HTC EVO 4G :: Duplicate Inboxes Appearing Stock Email Client

Aug 25, 2010

I just recently setup my email on my HTC Evo using the stock email client. I use Google Apps for my email and setup the email using IMAP. Everything appears to be working correctly.

However, tonight I noticed that the email client continues to create multiple 100+ folders called "inbox". When I click one of those folders there is nothing in the folder but it begins to download all the email that is on the server.

It looks like each time I open the email client another inbox is automatically being created. I deleted the account and started over and the same thing happens multiple inboxes are starting to be created again.

I decided I would delete the account in my stock mail client and recreated the account.

When I did this I opened the mail client and there were two inboxes from the start. Then the next time I opened there were3, then 4 and so on...It appears that every time the client opens it generates a new inbox.

Granted there is nothing in the inbox until I actually click and open the inbox when I do that the emails start downloading.

Again, using the stock email client. Setting up IMAP, using Google Apps with my own business domain for the email service.

HTC EVO 4G :: Duplicate Inboxes Appearing Stock email Client

Desire :: Stock HTC Email Client

Jul 12, 2010

I have had issues with the stock email client since i got my desire. the sync peak/offpeak times never worked properly no html email view I have tried Touchdown and roadsync and have disliked them both for one reason or another
1) they did not sync with the phone's phone book
2) they seemed to drain the battery
3) not proper widgets for emails
4) contacts did not sync with exchange or phone as they had their own DB for contacts
5) too many keypresses to do simple tasks.
6) they both charged If HTC could fix the peak/off peak times then I would be happy
as for html viewer of emails it's not the end of the world (touchdown did it lovely)

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Motorola Droid X :: Stock Email Client

Nov 4, 2010

Since the gmail app is facing sync issues, I have decided to switch to the stock email app that droid X has. The only problem with it is that it doesn't combine the similar conversations like gmail does, so if you have 8 emails exchanged with someone, it will show as 8 different messages rather than just one which is the case with gmail. Does anyone know how to fix this? I checked the settings but couldn't find anything.

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Samsung Captivate :: Remove Stock Email Client?

Jul 29, 2010

Can I replace the stock email app with something else? I've tried K-9 and it works great but when I click on the notifications, it goes to the stock email client.

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General :: Stock Email Client Deleting Emails?

Jan 30, 2012

Recently purchased a Samsung Nexus S. The stock email client (not the GMail app), using POP3 will delete mails once they have been downloaded, or when I next sync. Occasionally it will not delete all mails, just some. The option to delete from the server is not ticked and no other clients are pulling from the server, so its not the case that another app is deleting them. To confirm, emails aren't being deleted after say 10 days, they are being deleted within minutes, and I'm only downloading a handful of mails.

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HTC EVO 4G : Use Stock Email Client On Phone To Send - Receive School Emails?

Jun 13, 2010

Is it possible to use the stock email client that comes on the phone to send and receive my school emails? I login on my computer through windows live and the ending to my email is I already tried to set it up on the phone once but i get error messages.

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General :: Unable To Configure 2 Exchange Accounts In Stock Email Client

Jun 6, 2012

I have a Galaxy Nexus with Stock 4.0.4 ROM and a Transformer Prime also with the stock ASUS firmware (4.0.3), The company where I work has a mail server that supports exchange (Kerio Connect) At that server I have (because I need it that way) 2 different accounts, I need one of those accounts to synchronize everything; contacts, mail, calendar, and the other one to synchronize only calendar appointments.

If I configure the first account everything works just fine. But, when I configure the second account, I start receiving login errors for both accounts every certain time, the apps shows me the option to update my account credentials and when I do it works for the moment but after a while it fails again. If I delete whichever of the two accounts the other works fine.

I have not tested this scenario against other email servers, so I'm not sure if this a problem with my server or if this is an Android problem.

Both accounts are configured as Exchange accounts from Settings menu.

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Jelly Bean :: Galaxy S3 - Stock Email Client Autofill Addresses / How To Edit

Jan 2, 2014

I have had my phone nearly a year and how it's got a cache of people I've sent emails to, because sometimes I want to retrieve an address I didn't think I'd need again... However, it also presents some annoying issues. It also saves every typoed address I've ever fat-fingered, and sometimes it comes up as the first choice when it was for someone in my contacts, and I then send a message to a bad address. If you go to write an email and press that little 'contact' button in the "To" field area, it shows me a list, and I don't know where some of those are coming from - it's some but not all of my contacts and some but not all of the addresses I've ever written to. I would like to clean out the fat-finger errors and also that mysterious list that comes up when you press the little contact icon when composing an email, without taking a scorched-earth approach. Googling around indicates to me that this has annoyed people for years and nobody's found a solution.

I have a Galaxy S3 running the recent update to 4.3.

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Samsung Captivate :: Email Client Won't Auto Check Email

Jul 25, 2010

Does anyone else have the same problem? When I use the default email client from captivate, even when I set the checking period as every 10mins, I won't get new emails unless I open the app and manually refresh, well, except the one of gmail. This happens on my yahoo email, hotmail and my school email, which all worked fine on my old iphone. People have talked about yahoo mails won't be accessible through wifi from Android, which happens on mine too. But even when I was at 3G, the email client won't auto check it either. I have tried K9 email client, it doesn't work either. The only thing I find work is the MailDriod, but the function of this app is very limited, it won't even open attachments by default. Does anyone else here have the same problem, or maybe an idea to fix the default email client?Also, I find when I use the ear set make calls, when I try to click the button on the ear set, it won't hang up the call as my iphone would. Is this a bug or just something Andriod can't do? The button on the ear set seems quite useless with Captivate, it can only control to play or pause by single click when play music, won't do song change when doule click it.

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HTC Desire :: All Images Aren't Appearing In Stock Browser

Jun 1, 2010

I'm using the stock browser on my Desire, and I'm starting to notice that not all inches are appearing. Mostly this is when browsing forums and the smilies just appear as blue diamonds with question marks inside. Does anyone know why this might be?

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HTC Hero :: How To Have 2 Gmail Inboxes

Dec 11, 2009

I'm using a Sprint HTC Hero phone and can't figure out how to have 2 Gmail Inboxes. When I set up my first phone, I had two ways of checking my email, one with a mailbox icon named "Mail", and one with a tag-like icon named "Inbox". I was able to set up a second e-mail through the "Mail" icon but I like using the "Inbox" app (idk if it's necessarily an app) better because it's faster, displays pictures in the e-mails, and pushes my emails to my phone immediately without having to set a time period to sync.

Does anyone know how I can get a 2nd "Inbox" for my 2nd email? They're both Gmail addresses.

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Motorola CLIQ :: Duplicate Receipt Email Copy Store

Mar 15, 2010

long time reader, firsttime poster.. could someone that has bought a CLIQ full price off contract send me a duplicate of the receipt, either the email copy or one from a store, I am trying to unlock my phone but you have to fax in a copy of thereceipt and I already got rid of my receipt, of course you can take off your private info if you would like..

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HTC Incredible :: Seem To Send Duplicate Messages When Replay Email / Correct It?

May 6, 2010

I'm using HTC Mail synced with my gmail account. When I compose an email or reply to an email, I seem to send duplicate messages. Does anyone know how to correct this?

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KitKat 4.4 :: Setting Up Duplicate Email / Active Sync Accounts On Android 4.4?

Jan 16, 2014

Due to circumstances at my work , I cannot access the internal network outside.

Therefore I have to use exchange active sync to sync my work calendar whilst I am at work.

To access emails outside of work with have a email route setup and a external email host.

The short is I have to add 2 accounts under the same email address. One which will connect to the work network locally over wifi and the other that will just allow me to view work emails externally.

This has worked fine previously but since my phone has been updated to 4.4 kitkat when adding the second account it pops up with a error message about duplicate accounts.

How can i bypass this message and add the second account?

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HTC Desire :: Turning The Stock Message Client OFF

Sep 22, 2010

I have just updated to 2.2 and I am now receiving the age old hassle of 2 message notifications. Now I know that I need to disable the message client but I cannot for the life of me remember how to do it.

I have Handcent installed

Something like:


Sorry if it's been done but I can't find it!! Loads of references to turning it off but I can't for love nor money work out how to do it!

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HTC Incredible :: What Email Client To Use?

Apr 24, 2010

What email client is best for use with the Incredible?I'm using a G1 now, trying to move off an iPhone. The email situation doesn't seem very good.I have a yahoo ID, another POP mail, gmail, and a several IMAP accounts.How do folks access Yahoo mail? I've set it up with POP but the built in client doesn't handle it very well. The Gmail client is good for gmail but thats about it. I've tried some others like K-9 but it seems really buggy.Whats the best email client? Did HTC write their own for the Incredible? Is it good? Does it handle POP, IMAP, Gmail well?What email services can push email to the Incredible? I've been pretty spoiled getting my Yahoo mail instantly on the iPhone.

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General :: Galaxy Nexus - Stock SMS Client SIP Support?

Feb 7, 2013

I'm experimenting with SIP/VOIP on my Android device (Galaxy Nexus). I'm using the SIP account settings in the stock dialer app, this works fine for dialing/voice.

The issue is there are no similar SIP settings for the stock SMS client... is this simply a feature that was not added for some reason? is there a technical reason why this is not possible? (other third party clients support it) or can the stock SMS client use SIP and I just can't figure it out?

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Android :: Default Email Client

Jan 25, 2010

How do I empty the trashcan in the default email client?

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Samsung Captivate :: Looking For Best Email Client

Jul 29, 2010

I would like to know what you guys recommend as an email client. The stock captivate email is confusing. It's hard to see which email is new and which ones have been read already.I'd like to be able to see my gmail, and yahoo mail on one screen if possible. It would also be a plus if the icon would be in the dock and display how many unread emails i have.

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Samsung Captivate :: Is There A Better Email Client?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm just coming from an iPhone 3G to the Captivate. I'm having a few frustrating issues that I can't seem to get resolved....I'll start with the email client...
1) There seems to be a DNS flushing issue when the Captivate moves from WIFI to 3G. I run a split DNS with the WIFI on a RFC1918 network and of course a routed IP when connected to 3G.The problem seems to be that as the Cap moves on and off WIFI as I move in and out of range of the WIFI signal and the Cap acquires it's new IP address, it does not expire the DNS cache and there when it tries to contact the IMAP server when going from WIFI -> 3G, it's doing so via the RFC1918 address and therefore doesn't work.Has anyon else seen that?
2) I have the email client set to get new email every 5 minutes. But it sometimes never updates the inbox until I actually go in to that inbox, then it updates.
3) It doesn't seem to keep a history of email addresses I've used for fast completion. For example, if I email Bob@accountemps, every time I send Bob an email, it doesn't remember that I've sent Bob an email before, and I have to type the entire address again.y primary use of the smart phone is an email client, and these issues are really frustrating to me.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Email Client Deleting Emails

Sep 20, 2010

I have a problem with the default email client disappearing received emails. Just now, I saw two older mails in the inbox, then a few minutes later, a couple new spam messages arrived, and the others were gone!

It appears that it clears the inbox whenever new mail arrives. This combined with the fact that it deletes the mail on the server (No option to disable this), makes for a big problem.. It may be that it only deletes mail that's been read already.. Not sure, need to test.

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Android :: Get Source Of K9 Email Client?

Aug 17, 2010

K9 mail client is open source android application. Where can we get the source files ?

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Android :: Default Non - Gmail Email Client

Sep 29, 2010

Are there any Google developer here who built the native non-gmail email client? If so, do you think you could investigate why many users (me included) continue to lose ALL email accounts at least once a week, and sometimes twice a day. it's basically an unusable application that can not be relied upon for anything. nice phones though. iphone never lost my email account settings.

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Samsung Captivate :: POP - With Default Email Client

Jul 28, 2010

I have a huge issue with email. I successfully added my Google Apps email account using POP. The client does indeed download the emails, though very slowly, but the main issue I have is that as soon as I manually check for new emails or the Captivate automatically does it (I set it to 15 minutes intervals), all the emails in the inbox on the phone disappears. After much investigating, it turns out that all emails that was already downloaded prior to a reload, were sent to Trash in Gmail. So when I log in online, every message that was originally downloaded to the phone, was now found in Trash. The only workaround I have found in order to keep the emails on the phone, is to delete them instantly. That way they remain in the Deleted Messages until I manually remove them.

So my question is: does the default email client work like it should at all or should I replace it with something. And if so, with what? It's a shame that a new phone such like this have issues with such a basic task.

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Motorola Droid X :: Need Email Client Application?

Nov 18, 2010

Just got a new Droid X, have been using the Droid Inc but gave it to my wife. I liked the Email Icon on the desk top that shows the number of unread emails (POP3 account)... Is there any way to get that type of email icon notification instead of on the Notification Bar? OR, is there a better email client app?

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Android :: Adding Features To Email Client

Mar 5, 2009

I just wanted to know,whether is it possible to Add extra menu items to Standard email client? I know that we can use the email client to compose/forward mails, as well as we can access the content.Was just wondering if we can add extra menu items along with the existing menu items.

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Android :: What Email Client Can People Recommend?

Nov 22, 2009

What email client can people recommend? I have a LOT of email accounts, and having them all link to my phone would be very useful.Any ideas?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Native Email Client

Apr 21, 2010

I am having an issue with the native email client not accessing my sub folders through Outlook web access. Calendar and all that does great and emails to regular inbox are fine It will once and then it seems to quit. One more thing is I wanted to try k-9 but when I do it does not act right at all. It has trouble sending messages and gets lots of errors when checking. Does anyone have a doc about setting up k-9 to sync with outlook web access?

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Motorola Droid :: Email Client For IMAP Other Than K9

Dec 4, 2009

Does anyone recommend, use or just know of an email client other than K-9 for use with IMAP email. I use touchdown for my Exchange/Corporate account. I have been using K-9 for my email client, which is alright and gets the job down, but I am wanting more.
I have searched the MArket place but can' find any.

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Android :: Any Good Email Client For Hero?

Nov 13, 2009

I have 4 email accounts. The stock email client requires me to check one by one. It is troublesome. Is there any which can check multiple accounts with one click?

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