HTC Magic :: Possible To Install 2.1 On Mytouch?
Feb 2, 2010Is it possible to install 2.1 on a mytouch? I apologize if this question has been asked before, but search skips "2" so it's kind of impossible to find anything useful.

Is it possible to install 2.1 on a mytouch? I apologize if this question has been asked before, but search skips "2" so it's kind of impossible to find anything useful.
I don't have a data plane so when the phone loads up it immediately asks me to sign in in to google account. is there a way I can use the phone without data plane?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow to install a Rom on a HTC Glacier..
I Have a Mytouch 4g Glacier
Android Version 2.3.4
Software Number
Build Number
The awnser to the question is simple i have a problem with my Signal, the internet of my cellphone is 2G doenst go to H+ why, dont know and no one have the awnser to that... beside that i only have 1GB of internal Space.. and should be 4GB So thats why i decide to install a Rom and if there is a way without ROOT.
I have a MyTouch 3G running Android, which has been rooted. I was wondering if it is possible to install Windows Phone 7 on this phone, or if it is even close to compatible.
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View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install apk's in my new htc magic I had before a G1 and I didn't found any problem, just doing adb install myapp.apk and that's it now, when I do the same with my htc, it says "error: device not found" Also, I noticed that if I type "adb devices", I dont get any device shown...I have also done the following settings in the mobile, with no luck: settings->applications->unknown sources (checked) settings->applications->development->usb debugging (checked) settings->applications->development->allow mock locations (checked) I know that is not a problem with the usb cable, as I have tried a few of them, including the one that was working with the G1... It could be a problem with the usb drivers, but everything seems fine in my device manager.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a serious problem.i brought a htc magic unlocked ,voda phone ,and i have a problem the phone when i connect the usb to my pc don't install on it the phone software,so i cant put any song ,video ,or document on it because i cant do any sync with pc.can someone help me.because first the PC try to search in the Internet for the program of install and then require to me a installation Cd that doesn't exist!
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to install the usb driver for the HTC magic? Whenever I plug in the phone and select to mount is as a mass storage device, it gets mounted, but no "New Hardware" wizzard appears. I've enabled USB debugging in the settings.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have Windows 7, and when installing HTC Sync it fails to install a driver for my Magic. Has anyone here with Windows Vista successfully installed HTC Driver? It should be placed in C:Program FilesHTCHTC Driver. Can anyone tell me what that folder contains?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIcan't notice how to install applications from market to my SD instead in the phone memory.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to install MSN messenger in my phone.
View 5 Replies View Related1) I want to Un-root my Magic and I want to know if use the same manual as the G1. (I cannot find any link that explain the Magic all is about G1) 2) After I have the root I would like to install the Rosie in my Magic. Someone can post me a link of it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am interested in developing an app for my HTC Magic (Android) phone. Using instructions on android's developer site, I installed eclipse with the right plugins, got created the AVD and wrote my first Hello World app which ran in the AVD. I would now like to install that Hello World app on my HTC Magic, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. I've managed to create a signed .apk file and I've stored that file on the SD card of my phone, but still I can't install it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have bought a htc magic which is second product. Unfortunately, this phone doesn't have software (OS). So, is there anyone know how to install fresh copy of Android OS in my phone? I'm so need this phone to do my final assignment of my course.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyway while trying out ROMS today I tried the default android keyboard and I have to say. I LOVE IT. It completely owns the hero keyboard that came with my rogers htc magic. Anyway I basically want to know how to install the original android keyboard on other ROMS.
View 9 Replies View Relatedmine is a unlocked htc magic. im from Bangalore India. how can i upgrade my firmware to 1.6 donut. 1.5 doesnt have ANDROID MARKET, i need android market very badly. how can i gethold of 1.6 n android market.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe HTC magic has following application:
* PDF Viewer
* Word
* Excel
* Capture video or stills
Is possible to install these application on Vodafone Magic or at least the PDF Viewer?
My friend with a mytouch has a different IM app that I have. His offers AIM and yahoo How do I get that one on my G1? I have google talk, but want the other app too. I couldnt' find it in the market.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedReducing Lag Due to Location Based Services (Tested with myTouch)Only use GPS or Network Based Location services but don't have both enabled at the same time.I purchased the myTouch on 08/20/09 running Firmware 1.5 (Cupcake), Build Number COC10. I am also using the 4GB card that came with the phone.I found that Sherpa and Google maps tended be less than accurate and lagged significantly despite being in Downtown Seattle with 2 - 4 bars of service depending on building density.I also had Pedometer running (a free app from the Market). Sherpa was exteremely laggy to the point of being useless in both Carsel Mode as well as Map Mode. I didn't use Satillite nor Street View in any of my testing.
When I killed Pedometer, I found Sherpa seemed to improve a bit, but still, it was very clumsy to use due to lag. I then looked at "Security and Locations" services and saw both "Use wireless netowrks" and "GPS" enabled. I first disabled "Use wireless netowrks" and saw an immediate improvement in Sherpa. I reenabeld the Pedometer and still got a good response from Sherpa and Google Maps including reduced lag and more precise location. I then disabled GPS (and told the applications to cancel when asked to enable) and enabeld Network based services. Sherpa, Google Maps and Pedometer all responded well, location services improved in accuracy and little lag.
I got the gist of how to add music, pictures to Mytouch but video's seem to be a little trickier. I know you hook up the mini usb cable to the Mytouch and then you can unmount the SD card so that you can view it on your computer but when I would put a video file, lets say .avi file. The video wouldn't play right, are we required to convert the video files to another format?
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View 1 Replies View Relatedplayback of music using the htc magic (rogers) music player? I am getting some random blips of no audio when playing music. maybe a 1sec of no audio. Killed all tasks with taskiller and there is still the issue.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo for some reason after updating to SENSE UI for the Magic, I've had difficulties programming my hotmail into my phone. I'm not sure if its due to the firmware of if i'm simply doing something wrong. Here are my configuration settings (I'm using POP3):
Incoming Settings
Email address:
********* (i'm 100% sure i inputed it in correctly)
POP Server:
Security Type:
Server Port:
Outgoing Server Settings:
[checked] Login Required
SMTP Server:
Security Type:
Server Port:
Does anyone know why it might not be working?
Sadly, the Android Market in Canada does not have any paid apps. I was just wondering is there any way I can put themes onto my phone? I find that it really sucks that I can't use any of the dxtop themes or openhome themes in the market unless I actually have the app itself (which I cannot purchase).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI tried to use sailing sync-er but for some reason it didn't copy all of my songs it was weird it only copied over about 25% of my songs.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't find it in the market, I am assuming the phone is not compatible.
View 13 Replies View RelatedHey, did anyone make the switch to Android from a pre-Pre () Palm phone or any older Palm device? I have a Palm 700wx and was wondering how I could transfer my PIM (contacts, etc) to my incoming Mytouch 3G?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI should have my EVO on Thursday (according to wirefly... HA!) and I am wondering how the quality is of the built in speaker on the EVO compared to say the MyTouch 3G?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am thinking about purchasing a MyTouch dock to use with my Sprint Hero, but I'd like to know from people who already use it. Does it fit the Hero well? Perfectly? Not at all? Is there a distinct "click" when it is plugged in, like what you feel when inserting a usb cable? Is it firm? Wobbly? Pictures/videos would be greatly appreciated.I would not be using a case with this dock. Just naked Hero.
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