Media : Where Did "I-music" Go On Marketplace For Downloading Free Tunes?
May 1, 2010Where did "I-music" go on the marketplace for downloading free tunes?

Where did "I-music" go on the marketplace for downloading free tunes?
new owner of two Motorola Droids and can not figure out what system to use to download music from my PC to the phone. I had a BB Storm which used Verizon Rhapsody very easily. What does everyone use on their PC's?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan the G1 support incoming caller tunes, where the caller hears a tune instead of a ring. If so how do I make it.
View 10 Replies View RelatedLooking for an Android radio app similar to Pocket Tunes for the Iphone/Ipod Touch that will enable me to listen to local/regional BBC stations on my Verizon Droid. Unable to launch BBC's iPlayer as a Flash Player for Android 2.x has not been released yet. Pocket Tunes' rebroadcast does not require a flash player. None of the apps I've tried in Market Place has been able to capture local BBC stations.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do the makers of music download apps that allow you to get the songs for free get away with it. Is it O.K for them but illegal for us? Wasn't the law changed a while back?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere was an app to download free music to your phone and is now illegal does anyone know what it was and the website to get it at now
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe Marketplace is not downloading anything for me? Even the Talk method isn't working. What I mean by that is that Google Talk isn't even working for my phone...
Any ideas, besides hard-resetting?
I recently have been unable to download anything from marketplace although my wifi internet connection was working.
Then I remembered that being in the UK I had recently taken advantage of changing my email from googlemail to gmail, although I had changed this in my mail on the phone it seemed to upset the marketplace downloads
Changed it back to googlemail and all works fine.
Is everything in the g1 marketplace free?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have been having some major problems with my EVO regarding the data. If I use anything that is on the heavy side of bandwidth, like downloading a file from android marketplace, surfing the web, watching sprint tv, using the GPS, etc...the data will just time out for about 3 min at a time. For instance if I am downloading a 5mb app from android marketplace, it will maybe download a megabyte, then it will just stop downloading. If you look at the 3G symbol at the top, it will be white, but only the upstream indicator will be on. I can then open any other internet application on the phone, and nothing will work. It usually lasts for about 3 minutes at a time and happens fairly regularly. It will end up taking me 15-20 min to download a 5mb file from the marketplace. Same thing if I browse a bandwidth heavy site like It will just time out after a while and it will just show the upstream indicator as solid and not do anything in any program.
This problem is not location dependent. I have this issue at my apartment, at work, at my friend's house, at the Sprint store...anywhere. I live in South Denver.
In chronological order, this is what I have done to troubleshoot/fix the problem:
First noticed problem
Turned off phone/Turned back on
Rooted and installed custom version of 2.1 w/ Sense
Removed battery (power cycle)
Talk to Sprint cust care. They sent signal over that reactivated the phone (2x)
Did factory reset on phone and formatted SD card
Swapped phone at Sprint store with new one
So even after swapping my EVO with a new EVO from the Sprint store and not fooling with the phone at all, I am still having the same exact issue.
I am absolutely at wit's end with this and I have no idea what to do at this point.
Update (6/25):
I have not been able to test with Wifi yet, but I just had one of my coworkers that has the same phone to replicate the issue on his phone. He is having the same exact problem as me, he just didnt realize it.
We set our phones next to each other and downloaded Space Buster 3D Lite off the Android Marketplace. Mine crapped out about 2mb in and so did his. He wasnt able to surf or do anything else on his phone for a few minutes just like mine.
I'm wondering if this a network problem in our area or if there is a problem with the phone.
Also, I downloaded a continuous ping program and did 3,000 pings with no packet loss, so it seems to only happen with heavy data usage ie. saturating your bandwidth.
Create a sample application with two launcher icons.
For example, two components such as:
Either install the application via downloading from the Marketplace, or via AppInstaller. When the message box asks you if you would like to run the application, an exception is thrown:
The crash happens because is trying to find a (single) component which resolves the following intent: <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Has been tested BOTH with the AppInstaller, and the actual Marketplace on a real device.
Can annyone recommend any good games, possibly free, on the android marketplace?
Also, it'll be nice to try some games using the six-axis motion sensor.
i cant seem to found GDE for the droid and i was wondering if its free
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I download free apps from the Apps section?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the easiest way to put music on the Hero and what is the cheapest if not free way to get the music?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI hate my Samsung sph-m900 built-in ringtones, where can i download some free ringtones for my cellphone?
View 31 Replies View RelatedI recently had to reinstall my whole phone but didn't save the apps.Now I had alot of apps but they were all mostly free ones so it didn't bother me.Downloading this many though is going way over my internet usage and costing me a fortune (I have fair use policy and its cained)Basically so I dont have to download from the market I thought it be good to try and find the .apk files for each Free app I have and just download them to my PC then paste them onto my phone internal SD then using astro or something install them.Only problem is, I cant find where to get the.Anyone help?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to the Play website I have to log in before I can do anything. However, from my phone or tablet I can install as many free apps as they want with no password required.
My kids are getting tablets but I don't want them to be able to install anything on their own, including free apps.
I am trying to download a ringtone onto my phone (which apparently gets downloaded to my sd card under download) but its saying I have no available space. Its a 2 gig mem card and i have 1.7 gigs left on it thats completely free. And my phone has 99mb of internal memory free. So a few hundred kb ringtone should not be saying this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSync Music to Nexus One using itunes and Windows Media Player. This process automatically creates a Music folder at the root level of the SD card. Hopefully some of you find this useful, especially coming from using iTunes Read more
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow To: Properly Sync Music To Android With MediaMonkey | from the site: Mount your phone in USB Mode to your computer, and note the drive letter that it is associated Open this drive in Windows Explorer and create the appropriate folders where you want your music stored. I have one called Music and one called Playlists, but you can do this however you want. Now launch MediaMonkey, and make sure it shows your phones memory card in the left sidebar (separately from the MyComputer option) In MediaMonkey, click on Tools up top, then choose Options and go down to Portable/Audio Devices Uncheck *all* of the plug-ins except d_USBMass1.dll Highlight d_USBMass1.dll and click on the Configure button to the right Choose the Device Configuration tab in the dialog box that popped up In the middle of this tab, youll see a box called Device Name, which is where youll type the name of your phone (mine is NexusOne)Below this, choose the appropriate drive letter from the drop-down Below this, enter a Drive Label (again, mine is NexusOne)Leave the USB Device ID box empty and dont click the Find Device button While you have this dialog box open, you can tinker with the other tabs, if you want. This is where you can specify a folder hierarchy and adjust your sync settings. I would recommend creating a small playlist (~15-20 tracks from various artists/genres/albums) to test with you dont want to do a full sync only to realize you dont like your sync settings. This guide is better because it allows for the use of smart playlists and has much fewer steps than if you use winamp.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAny thought on how the Marketplace handles the information related to the marketplace applications? I wonder if the request is posted to the marketplace every time client is started or if some of the available applications data is stored locally and refreshed by the background service.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAny tips on how to download mp3 files? When I click on links in the browser the file just starts streaming in the media player. I saw another poster mentioned an app called "download crutch" but it isn't available in Market for the Cliq.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been using Moto Media Link so transfer music to my droid but I can only use it for like a couple minutes then it just closes on it's own, anyone else have this problem? I'm on Windows XP.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAfter hours of hit and miss using programs like Double Twist etc. I found that the easiest way to sync music to the iHTC Music player is to use Windows Media Player and buy Album Art Grabber to load the album art. Once you have done the initial sync with WMP you can go back and load individual albums simply by dragging them to the sync area. Connect your phone to the PC and unmount the SD card Open WMP and click the sync tab. Click the drive that represents your SD card (mine was H You will be prompted to sync everything for either this session or all sessions. (I always click this session only). Works great and all I will need in the future!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've got a ton of music on my SD card in my phone, approx. 6.5GB worth on an 8GB card. The problem is, the music players in Android (I've used the default, RockOn and MixZing, though I want to stay with MixZing) only recognize about 80% of the music, in their libraries. The thing is, the music is there! If I browse to the folder and launch the file it will play, but there's no artist/title data, even though all the files are properly tagged (mp3s), plus, it opens in a weird verion of the default music player that will stop playing if it loses focus.
This has been a issue ever since I got this phone. It's a brand new SD card (my previous one, in addition to this problem, had major corruption issues; I originally thought it was the card but I guess that's not the case). Also, I've gone through two different ROMs (one when I first got the phone, and a second that I upgraded to about a month ago), so I don't think that's the issue. It seems to affect random folders (albums) at different times, whenever the library is refreshed, but I can't refresh the library manually (that I've found) to see if it's just not scanning those files, or if it's a more underlying issue. I'm stumped
I created a signed apk. I uploaded it to marketplace as usual. I also installed a copy of it on a device directly, perhaps as an email attachment.If I upload an updated version of the app to the marketplace, will the device be notified that a new version of the app exists on marketplace? Or does that update-alert system depend on the app being originally installed through marketplace?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm new to both these forums and Android so please go easy on me. I have tried to download ring tones from a few different sources in the Android market and they work fine for a while, but as soon as I turn my phone off they seem to get lost. Am I doing something wrong?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been using the standard media player on my Nexus one since I've gotten it, only loaded music once using simple copy and paste method on the folder level. Problem is I've gotten new music (alot) and I can no longer fit it all on my nexus one.
Before someone mentions it, I've tried using DoubleTwist and I'm not a fan, I've had issues with slow syncing, duplicates, and as a music manager I can't determine the total size of the media I want to sync, can't choose more than all or selected playlists, no artist selections, I can't edit the file tags within the application, and some music isn't removed when I try to remove it from my library (not move to trash)... Overall I'm very unsatisfied.
Needless to say I'm looking for something else to use, something that allows me to rate my music both on the desktop and on my nexus one...and that those ratings actually sync on... this will allow me to determine what I Listen to and thus only transfer that over to my N1.