HTC EVO 4G :: Data Call Failure?
Jun 28, 2010I keep getting a Data Call Failure on my phone, does anyone happen to know what is causing this?

I keep getting a Data Call Failure on my phone, does anyone happen to know what is causing this?
I returned my perfect working non-defective EVO last week because my friend has a better deal for the monthly cost. So I joined his family plan and returned mine.
Unfortunately, my new EVO are having some problems. My new one has mild light leakage below the menu button. The volume control button is a bit loose, its workable, but just not as sturdy as on my previous EVO. Occasionally it has text messages delay, which never occur on my previous EVO, Im not sure if its related to Sprint or the phone itself. The battery is not as good as the previous one. Even though I can definitely get through the day with 15 hours for each charge, but I got 20+ hours on my previous EVO. Maybe itll get better once I charged it a few more cycle, its not the biggest concern for me. My biggest concern is actually my own stupid mistake! When I was altering the settings for my phone, I accidentally press and tried to active the Hotspot option. From there one, Ive been receiving the Data Call Failure Error 67 message randomly. Sometimes I just dismiss the message and its fine, sometimes I cant use the 3G after dismissing it. Ive tried to update the profile; turn off the phone; pull the battery. Sometimes it works, sometimes dont..
I don't need the hotspot function and didnt sign up and pay the $30 for it. I really dont need it, I just press it by accident ONCE! Is there any cure with this? I dont want to receive the error message randomly. And I don't want the hotsopt feature! I dont want to call Sprint yet before any other possible remedy, its kind of my last resort. Ive read from some other places that they just tell you to do a hard/soft reset and it is not a guarantee that itll work.
My Evo has no data connection all of a sudden and pops up with an error that says, "Data Call Failure Error Code 130. Network error. Sign in failed. Please wait a moment and try again, you may need to contact Sprint."
I didn't do anything weird to my phone or anything to have this happen all of a sudden. I've tried doing a battery pull several times and tried updating my profile, but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else experiencing such an error?
I rooted my phone and I have Aloysius 2.0.8 2.1 update rom . Everything has been working great until today when I started get the error code 67. Data call failure. Your PCS vision username or password may be incorrect. I tried the fix that is on the website for the error code 67 but when I go to setting /about phone/ to the system software update I need web access to update the profile on my phone. So can anyone help me with this problem with have to call Sprint?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone and I have Aloysius 2.0.8 2.1 update rom . Everything has been working great until today when I started get the error code 67. Data call failure. Your PCS vision username or password may be incorrect. I tried the fix that is on the website for the error code 67 but when I go to setting /about phone/ to the system software update I need web access to update the profile on my phone. So can anyone help me with this problem without havivg to call Sprint?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i turn on my hotspot i get an error message saying "Data Call Failure" ( Error Code 67. Registration failure. Your PCS Vision username and /or password may be incorrect. Please try again)
Anybody know what this is and how i fix it.
I keep getting this message pop up all day. I will get 9/10 of a page to load and then the message pops up. I couldn't log on all day to the forum.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI tried to root my One X by doing the on first for not losing my data and installing BusyBox and SuperSU. But my problem is, when I ejected my USB from the phone all these weird data appeared on the top-right side of my screen.. and it keeps changing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI purchased an Incredible, which I was not too happy with, so I decided to send it back and reactivate my Eris. My Eris was at 2.1v2 at the time. I called Verizon and had them do the switch through their customer service number.
Immediately I began to notice that I had a lack of 3G. My Turn Mobile On setting would be stuck on "Turning On". I could force it by switching airplane on and off and then using the power button to choose Mobile settings. Once I'd get it on, 3G would be spotty and drop in and out, and when I do have it it is ridiculously slow. Speed test shows downloads of 302 kbps and uploads of 1023 so it appears I have upload 3G but not download. Many times throughout the day I get data connection failures on apps requiring internet.
So, I called Verizon, we went through all their steps including escalation to tech support and they decide it is my Eris (which worked perfectly previously). They are sending me a replacement. In the interim, I went back to the Incredible. And immediately had the exact same problem on the Incredible. I called Verizon, and went through all their steps, and now they want to send me a new Incredible. I went back to the Eris, and upgraded to 2.1v3, still the same problem. I am 100% confident that when I get the replacement Eris it will solve nothing. APNs are at correct default.
I used insecure boot and root trying to root my phone, which was a huge mistake as i noticed a few minutes later since i cant startup anymore and only get into bootloader.
Now I'm trying to flash my stock rom back.
My CID is VODAP102 and my Version is so i downloaded the rom and tried "fastboot flash boot boot.img" the result is:
sending 'boot' <8192 KB>...
FAILED <data transfer failure <Unknown error>>
finished. total time: 0.158s
When I'm in a call over a month ago, I was able to check on the traffic in the maps app..but now when i try to do that, i get the message "connection data lost" and therefore am not able to check the traffic until I am done with my call. I search and didn't come up with any in call answers.
View 12 Replies View RelatedJust started using my Desire last night! Feeling good.
Was just on a call, tried to use the Android Marketplace. Couldn't. Got curious, and tried to use Google Maps mid call. Couldn't. Tried to use the internet during the call. Couldn't. Now, I'm on T-Mobile (UK) and have just come from a Nokia E71. With my E71 I could make a call and use Google Maps. Am I missing something or is this bit of multitasking somehow not possible?
I wish it wasn't so hard to use data while on a call. It sometimes works with Wifi but in time it will disconnect, and not reconnect until you end the call. WHEN WILL THIS BE FIXED! Its supposed to be a smart phone after all.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that allows you to see how much data you have used, sms messages you have sent and how many calls you have made? An all-in-one app is what I am looking for.
View 6 Replies View RelatedReceived my OTA update today and noticed now that I no longer have data access during a phone call. Anyone else experience this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that while trying to multi task with the EVO I am unable to use the GPS to navigate, and the mobile data network does not work while I am on a call. I tried when I first got the phone to surf the web while I was on the phone and it worked then. I'm not sure when it stopped working.
View 4 Replies View RelatedReally could not find any information on this but I was wondering how much data would be consumed during a video calls? ROI any help here? There are some post relating to how skype consumers data and that's about it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI read somewhere that there is an app which i can use my phone for voip calls without using my data, just by paying.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my HTC Hero with Google, can anyone solve this for me and what does it do. Error Code 67 .Registration Failure. Press [OK] For Options. Your PCS Vision User name and/or password may be incorrect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn android we can make a call by using intent. Similarly we can invoke receivers on the in coming call. I have implemented an application to make a call as well as to receive call using intents. My question is we can pass data using intents. The same thing if i am apply to my application i got the data as null.
View 4 Replies View RelatedT-Mobile myTouch 3G
Firmware version 1.6
Baseband Version 62.505.20.17H_2.22.19.261
Kernel Version
Build Number DRC92
I have an unlimited data plan through T-Mobile. I am using my phone in the United States, West Coast. The issue I am having is when I am using the Tethering for root user and I receive or send a call, my connection seems to pause. This also causes web pages to not load and the 3G or E icon goes away from the Status bar at the top of the screen. Does anyone know of a way for me to have the data connection continue when a cell call comes in?
I plan to develop Android application which will encrypt/decrypt voice data such that parties can communicate using secure channel. So the question is: how to intercept voice/audio data during GSM call? Is it possible or not? Should I use Android NDK or something else?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if we can get Incoming call data to the application in Android. I will be using this incoming call data to record the call or for the purpose of call streaming from my application. I read Audio manager and Telephony manager class provided by Android , but I could get an API which can give the data of incoming call.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to pull data from the internet to make a widget for the home screen.
I have the layout built:
Image downloaded from the internet goes here. Needs to be updated every evening at midnight or unless the button below is pressed. Now if I could only figure out exactly how to do this, life would be good."
Got the provider xml bulit:
But here is were I am stuck. I just don't know where to start at all. The java is so far beyond my little head that I don't know what to do.
The wiki example just confused me more. I just don't know where to begin.
I want to know if there is an app or any other way to block all incoming calls on my HTC Desire V phone. (Rooted and stock ROM)
My requirement is to block only "Incoming" calls from a list of pre-selected numbers but I would like to allow everything other then incoming calls.
I am using my phone's default way to reject all calls, but any time someone calls they hear a small ring and then operator message saying
"The Number You Have Called Is Busy...", So the caller understands that I am rejecting the call and expects a call back.
If the message after rejecting a call is like "Switch Off" or something else I am fine.
Required "Incoming Call Barring" , because I spoke with my operator regarding incoming calls barring password but I was told that it is phone feature so I needed to contact handset manufacturer for this and I got the same answer from HTC that it is a network feature so I need to contact service provider.
Is it possible to get a handle on the outgoing data (voice) stream during a call? I'd like to be able to intercept the outgoing data, alter it slightly, then write it back out.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs there an app/widget that will show me Call mintues used, Texts Sent, Data Used all on the same screen?
View 4 Replies View Relatedanyone know what "data roam guard" and "call guard" does under the mobile network settings?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI went to check my call log this morning and noticed it was completely empty. Not too big of a deal but still somewhat of a hassle. Then as I started getting calls throughout the day, I noticed that all of my contacts had their ringers reset to the default ringer instead of their custom one. I haven't seen or heard of this problem anywhere else. I know people have had their messages completely wiped but this seems to be only Phone data.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've got an application, and I'd like to publish a way for third-party services to get data from it. Ideally I could expose this through intents, as in the following pseudocode: