HTC Droid Eris :: Non Rooted 2.1 - Make Faster?
Jun 4, 2010how to make the eris faster than what it is im already at non rooted 2.1 is there anyone tha knows anything about this

how to make the eris faster than what it is im already at non rooted 2.1 is there anyone tha knows anything about this
I Got Open Home, and GDE. Used those for a while. and I like those. Sense is meh... But lately i've been noticing a lot of lag as well. I can barely finish a text without my phone lagging... >.< I would like to speed it up.... But I would also like to keep my warranty intact, I've seen some options. Updating to the Leak 2.1 v3 or Rooting. of these two I would prefer rooting... I like options lol like i said. and 2.1 v3 traps you on 2.1 v3 forever (as of now >.< )
Both of which seem to void warranty...... So my question Is... What should i do with my phone?? Is it worth it to say F*ck the warranty and root? is there something (BESIDES TASK KILLER!!!) that i can install to make the ENTIRE phone run faster? EDIT: OH!!! and i forgot. One of my big fears in rooting is the set up process after the root. Like will I have to call some Verizon number and re activate my phone like they did when i first got it??
how do i make my phone faster? I rooted my phone just now and i am running fresh 1.1.
View 12 Replies View Related**UPDATED 10/2/2010**
Hey all Droid Eris owners, just wrote a lengthy post on my blog about improving performance, stability, and battery life on the Droid Eris on my blog at:
I included tutorials on:
GPS Status
Dialer One
Wireless Tether *Added 9/24/2010*
Battery recalibration for extended battery life *Added 9/17/2010*
Upgrading radio (July 2010
Upgrading Kernel (CFS v5) *Updated 9/17/2010*
Tweak your settings (Window transitions, VM heap size, Launcher Pro) *Added 9/24/2010*
Well known bugs (Camera bug, 3D gallery bug) *ADDED 10/2/2010*
I have Evil Eris 3.0 and I have downloaded SetCPU. Question is: How do I overclock my phone (make it faster?) What do I do once in Set CPU?
View 49 Replies View RelatedDo I need to install a new ROM after rooting to make my Eris run faster? Or will taking out the programs I don't use make it faster without a new ROM?
View 6 Replies View RelatedLike every one here I want my phone to operate at it's optimal speed. But I really don't know what makes this phone fast. Why are there different quadrant scores on stock phones? Does running certain programs slow this phone down? I know that without rooting the phone the processer can't be over clocked, and when I had 2.1 rooted I had SetCPU installed, and you didn't have the ability to overclock the phone anyway. I guess I don't understand why someone reports a Quadrant score of 1450, and someone running the same platform reports 1350. Not that I think you would know the difference between the two.
View 16 Replies View Relatedi just switched from my Devour To the Droid X. AMAZING CHOICE this phone is amazing but i see people with there linpack and quadrant scores and thats alot better then mine i have mine Over Clocked and Rooted is there any way to speed it up? Also i did install froyo leak but it didnt let me use my camera and the market not working right. I just went back to my original 2.1 with the sbf Sadly the market still isent working right.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe Android emulator is a bit sluggish. For some devices, like the Motorola Droid and the Nexus One, the app runs faster in the actual device than the emulator. This is a problem when testing games and visual effects.
How do you make the emulator run as fast as possible? I've been toying with its parameters but haven't found a configuration that shows a noticeable improvement yet.
I have an unrooted motorola droid. I am considering rooting but my question to you is will rooting my phone give me the ability to make it faster? I see people talking about "overclocking" help me understand how this works. All my friends who have "jailbroken" their iphones have made their phones noticeably slower and laggier. I wont root my droid if this is the same case.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI rooted and installed kaosfroyo and now cannot make or receive calls because my mic is not working. Call can be made but the person on the other end does not hear me.
A few other things are that my wifi and verizon data are not working. When I plug the usb I can't mount the SD card.
On the lock screen it says Sprint in the upper right.
Being new to the Eris and smartphones in general, I apologize in advance if I've missed something common-knowledge...
Today I got a 16GB Class 6 SD card in the mail, one to both max out storage and to settle a hunch -- that the class of card (i/o speed) would noticeably affect how the Eris responded. Class 6 cards are about 30 - 50% more cash than Class 2, but triple the rated write speed. Just happened to find one cheap enough to try it out...
Wow. Not only has everything from the pattern unlock screen to the browser become far more responsive, but the stutter for actions in the Sense UI is gone.
Now, for the circumstances... formatted the new card and copied the entire old card's contents onto it w/USB & my desktop. Added another 2GB of music while mounted... still slick. Mind you, tasks themselves don't happen any faster... just the delay between them I'd gotten used to, vanished...
Am I missing something? I'd hate to get anyone's hopes up, if this is just something that only resembles a performance tweak. Either the system or software use SD memory more than I'm aware, or this is all in my head. All I can say for certain is that my Eris is much nicer to use now.
When I load gmail in the android browser, at the top it says "Faster Gmail available! Update now" I click on "Update now" and it goes through an install of something. Anyway, after the install the "Faster Gmail available! Update now" is still there. It will NOT go away!!!
A popup also says to change settings of the new stuff it installs go to settings->gears settings. When I click on "gears settings" in the settings menu, nothing happens I cant open the settings. I think my gears install is f-ed up and unfortunately I dont think I can uninstall and reinstall the stock browser and Id rather not do a factory reset.
I've had the phone for about 1.5 months now. I have about 70 or so apps. The phone is noticeably slow and lags a lot. Text messaging app crashes from time to time and I have to force close and loose all the texts. Should I upgrade the SD card? I've been reading about rooting the phone and about ROMs but I dont fully comprehend it.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi have a 3-week old Galaxy S and i'm loving it. but i noticed that it seems to be "slower" in some ways (compared to the iPhone 4) in the way it open & closes an app, the way it loads an app sometimes, the way it animates in going back to previous screens or menus and in general really. don't get me wrong it's quick but having a 1GHz processor i'm kinda left feeling and wanting.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have done a simple game where I draw on a View and use invalidate() to force onDraw to be called. This however doesn't seem to scale at all since even for this little game it is quite slow. So what is the solution, to use openGL? that is what all games should? and then I should use frames rather than redrawing?
View 3 Replies View Relatedheres a method that I found at xda to add some more speed for the X10. Install an app called minfreemanager. Then change the last 3 values to 150, 200, and 250. Then save and reboot your phone. you should see an increase.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy quadrant is 920 and i have seen people with 2000+ quadrant. How can i get those stats?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there are any ways to make this phone faster. It tends to slow down a lot..
Do you think upgrading to 2.0 with Cyanogen would make it any faster?
Love my Eris, except for its music playback. With the SD card that came with it I have about 5gb of music. The music UI is choppy as can be, borderline unplayable at times, the lag is really bad. I've read other posts about faster cards improving performance on the player, but none really elaborating on the music playback.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCurrently I have an Eris with v3 Leak meaning I can't root. But my wife loves my phone so I plan on giving her mine and either getting another eris and rooting or a Moto Droid and rooting. I've been trying to read up on the Droid and the different ROMS available and have some questions.First I want to make a few things clear:
1. This IS NOT a phone comparison.
2. The Incredilble IS NOT an option since it can't be rooted and I don't want to spend $200 on it.
3. I'm looking for WELL INFORMED OPINIONS, if you don't have one keep moving there is nothing to see here.
To be fair I've obviously done a lot more reading on the Eris which is why I'm looking for well informed opinions from Droid owners that way I can make a well informed decision.
I am new to Android and rooting. I have a Galaxy S and love it! I didn't even know what rooting was. I just came across it after looking for ways to make my phone faster. After a while I realized my phone speed slowed down and was looking for the reason behind it. That's when I learned rooting is the answer. So I used the One Click method and everything is fine so far.
My Kernel is 2.6.29 root@SE-S602 #2 and Baseband is XXJF3 (2.1). So I went into my apps and saw the superuser permission app. But it doesn't work! It is just a blacked out screen. So I am not sure where to go from here. I have tried searching for an answer but couldn't find one, just guides how to root. How to make my phone faster from this point? I get confused with all these ROM things! Which is the best ROM? MoDaCo? Is there a Froyo version of it?
In my android app i need to get 50,000 database entry(text) and compare them with a value when the activity started(in onCreate()).I am doing this with the simplest way : i get the whole table from db to a cursor.However this way is too laggy.Are there any other way to do it more effective?The app is "scrabble solver" that is why i am not using WHERE close in my query (Take the whole data annd compare it with combination of the input letters).At first i was using a big table which contains whole possible words.Now i am using 26 tables.This reduced the lag and i am making database call on a thread that solved a lot problems too.It is still little bit laggy but much better.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a HTC wildfire phone and even though i do enjoy it i find it to be very very slow and i have tried multiple things such as keeping my text messages to a maximum of 20 before deleting. Trying to delete unnesesary apps and junk off my phone. But it still runs slow, so i have joined this android forum seeking help. I can purchase a new phone an iphone 4 or HTC desire but i like my HTC wildfire and i enjoy the android operating system, the Wildfire's camera is amazing and the only thing i want to be able to do is make it faster. Will upgrading my SD card make the phone run faster?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOK so i got this application because it says it can make phone faster or make it save battery, i dont know what settings to have it at or what presets for sleep/wake, etc. if someone can help me as to what settings it would help alot. currently its running at 800max and 66 min.
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View 6 Replies View RelatedI just got the droid eris and i wanted to know which apps are the "must haves". apps that can save me time or make my phone run faster. Apps that you think are important.
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