HTC EVO 4G :: Want HDMI Connection With A Conversion

Jun 20, 2010

Does anyone know if there's a conversion for the HDMI connection to hook up to the non HDMI connection TV's? Or does it simply does not exist, that you absolutely have to have a flat screen panel tv with a hdmi connection.

HTC EVO 4G :: Want HDMI connection with a conversion

General :: Connect Razr Maxx To TV With Micro HDMI To HDMI Cable

Sep 7, 2013

I've noticed that none of the new phones coming out have HDMI out on them anymore. I've got a Razr Maxx that I'm looking at replacing and was looking at the new Droid Maxx but I'm concerned about the lack of HDMI out. I'm a boater and have a TV on my boat. I connect my Razr Maxx to my TV with a Micro HDMI to HDMI cable and watch Netflix when I'm on the. I'd hate to give that up but also realize that my Maxx won't last forever.

Any new phones that do have HDMI out?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Evo / Slingplayer / Mini HDMI - View It On Any Tv With Hdmi?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to find out if anyone has tried to use Evo + Slingplayer + mini hdmi cable and hooking up to a tv? Any success?

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HTC EVO 4G :: HDMI Cable To Non HDMI

Jul 2, 2010

I searched and cannot find an answer for this: I have not been to a hotel with a TV with an HDMI input, they typically have the red/white/yellow inputs. Is there a cable that is micro HDMI on one end and the three on the other end? I realize it won't be HDMI quality, but i could at least put movies up on the TV from my phone.

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Media :: GCD To MP3 Conversion?

Jul 22, 2010

I did a search & can't find anything on this. my question is, does anyone know how to convert .GCD ring tone files to .mp3 (or any other EVO-able ringtone file type)? Has anyone else run into this trouble?

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Android :: WAV To MP4 Conversion

Jul 16, 2010

I have a wave file and would like to convert into MP4 format which can be play back in Android phone thru android audio sdk. Please share your experiences. I have tried conversion using QUICKTIME. But could not work.

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Android :: Flv To Mp4 Conversion

Jun 26, 2009

I want to play the flv files in Android. So what I thought is to convert the flv file to mp4 or 3gp(for which there is a decoder in Android). OpenCore can be used to convert. I have looked into opencore code, there is a class in opencore "/android/external/opencore/fileformats/mp4/composer" to create the mp4 file. It has apis like AddTrack AddSampleToTrack. I should give the input as frames, but in Flv I will get the Sorenson Video and Mp3 audio frame(after doing some trivial string operations to remove the headers). Can I use these directly as input to above apis or is there any good way to convert flv to mp4? And also I have looked into "/android/external/opencore/nodes/pvmp4ffcomposernode" but it reads from ports not able to know how to send input to this class.

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Android :: Video Conversion From Flv To Mp4

Mar 24, 2010

I have been trying to convert .flv to .mp4 in the server with ffmpeg ,and stream it through the android browser:-This is the command I have been using: ffmpeg -i *input.flv* -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -r 25 -b 560000 -s 610x340 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 64 -ar 44100 *output.mp4* The output streams like a charm on the iPhone,but i have had no luck on the android G1 developer phone,has any one tried this?If so what are the parameters that I may be missing.I am not even a beginner as far as media related libraries are concerned. Any pointers will be helpful.

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Android :: ISO2022JP UTF-8 Conversion

Jun 4, 2009

"HT-03A" will be release to the market in Japan, I'm lookig forward to it. Then I wonder whether String class support following charset type. String unicode = new String(jis); try { unicode = new String(unicode.getBytes("ISO2022JP"), "ISO2022JP"); } catch (Exception e)

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Android :: Intent And URI Conversion Result

Feb 14, 2009

We can convert from Intent to URI and from URI to Intent. From Intent to URI string Intent intent1 = new Intent ();
String uriString = intent1.toURI ();
From URI string to Intent Uri uri = Uri.parse (uriString);
Intent intent2 = new Intent ();
intent2.setData (uri)

After conversion, intent1 and inten2 should be same. for example:
Intent intent1 = new Intent ();
intent1.addCategory (Intent.CATEGORY_HOME);
intent1.addCategory (Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);
Log.v ("", "Intent1 = " + intent1);
if (intent1.hasCategory (Intent.CATEGORY_HOME))
Log.v ("Intent1", "#1 hasCategory TRUE");
else Log.v ("Intent1", "#1 hasCategory FALSE");
String str = intent1.toURI ();
Uri uri = Uri.parse (str);
Intent intent2 = new Intent ();
intent2.setData (uri);
Log.v ("", "Intent2 = " + intent2);
if (intent2.hasCategory (Intent.CATEGORY_HOME))
Log.v ("Intent2", "#2 hasCategory TRUE");
else Log.v ("Intent2", "#2 hasCategory FALSE");
result Intent1 = { categories=android.intent.category.HOME,android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} } #1 hasCategory TRUE

Intent2 {data=#Intent;
end } #2 hasCategory FALSE

In this sample code, Intent2 is a conversion result from Intent1. If you run this sample code, Intent1 result and Intent2 result are different. Because Intent1 and Intent2 have a same Intent.CATEGORY_HOEM, the result should be Intent1 and Intent2 is TRUE (intent.hasCategory). I think this is bug. And the hint is Intent1 and Intent2 's toString result is different.
Intent1 = {categories=android.intent.category.HOME,android.intent.category.LAUNCHER}
Intent2 = { data=#Intent;category=android.intent.category.HOME
category= android.intent.category.LAUNCHER;end }

I don't know how to convert Intent to URI(String) and convert URI (String) to Intent. I want to save Intent to DB and read Intent from DB.

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HTC Incredible :: Video Format Conversion

Aug 4, 2010

I have quite a few videos recorded in .m4v which will noth play on the Incredible. I have Hand Brake and DVD Fab 7. I tried DVD Fab 7 but it errors out trying to record them in WMV. Hand Brake seems to only record them in .m4v. Anyone have a good converter to recommend? I tried syncing with Media player but it still puts it in the wrong format.

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Motorola Droid :: MMS Conversion/charges

Jul 7, 2010

When she tries to send a picture it says "Converting message to MMS" (I told her that was normal lol) "Charges may apply."...THIS part, the "Charges may apply" part, is the part I am stuck on. I've never seen this on mine. We have the same plan I think, unlimited texting and calling and such...she is sending the picture to a Verizon phone...I mean I told her it is probably just a "btw, it COULD charge you" sorta thing and that it more than likely won't.

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Android :: Speech To Text Conversion

Sep 4, 2010

i want to develop apps based on speech to text conversion.can you please share your suggestions and how to develop this app.

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Android :: Date Format Conversion

Sep 23, 2010

I am having a date/time value as 2010-07-26T11:37:52Z , now i wants date in 26-July-2010 (dd-mm-yyyy) format, how do i do it?

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Android :: Restrict Cost Conversion

Nov 10, 2010

I have entered a value to my database as $1000000000. it stored in Database also its looks like as same. when retrieve it from using the DB. Its converted to $1e+09 automatically. how to restrict it.

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HTC Desire :: Conversion Application For Phone

Jun 29, 2010

Can anyone point me in the direction of a conversion application for this phone, e.g pounds to kilograms, feet to metres, pints to litres, etc?

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Android :: Pixel Format Conversion In SF

Nov 26, 2009

I am looking at the source code of a Camera Preview application and learning that the preview buffers coming from the sensor is in YUV422 format. However, this preview frame is showed on the display in RGB. Can someone please let me know where the pixel format conversion happens? Is it inside Surface Flinger? If yes, can you please point me to the code?

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Media :: Video Conversion Software

Jun 20, 2010

I just found this deal that is only good for the remainder of the day. It's free video conversion software - can be used for the Evo. Giveaway of the Day - free licensed software daily. Today: WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe (World Cup 2010 Special Edition) - WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe fully meets video fans? needs who are looking for website video down loader, HD video convert

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Nexus :: DVD & Video Conversion Settings

Feb 14, 2010

Anyone know the best conversion settings? frame rates etc, i have cucusoft ultimate converter.

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HTC Desire :: Sync Music With Auto Conversion

Jun 9, 2010

I have a huge library of music in MP3 320kbps. I'm looking to copy selected albums to my phone but during the sync process I'd like them to be re-encoded to a lower bit rate so I can fit more on the phone. I'd like this done during the sync so I don't have to keep a second, lower bitrate copy of everything.WMP12 claims to be able to do this but, not surprisingly for a piece of Microsoft software, it doesn't actually work so I'm looking for something else that can do it. Is there anything else out there?Also, nearly all media managing software constantly just refers to syncing "playlists". I don't ever use playlists as I tend to listen to whole albums in order so I select artist then album, no need for a "playlist". Can I use these things to copy across whole albums without the need to create a playlist of that album and use that to sync?

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Media :: Despite Successful Conversion / Video Will Not Play

Jul 6, 2010

I have looked at several forum posts on several sites to find a solution to my problem, but have failed. I have a G1 that does not seem to like mp4s. The various forums all recommended this file type (some recommended ipod presets, others iphone) but I've successfully converted files to mp4 using a few different converters that will still not play on my G1. Is there some problem with my specific phone?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Movies - Conversion Of Own Personal Video Files

Apr 30, 2010

I was hoping to get some feedback from those of you that are in the advanced category for smart phones and media. I'm gearing up and converting many of MY videos to MP4 in anticipation of watching them on my hotly anticipated new 4.3" screen.

In regards to the conversion of MY OWN PERSONAL video files, I had some questions about settings and the process for making the videos look and work best on the EVO. I realize this question may be premature given the actual phone isn't out yet, but any info would be appreciated.

My main questions are:

What settings people would recommend for using Handbrake to convert the files?

What settings will use the least amount of resources and memory, but will still give the best playback/image possible on the EVO?

I have waded through what information I could find on the forum in the EVO and Incredible (closest match to EVO) threads and this is what I have found in case anybody wants to use it for reference. THANK YOU to those posters who have supplied the following information, it got me moving in the right direction.

Programs available to convert files to MP4: (These were the most often mentioned, but there are several others available to use as well)

XDA Video Encoder - [APP][REF]Video encoding GUI - xda-developers - Appears to be free, instructions listed on web link for operation. "Probably the best movie converter. It was designed for converting movies for older, less powerful HTC devices, but it'll still work great for this. Extremely easy to use, and produces small file sizes with great quality. Works pretty fast too. I highly, highly recommend it for converting movies to use on Android phones."

ANYDVD - SlySoft AnyDVD | any dvd, region free, dvd copy, copy dvd movies, dvd decoder, dvd ripper, macrovision, dvd copying software - Free for 30 days, $$$$ after that. Updates often and seems to be regarded as best for decrypting files.

DVDFAB - DVD Copy Software from DVDFab | Copy DVD to PSP, DVDR or iPod - Free for 30 days, then $$$ after that. Full package looks like you are able to convert files for all kinds of uses and to all types of players including mobile phones.

Handbrake - HandBrake - Free. Seems to be the most popular here on the android forums. Easy to use and so far has done a good job converting for me.

DVD Converter Pro - InterTech DVD Converter - Free trial, then $$$. 1 comment from poster "I'm impressed by dvd converter pro. It worked well and seems to be much easier than dvd fab. I will probably purchase it. The incredible photo viewer is not well suited for displaying videos though."

Tutorials and help: (comments taken from different threads here on Android forum)

- Well, to get the ball rolling, here are quite a few guides on how to convert DVD to an Android-compatible standard h.264 video format.

Guide, How To, Tutorial and Article list -

- Jerry Hildenbrand (Gbhill) @ Android Central wrote a great how to on video conversion using Handbrake as well as Double Twist on the Android Central Blog. It can be found HERE

- Here is another, more general, video guide which discusses Handbrake in more detail for those who are interested. I personally like the step by step guides with lots of pictures... I consider myself an advanced technical user, but sometime I just want to get it done quick.

Here are the links...
The Power User's Guide to Video Encoding with Handbrake | Maximum PC
The Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need | Maximum PC

- If you use Handbrake uncheck the CABAC entropy coding under the Advanced tab. You can use it but it will limit you to yxflash (a pay for app) for the player. I can say that if you rip correctly it looks amazing on the AMOLED screen of the N1. Even Spongebob has amazing color resolution. But thats 90mb per 12 minute episode.


Resolution and Settings Comments:

- I am using DVDfab. I have read that they should be set to 480 X 272 and use the preset setting for apple tv. I have encoded some to mp4 and they play really nice on my computer.

- I would recommend keeping either the horizontal or vertical resolution the highest the device supports which is either 800 vertical or 480 horizontal.

- Isn't the display resolution 800x480? So how did someone come up with 480x272? To get the best picture, I would set it to 800x? or ?x480.

- If it's a dvd, you want to keep it at the same resolution of 720x480 (or whatever the 4:3 res is, but why you would use 4:3 on this phone is beyond me).

- 480x272 is a 16:9 aspect ratio, the ratio that is used for movies as that is the ratio that most widescreen TVs are (e.g., 720p = 1280x720 and 1080p = 1920x1080).

I think 800x450 would be the best resolution as it's the closest to the native resolution of the display while still maintaining the 16:9 aspect ratio -- important if you want the proportions to look how they're supposed to look. Use this resolution only if the source video is HD, though. DVD videos are 720x480 (I think 720x400 is viewable since it's letterboxed), so encoding to any resolution above that would just be a waste of space by creating a larger video file.

- Yeah, I just encoded a movie using 480x272 and it looks great. Even on my 15" laptop screen. I think when you encode a movie from 5 gig to 800 meg it probably doesnt make a huge difference if you use 800 x 480 or 480 x 272.

- Folks, this is a classic debate, but recording the vids at full Inc resolution has drawbacks with no gains (unless you also plan on playing them back on a bigger display- laptop is example).

1. Drains more battery
2. Takes up over twice the space

Please download a video for PSP or iPod, iPhone (or format one this) and you will see that you will not notice a difference between the vids on a 3.7" display.

Output from the composite video of the Inc will also not use the higher resolution either. Composite video out is the constraint there. Not 720p output like the EVO (that puppy will run hot outputting that res to a display).

- So i put a movie on my Incredible that was set to the 480 x 272. It plays perfect and looks perfect.

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Media :: EPUB Format Conversion Tricks?

Oct 10, 2010

I know that any format conversion sometimes (or most of the time) produces less than desirable results. So what are some tips for converting from text files to ePub format? For example, the best way to get chapters identified so they show up in a table of contents?

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Android :: Implement Conversion Text Speech

Nov 13, 2010

I am using Google translate api in my application,i have done in text conversion is ok but translate-text to speech is pending.
this code i am using how can implement translate text voice in android.
this above screenshot display text conversion is ok,click audio button image listen translate text in audio-player how can implemented
my code
//audio button click event..........
submit = (ImageView) findViewById(;
submit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
{ public void onClick(View v)
//speech code how can implemented
/////////////////// translate button code//////////////////////
((Button)findViewById( OnClickListener() {...............

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Android :: Dalvik Conversion Error 2 - Not Annotations

May 11, 2009

I am trying to convert my project o SDK 1.5. It won't build with the errror: "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 2"

I have seen other threads refer to problem with annotations, but the code that is causing problems for me has absolutely no java annotations in it (no at-signs whatsoever, except inside javadoc comments). Is there any way to get feedback from Eclipse or the android tools about what the problem is? How am I supposed to even begin to debug this problem?

I am more than happy to change the code where there are problems (the problem is actually a large library that I use, but I use the library as raw code, not a foreign jar, so I have access to the code), but I don't know what to change. That error just doesn't give me much to go on.

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Android :: DateFormat Conversion Problem In Java?

Apr 8, 2010

My input String is: 2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z

Output pattern is like: DateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE. MMM. d. yyyy");

I convert this like this: formatter1.format(new Date("2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z"));//illegalArgumentException here the string "2010-03-24T17:28:50.000Z"

Ouput should be like this: Thu. Mar. 24. 2010 idea.

But i get a illegalArgumentException.

Stacktrace message is:


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Samsung I7500 :: Video Conversion Settings

Mar 1, 2010

Does anyone know the best video codec settings for the Galaxy?I've tried converting with NPS, but it messes up the aspect ratio, so I'd like to convert some files with another program, but would like to figure out what's best. Anyone with some insight?I've been using the meridian player.

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General :: How To Edit SII SMS To Remove MMS Conversion And Limit

Dec 5, 2012

My phone is galaxy SII. My firmware is JPLPJ 4.0.4. How to remove the sms sending limit and prevent conversion onto mms

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Android :: Conversion Of Input Source To Meaningful Data

Aug 16, 2010

i want to ask about that can we convert the input source type data in android. my prob is here that i get the data from the url not in tags form. i fetch output in the inputsource type. after that i want to parse the data in meaningful form is this possible or not? if this possible then how can i implement?

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Android :: Conversion To Dalvik Format Failed With Error 1

Aug 10, 2010

I faced to the serious problem when building my environment. I use below software for compiling. android SDK (android 2.1) eclipse 3.5.2. At first, this problem occurred on eclipse 3.6. I looked for the reason and countermeasure on the web. As the result, I re-installed eclipse 3.5.2. however, the problem was not fixed yet... after building, the below message has been displayed. "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" if you know other countermeasure for this.

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