HTC Incredible :: PSX4Droid Thread - How Well App Along With Roms Work

Aug 17, 2010

Other forums have a thread dedicated to PSX4Droid and how well the app along with the roms work on their respected phone.

This thread is not so much a "How to" but a "What works"

For those just getting started and need to learn how to set up PSX4Droid take a look at a few of the videos on YouTube to help get going.

Now for anyone who has PSX4Droid on the Incredible could you please post what roms/games you have tried and how well they work on the system.

This will help people from putting a certain amount of hours of playtime into a title only to find there is a section they won't be able to advance from.

Games I have tried so far:

Dino Crisis: This one starts off fine but about 30 minutes into playing there is a door you have to go through and the new section won't load basically ending the game.

Dino Crisis 2: Runs fine for the first 5-10 minutes but afraid of the same problems coming up from Dino Crysis 1.

Resident Evil: Only played for 30 minutes but runs fins, also has sound issues.

Resident Evil 2: Played for 1 hour and runs GREAT, has some sound problems.

Resident Evil 3: Same as RE2, played for 1 hour game runs great but has some sound issues.

Diablo: This is a tricky one. Game starts and plays fine in the first town but after talking to everyone there is and entering the church the performance drops off. Now I have restarted this one and took my character directly into the church bypassing talking or doing anything in town and didn't have a problem so this might have a memory issue.

So far from the limited titles I played the RE series works out the best. It should be noted that every game I tried out has some sound issues you just have to live with for now.

HTC Incredible :: PSX4Droid Thread -  how well app along with roms work

HTC Incredible :: PSX4Droid Adding Roms - Can't Seem To Get Any Roms To Work?

Jul 27, 2010

So PSX4Droid finally got released from the clutches of Google Market about an hour ago. Only problem now is I can't seem to get any roms to work. I set up a PSXROMS folder on my SD card, and my first d/l was Metal Gear Solid disc 1 and 2. I got them from here PSX ISO Download Section. So I downloaded the .rar, unzipped to get the .bin (says it's compatible), open the emulator, the emulator sees the files in the folder, I click it, it refreshes the rom screen. The emulator doesn't start. Am I doing something wrong? Wrong file type?

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Games :: PSX4Droid Working Roms Spot

Jul 28, 2010

So they finally allowed the PSX4Droid to be released on the marketplace and I've tried out 5 ROMS. Post what you've tried and what works so we can all know what to download. Here's what I tried:

Oddworld Abe's Oddyssey - trailing images, background messed up. Sound is good, video images at beginning work great. Trailing images and background are disappointing.

Oddworld Abe's Exoddus - same as the first one.

Crash Bandicoot 2 - images ok, sound great but verrrry laggy.

Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit - flawless from what I experienced. Sound great, images great, video great.

Metal Gear Solid - most disappointing. Loads fine, goes to the menu, you select your difficulty....blank. I've tried from 2 rom sites. No dice.

Overall experience, disappointing. There really needs to be an update so these roms can work properly.

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HTC Incredible : Start An Official Rom Thread That Has Links To Roms?

Jun 26, 2010

Can we start an official Rom thread that has the links to the Roms so we don't have to look through a bunch of crap to find them?

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Samsung Moment :: Able To Get PSX4droid To Work?

Oct 12, 2010

I was wondering if any of you all have been able to get PSX4droid to work on your Samsung Moment?

I have the correct bios (I've used several bioses to make sure my specific bios file wasn't corrupted) and I also tried several .bin PS1 roms. When I try to start the game, all I get is a couple of seconds of black screen before it returns to the rom selection screen.

Has anyone gotten it to work? If so, how? If not, is it because of power specs? Is it possible to get around it?

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Motorola CLIQ : Will Psx4droid Work On Phone?

Sep 21, 2010

Any chance it will work on a cliq? I have gameboid and I love it.

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Samsung Moment : Need Psx4droid To Work On Phone

Aug 3, 2010

Has anybody gotten psx4droid to work on their moment? I've tried and cannot.

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HTC Incredible :: Sense ROMs - Messaging Applications Not Work For MMS

Nov 8, 2010

I have been trying out some different ROMs trying to pick out a daily and I have ran into a very annoying problem. When I download a sense ROM I cannot send MMS through Handcent or ChompSMS. However, the stock messaging app works like a charm when sending them. The only problem is that I hate the stock messaging app. I always wipe and don't flash any other zips before I try sending the MMS and it still doesn't work. The weird thing is that I can use Handcent and ChompSMS on the CM6 ROM. I've tried the APN method and factory data resets. Nothing.

Here's the sense ROMs I have tried with no luck:
-Myn's RLS2 and 3
-Nil's business sense
-Virtuous v3.1.0
-SkyRaider 3.3
Today I actually unrooted my phone and got everything stock again, and Handcent and Chomp still didn't work. This is very annoying because I have flashed probably 30 times in the past 3 days trying to find a Sense ROM I can get to work.

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Motorola Droid :: Is There A Thread Dedicated To New ROMS?

Jul 28, 2010

There are so many different roms out there right now. Not only is that confusing for new users. But the fact that there are so many different versions of each ROM that i cant tell which one is the latest version of each. For example. Bugless beasts latest version is 0.4. But their is 1.1, 0.3. Can someone make a thread for all the latest ROMS and when they were released? If there is already one. LINK please.

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HTC Incredible : Load Files From Internal Memory For PSX4Droid?

Aug 5, 2010

I have PSX4droid and I'm trying to load a game thats on my phones internal memory (my sd card is full) but I can't seem to access the game within the program.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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HTC Eris :: All Things ROOT THREAD - Apps And ROMS Updated 05/06/2010

Mar 25, 2010

I have been gone for awhile with life stuff, sorry this wasn't updated. I wont be updating this as I don't have an Eris anymore, but if you want the best info head over to XDA Eris Android Development section. Or if your looking for Android News or other tech news head over to: Hope to see you all in the Incredible or Droid X section. Remember.... ?Never take a person's dignity: it is worth everything to them, and nothing to you.? 2.1 LEAKS & RELEASES & ROOT

I think it's getting confusing w/ all these releases. Let's summarize:Original root: Filename An "unofficial official" ROM that provides you with initial root. Can only be flashed from a phone running 1.5. Not to be confused with any of the "unofficial official" 2.1 leaks that don't have root.
2.1 leak: Filename Also an "unofficial official" ROM that upgrades your 1.5 phone to a 2.1 un-rooted OS. New 2.1 leak: Filename Another "unofficial official" ROM that upgrades your 1.2 or "2.1 leak" phone to the most recently available un-rooted version of Android 2.1.
** By "unofficial official" I mean that the ROM's are signed by HTC and must be installed from the phone's bootloader. We cannot edit and repack files to be loaded using the phone's stock bootloader, as we cannot sign these ROM's ourselves...........

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Android :: PostInvalidate Not Work In Non UI Thread

Jun 16, 2009

I cannot make postInvalidate() work in non-UI thread in sdk1.5. Below are my code, let me know if i am wrong in some place. It is supposed to update imageview every seconds. But it never be updated from the bitmap.


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HTC Incredible :: Root Notification Thread (Root Achieved And Thread Open)

Jun 3, 2010

Status: ROOT ,,Root Notification Thread (Root Achieved and thread open)

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HTC Desire :: MMS Don't Work In Froyo Roms

Jul 26, 2010

I tried defrost 2.0f and opendesire 2.3a. Everything runs fine but i cant get mms to work. I am sure i typed carrier information in correctly.Is there something i overlooked?

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Android :: Game Doesn't Work Due To Thread Background Processes

Mar 8, 2010

I have written a very simple game with some simple animations, but I've noticed that when the phone checks email, or several other apps are running, the animations that update in my thread start behaving slowly or choppy. This is a problem as the game mechanic requires some careful timing of your screen touches based on the animations. So if it starts behaving erratically, the game doesn't really work well - and isn't much fun.
Is there a way to prevent this? Can my threads have a higher priority when they need to run?

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Games :: How Do I Get Roms To Work On Snesoid Emulator?

Dec 11, 2009

How do i get roms to work on the snesoid emulator? I downloaded the emulator on my droid without any problem but everytime i try to download a rom it says "unsuccessful download". I've also tried to download them onto my mac and drag them onto my phone but it still won't work. Tips?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Will Galaxy Roms Work With B2?

Dec 13, 2009

i found this rom on the internet for the galaxy and i was wondering if i would be able to use it on my b2.

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Motorola Droid :: Getting ROMs To Work On PSX4

Jul 31, 2010

I bought the PSX app for my phone but I can't get any ROMs to work. I download them in parts but none of the files are in the .bin format. They are in IMG format which I know is suppose to work but then when I try to extract those files with winRAR or 7zip it says I need to create a certain volume or the file is broken. Anyone know what I should do about getting these roms to work?

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HTC Hero :: Wi-Fi Doesn't Work In All Custom Roms / How To Fix

Nov 4, 2010

So this is the problem. Wifi works ok on my original 2.1 firmware. But it doesn't work on custom roms. Why is that? How can I fix it?

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HTC EVO 4G :: FROYO Went Bad - Wireless Tether Doesnt Work With Any 2.2 Roms

Aug 27, 2010

Like the the post says my wireless tether no longer works( at leat not fast ) with any of my 2.2 nandroid backup I have all the wireless thether downloads ( the 2.0.2 and all the 2.0.5 versions ) and they just stoped transfering or transfer really slow. By slow I mean it will take anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute sometimes longer for a page to load. This is the case with all my 2.2 roms Damage Control 3.5, Baked Snack 1.0 and 1.5, Fresh 3.something and even my stock 2.2 rooted rom. This is the case with any kernel and I have been using various Kings, (but tend to stick with Netarchy's kernels) All with the same problem. Everything else works flawlessly.

This wouldnt be a big deal except I use wireless tether everyday for homework so it is a must have for me. I had to use the tether feature on my wifes Palm Pre (you know how that made me feel) I have her phone overclocked to 800mhz and it felt as if her battery was going to melt or explode, which usuall happens if you use it for too long. I had to get an Ice pack and put a towel on it to keep the phone cool while tethering.

I even tried it with flashing new room and kernel and the only app being all the versions of the wireless tether. That still was a no/go.

I however did find a solution but not a good one. I had a nandroid back up of a HTC 2.1 stock rooted rom with Nand unlocked and with the FPS un capped. This however when I look for wireless networks to connect to on my computer, it shows up as 3computer connected together instead of the 5 escalating bars like in the att comercials (dont ban me for that)
but it works perfectly and lightning fast. The version I'm usuing is the 2.0.2 version not any of the 2.0.5 versions.

I know this is a bit drawn out but can anyone explain why this happened? I mean it worked one night and the next it didnt. Or can someone can someone explain why it works on 2.1 and not on 2.2?

I miss some of my 2.2 feature but there are none that I can't live without but I would like to be on the latest software version.

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Motorola Droid :: Apps And ROMS Work On All Platforms

Feb 25, 2010

My wife has an original iPhone and is thinking about UPGRADING to a Droid -- however, another Android phone caught her eye. It's the Motorola Motoroi, about to come out on TMobile.

QUESTION: Will everything that's been developed (ROMS/APPS) for the Droid also work for the Motoroi since they are both Android -- or is it not that simple?

I'm thinking that every phone is unique, so every phone will need it's own rooting program and special attention. I'm also thinking that there may not be a following like the phenomenon experienced with the Droid, with soooooooo many techy folk developing so much, so fast, and where the average guy (like me), stops in my tracks, hovering over to the geek side, wanting to learn more...

The Motoroi may be incredible on it's own, and it may not need or get the following that we have with the Droid...

But I think the wife is addicted to the idea of changing things up now and then, always looking over my shoulder at what I'm modifying next, secretly wishing that her iPhone could allow her to do the same.

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HTC Desire :: Which Roms Work On Previously Branded Phones

Jul 31, 2010

My desire is currently an orange branded handset.I'm going to be rooting fairly soon, but want to make sure on something first.Several people have said they have rooted orange branded handsets and installed custom Roms. Is there any way to know if a Rom will work before trying it?Plus how do you know that the Rom and radio version will not simlock the phone or knacker the WiFi?Do I just have to read the instructions very carefully on each Rom? Or is there another way?

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Motorola Droid :: Does Skype Work On Custom ROMs?

Jun 13, 2010

I've heard Skype is a little picky about which phones it works on, and I've noticed when doing a regular Astro backup of my apps that Skype is listed as being 'protected.' Does skype have any trouble running on custom ROMs?

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General :: MID7015 Roms And Rooting Procedures Work With Coby Kyros MID7012

Nov 9, 2011

Is there any new development on this tablet. Been searching google and all I come up with that is close is the MID 7015. I guess my question is can the same roms and rooting procedures work with the MID7012.

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Android :: Psx4droid Now Available In Market

Jul 25, 2010

Hey guys I just wanted to let you know of the great emulator that just came out - PSX4DROID! It runs great on my Nexus One aside from the sound being just a tiny bit off (it also has wiimote controller support!) Final Fantasy 7 here we come. I had some trouble setting it up at first so I wanted to give you guys a tutorial so you wouldn't be lost like I was trying to set it up at first. here it is since I posted it on xda first: Step by step tutorial to getting psx4droid to work...

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Games :: Psx4droid BIOS

Oct 29, 2010

I've downloaded psx4droid and wipeout rom. it asks for a BIOS file upon loading of the app. it opens up SD card and when I click on the wipeout folder its empty, yet it isn't when I use my file manager.

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HTC Desire : Psx4droid On Phone Yet / How Is It?

Aug 6, 2010

Anyone used the psx4drod on there desire yet? If yes how is it?

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HTC Incredible :: Thread For Best Applications

May 5, 2010

Can someone help me find the thread for best applications?

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General :: Will Huawei Ascend 2 Roms Work On Huawei Sonic

Mar 27, 2012

will roms made for the huawei ascend 2, work on the huawei sonic, as the phones look identical, and the specs are pretty much the same?

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Android : Java - Implement A Run Method Of Thread If Create A Thread Global

Sep 7, 2010

How can I implement a run() method of thread if I create a Thread Global?

I mean If I create a Thread Globally then can I implement its run() method {" public void run()"} anywhere in my Application?

In the run() method I have to write the code to perform some action.

IF I can do it then please can anyone show me briefly how to do it particularly.

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