HTC EVO 4G :: STREAMING Music Player - Audio Formats

Jul 20, 2010

Any music player that can stream audio formats aac+,pls,m3u.asx,.ram?

HTC EVO 4G :: STREAMING music player - audio formats

Android :: Why All Audio Formats Always Passed To Music Player?

Jul 27, 2010

I am writing a music player for esoteric music formats, and have defined mime types for them in my Manifest.
However, the standard music player is always started even though it can't handle the format. Looking at logcat I see;

: D/MediaScannerService( 688): IMediaScannerService.scanFile: / sdcard/download/Cybernoid.sid mimeType: audio/prs.sid : I/ActivityManager( 578): Stopping service: : I/ActivityManager( 578): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=file:///sdcard/download/ Cybernoid.sid type=audio/prs.sid flags=0x4000000 comp={} }

.. so it seems the component is explicitly set to the music player ? Is there any way around this ?

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HTC Incredible :: Supported Formats For Music Player

Sep 1, 2010

My Vonage account sends me a .wav copy of each voice message via email and I used to be able to listen to them on my Dinc. Since the 2.2 update rolled in, I get an error indicating that the format is not supported.The common question since Froyo is the same here:Is this just my phone or are others seeing the same issue with .wav files?

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Motorola CLIQ :: Looking For .m3u Streaming Audio Player

Jan 5, 2010

I'm looking for an audio player that will automatically launch when I click on a .m3u file/link from within my browser. So far I've had no luck finding one.

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Android :: Possible To Use Media Player To Play Streaming Audio?

Mar 21, 2010

The dev guide suggests this
MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
mp.setDataSource(this, Uri.parse(""));
mp.prepare(); mp.start();
I can't seem to get it working though.
I'm getting " Prepare failed.: status=0x1"

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Android :: Getting Streaming Audio To Play With Media Player Class?

Jul 21, 2010

I am currently new to android development I been working on the examples in the Dev Guide in the android website. I want to get a stream from a server I have to play in the emulator when I insert the url it doesn't seam to want to play. My question is there a way to get the emulator to play audio or is it all enabled also does MediaPlayer require a special kind of format like mp3 or ogg? his is the code i am running on my 'onCreate()' method.
MediaPlayer mp - new MediaPlayer();

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Android :: Streaming Music Player?

Jun 23, 2010

Is there an application which alllows you to search for songs and stream them for play? Sorta like Slacker or Pandora, but they don't letter you choose your songs.

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Sprint HTC Hero : Music App That Allow To Create A Playlist - Streaming Audio?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm using EStrong's File Manager and it has the ability to work over a network. I set up my Linux desktop to share my pictures and music folders. I can connect to the shares via Estrongs and view the pictures, as well as play music. However, so far I can only play 1 song at a time. Does anyone know of a music app that would allow me to create a playlist and stream it from my computer to my phone via wi-fi?

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Motorola Droid :: Bluetooth Stereo Adapter - Streaming Music To Home Theater Audio Receiver

Mar 20, 2010

I was looking for a bluetooth device that I can connect to my Home theater receiver. Size is not an issue as it will sit in the closet and will be running on AC power all the time. I saw this real cheap device on deal extreme but reviews aren't great. DealExtreme: $12.99 Bluetooth 2.0 A2DP AVRCP Stereo Music Receiver and Handsfree (Black)

I also found this. BlackBerry Bluetooth Stereo Gateway: Cell Phones & Service . It is made for BB but will work with any A2DP device. A mini usb AC adapter is required for power source. Also found a motorola device for this. Motorola 89015J Dc800 Bluetooth Stereo Gateway | Discounted prices on all Bluetooth Headsets for the All All -

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Android : Streaming Audio / Miss My "Pocket Player" For WM6

Nov 20, 2008

Just got my G1 9 days ago. Sweet! I'm assuming that in the near future, almost everything imaginable will be available to install. I miss my "Pocket Player" for WM6, as I used it to access a radio station on the phone. Here is the url:

I have looked in the "market" on the phone and a number of programs purport to play some form of "streaming audio", but they all seem to connect to someone's server that has a playlist of songs that someone else likes. Does anyone know of, or have the sense that someone will actually develop an app that allows one to put in a url such as the one above, and actually be able to listen to the radio station as you would on a radio or on a PC?

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Motorola Droid :: Music Player Crackling Audio

Mar 3, 2010

When will this be fixed! I have a kernal with the supposed 2.0.1 fix however when I put volume to 100%(for jamming in my car) I still get the crackling audio bug! Is there something I can do or will I just have to wait for motorola to fix it?

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Samsung Captivate :: Stock Music Player 5.1 Audio

Sep 27, 2010

So the stock music player has the 5.1 setting, which to me makes a huge difference over other players. How many of you feel trapped into using it because it sounds better, like me? i wish I could get the same option on other players

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Media :: Audio Book Or Music Player With Variable Speed

Apr 27, 2010

I love my new HTC Desire and the only thing lacking is a music player that plays at variable speed. I listen to a lot of audio books and my old Sansa Clip player gives the option of playing audio at a faster speed (so you can go finish a book faster).The normal android player doesn't seem to have this option. Is there another player that does?

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Android :: Audio Stops After Some Time From Video/Music Player

Feb 16, 2009

As mentioned audio stops after some random number of times when played from either Music/Video player. After some debugging, I found that the problem is:

In "android_audio_output.cpp"->audout_thread_func() there is a call to wait(iAudioThreadSem->Wait()) just before the while(1) and it is waiting indefinitely for something.

Can anybody tell me what is it waiting for and why is it not able to come out? From what I can understand, it is waiting for a signal (semaphore) but where is it expecting a signal from?

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Android :: Mediaplayer Online Streaming Formats

Sep 22, 2010

I am trying to create a small application for streaming radio broadcast that is in video/x-ms-asf format. the url has a .asx extension at the end. I have come to know that Android does not support this format currently, what other format for streaming broadcasts does it support so I can request that from the radio?

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General :: Android Music App - Player Does Not Support This Type Of Audio File

Mar 8, 2010

Music101 question: Im new to Android and I have a CLIQ.

I just copyied music files from my Windows-based pc the they all copied with no problem. The issue is when I go to play the music I have to force close the app repeatedly then I get an error message saying "sorry player does not support this type of audio file".

Is there an app available to convert files or did I mess up the path in someway that the songs, all mp3's btw, just aren't being located properly?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Streaming Video Codec / Formats?

Feb 3, 2010

I am looking to figure out how to stream a video off my website through the browser. I know it is possible since I've seen some of those mobile porn sites do it, I just cant figure out what format this is in or how to get the video to play.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Do All Earpieces Support Streaming / Playing Music / Sprint Tv Audio / Google Listen?

Dec 4, 2009

I have had a lot of smart phones but never used bluetooth headsets and have a few questions.Can you get a bluetooth earpiece for answering phone calls that lets you answer from the headset once paired?

Do all the earpieces support streaming or playing music/sprint tv audio/Google listen?Are they all mono or do some single earpieces have stereo?Is there an industry standard for noise reduction that I should look for in the feature list? Any other tips if I just want to buy one and be satisfied its the right one?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Playing .avi And Other Formats On Native Player

Aug 16, 2010

I downloaded a few episodes of my favorite series (futurama whoop whoop whoop) off of to watch on the go. Now, the native player won't play .avi files, which is an annoying inconvenience for such an advanced device, but easily averted with a trip to the market. I personally use rockplayer to play these.

But now in an effort to get what little use the hdmi out offers I want to get them to play on the native player to be able to project them on my television.

Is there a way to play .avi or other formats on the evos native player? or a way to convert them?

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2.1 Update :: Any Player Which Can Play All Video Formats?

Nov 9, 2010

I tried searching all kind off applications for this but dint find to my expectations. I tried for Vplayer, but it says, cannot install. Iam using an X10 Mini Pro.

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Android :: Media Player To Play AVI And Other File Formats?

Feb 12, 2009

Is there any support for avi and other media formats except mp4 and 3gpp? If there is no support may I develop a support through correct the program? Will that be too difficult ?I don't know where to put my hands into first, should I correct programs in opencore first or should I just correct programs in directory frameworks/base/include/ media . I want to have a clear mind how I can achieve my goal, I need a roadmap to guide me how to do it.

I am trying to get familiar with the SDK 1.0 now. another question, my chip is from freescale and it supports hardware codecs of mpeg4, h.263 and h.264, I don't know whether I can change the program or the architecture of mediaplayer to utilize my hardware codecs instead of software codecs provided by android opencore. I once implement an mplayer to my platform, there is problems about sync of audio and video due to the quality of my chips(CPU can support software codecs but is not fast enough to make sure sync of audio and video), So I am worried about when the android is implemented, there would also be the same problem, and for this reason, I am thinking whether I can utilize my hardware codecs for mediaplayer.

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Android : What Are File Formats Can Droid Video Player Supports In Phone?

Mar 31, 2010

what are file formats android video player can support in android?

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Media :: Software To Convert Music Formats

Jul 10, 2010

Anyone know of any decent software to convert music formats? Specifically Apple formats to mp3? I am hoping to find something that is free, but would probably be willing to pay a few bucks for something that is outstanding.

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Motorola :: Android Player To Recognize Audio Tags On Lossless Audio Files?

May 23, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a way for either meridian or the regular android player to recognize audio tags on lossless audio files?

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Samsung Captivate :: Headsets And Music File Formats

Aug 29, 2010

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love the Captivate- it's my first Android phone- been using Symbian phones for 6 years and have had an ipod touch for all the apps. I'm used to good headphones- having owned upper level Sonys and Ultimate Ears. The set that comes with Captivate is fairly mid grade- not awful, but not great either. I've been looking at aftermarket headsets with microphone and there are very few models advertised as compatible with Android phones, but tons of choices for iPhone.I see that many posters here own(ed) iPhones.Do the iPhone headset with microphone work with Captivate as expected? Are there possibly mic sensitivity issues, or some other things I should look out for? Looking to get a set in the $70-$120 range so that I can enjoy my mostly lossless music library.

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Media :: MP3 - Music Player Instead Of Stock Droid Music Player

Oct 8, 2010

I have the Motorola Droid and am using the stock music player. I was looking for alittle help finding something better to sure alot of you are using something much better.

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General :: Google Play Music / Why Does It Cache Extra Music When Streaming Just One Song

Oct 9, 2012

when I want to stream one particular song I noticed that the Google Play Music app downloads and caches the previous/next few songs for quicker access. How can I prevent this? It uses a lot of data and I usually only want to listen to the one song I chose to stream.

For example if I play a 6 mb song i noticed it uses about 40 mb to stream just that one song. Then I selected a different song to stream and immediately went into settings > download queue and noticed it was loading more songs than the one I requested. I only want to listen to the 1 song I chose, so how can I prevent the other songs from loading? As far as I can see there is no way in the app's settings but there has to be another way to stop this inconvenience.

P.S. I have a T999 galaxy s3 running on stock rooted ICS

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can't Play Streaming Audio From Web

Sep 19, 2010

My favorite TV and FM stations all have links on there websites for live streaming vidoe/audio. They all have Quicktime or Windows Media links but my Evo will not plahy them. I've tried several Radio apps on the Market but no luck with them either. Is this a planned fix or do I have to go back to to a I-phone or a windows based phone?

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Android :: Audio Streaming From PC To Phone

Aug 26, 2009

I'd like to be able to keep tabs on my dogs while I'm away. Ideally, I picture an app running on my PC that can stream audio to my cell, when I run an app on my cell. Any ideas around this? And there can be monkeys in the middle (PC to webpage to phone).

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HTC Desire :: Audio Streaming On Bluetooth

May 25, 2010

I can't seem to get my Desire to stream audio on my Parrot MK600 car hands free kit. It pairs and connects, I can make calls over the hands free and it downloads the contact but when I play music from the stock Music app it still comes out over the handset.

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