HTC Incredible :: E:Can't Mount - Dev/block/mmcblk0p2 - File Exists
Jul 17, 2010
Using ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.0.1
I was able to install CyanogenMod-5.0.8 but now it is stuck on the animation screen. When I boot using ClockworkMod it Shows this message:
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
(File exists)
E:Can't mount CACHE:recovery/command
I tried to undo the rooting with the but it will not let me load it.
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Apr 29, 2010
Anyone know if the car mount verizon is selling blocks the micro usb slot when it is mounted? Just curious since it would be nice to use the car charger for long road trips.
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Oct 3, 2010
I had to .sbf last night back to 2.1, rooted with Universal Androot and then used rom manger to update to 2.2 which is 2.3.9 then when I try to restore a backup or apply any zips from sd card during clockwork Mod recovery I get the following error.
ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.0.5
E: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0pt1)
(Device or resource busy)
Can't mount /sdcard
Does anyone have any solutions to help me out? I am not sure if it was something to do with the root method I used or something else I need to do to get it going.
The first time I rooted I installed the first leak 2.2 myself and then rooted with adb, but I no longer have the leak 2.2 file so I rooted 2.1 first then installed 2.2 like I said earlier through rom manager.
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May 7, 2010
I'm trying to open a file in android like this:
But in case the file does not exists a file not found exception is thrown . I'd like to know how could I test if the file exists before attempting to open it.
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Oct 13, 2010
Everytime I run, this happens: Can't mount dev/block mmcblk0p1 Invalid argument ****MANUAL MODE****
I think it has something wrong to do this this post at XDA?
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Oct 7, 2009
Is there a way to unzip and see what files exists in classes.dex file. Are there winzip like utilities for .dex viewers.
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Mar 2, 2010
The version of the software that is most current is version 6 (the phone shipped with version 3).
To ascertain version: Go to Dialer/Hit Star/#9999#
You will see the PDA; Phone; and Software Version numbers in this section
The T939xxxx6 for PDA AND PHONE and then
Software Version - ending in .006 on the last line.
I was told that the reason that I keep seeing the "No update file exists" message when I check "update firmware" is because I have the latest version.
At some point my phone was updated without giving me a message. I did notice the red and blue arrows yesterday. But there was no message. My SD card mounted and dismounted on its own and gave an error message, and then all references to the error and SD card disappeared.
If your phone is/has exhibited this sort of behavior, you may already have the update.
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Dec 8, 2011
What are the risks when using USB power on there anyway to block USB file access (on an att sgs2 if it matters)
I was able to use Gmail (and only Gmail - no web, no twitter, etc.) before purchasing a Gogo license. How was this possible? Is Gmail so encrypted the airline couldn't figure out what it was?
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Mar 12, 2012
Why Adao File Managers Adds Aren't getting Blocked through the Adfree App? It's Strange because All my other Apps that have Adds Are being Blocked?
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Nov 10, 2013
After using Odin to update firmware on my Galaxy Player 5.0 (model g70cwy/xaa), I can no longer get it to start. I get the Failed to mount /cache (no such file or directory) (see attached screenshot.
I tried the factory rest option, it does not seem like any of the options on this screen works.
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Jul 31, 2012
i own a galaxy note n7000. i just update it to ics via kies. so i decide to root it. i read in some thread it said download the i do as the instruction but when i get into recovery mode and choose apply update from external storage the phone keep saying E:failed to mount /sdcard (No such file or directory).
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Dec 10, 2013
So after a failed attempt to upgrade from CyanogenMod 10.1.3 to 10.2, I was unable to access /data or /sdcard because both systems were encrypted. I ended up having to factory reset my phone because it refused to co-operate or let me access my files. However, before I did that, I was able to run
adb shell "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2" > data.img
adb shell "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3" > sdcard.img
Which appears to have copied the raw partition images from the phone (at least, they're the right sizes).
According to my reading, Android (and, I'm inferring, CyanogenMod) encrypts filesystems using dm-crypt, with a AES-CBC ESSIV:SHA256 cipher, with the key being derived from the password using PBKDF2. Knowing the precious little I do about encrypted file systems, my guess is that if I configure the image in cryptsetup to create a drive mapping, I can mount the mapped drive and recover the data from the images.
According to /fstab.herring on my ahem, fresh, install of Android, the /data partition is in ext4 format whereas the /sdcard partition is vFAT. So, once I've gotten through the encryption on the partition images, they should mount normally, right?
I know that dm-crypt accepts plain, LUKS, LoopAES and TrueCrypt device formats. I'm inferring from the PBKDF2 extension that Android goes the LUKS route for encrypting. Is this conclusion correct?
Whether it's possible to decrypt a dumped android image? I'm really hoping that the cypher information is stored on the file system and not on some key file that I nuked in the factory reset. If it can, in theory, be decrypted, am I using the right tools to approach the matter? If so, I'll continue fiddling with cryptsetup and mount, but no sense in wasting time if it's an impossible task.
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Jul 3, 2013
A long time ago I had edited a file that is read on boot, in that file is written which one of the two 'partition' has to be mounted as what.
Basically, my 32GB microsd is seen as the internal memory of the device (which would be 12 GB), and the other one as micro sd. The result is that most application would go to the microsd by default, using thus 32GB for apps instead of 12GB.
This is because my microsd is failing. Changed with a new one, and now it is failing again. I suppose my phone has become a 'micro sd destroyer'. Cannot do anything about it, so better to use the internal memory instead of the card for main use..... So how do I switch back to normal mounting (micro sd as micro sd and internal memory as internal memory and not switched up) ?
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Jun 6, 2010
Is it possible to mount an external USB thumb drive to access its data from a file browser on the phone? I tried plugging one of my USB drives into a USB-to-microUSB adapter and plugging that into the phone, but it didn't mount anywhere.
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May 9, 2010
I recently purchased an 8gb sdmicro card for my samsung moment, which i put in my phone, then got home tried to hook it up to my pc with the usb cable...nothning happened, but i got this error warning or so talking about usb malfunction or something, heres a screen shot of what i saw popped up. do i need to install new usb drivers for the phone? also i can hear the pc making that dun dun,... dun dun sound when u plug in a usb device, but it keeps doing it over and over... while the phones charing thru it.
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Apr 1, 2013
When the (HTC Desire) phone is powered up it is unable to mount the SD card, and I am unable to have it mounted from the "Settings > SD card & Storage" menu. Having said that, the micro SD card can be accessed from a computer (when plugged in directly to the computer, i.e. no issue with the card), and moreover, when I am in the recovery mode, I can have it mounted and browse it. By the way, the card could be accessed from the phone until I downgraded the O/S, and managed to have it rooted.
When the phone is running normally, and connected to the USB port of a laptop, the laptop does recognize a device connected (can even do ADB), but I believe because the SD card is not mounted, the phone does not offer the option to make the card appear as a disk drive for computer access.
I am running the original (RUU, Telstra) Android 2.2 (2.26.841.2) on a HTC desire, after I had it "S-OFF'ed". After reloading the original 2.2, I had it rooted.
The micro SD card is a 2GB one, with approx 1.5GB formatted as FAT16 (contains typical file and photos), and 0.5 GB as EXT3 (contains nothing at the moment).
HBoot: 6.93.1002
S-Off ( Revolutionary)
Recovery mode: ClockworkMod v5.0.2.0 (I manually loaded it)
I have searched online for solutions, and have not been able to have it fixed. Others seem to have different issues to that of mine. Usually, they cannot mount the SD-card at all (not even from recovery), or their SD card just needed to be reformatted. I think I have indicated that these do not appear to be relevant to my issue at all. I have also tried "Fastboot oem enableqxdm 0", and it made no difference.
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May 10, 2010
Is there a setting or app that can block outgoing calls to people who are NOT on your contact list?
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Jun 24, 2010
Does anybody know if we currently have the tools to block future OTA's?
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Oct 31, 2010
So I'm pretty new to rooting. On some themes or roms they require me to Mount System and Mount Data. I have clockwork recovery installed and when I select the option Mount System, it just acts like i didn't select anything. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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Sep 5, 2010
Trying to follow instructions to sync the music on my Captivate with i-tunes on my PC. Using the "Know Your Cell" website instructions, but I can't get the option to mount my device in order to write from the I-Tunes agent to the device.
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Jun 14, 2013
Is there a way to mount the system root to pc as a disk mount cause I want to recovery data from it that I wiped.
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Nov 21, 2010
The one thing I miss from black berry is I could make my # private, I use my phone for business and take calls for after hours issues, there are times where I dont want people to have the #, I cant figure out how to do this on my Incred, is there an App
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May 21, 2010
Is there an app to block calls/texts from a number?
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Jun 3, 2010
I am trying to do this through the phonebook.I read in another thread that it can be added to the phonebook and then set to "send to voicemail". I can do that, but it doesn't send the call to voicemail. Am I doing something wrong? I'd rather not use an app for this if I don't have to.
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Sep 29, 2010
After powering on my phone this morning(I charge my phone off to bump charge my 2100 battery ) I tried to play a podcast on Google listen and noticed my phone said there was no SD card. I tried everything. Rebooted several times and I even booted into recovery. I got weird screen, triangle with an exclamation! So I rebooted back into current Rom(Ruby1.1). So I finally bit the bullet and decided to reformat the SD card (through the phone) and it still doesn't work! I don't have access to a computer but it looks like my SD card is toast. This card is a 8gig scan disk that came with my old BB Storm. Luckily the 2 gig SD that came with my incredible has a nandroid back-up, but its a 2.1 back-up. Not sure if it matters but I do have an extra backup. When I get a home I'll get another SD and do so backups. Just thought I le you guys know to tell everyone to make extra backups!
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Oct 6, 2010
So I somehow killed my 2GB SD card last week (accidentally unplugged from the laptop while it was writing data- wasn't recognized as existing by my phone or laptop after that) and just got a 4GB card today. I formatted it (FAT32) before trying anything, then copied my files back from my laptop onto the card and ran a new Titanium Backup batch thingie. Everything was fine, and I was going to go create a new backup file through Clockwork Mod so I could flash a new ROM on there and I get this message.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a few different email accounts and on my PC I have most of the spam under control by a junk mail filter that catches almost all of what the ISP's filter doesn't. On the Incredible, however, those ads still get through and it's annoying of course. If I could just even get rid of the Viagra ads, I'd be happy, because there wouldn't be much spam left if they were gone. I figure there has to be a way to do a keyword block of these ads but I just can't figure this out on here. Any ideas?
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Jun 4, 2010
I have my phone set up with an All Call Block (outgoing caller ID blocked) with VZW. When I make a GV call using the Android app, it says something about the call can't be completed as dialed. Does the app not work with phones that have an All Call Block? I did call VZW to remove the block, but, since it's a corporate account, I needed a password, which I didn't have. But, I think she removed it prior to asking me for the password and GV appears to be working now. I want to see if anyone can confirm that definitely was the reason and if there are any workarounds for using the GV app and keeping my All Call Block. I can make a blocked GV call by manually dialing *67 then my GV # and using the dial out method, but that defeats the purpose of the GV app since that makes everything so easy. I guess the difference in using the GV app vs using a non-android phone is that the GV app dials a "special" number so, if I have the All Call Block, it can't see who I am I thought I recalled that if I dialed my GV number from my non-android phone with the All Call Block, it still recognized me (which is possible since the block only blocks caller ID, but the true number is still sent in the stream). So, bottom line, can I not use the GV app if I have All Call Block or is there a workaround?
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Apr 20, 2010
I'm wondering if it's possible to block my phone from receiving incoming texts through VZW. I'm using GV for texting and want to completely drop my texting plan but also don't want to get hit with loads of texts coming to the wrong number. Is there just a way to prevent incoming texts altogether?
Obviously, I plan to send out a couple of "notices" of the change of number BUT you know how some people are...they just won't change the number and forget by the next time they try to text me...LOL (well sort of!) I don't want to pay per text. That could get expensive FAST!
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Nov 5, 2010
Unable to connect my DINC to my PC to look around, move some files etc.
Yes, I have USB Debugging checked. Yes, I select "mount as disk drive" when prompted.
Appears to be charging just fine after I attach it to my PC, then I go to open Windows Explorer and Explorer sits and spins then crashes. In fact, when I close Explorer and go to my desktop, all I get is the wallpaper (no desktop icons etc). Then, when I unplug my phone, computer acts normally. Same PC that I used to root my phone mind you, so somehow it was able to connect to my phone for that process.
Have rebooted the phone as well, all to no avail. One of the advantages of Android and the DINC is the ability to hook up to a PC and move files around...not being able to do this is becoming a bit of a PITA...
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