HTC Incredible :: Default Weather App Is Not Accurate
May 18, 2010Even having this thing sync regularly its not accurate. Where is this weather coming from? I changed to weather bug and weather channel, both free apps are way better accuracy wise.

Even having this thing sync regularly its not accurate. Where is this weather coming from? I changed to weather bug and weather channel, both free apps are way better accuracy wise.
I hope this is the right section to post this, I have an HTC / G2 on a T-Mobile UK contract. I'm after a good weather forecast app that works well for the UK and Europe. I also use WeatherPro on my iPOD Touch (when I can link up to my home WiFi) and it is great - it picks up small towns, gives 5 day forecasts, 24 hour forecasts broken down into 3 hour time slots, shows satellite and radar, temperatures in 'F and 'C, windspeed and direction. It is very accurate too! I can't find it on the Android Market though.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWith original ROM clock widget and weather widget i would always be told about the weather in specific area that i was in really accurately, but now, with custom ROM the 'current location' just shows the name of the country I live in! (Lithuania) I have to manually add my home town. I am lucky to live in capital city, so I add it, but if I go out elsewhere, the widgets become useless. any solutions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMany times when I look at different weather apps, the current temp is always either the low or the high. Never seen this on a news or weather channel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI lost the default clock/weather when I changed clocks and now I can't find the default any help would be appreciated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm talking about the default clock/weather widget that is on the home screen...
Is it possible to make it so the widget shows weather info for a user-specified location? I was able to add an additional location once inside the HTC Weather app (by scrolling down), but I have had no luck finding anywhere to change the location that appears on the actual home screen.
It wouldn't be such a problem since it does correctly display my location (New York), but it is WAY off in terms of weather. For example, the widget is showing 72 degrees when it's actually 85. That's a HUGE difference and it's bothering me a lot.
I'm assuming it is pulling weather data from somewhere in upstate NY and not from NYC (where I am)? The manual entry I added is showing correct info, but it's very annoying having incorrect data showing up on the home screen and having to click into the widget and then scroll down to get the actual info.
Was wondering where one can find an semi-accurate estimation of the Incredible total units sold. Anyone know?
View 39 Replies View RelatedNew Incredible user just looking for some feedback, my battery stats are the following:
Uptime: 12:06
Awake time: 2:58
Battery use:
-Android system: 34%
-Cell standby 29%
-Phone Idle 22%
-Display 8%
-Voice calls 4%
-Maps 3%
I've been reading all other posts and their android system is significantly lower is there something draining my battery?
My girlfriend recently bought the Incredible.She says the voice dialer app isn't very accurate, is there a way to train it? I had her go into the voice recognizer settings but the option to train it is not there as it was on the D2.She also says it doesn't prompt her for confirmation and she can't find the setting to have it confirm before dialing. Is there an option she's missing?
View 12 Replies View RelatedAnyone having problems with accurate temps shown on the home screen. Mine were right on but today they are off 4-5 degrees if I use Accuweather or switch to Google Weather. Have refreshed and rebooted to no avail.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else noticed how disgustingly accurate/sweet the Google Maps Traffic Layer is?I put it on my dash and when it's green, the highway is at least 50 mph +..I noticed that the second my gps triangle entered the orange/yellow, it slowed down to about 25 mph..Immediately after leaving the yellow, it went back up to 50+..Everyday before I leave work, with a swype and a click, I know whether or not I should be getting on the highway or not. Right now it's red - I'll be taking the lake home today.Holy crud muffin I love this thing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIf someone texts you late at night and your phone is off, when you turn your phone on the next morning you get the text and the date and time shows the time you boot up your phone. You would think it would have the actual date and time the peson sent the message. Am I missing something?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI tried removing it and adding it back about ten times and it still won't show the weather..just says "my location" under the clock. If I click on the clock and load it, I can then click on the clock and it will load the weather screen, updated and all...but it still refuses to load it on the home screen with the time. Happened a few days after froyo update. How can I get the weather back as part of the clock widget??
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I got the 2.2 Update. If I try adding the News & Weather widget, the weather is always wrong. Always has the sun on all night and temperature is wrong too. I checked all options of course, should work fine. Has anyone else encountered this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI accidentally removed the default Weather App on the Main Page. This is the nice weather app on the main screen which takes up about 1/2 of the screen.
I went to add it back but I cannot find it. When I try to add the HTC weather map, it says there is no room - it wants to take up the entire screen.
Where is the default weather app that goes on the main screen that takes up half of the screen only?
It says my location is London, when it's Manchester. Also, it doesn't display the weather unless I open it.
Am I right in thinking I can just uninstall it and install a new one?
I accidentally selected gmail to use as the 'default' application when I want to share a story in News & Weather. I meant to select Twidroid (for tweets)... now it's 'stuck' wanting to send to my gmail. Not good. How do I release it from gmail being the default (so I can make twidroid the default)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I still have the default big clock on the default home screen, but I lost the weather indicator under it. How can I get it back? Its not a widget, because its attached to the clock.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've saw the 'weather widget smoked glass', and tried to find this at the market. When I search for 'weather widget' i get these:
weather widget default
weather widget HUD toggle
weather widget glass toggle
Now, the information says "androidapps toggle skin, don't download if you don't have 'Weather & Toggle Widget'
Search 'Weather & Toggle Widget' or ' weather widget donate' on the market or go
First of all, when I serach those strings in the market, I get the same hits as above. Now, I tried the 'Weather widget - Free' application, and that was wrong.
I've searched for 'Beautiful widgets', but find nothing.
Do I need an external application called 'weather widget donate' or something, or am I supposed to use the native 'News and weather' application on my Nexus One? In that case, how do I find/get it?
I had uninstalled the Weather Widgets app with the HTC style flip clock because I had falsely believed it was causing some FC crashed on my Droid. When I re-installed it, it appears that the flip clock now defaults to a transparent backing with white lettering. Is there any way to get it back to plain white with black lettering? I haven't installed any extras...just the default. Attached is a screen cap of what the flip clock looks like now. I want to get it back to the traditional HTC style flip clock look. Any ideas?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI work in Basking Ridge, NJ and my Sense home screen keeps saying I am in New York. I cannot find where to make the change from a static location to my current location's weather.
View 27 Replies View RelatedI thought I had read on here that The Weather Channel App is free, but it looks like there's a monthly subscription. Does anyone know of a free weather app?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm totally new to the G1, coming from an iphone, but my gps when on (and can actually get a signal lock), seems to always have me on the grass or in the water if driving my any. Its rarely ever where I am. and im in a major city. Perhaps that could be why, but i always have clear view to the sky.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am on phone #3 since the last two blew out the external speakers. Anyway this one hasn't had the weather working properly since I have received it, even after going to Froyo. It shoes my weather town name as "Current Location" instead of my towns name which the first two Incredibles showed just fine. The phone will occasionally show my town but not always. I have tried updating the weather a couple times but no luck. I also made sure all the location settings were turned on.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a couple different weather apps.
I recently purchased Beautiful Widgets.
It has been raining hard all day, and even with GPS update activated, it said it was cloudy all day and it seemed to be about 4-5 degrees off every other site.
Is anyone else having Beautiful Widget mis-weather info?
How to get this to work? I just got a replacement Inc and none of the apk I have found will work on my phone, keeps saying it has stopped unexpectedly when I click to open it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you add cities to the HTC Weather Database?I'm trying to add cities to the list of cites I want to scroll thru, but the cities I input into the Search Location box is not found.I know that HTC keeps a database of pre-populated cites.How do I add cities to that database?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIf it is possible to get the weather bug clock widget like on the samsung fascinate?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe clock is fine but weather is totally gone after the 2.2 push.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy is my location correct when I have WiFi on but not correct when I have just the mobile network on??? Also I can't add my city to the widget either. It displays my current location as Washington and I live near Chicago.
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