HTC Hero :: Task Switching App

Oct 24, 2009

I need an app where I can switch between open apps and activities from the taskbar. Like taskiller but to open my active apps and not kill them.

HTC Hero :: Task switching app

Odd Error Due To Task Switching?

Jul 30, 2012

I am working on my own app. It appears that when I switch to other tasks after opening and navigating through my app, and switch back to my app later, it crashes. When not task switching, it seems perfectly stable, but task switching tends to make this crash. This does not always happen. If I only quickly switch to email and back, it works perfectly, but if I run several games, and then switch back, the problem occurs. I guess it is something in Android's memory manager that my app doesn't work properly with, but I can't figure out what exactly the problem is.This is my log:

07-29 22:10:22.450: W/dalvikvm(19946): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40c4d1f8)
07-29 22:10:22.490: E/AndroidRuntime(19946): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
07-29 22:10:22.490: E/AndroidRuntime(19946): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity [code].....

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Task Panel X - Advanced Task Manager - Causing Errors

Nov 7, 2009

I've been using Task Panel X and Advanced Task manager to kill unneeded tasks and keep memory at a maximum.

Recently, every time I open Task Panel X and then revert back to Home screen I get the HTC logo and then a loading screen while the device sets itself. This happens even if I kill NO tasks.

So my solution was to uninstall Task Panel X and then use just Advanced Task Manager. All the sudden, same result.

Everytime I open either of these apps and then go back to home screen I get a BLACK SCREEN WITH HTC LOGO, THEN A BRIEF (10 SECONDS) LOADING SCREEN. THEN ALL IS NORMAL.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Use - Task Manager - Task Killer App

Oct 15, 2009

Looking for a guide on how to use task killer. I had task killer on and deleted it. I think I was killing tasks that were needed to keep certain functions running that I use frequently. If someone would take the time to help me understand how to use one, I think I would be much more successful with it.

example - text messaging just stopped ( werrent receiving them ) . Once I took task killer off, everything started working again.

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HTC Hero :: Switching To Sprint

Jul 6, 2010

It's time for my family to get new phones, and I like the price of Sprint's Everything Data Family plan. I've been playing around with a friend's Hero and I really like what I've seen so far. I do have a few questions about it though.Is the Hero still worth it? I know it's a fairly old phone, so how does it stack up to the newer Android phones on the market? I'm already ruling out the EVO because I just can't get on board with its size. It just seems a bit gaudy for me.I'm too frugal to buy a phone before I'm eligible for an upgrade. And I've read at a few places that the Hero is pretty close to being obsolete (not getting an official 2.2 upgrade). So would it be wise to buy the Hero with a new contract, knowing I'd have to be with it for the next 2 years. I don't know anything about rooting or modifying phones. How does that work? Would rooting and installing custom ROMs delay the phone's obsolescence?I guess my main concern is that I don't want to commit to a phone that may not hold up over the next few years.

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HTC Hero :: Bluetooth Keeps Switching On / Turn It Off?

Nov 7, 2010

I have had a Hero for three days, and it updated twice from the box to 2.1 update 1. Problem is that Bluetooth keeps switching itself on when I move between home screens, and when it wakes up. I have tried to switch it off through settings, but blink, and there it is again. I haven't even got round to pairing anything yet! Any ideas?

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Sprint HTC Hero : Switching ROMs On Mac / Fresh 1.1 To 2.0c

Mar 26, 2010

I have my Hero rooted with Fresh 1.1. I love it, but I have a few questions for the future.

1- I recently switched from a PC to a Mac. If I want to switch ROM's or go back to stock, can I do this on a mac? Or do I have to use a Windows pc?

2- I was interested in switching from Fresh 1.1 to Fresh 2.0c, but I'm a bit confused. Do I have to go back to stock, then root and flash 2.0c? Or can I flash it on top of 1.1?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Switching Off Vibrate On Text Entry 2.1

May 26, 2010

Just got 2.1 and cant figure out how to disable the feedback vibrate when typing.........

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HTC Hero :: Phone Started Switching On And Off By Itself Nonstop / Use It In Meantime?

Feb 12, 2010

I bought a htc hero 3 days ago and it has been working perfectly but yesterday it just started switching on and off by itself nonstop. when it switches on it doesn't go to the home page it just shows the clock and it says no service. ive removed the battery and sim card, connected it to a usb...and none of it works. im gonna bring it back to the shop tomorrow but just wondering if anyone knows anything i can do to be able to use it in the meantime.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Save Home Screen Configuration When Switching To LauncherPro?

Nov 16, 2010

I've downloaded Launcher Pro, I currently still have ADW installed as well. When I use LauncherPro my home screen (and other screens) are not set up the way I currently have them. I spent a lot of time setting my current screens so they are exactly the way I want them. Any way to save that config when switching to LauncherPro? It does seem faster so I want to give it a shot, but I'm dreadig setting everything up again- widgets, apps, etc.

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HTC Hero :: Task Manager Type App

Aug 9, 2010

My battery drained really fast today even though I use a task killer. Has anyone found an app that shows what is using your battery at any time?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Task Killers And CM6

Sep 13, 2010

I used to use Advance Task Killer and Auto Task Killer on my 2.1, but I think I read somewhere that with Froyo (CM6 flash) they are not needed?Do I need to worry about apps that I'm not able to close out normally, or will Froyo run fine or even faster without a task killer?

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HTC Hero :: Best App Manager - Task Killer

Apr 12, 2010

Basically just want to stop background tasks that stay open and consume cpu and battery. what do you think is the best? been running advanced task manager free and that was great but had to reset phone cos HTC sense and system kept force closing, so i think that might have something to do with it.

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HTC Hero :: Best Task Manager - Killer

Jan 10, 2010

We all know that battery power is an important issue with the HTC Hero. I just wondered what people had discovered in the way of apps and using their phones to optimise usage.

I've included things which I like, and which I don't because I find it useful to read about applications which aren't so good, so I know to avoid them, but feel free to try them for yourselves.

Close everything

I installed this from the market, after reading it suggested on a blog, but I'm not convinced its the best to be honest. I've "closed everything" and yet still seen tasks running in the background I'm going to remove this pretty soon unless someone points out a reason not to.


Worked fine for the first week but I've now removed this as I prefer Taskpanel


I like this a lot and have used for a few weeks. It tells me all the applications which are running and allows me to stop them all. If I want to keep something running (eg scrrebl) in the background then I can set it to ignore "kill all background tasks" for specific applications. It also tells me how much available memory I have.

finally a couple of apps that I find useful for increasing battery usage although not task killers in themselves are.


This little app turns the screen off very quickly (after about 10 seconds) unless it looks like you're using the phone. It thinks you're using the phone if you're holding it at a certain angle (which you can set).

Graphical Battery Stats Monitor

I installed this yesterday. It takes a while to collect data, but its telling me that it i'm using 5% battery an hour, which would explain why I need a daily recharge.

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HTC Hero :: Alternative To Task Killer?

Mar 22, 2010

Theres a buzz going around at the moment in this forum whereby any faults in the phone may be caused by a task killer. I infact removed mine in order to do some experimenting with various faults that my phone had developed, but this obviously means that lots of stuff now runs in the background without me noticing it, a prime example being that my ringtone app turns on every time the phone rings. So - without the aid of a task killer or a safety net, how can you find out whats running on stealth and whats the best way to turn these off without going into file manager folders and hoping that the phone doesn't ring before you finished?

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HTC Hero :: Task Panel X In The Market?

Apr 13, 2010

Why can't I find task panel in the market anymore? It was the best task killer I have used.

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Android Program For Adding Task And Deleting Task In Listview

Aug 25, 2012

I'm writing an android program for adding task and deleting task in listview. I've add an onClickListener to the delete button so it can delete the task. However I was told I should not have the listener in the adapter violating mvc. how I can remove a task in my TaskListItem class. I got the method removeTask() in the adapter, but don't how I can use it in the TaskListItem class.

public TaskListItem(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mContext = context;

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HTC Hero :: Task Killer Frees Up Lot Of Memory

Nov 30, 2009

I'm currently using Task Killer & Task panel to control memory usage on the phone (someone please let me know if i should use something else). I have a habit in Task panel to hit the option of "Kill All Background Tasks" which does the job & frees up a lot of memory. However I use the Notes App & Remind Me App a lot & want to be able to ensure these are NOT killed when i do this as otherwise the reminders don't work. Does anyone know how to do this is either of these apps or what other app i could use instead of these 2 to control.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Advanced Task Killer?

Nov 7, 2009

Im wondering if everyone is using the Hero with ATK. I was using the app. until I realized I was not receiving emails. When I called Sprint they said I should remove the app and let the OS control the apps. Since I removed the app., I am getting all my email notifications. With out ATK. My phone is extremely lagy or bugy. It's not a major problem but I do notice the difference in the phone. I guess my question is " Should we be using ATK or not?" I would like to hear everyones thoughts on this. Im just trying to get the best use out of the phone.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Best Task Killer To Download?

Jun 6, 2010

What is the best task killer to download?

I downloaded one called "Advanced Task Killer Free" - and it has tabs for like services, apps, system, etc... but I don't know which ones I shouldn't end.

My main concern is the extreme lag on my phone! It's so laggy... I just bought this june 1st and am thinking of returning it and getting the evo because I know that phone is a beast. I hate texting on this because it takes so long to get into the texting screen.

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HTC Hero :: Heard Notification Sound But Nothing On Task Bar / What Is It?

Nov 6, 2009

Everyday I am getting this short notification sound a few times but there is nothing shown on the task bar. There is no incoming SMS or calendar event. And it is not the alarm clock. What is it?

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Sprint HTC Hero : How Well Do Task Killers Work?

Feb 21, 2010

I have had Advanced task killer installed about a week and its not really improving battery life noticeably. Also, when I look at open apps, random things like Sprint Navigation is open most the time, I haven't used it in weeks and if I keep killing it, how does it keep opening? Not really sure this thing does too much.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Task Killer - Task Manager

Dec 11, 2009

I know this was talked about before at different times but I still have 3 questions.

1. what is the difference between a task killer and a task manager?

2. should we be using one of these apps or not?

3. when you look at the awake time if it is like 70% or 80% and you aren't using the phone a bunch I take it that means something is running,how can you find what is running.and is the awake time that big of deal?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Can I Put Advanced Task Killer Back On?

Feb 25, 2010

I took of Advanced Task Killer when I put Fresh and Gumbo on since some have said that they don't play nice. I sometimes mess up and don't close out the app by hitting the back button. My phone starts to warm up and the battery starts draining. How do I see what apps are running so I can close them out so that I don't kill my battery? Can I put Advanced Task Killer back on?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Task Killer Keeping From Sleeping

Oct 27, 2009

I have had my phone sleeping correctly for three days. Today I installed task killer, and it hasnt slept since. I tried to uninstall it, but no luck. I reset the phone and only installed handcent and its normal again. I also noticed my battery was lasting very well untill i installed task killer....shortly after installing..the battery was dropping quickly.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Why Navigation Always On Even Using Advanced Task Killer

Jan 2, 2010

I have my GPS locations turned off. I use advanced task killer to kill all running apps... then I check my phone, and it Sprint Navigation is on every single time....

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Task Manager Ignore Lists

Oct 22, 2009

I think this is something we need a post covering. So many people are using task managers, which is likely un-necessary for the most part, and quite a few folks don't know what they can and cannot safely kill. All of the task managers I have tried include an ignore list so I figured I'd post what I have ignored in TasKiller, along with what I know about each item, and hopefully others will do that same and we can some up, at the very least as set of stock applications to ignore and maybe some help keeping other application running correctly. So here is my ignore list and what I know about each item (hopefully the ones I don't know about can be explained by others):

Touch Input - Reasons obvious by the name
HtcIQAgent - Not sure what it does exactly but it should be left running
IQRD - Not sure
OMADM - Not sure
HTC Sense - The Sense UI - Killing it only causes it to reload and auto-killing it would loop your phone into oblivion
Clock - The clock backend - Killing it will cause your alarms not to go off
Calendar - The calendar backend - Killing it will stop calendar syncing and cause you not to receive reminders for calendar events - The voicemail backend - Killing it will cause you not to get visual voicemail notification and stop you from being able to listen to voicemails through the voicemail app.
Mail - The Mail backend - Killing it will cause the phone to stop syncing mail from any account other the google account you associated your phone with.
Gmail - The google backend for your phone's associated account - Killing this will stop you from syncing with your phone's associated account.

Third Party:
Astrid - The Astrid widget's sync backend - Killing this will stop Astrid from syncing.
Handcent SMS - Killing this will stop the Handcent SMS process and cause Handcent to load again when you get a message which degrades performance.

That's all I have on ignore list for TasKiller. I don't use the widget to kill everything anymore because it's not necessary and I tend to dump any app that doesn't properly manager memory and sleep and either do without or find a replacement. The ignore list is still nice because TasKiller won't let you kill an ignored app and lets you hide them as well. I hope more folks will share their ignore lists.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Messges Keeps Poping Up In Task Killer / Why Is This?

Nov 3, 2009

I installed Handcent and disabled the SMS notifications, but in my task killer, the Messages is shown as working every once in a while, even though I never open it. Is there a way to completely remove the SMS application?

So I keep reading about the battery issues and the SMS not letting the phone sleep. I am just wondering how do you know if the phone is sleeping?

I lightly use my phone from about 6am and it lasts about 12 hours. By 6pm I have to plug it in.

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Sprint HTC Hero : Advanced Task Manager End All Button

Oct 23, 2009

If you use the "End All Background Tasks" button (the widget for this app I believe), it ends the weather functionality on the standard clock/weather widget. The weather does not appear to restart without trashing the clock widget and then replacing it. That basically renders the Kill All Background tasks functionality useless does it not? I'm wondering if it's like this for all background task killing apps as well.

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Sprint HTC Hero : Task Killers / The Legend Continues

Jul 17, 2010

When i first got my hero i was told to install a taskiller.I found this annoying and bothersome and my phone had several issues such as force closing and awake time.Then i read somewhere online that Android "is a smart os" and you don't need a task killer.So I uninstalled.Everything got better.My phone will lag or slow down here and there, but i think that's more the insufficient hardware of the hero.Usually I just wait a second and it's fine.Or press the home key.But here's the thing.I bought my wife an Intercept, and two best buy mobile employees told me to install a task killer - that this is how you "manage" android.Honestly, if this were true.Which I don't believe it is.I would not like the Android OS.But then a Sprint employee told me to also install a task killer.Only HTC has confirmed my earlier understanding that they're not necessary.So I've heard mixed things.In my own limited experience, it's not necessary.But i still see articles and forum posts talking about using them.So what is it? Are task killers a nagging and persistent myth.Or is there any real net benefit from using them? Or is it that they were more useful to version 1.5?

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