KitKat 4.4 :: How To Force Media Rescan

Dec 16, 2013

I used to use an app but none of them are working after 4.4. how to trigger a rescan manually? I tried rebooting and still doesn't work.

KitKat 4.4 :: How to Force Media Rescan

General :: Besides Clearing Media Storage Ways To Force Rescan

Oct 9, 2012

Besides clearing the media storage, what are the ways to force a rescan? My rescan service seems to have stopped and everything in the gallery is blank. I tried some third party rescan but all fail. GT-N7000

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Android : How To Force MediaStore To Rescan SD Card

Feb 14, 2009

If I pragmatically store new media files on the SD card, the MediaStore does not know about them until I remove and reinsert the SD card. Is there a way to tell the MediaStore to rescan the SD card without first unmounting the SD card?

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Android : Possible To Rescan Sd-card With Media Scanner?

Nov 2, 2009

I've already been searching forums and google groups to find out how to force Media Scanner to rescan the sd-card for media files, but with no luck. So after 2 days of searching i decided to post a question here.

In my app i need to rename media files, change their extension, or to reveal them by changing back their extension, but the changes take effect only after i run Media Scanner from the dev-tools, or remount the image, or reboot the phone/emulator. I've tried using MediaScannerConnection, and it only works when revealing media files, but not refreshing the gallery / music player thumbnails which is the biggest problem in my app development right now.

I've also tried copying files and deleting the old ones, but that has no effect also. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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Android : How Can I Rescan An Entire Folder To Watch For Changes In Media

Aug 5, 2010

So my app downloads images at the users' request from an online source. Through a button in the activity, the user can choose to hide or show the images in the gallery. This is easy enough, I just add or remove a .nomedia file as needed. However, I want to rescan media every time so that the change is instant, and requires no further user interaction.

After each image is downloaded, I am using the method at to scan the specific image into the library. That works great for one image, but when the .nomedia file is added, I really need to be able to scan a whole directory.

I have considered calling the MediaScannerNotifier on each image in the directory, but that just seems clumsy and lazy.

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KitKat 4.4 :: Media Not Found - Can't See Pictures?

Jan 23, 2014

So I accidentally deleted my DCIM folder on my phone through Android File Transfer and it deleted all my photos. I understand that I probably can't get them back, but the thing is, now if I take a picture, I can't see it! When I go in photos it just says "Media not found. (Google Nexus 5)

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KitKat 4.4 :: 4.4.1 Removes Bluetooth Media Setting?

Dec 6, 2013

I just upgraded my N4 to 4.4.1 and now when I get in my VW GTI it starts auto-playing music in my pocket. This issue has always existed for me with multiple nexus devices on different versions of android but I was always to eliminate this issue by unchecking media playback in the bluetooth settings confining its use to only phone connectivity. This setting has often reset when I receive an update so I headed back into the bluetooth settings to turn off media playback only to find that it no longer exists.

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Media :: How To Force App To Run In Background?

Nov 1, 2010

I use myPlayer to stream BBC iplayer content, and it works brilliantly, but if i lock the phone the app closes, or if i switch to another app it also closes. this is annoying as i want to stream radio in the background. on my old symbian phone i could do this easily. The reason for this, as anyone with a HTC desire wil know, is the formatting is crap and on a large number of desires, doesnt work at all.

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Motorola Droid X :: Media Player Lagging / Force Close?

Nov 23, 2010

I'll start by saying I have been reading these forums for quite awhile. The information on here was what swayed me toward purchasing my DX, and I thank you for that as the phone has been great.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced pretty severe lagging with the stock media player as it has been happening to me quite often lately.

I will be listening to an album and not using the phone otherwise, then I will try to switch to another application and everything will freeze. The music will stop, occasionally a black screen appears and no buttons work.

The result is usually a battery pull.... This has happened to me twice already today, so I wanted to see if others have experienced the same thing with the media player, and if it is the media player that's the culprit, perhaps recommend an alternative.

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Motorola Droid X : Music App Showing Deleted Songs / Rescan SD Card?

Aug 22, 2010

I don't know if this is a problem with using double twist to sync music then the default player to play it, but i recently wiped all my phones music using double twist media sync program and then put some more music on... after this i went into the default music player and it was very lagy and showed songs that i had removed with double twist but when i went to play them it would play a random song that was on the phone... does anyone know how to get the media player on droid x to rescan your SD card so i can realize that some songs are gone now?

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Android :: Media Player On HTC Hero Misbehaving And Intercepting Bluetooth Media Buttons

Jan 10, 2010

Even registering the broadcast receiver at the highest priority still fails to receive the Bluetooth media button events on the HTC Hero phone. The Bluetooth media button registration code works fine on the other Android phones that I have tested. Apparently this isn't the first time HTC has done something like this, as I also found a report of a similar problem on one of the HTC Microsoft Mobile Devices reported here

It seems extremely short sighted of HTC to code their media player so that it grabs the Bluetooth AVRCP media button events in such a way that other applications are unable to work with the Bluetooth head phone buttons and Bluetooth in car stereo systems.................

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Media :: Custom Ringtones From Rooted Media Folder To Show Up In Selection Menus?

Nov 12, 2010

How do I get my custom ringtones from rooted media folder to show up in selection menus?

I am rooted and have successfully copied .ogg .wav or .mp3 ringtones to system/media/audio/ringtones, notifications or alarms folders. I can even play them from those folders on press.

My hassle is I am not able to select these as my tones. They don't show up in the menus. I want them in the root because if I am connected to my pc and an email/text/call comes in that is assigned a Custom tone on sd, then my tones revert back to a default tone and I have to reset them all when i disconnect from pc

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Media :: How To Sync Android To Windows Media Player (including Playlists)

Nov 10, 2010

I use Windows Media Player to manage all my mp3s and playlists. I want my Samsung Galaxy S to be synchronized with my PC. I can connect my Galaxy S using "Media Player" mode and use the built-in sync with WMP, but there are issues:
1) Some mp3s get "corrupted" - how do I force WMP to "re-sync" them without losing my playlist association (if I manually add it as a file to sync, it is no longer associated with the playlist)

2) If I delete an mp3 from the device, WMP doesn't realize and won't re-sync the file again... is there a way to re-sync?

3) Sometimes WMP will re-sync playlists and each song shows up 3-4+ times when I load up a playlist on my device. I then have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch any way around this?

4) Where are android playlists stored? The Playlists folder on the sd card can be wiped, but the playlists still show up in the music player?

5) If I make a change to a playlist on my PC, WMP will freeze and start skipping random files the playlists get corrupt and I see problem #3 occur. Essentially, if I change a playlist, I have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch.

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Motorola Droid X :: Media Manager Or Media Link To Sync Itunes

Aug 25, 2010

Is anyone using the Motorola Media Manager (or Media Link) to sync their itunes with the X? I downloaded the software but it keeps crashing. I've seen a few people refer to it but haven't seen much about it working or being used. I did find an app called iSyncr for PC that seems to have some good comments though.

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Media :: Dual Pairing Bluetooth HT820 Headset For Media And Phone?

Nov 14, 2008

Almost a year ago I purchased the HT820 Motorolla headset so I could pair a bluetooth phone and mp3 player to the same headset. It worked fantastic. Now that I finally have my hands on the Google phone, I was hoping to dual pair the headset to the phone for both media and the phone.

I don't know if I am doing something wrong during the pairing procedure, but it will not play media through the headset, except in the second before dialing a contact or just after I hang up. Whatever music is playing, comes out of the speakers, but like I said if a call comes in, I hear the music through the headset until I answer, and then it pauses like it should, then plays again after I hang up but it switches back to the external speaker almost immediately.

It works fine for the phone, and in the Bluetooth list of devices, it shows as connected.

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Media :: Find A Media Player To Play Streaming Videos On Andro?

Sep 1, 2010

Does anyone know where to find a media player that would allow you to play streaming videos on Android Browser?

I want to know if you can play streaming videos on your web browser on your android os phone.

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Media :: Converting Videos Recorded With MT3G For Use In Windows Media Player / Movie Maker

Apr 8, 2010

I want to be able to use/view the video's I record with my phone on my computer. (open from an email or use in window's movie maker)I have a new computer with Windows seven at work and a Vista laptop at home. I can send the video to myself and try to open in from my email or tether to the computer and transfer the file manually. Either way I can't open with windows media player. Video's taken with default "Camcorder" app on a myTough 3G running Android 1.6.I know it has something to do with the codec's the phone uses but wonder why they wouldn't use codec's that are compatible with the most commonly used pc's?Is there any way around this? Some kind of converter for the computer or for the phone?Is there another camcorder app that can record video with a different codec or is it phone hardware specific?So far have been able to use these forum's to sort out most of my Android problems but I'm stumped on this one. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard to do. Should be more user friendly.

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Media :: Sync Music With Itunes And Windows Media Player

Jun 7, 2010

Sync Music to Nexus One using itunes and Windows Media Player. This process automatically creates a Music folder at the root level of the SD card. Hopefully some of you find this useful, especially coming from using iTunes Read more

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Android :: Private Media File Clean Up By Media Provider

May 9, 2009

the media provider cleans the media files, if files didn't get read since last two month. does it cleans(delete) the private application media file stored on sdcard, too if didn't get read from last two month? or Appl Private media file does not come under media file?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Adjust Media Volume Without First Playing Media?

Oct 14, 2009

I noticed that you can't adjust media volume without first playing media. Like you have to, for example, press the play button before pressing rocker volume in order to adjust media volume or else you'll just be adjusting ringer volume. This is unfortunate since games also use media volume. So if you wonna start up a quick game in a quiet setting, your in trouble if you were listening music before and never turned down/off the media volume. Unless I'm missing something and there is in fact a way to do it?

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Media :: Way To Sync Music To Android Device Using Media Monkey

Jul 22, 2010

How To: Properly Sync Music To Android With MediaMonkey | from the site: Mount your phone in USB Mode to your computer, and note the drive letter that it is associated Open this drive in Windows Explorer and create the appropriate folders where you want your music stored. I have one called Music and one called Playlists, but you can do this however you want. Now launch MediaMonkey, and make sure it shows your phones memory card in the left sidebar (separately from the MyComputer option) In MediaMonkey, click on Tools up top, then choose Options and go down to Portable/Audio Devices Uncheck *all* of the plug-ins except d_USBMass1.dll Highlight d_USBMass1.dll and click on the Configure button to the right Choose the Device Configuration tab in the dialog box that popped up In the middle of this tab, youll see a box called Device Name, which is where youll type the name of your phone (mine is NexusOne)Below this, choose the appropriate drive letter from the drop-down Below this, enter a Drive Label (again, mine is NexusOne)Leave the USB Device ID box empty and dont click the Find Device button While you have this dialog box open, you can tinker with the other tabs, if you want. This is where you can specify a folder hierarchy and adjust your sync settings. I would recommend creating a small playlist (~15-20 tracks from various artists/genres/albums) to test with you dont want to do a full sync only to realize you dont like your sync settings. This guide is better because it allows for the use of smart playlists and has much fewer steps than if you use winamp.

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Media :: Recommendations For In-ear Earbuds With Media Button And Asymmetrical Cord?

Oct 8, 2010

After using the Sennheiser CX300 with it's asymmetrical cord (one longer than the other) that goes behind the neck (or J cord), I simply cannot go back to the symmetrical even length Y cord. Now that I have an Android phone, it'd be great if I could get a quality pair of asymmetrical cord earbuds with a media button. I bought the Sennheiser MM50 iP which looked like clones of the CX300 with a media button, but just like the reviews said, they broke within months (cable shorts out at the jack). I'm sending them back for warranty repair, but it'll only be a matter of time before they break again (which is strange because my CX300s are practically bulletproof). Anyone have recommendations for in-ear earbuds with a media button and asymmetrical cord?

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Media : Media Encoder - Can't Use Handbrake - Keep Getting Error With It When Try To Compile Movies To Mp4

Apr 23, 2010

That isn't handbrake. I can't use handbrake. I keep getting a weird error with it when I try to compile my movies to mp4. The devs for handbrake basically said they were sorry but it wont work on my system. Anyway, anyone know of a good program I can use to encode for the droid?

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Media :: HTC Desire - Media Player Doesn't Work

Sep 12, 2010

I have just got a HTC desire and like many people would like to be able to get rid of my iPod all together and have just my phone. The problem I'm having is that the media player on the HTC desire doesn't work nearly as well as iTunes. I have several issues that would needed to be resolved and wanted to know if anyone had a solution to any of them

1) Audio books, I have many of these on my iTunes and on an iPod they are displayed in a separate folder and are removed from shuffles, not so on the HTC, solution?

2) Podcasts, Again i subscribe to many podcasts on my iTunes and wanted to know if there was any way of adding them to my HTC automatically or having them download automatically (Despite this being very annoying and clogging up my hard drive with duplicated podcasts)

3)Playlists I am currently using iTunes agent to sync from my iTunes but it means that I cannot sync playlists that i can then play on my phone. (I can sync playlists just not then play them on their own once they are on my phone)

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Media :: Prevent Media Link From Automatically Opening

May 19, 2010

is there a way to prevent Motorola Media Link from automatically opening every time i plug my Droid into my laptop? I know how to prevent it from automatically syncing once connected, but i can't find a way to prevent it from opening at all when connected.

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Media :: Media Link Always Closes - Transfer Music?

Jan 4, 2010

I've been using Moto Media Link so transfer music to my droid but I can only use it for like a couple minutes then it just closes on it's own, anyone else have this problem? I'm on Windows XP.

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Media :: No Media Player Will Play Music In Order As CD

Jul 7, 2010

I guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?

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Media :: Media Players With Good Sound Or Equalizer

Apr 26, 2010

Does any one know of any audio players with good sound or an equalizer for free or reasonable priced.

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Media :: Media Player Playing Alphabetically Instead Of Track

Jun 7, 2010

The tracks in an album playing alphabetically instead of by the track number?

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Media :: Synching Music Using Windows Media Player

Jun 16, 2010

After hours of hit and miss using programs like Double Twist etc. I found that the easiest way to sync music to the iHTC Music player is to use Windows Media Player and buy Album Art Grabber to load the album art. Once you have done the initial sync with WMP you can go back and load individual albums simply by dragging them to the sync area. Connect your phone to the PC and unmount the SD card Open WMP and click the sync tab. Click the drive that represents your SD card (mine was H You will be prompted to sync everything for either this session or all sessions. (I always click this session only). Works great and all I will need in the future!

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