HTC EVO 4G :: Locks Up When HDMI Connected
Sep 22, 2010
I tryed connecting my EVO to my TV. When i connect it to the TV the EVO freezes. When i unplug the cable, the phone reboots and then works again. Looks like its a know issue. BTW i have the HDMI cable from Sprint.
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Nov 28, 2009
I noticed that if I leave the OEM Eris USB cable plugged into my tower & Eris that the tower will freeze just after CMOS flash screen during PC boot up. It took me a few minutes to figure it out and I do not know what would cause that.
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Jan 9, 2013
I use an MHL adaptor to connect my Android device on a HDMI screen.
This is really great but it would be perfect if I could use my PC keyboard and PC mouse to control it.
I tried VNC servers and TeamViewer QuickSupport but the main problem is that I don't see the mouse pointer on my device so it's very difficult to use a mouse when you don't see the pointer ^^
Any way to remotely access an Android device from a computer and be able to see this mouse pointer on the device?
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Nov 1, 2010
Every time i lock the screen the SIM locks as well, meaning I have to enter the SIM pin code every time I unlock the phone! Also no one can call me since the SIM is locked. Anyone else got this problem? This happened once in a while on 1.6 but since my update to 2.1 this morning it happens every time.
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Sep 7, 2013
I've noticed that none of the new phones coming out have HDMI out on them anymore. I've got a Razr Maxx that I'm looking at replacing and was looking at the new Droid Maxx but I'm concerned about the lack of HDMI out. I'm a boater and have a TV on my boat. I connect my Razr Maxx to my TV with a Micro HDMI to HDMI cable and watch Netflix when I'm on the. I'd hate to give that up but also realize that my Maxx won't last forever.
Any new phones that do have HDMI out?
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Jun 27, 2010
I'm trying to find out if anyone has tried to use Evo + Slingplayer + mini hdmi cable and hooking up to a tv? Any success?
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Jul 2, 2010
I searched and cannot find an answer for this: I have not been to a hotel with a TV with an HDMI input, they typically have the red/white/yellow inputs. Is there a cable that is micro HDMI on one end and the three on the other end? I realize it won't be HDMI quality, but i could at least put movies up on the TV from my phone.
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Sep 9, 2012
Downloaded FoxFi, and love it. Great when I need to use my laptop. But...
Lately, I've noticed it has been having connection issues. I start the hotspot, my laptop "sees" it. And I can connect (shows "connected" in the wifi window next to "FoxFi" on laptop). But, at the top of the same wifi window, it also shows (under "Currently connected to:"), "No internet access" (or something - connected right now on different wifi network, so I can't get the exact wording). But I hope this is clear.
Why this weird contradiction? One part of the window says I'm connected, the other says I'm not.
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Sep 17, 2010
I posted this earlier but it disappeared? When the phone is unplugged, it says USB connected, and all of the icons are missing from the top of the homepage (time, signal strength, 3g, etc). The pull down menu is also hard to pull down then is real jerky when it does pull down. When the phone is plugged in, it has the signal for the USB and all the icons return, It also shows a full battery, then tho it is not.
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Jun 12, 2010
I like the pattern screen lock and see no need to have the sliding screen lock. Does anyone know how to get rid of the sliding lock?
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Nov 21, 2010
I have the No lock app/widget on the phone but is there a different 1 that requires a code to be entered to lock/unlock the screen, so far no lock hasnt been unlocked(well to my knowledge) and called someone when in my pocket but it could happen in the future.
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Dec 6, 2009
Kinda like how iphone has that number lock where you have to input a number code inorder to access it is there something like this for android phones?
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Sep 14, 2010
I ordered a combo kit from amazon, very cheap. I know some chargers lock up the screen, but this one had a review from someone with an Inc. saying it was fine. Anyway, wall charger locks screen, but shows it is charging, led lights up. Car charger works fine, no screen locking up.
So... am I doing any damage to my phone using wall one? Was thinking I would just use overnight when phone is off. Anyone else using one that locks phone?
I can always just toos wall one, and keep the car one, still great deal for the $4 is spent.
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Nov 15, 2010
I recently was sent an OTA update and did it. Well , it wiped all my work Exchange settings out. I reconfigured and now I am forced to log in with a password AFTER I swipe the screen lock at the bottom.
This was occurring before the 2.2 update in Sept. and I used the No Lock App. Well now, the No Lock app doesn't even work. I work for a small company and they couldn't find the "Mobile" settings in Exchange that I have read about in other posts. Anyone know why this is happening and if there is a fix? I have other Android users at my office and they do not have to unlock with a password.
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Feb 23, 2010
Since the latest update of Listen, my phone seems to shut itself off when I'm listening to a podcast and I get an email notification. This happened once yesterday and then again this morning on my way to work. Actually it's more like it locks itself and becomes unresponsive. I have to remove the battery and then power on again. Yesterday I couldn't see it, but this morning the buttons lit up and the led blinked even when it was locked up but the screen just wouldn't come on. Anyone else out there using Listen and have this happen to them?
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Jun 13, 2009
I need to use a wakelock to hold the screen active while its required. I was recommended to use a service which I have been trying but on the onDestroy I am getting "wl cannot be resolved".
Code below:
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Aug 18, 2010
When I press and hold on a widget to move it and let go of it in the place where it originally was, launcher pro locks up and I cant move through any screens.
The only way I can fix my problem is to press the menu button, go to applications and force close launcher pro.
It's really annoying, anyone else dealing with this or have a fix?
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Apr 22, 2010
Anyone else have this issue? My Eris' lock screen...well, locks up. So meta, right?
It does this maybe once a day and the only way to unlock the lock screen is... you can't. I have to pull the battery out and put it back in, then wait the entire three minutes it takes to restart.
EDIT: Sometimes it doesn't lock, but I can't pull down the unlock all the way. It sits there near the bottom of the screen and I can kind of move it around, but I can't pull it all the way down.
This is unbearably frustrating because I use the cardio program to track all my fitness. If it locks up in the middle of a workout, I can't save or see my progress. Obviously, I can't make a guess as to the distance I've traveled because I'm training for a marathon and I need exact numbers.
This is not to mention god knows what kind of screw-ups might result from so many restarts and forced shut down by pulling out the battery.
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Jul 30, 2010
Yesterday I was using my Moment, and had to reboot it... Data lock *cringe*. So it boots up, and I start using it, browsing the internet, and suddenly, without warning, while my finger is on the screen scrolling, the phone locks up the screen. It did it several times more while I was using Google maps, and while I was browsing my gallery.
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May 26, 2010
I have a service which starts at boot up time, the service code needs the intent of following scenarios.
1) When the phone locks(after time out)
2)When the user unlocks the screen (by dragging the screen lock object)
There doesn't appear to be an API available where an application can be notified when the device is locked or unlocked. It is important the this application be notified of these events, since the service utilizes the proximity sensor which does not shutdown when the device goes into suspend. The app will need to unload the prox sensor manually to save battery when the device gets locked, and reload the prox after the device is unlocked again.
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Nov 3, 2010
So I have a rooted EVO that I listen to streaming music through the stock browser. If I leave the browser (home screen or another app) or I lock the screen, then the stream stops. As soon as I unlock the screen or switch back to the browser, it resumes immediately. Has anyone figured out how to circumvent this feature?
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Nov 26, 2010
It seems that my cappy has the tendency to lock up when loading images right when i boot up the gallery. Sometimes, it stalls for a bit, and sometimes it completely locks up, needing me to remove the battery and reboot. Is this a common and known issue?
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Sep 30, 2009
When the application has a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, the CPU stays turned on, but what about the cellular antenna? Does the PhoneStateListener not receive any change in state from the antenna when the PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK is acquired?I have an application that needs to continuously read the signal strength while the user isn't using the phone.I suspect I need a FULL_WAKE_LOCK to do that. Is that true?
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Nov 1, 2010
Had my galaxy S for just over a month and it's a great phone until last night and today when it has started to lock up on me. I have had to remove the battery to kill the phone and then restart it. When it has locked up it displays the following message. Activity Phone (in process com.Andriod.Phone) is not responding
Any one had this happen and what is the cause of this, what do I do to resolve it ? or is it a repair job. Any help would be great as I have had to restart it 6 times today.
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Sep 21, 2010
Okay this is incredibly annoying. My Captivate locks while I am in a call. If I pull the phone away from my ear, the screen will stay blacked out until I press the power button. For a split second, the screen shows locked then automatically transitions to the phone UI. Even if I use speaker phone, the phone eventually locks and I must depress the power button to end the call or dial other numbers. Is this normal for this device? I previously owned the iPhone 3g and the screen would black out, but would come right back on when you moved the phone away from your face or if you just shook the phone a bit.
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Jun 15, 2010
So I was doing a bunch of tricks for the battery and now when ever my phone locks pandora will not play until I unlock it again.. Any Ideas? Seems like some setting I turned off doesn't allow data to flow when its locked or something.
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Mar 30, 2010
I just got this phone a couple of days ago, and now all of a sudden my end button doesnt bring up the lock screen. it works fine for everything else but pressing it just brings it back to the home screen. is there any way to map it back? because i couldnt find it in the settings and i have turned my phone off multiple times but nothing works.
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May 18, 2010
Just received my Desire today. Like most people love the phone but wondering if there is something similar to Advanced Device Locks which I used on my N95? This phone really needs something like this where you can lock individual apps.
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Aug 21, 2010
My droid seems to freeze sporadically. the phone will ring twice, but will not pop on screen for me to pick it up until after the second ring. It also takes a minute for the screen to pop back up for me to press the "call end" button.
Sometimes it freezes when I attempt to unlock lock it.
I'm running firmware 2.1.
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Aug 17, 2010
I was just wondering if there was an app for locking only certain pics texts etc. if you know why really good ones that don't make it obvious pls post it.
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