I have found an app that can play lossless audio: andLess, but it crashes all the time on my Droid X. I haven't rooted yet, although I plan on doing it after the 2.2 update, but I'll throw away my plans if it means I can actually turn my phone into a competent music player. Is there any app out there that does those two things? I'll even settle for having two separate apps for each, but I don't see how this is so difficult an app to make. When I first got my phone, I was happy that I would no longer have any use for my iPod touch, but this is just saddening.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am working on a application that would allow users to play remote files. My question is how do I open those remote files to be played in the default android player?but this does not give me control of what is happening!
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen the stock Android media player is playing a song, if you tap the album art box, you will discover that the Droid X has a visualizer for your viewing pleasure.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI connected my phone via USB to my RR sport to upload audio files to the RR hard drive. However, I keep getting connection error. Apparently my device is not being recognized as a storage. I did the unmount thinking. Also, I am wondering how I can play audio from my phone through the RR audio system.
RR is 2010.
I'm looking for an audio player that will automatically launch when I click on a .m3u file/link from within my browser. So far I've had no luck finding one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen will this be fixed! I have a kernal with the supposed 2.0.1 fix however when I put volume to 100%(for jamming in my car) I still get the crackling audio bug! Is there something I can do or will I just have to wait for motorola to fix it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting the following error when I try to play some song using the standard "Music" App: "sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file" So far I have only had this happen on .ogg files. I can play some .ogg files with no problem but other will not play. Often there is one I can play and one I can't from the same album which I ripped from my CD in the same ripping session so the encoding parameters should be the same. Another weird thing is that I sometime can succeed in playing a song by finding it in OI File Manager and selecting it there. OI File Manager opens in in the "Music" App and it plays not problem, but I cannot open it from within "Music" App!
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View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I'm listening to audio with my headphones through cherry rplayer and then take the headphones out to use the speaker, I don't get any sound...I have to shut down any audio players functions before I get any sound out of the speaker. Not sure if cherry rplayer is the culprit or not. I have also noticed that my media player starts playing by itself...
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If the phone contains SD card, it is clear that files should be saved there, but if there is no any external storage. where would you recommend to save to?
I want to know how to get the ringtone,audio files in the device and I want set them as alarm. I am working in the code to set the alarm and I want to know how to retreive audio or ringtones from the device.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an Android equivalent to the iOS Core Audio / Audio File Stream Services? I need to be able to read audio bytes from a network and feed them to the audio system under my control, so I can do my own timeouts / reconnects / range requests / etc. without interrupting the audio playback (since the system audio thread would be playing audio already enqueued). It seems that MediaPlayer doesn't give me this level of control. Is there a lower-level framework that does, either in the SDK or NDK?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to record a sample from the microphone, then I want to play the recorded file maximizing the volume and apply some audio effect, like modifing sample rate or addind an echo.Waht is the best way? is there an example?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCould you please let me know how to do the audio record in android emulator and play the same recorded audio. Could you please help me in proceeding in development.I tried with MediaPlayer API's also.Its not working.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an Android Audio Player that is based on a "now playing" playlist, like Amarok, Winamp or WMP. In relation with that playlist, I want buttons to add a song as the next song, or to add the song to the end of the playlist. Like the Rockbox firmware does it. Is there any app out there that works like this? I don't need any advanced features like lyrics, covers, etc, I just want to listen to music. In case there's nothing around, I'll even consider developing my own. Who needs synched lyrics if there's not even an "add next" option?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using Meridian to listen to audio books, but I would sure love to find a player that let's me choose when to start listening. Meridian remembers where I left off in a book, but one slight bump and it goes back to zero. Sure would be nice to have it start at "minute 210" or wherever.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've recorded audio in my Android application in its AMR format and I'd like to convert these to something that I can more easily use, such as WAV or MP3.
I've found some online instructions for this, for instance:
which say to start with the 3GPP reference solutions to convert AMR to WAV, and then use sox and lame from there.
I compiled this code and tried to convert my AMR file, but it seg faults. I think this is because Android's AMR files are wrapped in a 3GP container. There is some code online about how to unwrap the AMR files (, but I can't seem to get it to work and it seems like a lot of extra trouble just to get the audio from these files.
I am looking for an audio player for android HTC Incrdible
View 8 Replies View Relatedthis is my layout for audio player the problem is when resolution is high there is balck space vacant under the play and delete button which located at the bottom of the ui. what i do?
I am writing a music player for esoteric music formats, and have defined mime types for them in my Manifest.
However, the standard music player is always started even though it can't handle the format. Looking at logcat I see;
: D/MediaScannerService( 688): IMediaScannerService.scanFile: / sdcard/download/Cybernoid.sid mimeType: audio/prs.sid : I/ActivityManager( 578): Stopping service: : I/ActivityManager( 578): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=file:///sdcard/download/ Cybernoid.sid type=audio/prs.sid flags=0x4000000 comp={} }
.. so it seems the component is explicitly set to the music player ? Is there any way around this ?
The seek bar of Mediacontroller is not been updating according to de audio player. Only when the trackball is shifted, or the play/pause button is clicked, the seek bar tracks the audio player. Could anybody give me any clue?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to find an media player that plays videos but when I minimize or multitask to another app I want the videos audio to keep playing like pandora does. The reason for this is bcuz I rip videos off of youtube to mainly listen to the music.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried to play a piec of 16-bit .wav audio file, no sound came out from my earphone, but .mp3 file would be OK. Do any one else have this kind of experience? This is the code: player = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.test); // I put test.wav in /res/raw player.start();
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create an Android application that is a client for an Internet radio station. And I want it look native to Android? But im confused with Android API logic and documentation. What i've got is that I need MediaPlayer and MediaController classes. Am I right, and is there any good example of AUDIO player for Android?
Especially, I'm very interested how to use MediaPlayer and MediaController classes together.
Finally I've got the code, that does exactly what I want: