HTC EVO 4G :: Standby With Unplugged Hard Keys - Battery Drain

Jun 18, 2010

has anyone noticed when you have the evo in standby with it unplugged the hard keys on the bottom are still on. hardly notice it but you get it in dark very dark room and you can see thats its still on almost like a glow

HTC EVO 4G :: standby with unplugged hard keys - battery drain

HTC Incredible :: Battery Drain Quickly When Unplugged From Charger

Aug 29, 2010

Just installed SkyRaider 2.5.2 yesterday and radio 2.15. Using Launcher Pro+ and updated the notification bar to have the circle indicator. The charge took almost five hours. (Which I see is a common thing). However, when I unplugged my phone from charging this morning (9+ Hour charge) the battery went from 100% to 93% in about five minutes. It seems like I am losing 1% every minute or so until I reach 93%. Then it kind of stays steady. CPU clock is running constantly at 600 MHz+.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Wifi Is Disconnected When On Standby - Battery Drain

Oct 18, 2010

At home i've noticed that even though I have wifi on, it'll drain 15-20% of my battery over night (8 hours). When I turn the display on it'll show that there's no wifi connection available, but wifi is still enabled. After i turn the display on, it'll quickly connect to my wifi. Is this normal? How do i make it stay connected to my home wifi when the display is off/phone is in standby?

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General :: Facebook Standby Battery Drain?

Aug 21, 2011

i have some problems with battery life. The reason is the facebook for android app. I have already turned off the automatic sync, so the app shouldn't start itself but here is the partial wakeup spareparts shows me after a day of very light use (i have sometimes closed the Facebook process when i saw that my battery made jumps of 10% without touching it for an hour.

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General :: Asus Fonepad Battery Drain In Standby Due To Cell Radio

Sep 20, 2013

I recently purchased this Tablet cum Phone Device (Asus Fonepad) in India. I found this device very impressive with decent battery backup along with great standby time. Everything was allright. In morning I found heavy battery draining during standby.

Next day I uninstalled that Black market application and Uninstalled Exdialer with all downloaded themes. I got full signals and everything was working fine. But the Battery Drain in standby remain same. I observed the situation till next two days. I searched to forums and did following things:

1. I made factory reset to my fonepad. which was haviing 4.1.2 Android after updating through OTA. Which remains same after Reset.
2. I didnt install any other applation
3. I turned of all battery comsuming services like GPS/ Location reporting/ Data/ Wifi/ Uninstalled Google Play Service Updates etc
4. Installed Wakelock detector, Better Battery Stats etc All are showing that phone goes in deep sleep no prblem but Wakelock detector show that Cell Radio wakes up so much time when phone is on sleep mode. Default Battery monitor of Android Showing "Mobile Data" as most battery comsumer.

One thing I want to mention here the device is supportive to mini sim only. I was not having mini sim so I went to market and mobile shop keeper cutted my Sim to adjust into that slot and it woked. I was using same sim from Day first. It's Vodafone INDIA.

I have not rooted nor flashed anything from my fonepad. I am reached to the conclusion that There is some problem with Exdialer installation and applying new/old theme combination to it which made me device with no signal. And now The Cell Radio has been changed which is attempting to achive something in standby mode. Which is causing heavy battery Drain. Standby time is reduced to almost 15-16 Hrous

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Nexus :: Incorrect Battery Reading Since Unplugged

Feb 9, 2010

I last unplugged my phone at 11am yesterday. It's now 6pm so that's been 31hrs. Under battery information it currently says 8hr 33m 24s since unplugged. Anyone else getting false readings?

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HTC Desire :: Battery Dropped As Soon As Charger Unplugged

Aug 11, 2010

I've had my Desire a few weeks now and am resigned to the fact that I have to charge it regularly as I have it linked to my office Exchange server using push email. As I am on call for my job I need it on overnight as well. I always plug it into the HTC charger at bed time, but this morning I noticed something odd. When I woke up (still plugged in) the battery was showing 100%. As soon as I unplugged the charger, it dropped to 90%. I've seen a similar question on the forums but the circumstances were slightly different - anyone have any thoughts, duff battery maybe?

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General :: IconBIT Toucan Nano Hard Keys Remapping

Mar 22, 2012

I am building a carPC system based on Android 2.3 device IconBIT Toucan Nano. It's an ARM9 standalone box w/ HDMI and 2 USB ports, no GPS, no WiFi, no screen. Device comes rooted.

I've built a HID USB keyboard emulator based on a PIC18F2550 to use car radio keys to control the Android box, they basically map to F1-F10 keys, but I can change the setting to any HID USB scan code of course.

What I am trying to achieve is to be able to start Music player, Navigation and some other apps of my choice by pressing a single hardkey. When you drive, you don't really want to browse menus and look thru Applications, you just want a seperate keys for Music player, Navigation, Camera, etc etc. I have found a keylayout file (/system/usr/keylayout/*) which maps hardkeys to keys and apps, however it only runs pre-chosen default apps (like Music.apk or VideoPlayer.apk), and no user-specified apps.

I would like e.g. to run PowerAMP instead of Music.apk when 'MUSIC' key is pressed, also I would like to run Navigation (e.g. Google Maps) when some other key (say 'CAMERA') is pressed.

How do I specify my own apps for hard keys? I should use some Application->Launch menu, but my device does not have this menu. Also, another way is again go to Applications, All and change defaults, but no defaults are set for music player.

Also, for some reason, when I installed the latest firmware provided by IconBIT, HOME button stopped working. I have a mapping in keylayout file like key 62 HOME # F4, but just nothing happens when F4 is pressed.

I think there's gotta be some config file responsible for the apps launched on hardkey press, but where is it?

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Motorola Droid X :: Wake Phone From Other Than Power Button - Hard Keys

Jun 26, 2010

Biggest thing I'm concerned about...can the X be woken up by one of the front hard buttons? Without 3rd party app?

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Motorola Droid X :: Backlight Not Working On Bottom Hard Press Keys

Nov 3, 2010

A backlight used to turn on for the bottom hard press keys on my dx but ever since I downloaded and installed the live wallpaper panoplied, they don't turn on anymore. I don't know how or even why a live wallpaper would turn off backlight settings for the keys but its becoming a major inconvenience. I checked the settings but couldn't find where to tweak backlight settings. I also rebooted the phone and did a soft reset but that didn't work. Can anyone out there help a brother out?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Battery Won't Go Into Sleep Mode (battery Drain Related)

Sep 24, 2010

Many of us have experienced some battery life fall out since the last update. I mentioned this in the battery life thread but I thought it deserved it own topic. I have an app that I downloaded called battery status. it has a battery history. and it says time without sleeping 7h 10m 25s ago. Thats exactally when I unplugged my phone. This explains why I am seeing 2-3% per hour loss while not using the phone and while in airplane mode. Before the update I could keep the phone in airplane mode, not usre it, and leave work with over 94% battery life. So this proves that somehow the phone is not going into sleep mode... I can guarantee that everyone else in that is experiencing battery drain since the sept 16th update is due to this reason. The question is... why the hell is this happening and why won't the phone go into sleep mode?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Lookout Mobile Security And Battery Indicator Application - Battery Drain?

Oct 14, 2010

Has anyone noticed an increase in battey drain while using the Lookout Mobile Security app? I noticed my battery drain was a little higher than usual today. I also have an app called battery indicator installed and was wondering if those apps cause higher battery drain also?

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Wipe (inconsistent Battery Drain)?

Nov 13, 2010

Rooted Droid 1, running LFY 1.9 with it's 1ghz kernel, SPRecovery. Had a weird issue recently; the phone displayed that my battery life was at 40%, then probably ~30 minutes later it was down to 20%. I wasn't using it during that time, I just unlocked the screen to check something. Anyway, I opened my browser and within a minute or two I got the "15% battery life remaining" message, prompting me to connect my charger. I decided I would allow the phone to just die and shut itself down. So I waited ~45 minutes and it went down to 10%, then almost immediately to 5%. I turned on the GPS just to make it drain faster... I watched a one-hour television show and when it was over, I glanced over to the phone to see if it had died - nope, still on. I turned the LED light on, leaving the GPS running for ~25 minutes and it finally powered down. Then I plugged it in to charge and left the room. Came back in about 2.5 hours later and picked up the phone - it was very hot. Unlocked the screen and checked SetCPU and it was running ~135?F but it immediately started cooling down. It was fully charged, however so I unplugged it. I went to bed shortly thereafter and the battery life displayed 90% as I set the alarm to wake me up the next morning. I happened to wake up shortly before the alarm was set to go off and I picked up the phone to disable the alarm and noticed the red 'charge me' light blinking - unlocked the screen to see 5% and just then it powered itself down.

TL;DR -- Phone only got hot that one time, phone hasn't gone dead in stand-by mode again like it did that night. Battery drains at a seemingly normal rate based on my regular use from 100% down to 40%, then it rapidly drains after that, always skipping 30% and when it gets down to 5% it stays alive for quite a long time under heavy load. Is there a way to 'teach' the phone how to check and calculate actual and remaining battery % and to display it correctly? Is it kernel-related? I heard somewhere about doing a 'battery wipe' but I am unsure what that entails and searches are proving fruitless for me so far.

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Motorola Droid X :: Does Battery Status Pro Drain Battery Life?

Aug 12, 2010

does battery status pro drain your battery life?

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Android :: Best Battery Indicator (which Doesn't Drain Battery Itself)

May 7, 2010

I have a Motorola Milestone with Android 2.1. I'd like an app which shows the battery level in the notification bar. Nothing fancy, no estimation of remaining battery life nor fancy eye candy. If it can show a more precise reading than the Milestone built-in one, which only decreases in 10% intervals, fine, but only if this isn't a drain on the battery. I know there are several such apps, but which do you think is the best for my needs? There are so many it's hard to try them all and choose. I just want something basic and simple which doesn't drain the battery. I tried "battery indicator" and "battery status pro"; they both do what I need, but I'm afraid they might be an additional drain on the battery.

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HTC Desire :: Using Battery In Standby

May 14, 2010

When my phone goes into standby (is that the same as sleep mode, BTW?) is it still connected tothe internet ? If not is there a setting that will automatically disable it (I don't mind manually re-connecting it again)?

I don't have anything auto-synching, so I don't need to be connected while I'm not actually using it. (Just thinking of ways of saving valuable juice )

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HTC EVO 4G :: Dialer Using Battery On Standby

Jun 28, 2010

I usually charge my phone before I go to bed and wake up to it in the morning somewhere between 93% and 97% battery left.

This morning when I woke up I was at 75%. I checked the battery usage history and the "Dialer" used 92% of battery since unplugged.

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Nexus :: Standby Draining Battery

Jan 14, 2010

Just got my Nexus One yesterday, and I'm loving it! My only concern is the battery life meter is telling CELL STANDBY 67%?? When you click on it, it says time without signal 50% and then it says thats whats causing battery consumption.

Before I go on, I have no issues with 3G, been getting a solid signal since I got the phone yesterday, just a little confused on what to do? Shouldn't standby SAVE battery?

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Standby Time 2%?

Apr 29, 2010

This is probably a really dumb question but my battery life info says that the android system is using 96% of my battery and standby and idle are both using only 2%. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should my standby time be higher? Or is it better that it is a low number when it is idle/on standby. First smartphone ever here and I just don't know if that is good for my battery or not.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Cell Standby Demolishes Battery

Jul 29, 2010

I charge my evo while I'm sleeping. Last night I went to sleep with it at 100% and woke up 10 hours later to find that I had lost 50%. Battery indicator told me that it was 48% cell standby and 48% phone idle and only 2% Android system. Is this usual? I didn't know just leaving my phone on the table would kill so much.

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HTC Desire HD :: Calendar Sucking All Battery When On Standby

Nov 27, 2010

Does anyone know how to stop this. I didn't use my phone at all today and 70% of the battery was used by the calender, I tried to uninstall it and I couldn't, I hit force stop but it started again. Anyone know how to fix, or disable calender?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Good Battery Standby

Jul 29, 2010

I got a DX on the 15th and about a week ago I turned my eris on to check something, well this morning to my astonishment the phone was still on.. Pretty good standby time if you ask me, my razor didn't even last that long...

Lasted over 8 days. I can't post the pic now because I'm on my phone, but I'll upload it later.

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Motorola Droid :: Cell Standby And Battery Use

Jul 11, 2010

Im trying to figure out the consumption issues with my battery and cell standby. it is currently responsible for 39% which is at the top of the list just above phone idle. what really concerns me though is my time without a signal is 49%!! but everytime i look at my phone it has 3bars! how can this be? and im assuming this is whats killing my battery? it should be noted that i dont think i have the "bug" others seemed to have.

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HTC Incredible :: Cell Standby - Battery Killer

Apr 30, 2010

I was just wondering if anyone had the same issue as I do, with about 44% of my battery use coming from the notorious call standby.

I heard some speculation that this is akin to the issue with the Eris 2.1, so it would be solved by the Airplane Mode trick, but I have not found any results favoring that remedy.

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HTC Incredible :: Bluetooth Eating Up Battery Life In Standby?

May 12, 2010

For some reason, which I can't figure out yet, when I go to Settings -> About -> Battery and look at usage, my cell standby is always highest which is fine but Bluetooth is always #2! I'm talking on average it's always 25% or close to that.This seems odd because it's just on, not connected to anything. If I turn off Bluetooth it immediately drops (obviously) so it just seems that for some reason the Bluetooth on this phone eats battery life like no tomorrow. What's stranger is WiFi (which I leave on 24/7) hardly goes above 10%.Very odd. Anybody notice the same? I guess I just have to get into habit of turning off BT when I'm not using it.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Full Battery Gone In 3 Hours On Standby

Sep 12, 2010

Heres a question that I couldn't seem to answer by reading the other threads. I just moved up for a small town in the middle of nowhere with modest 3G service, but now that I am in a big city where I have complete 3G all the time my phone doesn't last me more than 3hours even on stand by.

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General :: How To Decrease Cell Standby Battery Usage

Nov 22, 2012

I am using K-touch w619 rebranded as Karbonn A5 in India.

I get horrible battery backup because of cell standby which takes 50%-60% battery...How can i reduce it???

I just have 13 apps intalled namely xda,dolphin and uc browsers,jetaudio,titanium b,es file ex,es task mgr,link2sd, lucky patcher,soundhound,holo plus and dictionary

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Samsung I7500 :: Battery Lasts For 24 Hours In Complete Standby?

Dec 12, 2009

I've a Galaxy and I installed the rom GalaxHero, but last few days my Galaxy uses a lot of battery. Turn On the phone at 13 o'clock, still in standby, at 21 o'clock the battery was at 55%. That is completely abnormal. I've installed the application "spare parts" and I see that in "Battery History" - "Other usage" it reported running 97%. So I Installed another program, "Drain-O-Meter", this brings me to the process "System_Server" which uses the CPU to 100%. The battery lasts me very little, maximum 24 hours in complete standby. Before we even did about 70 hours!

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Draining - Cell Standby And Idle Are 36%

Jun 23, 2010

I tried doing the Airplane trick...I am not sure this is the 50% issue others have mentioned because when I go to view my battery statistics, it doesn't show the 2 lines of information like it did before (i.e, 50%), but my phone idle and cell standby are Both hanging around 36%...seems kind of high in my opinion.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Battery Life - Only 19 Hours Standby?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a new Xperia Mini which claims to be capable of 200+ hours standby time. I'm getting only 19 hours! I have disabled everything - Navigation, 3G, Wifi, GPS, Updates, but its still draining in less than 24 hours. Can this be right?

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