HTC Magic :: App To Customize Themes On Phone Without Rooting?
Jul 4, 2009I just got my HTC magic. Wonder if there is any application that can let me customize the themes on my phone without rooting.

I just got my HTC magic. Wonder if there is any application that can let me customize the themes on my phone without rooting.
I am currently a Pre owner and new to Android Forums, and really loving the specs on this phone. One thing I really loved about the Pre was able to customize the phone with different themes, putting homebrew apps on the phone, and really patching it to fit my needs.
My questions is Will the EVO have these options that I can do to this phone as I could with the Pre? I really do not know much about Android or the HTC.
Sadly, the Android Market in Canada does not have any paid apps. I was just wondering is there any way I can put themes onto my phone? I find that it really sucks that I can't use any of the dxtop themes or openhome themes in the market unless I actually have the app itself (which I cannot purchase).
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to update the firmware on the Magic without unlocking + rooting the phone?
Is the magic also known as a G3?
I want me Ev to be smexy, not really sure how to do it, everyone is saying root it. but not so fast mister.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI live and use my HTC Magic in Australia on Vodafone. I'm considering rooting it so I can get Android 2.0 or 2.1. I've read though that doing this stops me from being able to use the GPS and a couple other things. Is this true? If so, what other downsides are there to rooting the Magic? And is there a way to get the best of both worlds? Maybe I can get an app that gives me GPS back?
View 4 Replies View Relatedis it possible to customize the look of icons on an htc hero (without rooting) or even just to remove the txt from the icon? ive tried the any cut app but you cant remove the txt completely? anyone tried better cut? or any other suggestions.did originally want to change the theme of the overall phone but that doesn't look possible either without rooting which i dont feel comfortable doing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm considering rooting my magic and there are a few things I'd like to ask first.
Model number: HTC Magic
Firmware version: 1.5
Baseband version: 62.525.20.18U_3.22.20.17
Kernel version: 2.6.27-dd62d1eb u70000@Android-X01 )
Build number: 146733 CL#33776 release-keys
I have a Rogers non-google branded phone with 288mb ram(version 32a)
In a cmd prompt when I typed adb devices it said
"list of devices attached
HT95MNK00979 device"
so anyway.. my first question is, if I screw up, what happens? How likely is it that I will be able to fix it? I have a 2 year warranty so can I sent it in to rogers and have them reflash the original rom?
I was thinking of using this guide. HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource - The Offical "How do I do techie stuff" Thread
it seems pretty easy to follow but I was wondering if there are any better/easier/more up to date breakthroughs out there for the rogers magic. any one have one they thing is better?
does it sound like I have everything set up right judging by what came up when I typed adb devices?
it says, "grab fastboot.exe from here (HTC - Support - Flashing your Android Dev Phone with a Factory System Image) and place it in the tools directory of the sdk." There is already a fastbook.exe in the tools directory of my sdk. Should I replace it? I may have put it in there a while ago when I first installed the sdk but I don't think I did..
it says, " [optional]. make a backup with nandroid". How exactly do I do this? I've screen shots of the device where it says something about a nandroid backup. will the option to make a backup just show up on my screen? can I just move it from my sd card to my computer after that?
do I do all of this with the device in fastboot? It doesn't really say in the walkthrough. at what point can I not return?
what rom will I end up with at the end? just the original rogers rom except with root access?
I am a silver surfer but like to think of myself as a techie. LOL. anyway, I have just got a HTC MAGIC phone, with firmware 1.6 installed with UK Vodafone contract. I would very much like to get this rooted to make it faster to run etc etc. as i am getting annoyed with not being able to uninstall the original apps, so now I have 2 SMS apps, what is the point? note please forward me simple instructions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am sure this issue has been thrashed to death but it just isn't working for me and the comments I posted on the guide I was using yielded no responses.After a number of people convinced me to root my phone I used THIS GUIDE to try and root my phone.I am currently using an HTC Magic (Singtel, Singapore) running Android 1.5 with Sense UI (which you can download from the HTC website). So, my phone is completely unrooted, however, I have applied the HTC (official) Sense UI package. I'm not sure if this makes any difference to the settings or method I need to use.When I click on �Backup recovery image� I got the �Failed� message. So, I clicked on the hidden asterix and tried to flash the image but I got the same message again.So, essentially I am unable to root using the 1 click method (why is it called one click anyway?)I have looked for a comprehensive guide but wherever I go and whatever I try there seems to be something missing. The CyanogenMod guide was pretty good but it seemed like it expected you to know a few things along the way.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got my HTC Magic from Rogers almost a week ago and so far am loving it. Here are some of the issues or unknowns I found so far:
1. Found out you cant store and run apps from the SD card. That makes the SD card only half useful since it can only be used for music, vids, photos, etc. I hear the new version of Android might fix this.
2. I couldn't find anywhere information about the applications and whether they continue to run in the background after they are closed. Is there a way to close or kill applications? Should I even care if they're closed or not?..................
I went ahead and attempted to root my Rogers Magic, but at the point where I'm in fastboot mode and cmd prompting "fastboot boot recovery.img" it says "waiting for device" instead of "downloading". Any thoughts about what that means?The is on my sd card and the recovery image is in my tools directory.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedAlso if someone could explain to me how I can customize the phone, becaues right now minehas the stock background and format and I would like to make it look nice. Not sure how to do it though.
I would also like to know all this deal about rooting and whatnot. I read some stuff that mentioned rooting and kernels and stuff and I really don't know what it is. I would like to know and try it once I get comfortable. Also what are roms?
I'm in the UK but notice it's got an American keyboard layout (from a shifted symbols point of view).
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI've searched around with no luck. Are there any themes available for the Fascinate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe first one I'm looking for is how to customize the notification bar and menu once the phone is rooted. The second is a tutorial on how to replace the recovery console on the to nandroid etc. Which recovery console is the best?
View 3 Replies View Relatedfew quick searches didnt give me any good results. was wondering if there are any good apps, or something in the settings that im missing to adjust the phone screens?
View 3 Replies View Relatedive been looking for a while and cant find it. Im rooted, flashed liquid froyo on it and dled the blueberry theme. but i cannot for the life of me figure how to install it onto the phone
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I downloaded some themese from Androd markets but i do not know how to change.
Is it possible to customize one of your already custom ringtone tones that you have selected for the droid eris? what i mean is, can i select which part of the song i want to play when someone calls me? i just purchased a song off of amazon and applied it as my ringtone. you could do this with the iphone and i was wondering if you could do this with the eris as well.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can successfully customize folder icons on a removable Flash Disk using Desktop.ini file and a separate icon file. But I am unable to do the same thing on folders on the connected phone device that, for all I know, is similar to a removable device. The phone is a Samsung Droid Charge. When I copy the Desktop.ini and the folder containing the icon file from the pc to the memory card, nothing happens. The icons for the folders still have the same default appearance. Don't know how many people care to have custom icons but it is a nice thing to have when you are always trying to identify a few folders from many.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI currently have my DX running rooted, deodexed Froyo. Can I install themes (say ones made for D1) now? Or are themes phone specific.
View 9 Replies View RelatedOK so I used the Droid 2 method of rooting and I am rooted successfully, my question is I want to start adding themes but I am unsure how? Can I download TEAM BLACK HAT to achieve this and if so what are some cool themes to use? also can I go back to the original theme at any time?
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