HTC Incredible : Anyone Order This Charger - Batteries?

May 4, 2010

just in case it gets lost in the other thread...any opinions?

2x BATTERY + CHARGER FOR VERIZON HTC DROID INCREDIBLE - eBay (item 250621388293 end time May-24-10 17:53:57 PDT)

HTC Incredible : Anyone order this charger - batteries?

HTC Incredible :: Charger Not Compatible Message Using OEM Charger

Jul 12, 2010

I am using the OEM charger on my Dinc and nothing else. I randomly get a message something like, "The charger you are using is not compatible with your device. Remove the charger now to avoid damage to your phone". I have not used anything other than the OEM charger ever. It isn't loose or frayed or bent strangely. It also seems to charge even though the message pops up. For now, I'm using my computer's USB port to charge it but man, that's SLOOOOOOOOW. It has done it since I first got the phone and before I had even installed my first app. It also does it after a factory reset and reprogram. Customer service is sending an aftermarket wall charger free of charge until I can get an OEM unit as they are obviously out of stock.

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HTC Incredible :: Cases For Extended Batteries

May 3, 2010

Is it just me or are there no cases once you get an extended battery. Sendo adds 4mm and the OEM adds 1mm. I am guessing that you have the choice between the battery or a case. I wonder if a flexible case like the tough case would have a problem with a 1mm difference. Sent from my Incredible using Tapatalk

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HTC Incredible : Cheap Atomic Batteries From China

May 6, 2010

Before I even ordered my Incredible I ordered a stand alone battery charger and two extra batteries direct from a China supplier on e bay for $14 total. These batteries are Atomic! I'm getting 50% more running time out of them than the factory battery no lie. The batteries are marked HTC Touch Pro 2 but fit the Incredible also.

See auction link in below post

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HTC Incredible : Any Chance We See These Batteries In Cell Phones Eventually?

May 7, 2010

Toshiba SCiB Batteries

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HTC Incredible : How Batteries Work At Basic Quantum / Chemical Level

Aug 10, 2010

This is me writing what will amount to about 10 pages (at least that is what I plan) on how batteries work at the basic quantum and chemical level. I have been promising it for some time, and with everything coming to a close for the summer, I have time. So within the next could of weeks (2 or so), I will be filling in posts.

EDIT: I will be adding about 15 or so posts to expand into. I apologize for the over inflation of my post count, but there is no way I am editing 4 or so huge posts. Each section will have its own post or two. If the mods have any problem with it, please take it down and tell me how to do it to your liking, as many people have asked about this thorough walk through and explanation and thus I would like to do it. I honestly have no idea how long this will be as I have no idea the maximum post size. So I am going over and will ask mods to delete unused posts.

Please use the comments to make specific requests for info, and I will be happy to add it.

EDIT 2: Darn...I seem to have done all of this in the wrong section. Mod, would you please oblige? Tips and tricks, please? Or the regular forum, if that is where you think it fits best. Table of contents

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HTC Incredible :: Which Batteries Will Fit Incredible?

May 7, 2010

Well I updated with the official 2.1 but behold when i try to load joeys recovery it refuses to open the bin file. I want to install a custom rom built from his site to remove all the bloat and install live wallpaper etc.I have been reading for 2 hours lol and I can't find a fix.I even tried downloading an older version of swupgrade.

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HTC Incredible :: Not Able To Pre-Order At Best Buy / Fix It?

Apr 25, 2010

I went into a best buy today to preorder myself a shiny new HTC Incredible. I don't want to extend my contract so I told the guy I wanted to buy it at retail price and they told me I couldn't! They said I need to get a new line in order to preorder. WTH. Anyone else had this problem? I need to preorder at BB because I want to use my BB credit card.

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HTC Incredible :: Is Charger For Incredible The Regular Micro-usb?

Jul 13, 2010

Is the Charger for the Incredible the regular micro-usb? I have several chargers and a few car chargers (iGo) that I'm hoping I can still use. I noticed it has a little bit of a different look and was wondering of those would still work.

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HTC Incredible : Charger Size For Incredible Vs Eris

Apr 25, 2010

I have an eris and am switching to the incredible. Am I correct that the eris uses a mini USB and the Incredible uses a micro USB? More new stuff to buy....

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Motorola Droid :: Car Charger That Charges As Fast As Wall Charger

Nov 12, 2009

What car charger can i order that charges as fast as the wall charger, can someone provide a link?

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HTC Incredible :: VZW Can't Order Replacement

Jun 21, 2010

I called tech support because of the numerous issues I've been having with my Inc (sound issues, in call sound dropping out with call still in progress, pink screen, unresponsive screen, weird lock ups, etc.).They told me I wouldn't get a replacement until July 19.I finally told her to order it but after much work, the system wouldn't let her order it at all.She got really flustered and finally got tired of messing with it and transferred me to tech support.Fortunately, I was transferred to a really helpful tech who really understanding.She also tried unsuccessfully to order it.She out the next two days but is having a coworker follow up and she will continue to help me sort it out if it isn't already by Wednesday.So we'll see what happens.One way or another she's promised to get me a working phone though I don't know if it will be an Inc.Just thought folks might find it interesting that at the moment, it can't be ordered internally.

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HTC Incredible :: Pre-order Available At Costco?

Apr 19, 2010

I saw some posts on here that said the Incredible was in Costco's inventory system. Does anyone know if they are taking pre-orders for it? Also, can you use a Costco Cash card to pay?

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HTC Incredible :: Cancel My Order With VZW?

May 29, 2010

I have found that the Incredible is in-stock. How do I cancel my order with VZW?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Mini-USB Car Charger And Wall Charger

May 10, 2010

Will virtually any mini-USB based cable, car charger, and wall charger work with my HTC Droid Eris? Mini-USB cables are generally universal, but I want to ensure that I use a compatible car charger and wall charger that won't damage my phone. The official Verizon accessories of course seem overpriced, if any generic solution would work equally well.

For example, I am considering this product on Home Travel Wall Charger + Rapid Cell Phone Car Charger + USB Data Sync Charge Cable for HTC Touch Pro 2 / Tilt 2 / Hero / Imagio / Pure / Touch Diamond 2 / Droid Eris: Cell Phones & Service. Overall, this mini-USB cable / car charger / wall charger combo gets positive reviews, but I've heard of random glitches for some cheap chargers.

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Pre-order Warning

Apr 18, 2010

I called and spoke with two different CSR on the phone today as well as one the guys at our local Verizon corporate store. I am still undecided about whether to pre-order tomorrow to save myself from dealing with the mail-in rebate or buying it in store on 4/29. The first CSR I spoke with told me I should receive the phone by FedEx on 4/29. I called later to ask another question about my ne2 and changing plans. I asked the second CSR the same "when will I get it if I pre-order" question and she says I will get it on Friday 4/30. I told her that every thing I have heard and read says it will be there by Thursday 4/29. She told me it was going to be shipped using FedEx 2-day service. I called my local store in Indiana to see if they have ever sold out of any phones when they debut. He says that most of the excitement over the Incredible is by "techies" like me and he expects plenty in stock. I had him check to see when I would get it if I pre-ordered online. He says that it would be shipped 2-day FedEx and I would receive it on Friday 4/30. I told him I would be in on 4/29 to get my phone because I do not want to take a chance on waiting an extra day. This is just a FYI for those expecting it on Thursday because it may take an extra day to get to you.

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HTC Incredible :: Pre-order Your DROID By HTC At Best Buy Mobile

Apr 17, 2010

Pre-order your DROID INCREDIBLE by HTC at Best Buy Mobile.The Droid Incredible by HTC will be available for pre-sale at Best Buy Mobile stores starting Sunday, April 18. Customers will be able to reserve a new Incredible for pick-up once it hits stores later this month. This is an exclusive pre-sale offer that you won't find anywhere else, including Verizon stores. Stop by your nearest location to stake your claim! Note: pre-sale available in Best Buy Mobile stores only. Online pre-sales are not available at this time.

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HTC Incredible :: How To Cancel In-Store Order?

May 25, 2010

So I ordered an Incredible in-store last Sunday. And I just got a call from the other Verizon store today, saying they had a couple Incredibles already in stock. I tried to call the store, see when it'll be in, and they're saying 2 weeks ish, which is probably an underestimate. Needless to say, I want to get the phone that's in the other store now, and get rid of the old order. So then I asked if I could cancel it, and they said that they couldn't cancel it because it was "In Transit" or whatever the hell. They said that if I wanted to get my money back, I'd have to wait 'till I got the phone from FedEx, and then bring it in and return it. I was just wondering if anyone knew if there was any way for me to cancel the order.

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HTC Incredible :: Stock Recovery In Order To Get The New Ota

Aug 27, 2010

So, the consensus is that you need "stock recovery" on the inc in order to get the new ota.....

I understand that it will take be back to stock, I just need to know the process works....can someone run through what I need to do real quick?

Right now, I am rooted with unrevoked3 and have updated the radio to 2.05...nothing else.....I plan on running forever then doing a stock revovery, put i dont know what that entails...thanks for the help.

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HTC Incredible :: Want Contacts Consistent As Last Name First / Fix To Have In This Order?

May 5, 2010

I want all my contacts consistent - last name, first name. But When the phone consolidated everyone from Outlook, Facebook, and Google (about 800 people, everything is all screwed up and inconsistent. Is there a way to fix that without having to manually open and edit each contact not in the correct order?

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HTC Incredible :: Unroot In Order To The Official 2.2 OTA?

Aug 2, 2010

Or can I just stay rooted and wait for the official OTA? I have the stock kernel.

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HTC :: Blackberry Charger For Incredible?

Apr 29, 2010

I noticed that my BB Storm charger and car charger work on the Incredible. Is this ok? I did a search on here and read that people are using it on their Eris. Would it be safe to say its ok to use on the Incredible?

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HTC Incredible :: Charger Getting Warm

Jun 20, 2010

Just sitting here browsing and can feel this heat commin from the left side. It's comming from the base of the charger. The cable is also warm about a 1/4 way up. I'm sure charging and using it comsumes a bit of power.The battery is probably only 25% charged and I'm quite certain in stops charging once full. Maybe its normal but seems excessive to me.

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HTC Incredible :: Not Compatible Of Charger?

Jul 10, 2010

I have plugged my blackberry charger and my car charger into my Dinc and received a message that said, "The charger you have plugged in is not compatible with the phone. Please unplug it before it ruins your phone", that's not word for word but you get the idea. I had my phone on the stock charger the one that came with the phone on the phone over night and I got up this morning and and it said the same thing that my charger was incompatible and could ruin my phone. Is this a bug in the phone and has anyone else experienced this?

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HTC Incredible :: In Order To Get A Full Battery Charge

May 7, 2010

Charge the phone until the led light turns green. Then unplug, turn the power OFF (Don't just put it to sleep, power the phone off completely) then plug it in (the led light should now be red) charge until the light turns green again, probably like 10 or 20 minutes. Makes a big difference! I learned this in another thread but I can't find it now. Thanks to the original poster!

Update 1: I did this method again this morning 10am. It's now almost 11pm and I still have a 60% charge! I made several short phone calls, checked email, texts throughout the day, and took about 35 pics. I also spent a fair amount of time looking at them. Granted I wasn't on the phone as much as the first few obsessive days of owning this baby but still, I'm very happy with this battery trick.

Update 2: I want to add this quote by 'jasonb1985' from a different thread:"if you take it off of the charger right as the light turns from orange to green then you'll actually have a full charge. if you let it charge overnight then you'll wake to a phone that quickly falls into the mid 90's." I have to agree with this. Even with my charging method above, if you let it stay on the charger too long after it turns green for the second time, the battery level will quickly drop after removing it from the charger. I've found it's better to remove it around the 20/30 minute mark even if the light is still red rather than let it sit there and miss when it turns green. Of course the best case scenario is to take it off the charger the moment it turns green but that's not very practical.One more thing I've noticed is that if you spend a lot of time in a location where there is little or no reception such as a hotel or basement etc, your battery will drop very fast. Best to put it in airplane mode in those situations if possible.

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Motorola Droid X :: Cancel My Incredible Order?

Jul 15, 2010

I placed my DINC order Monday and was completely content until my coworker just walked in w/ his Droid X this morning. My biggest qualm beforehand was the size, but now that I hold it in my hands it's not so bad.I've never had an Android device but everyone tells me HTC Sense will blow me away. I need you all to convince me that the X will blow me away (if you do I'll swing by after work and cancel the DINC order and grab a Droid X). I'm not worried about specs and stuff, just user interface. What can I expect to get with the X?

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HTC Incredible :: Cancel My Order / Wait For Moto X Instead?

Jun 14, 2010

I placed an order for the Incredible a couple weeks ago, and it should arrive sometime next week. I was really psyched to get the phone until I found out that the Motorola Xtreme (or shadow) is coming out in July (or so I have read).I really like the UI of the incredible, and believe the phone will fit my needs very well. I will primarily use the incredible for apps, pictures, and video. My only hang-up is that I dont really want to buy the incredible if it will be surpassed by the Moto X a few weeks after I get my incredible. Does this sound legitimate? Is the Moto X going to be that much better than the incredible?I dont love the way the Moto X looks (at least from the pictures I have seen), and I also do not really want a huge phone either. Verizon told me I can still cancel my order without a penalty, but Im not sure if I would be happier with the Moto X. What should I do?

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Motorola Droid X :: Can Switch Your Incredible Order?

Jun 30, 2010

Its offical. I spoke with Verizon today and they confirmed the news we've heard. If you are tired of waiting for the Inc. You will have the opportunity to switch your order to a Droid X. This is huge news. Inc is slated to be shipped until end of the month first of next month. So whos going to swtich? If the review is as great as Inc. Consider me gone! Im going with the Droid X.

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HTC Incredible :: Bookmark - Alphabetical Order On The Widget?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm using the stock bookmark widget. Is there any way to set it up in alphabetical order on the widget? I can set it to show me my bookmarks in alphabetical order each time I start the browser, but it reverts back to the order I saved them in on the widget.

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HTC Incredible :: One Time Activation Fee Online For Pre-order

Apr 27, 2010

I was going through the process this morning of pre-ordering my Inc.I am switching from T-Mobile so I am signing up for a new 2-year plan.On the checkout page it is showing a one-time activation fee of $35.Am I wrong, but I swear there used to be free-activation Monday-Friday online.I can't find that promo on their web site anymore.Did anyone else have to pay this fee?Perhaps they are suspending the promo during the Incredible launch?

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