HTC Incredible :: Is Seidio 1750 Extended Battery Worth It?
Apr 30, 2010Is Seidio 1750 Extended Battery Worth it? What do you guys think?

Is Seidio 1750 Extended Battery Worth it? What do you guys think?
Just wondering if anyone can officially confirm if there is a perfect fit.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi ordered mine but im wondering for those of you who have it, how is it? more life than stock?
View 21 Replies View RelatedMy seidio 1750 seems to be thicker than my 1300 stock battery. It says eris on the back but eris/incredible on the receipt. Did I get the wrong one?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have purchased the Seidio Extended life battery (2600mAh) about 1 week ago and i do not feel it is performing as expected.Here are the issues i am facing: 1.) The phone takes about 1 hour to report fully charged (similar to standard battery), but if i unplug the charger then re-insert, the battery charge is reported at 60%.When the battery reaches 100% again, i repeat the same process and this time the battery reports as 70%.This repeats until the battery is "actually" at 100%2.) The battery seems to drop charge irregularly, the first 10% is lost after a very short period of time (4 minutes on the last check!) 3.) Once the battery reports as being down to 20%, if i re-boot the phone, it then reports charge of 60% again and the process starts again.I have enclosed 2 attachments to support this information, the image file is a graph i pulled from an app called "Battery Graph", as you can see, the battery level does not drop on a smooth basis, if it was working correctly i would expect a smooth curve, not sharp drops.The second attachment is a zip file which contains an excel spreadsheet showing the full breakdown of the battery % drop during yesterday.
View 19 Replies View RelatedIf anyone has actually purchased the non slim version of the seidio extended battery on the droid, can you report your thoughts here?
1) What kind of battery life are you getting now vs before?
2) How much does the cover screw your ability to lay the phone down on a flat surface and type with any of the keyboards?
3) Is it worth the price? 2600mAh...almost double stock value.FWIW, I've had one in my Motorola Q for the past year, 2100mAh, and there is a direct correlation on mAh value and usage time compared to stock. So if mAh is 2x higher than stock, it will last 2x as long, under same conditions. I did a mock-up of what it would be like with the "extended battery door", which is pretty close to what is pictures, and it felt easier to type using the hard keyboard.
View 49 Replies View RelatedThinking about getting the extended battery for my new htc incredible. Just wondering how long the battery lasts when you use the phone. Not just standby?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAny word on when the HTC extended battery will be out? Verizon has the item listed in the system (with 0 available units), and we all saw the item listed in the promotional material.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy dilemma is not with Android, but the Dinc. I absolutely love Android and will definitely be staying on Verizon and with a Droid phone. I have, however, had the Incredible since launch day. I love pretty much everything about this phone, except the battery life. I really cannot stand the constant need to be near a charger for fear of my phone dying. Should I buy the Verizon extended battery for another $60 and deal w the clunky bulk or get the Droid X or Samsung Fascinate. I think i can get a good price for this phone on eBay w it being an original in mint condition and there still a shortage. What should I do? Is it too early to go for the Samsung? I will miss HTC Sense.
View 28 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if the extended batt is thicker...if so how much?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to find images of the verizon oem extended battery (2150mAh) and the replacement cover? Other than the original grainy e-pub leak.
View 13 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know the size of the extended battery for the incredible?
View 15 Replies View RelatedMy battery started draining rapidly all of a sudden. I had the Seido 1750 battery. I stopped yesterday at the Verizon store and got the 2150 Battery-it is also draining quickly. I guess the Seido battery was not the problem. The battery was fully charged before I left yesterday, but it was drained completely after being off the charger for only 16 hours..5 of them I was sleeping. I do not have the GPS on...etc..None of my setting on my phone changed. I am not sure why the battery is draining so rapidly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe internal meter says it is due for charge long before its out of juice. Battery Left widget will give accurate voltage levels, but it too is fooled, even after proper calibration.
View 15 Replies View Related"Given that I am in the process of switching from my Sprint HTC Hero over to a Verizon HTC DROID Eris I have been paying more attention lately to accessories for the Eris, one of which was extended batteries. Personally I am not really sure that I need one, but at the same time, a little extra juice is always a welcomed option for a smartphone especially when you are a heavy user.That said, it seems that Seidio has two options available, a 1750mAh and a 3500mAh which are selling for $49.95 and $69.95 respectively.The main difference here, aside from the 3500 offering more juice (and being more expensive) is that the 1750 model was designed to fit with the original battery cover. And that means no extra thickness. The 3500mAh battery on the other hand will add some extra thickness, though its said to only be 3-4mm. The nice part here is that this battery does come with the replacement back cover.
View 47 Replies View RelatedI want you guys' opinion to those who have it. I want a battery with more power because I use the phone mainly for web browser and I don't want want to be checking the battery every hour or changing the settings. Even changing some the settings don't give me a full day of use for me that starts at 7 and ends around 7. I haven't seen many reviews for the battery except from here. I read here that someone read that there's a gap between the volume rocker.
View 16 Replies View RelatedLooks like the seidio is 1350mah. Lol, isnt the stock battery 1400mah? Innocell Slim Replacement Battery
View 23 Replies View RelatedI love my Droid X and I get awesome battery life under the right conditions. Using Tasker extends this even further, but even without a tasker profile today, I unplugged at 8am and at 4pm I was at 80 percent with moderate usage. This was after doing a full cycle charge last night. However, I'm greedy for more and I want to buy the extended battery but not sure where I can find it for a good price.
View 15 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if there is going to be or if there usually is an extended battery that will eventually be offered for this phone? And if so, you think they will be able to keep it slim or am I going to have a giant brick in my pocket if I use an extended battery?
View 6 Replies View Relatedok so i searched and couldn't find anything .is there an extended battery for the moment?i installed task killer and a battery app and the batter last only a little over 6 hrs thats pathetic! was wondering if anyone has found an extended battery yet.
View 14 Replies View RelatedAnybody hearing anything about extended batteries? Do they make them, do they help any? etc. Let's try to keep smart A comments to ourselves.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought a extended battery and cover for my eris off ebay...Well the new cover did not have the wide camera hole in it like the factory one does, and when i turned my bar code scanner on it fried my camera. So now im looking for a extended battery cover for it that has the same type of camera eye as the factory.
View 20 Replies View RelatedJust spoke with VZW customer service. Extended batteries still not in stock. Any one heard when they will be available?
View 8 Replies View RelatedInnocell 2600mAh Extended Life Battery.
View 49 Replies View RelatedSo I have been patiently waiting for a slim extended battery for the Motorola Droid. I have even been searching ebay to see what I can find and at last I found something.
1600MA Battery For Motorola BP6X Droid A855 Cliq MB200 - eBay (item 390150571975 end time Mar-02-10 01:03:07 PST)
I found this 1600mah battery for under $10. I was wondering if anyone had any success stories with inexpensive bootleg batteries. This battery is only 200+mah over stock. It might have less than 20% extra power.
Any news on how much bigger it is? When it will be out? And where you can buy it?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI was planning on buying a Seidio extended 3500mAH battery with the larger replacement door, i was wondering if there are any phone cases i could buy then?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got the extended battery from the verizon store it came with a new back cover. My phones battery is draining a lot slower today. I also bought a new charger from asset for blackberrys because I lost mine and when it's conntected to that charger the touchscreen gets semi unresponsive. Should I return the charger? Also for the other people who have this battery how do you like it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I was thinking about ordering one of the sedio batteries and was wondering how much time I will gain with either of them?
View 15 Replies View Related