HTC Droid Eris :: How To Increase Battery Life?
Mar 4, 2010So far I seem to be losing battery a little bit quicker. It will take a few days to get a good idea of the battery life.

So far I seem to be losing battery a little bit quicker. It will take a few days to get a good idea of the battery life.
**UPDATED 10/2/2010**
Hey all Droid Eris owners, just wrote a lengthy post on my blog about improving performance, stability, and battery life on the Droid Eris on my blog at:
I included tutorials on:
GPS Status
Dialer One
Wireless Tether *Added 9/24/2010*
Battery recalibration for extended battery life *Added 9/17/2010*
Upgrading radio (July 2010
Upgrading Kernel (CFS v5) *Updated 9/17/2010*
Tweak your settings (Window transitions, VM heap size, Launcher Pro) *Added 9/24/2010*
Well known bugs (Camera bug, 3D gallery bug) *ADDED 10/2/2010*
So I'm not sure if any of you have been reading or trying out some of the SetCPU values a fellow over at XDA is suggesting. Froyo ROMs increase your battery life! try this (UPDATE 08/26/2010) - xda-developers. Basically, whatever you want your max to be (700+ish) and setting the min down to 19 (lowest it can go).
I remember reading something about it not being good to have your CPU jumping 300+ Mhz, which it clearly would be doing with these values. I would ask over there, but that place kind of scares me Just wondering if any of the fine, intelligent folks over here have any advice on this. I would love for my eris to idle at 19200 but not at the cost of my battery and/or the phone itself.
I'm not too familiar with the Android OS, and the Droid may be my first Android device. From what I've gathered so far, battery life seems to be an issue with Android devices. I've had 3 different BlackBerrys for a couple of years now and for the most part, battery life has been good or acceptable. My question is, will the Droid suffer from battery life issues as do other Android devices, or will Motorola have a magic formula that increases it? I've read that BGR says battery life is supposed to be "very, very good." But I'm not sure I believe them. They have a way of exaggerating how good a device is, especially if no other reviewer has that device, to make it seem like they have something very special (probably to get more readers).
View 12 Replies View RelatedMy battery life has been pretty good since getting the phone in November but the last few days, my use or setting haven't changed but my battery goes from 100% to dead without much use in about 3-3.5 hours. The back of the phone also feels extremely hot. This is with auto brightness, wifi, and bluetooth turned off to maximize battery life. What should I do?
View 12 Replies View RelatedHey all, so my battery hasn't been the greatest since I got the phone. I got it about 5 days ago, and the battery has been getting worse. At first I could go all day with very heavy use. Now I took my phone off around 11:30 and it's now 7 o'clock. it's now at 40 percent, but I have barely used the phone at all. I texted occasionally, and I made one ten minute phone call. Other than that, nothing. Wifi is off, gps is off, only syncing is on. Is this normal for everyone else? Or should I go to verizon to see if I can get a replacement battery?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have asked this on the bloatware thread, and I've only seen one person mention that they have seen an improvement (BringTheRain403). I know a lot of you have removed most of the bloatware by now.
Do you see a noticeable increase in performance or battery life after removing the bloatware? By removing, I mean freezing the apk's in Titanium Backup. I don't really have a problem with this stuff being on the phone, but if it will noticeably help to remove it, then I definitely will.
Seeing as how the screen seems to have the largest draw on battery life, I've been running the screen brightness at "0", with the native tools. I installed an app called Quick Settings, which decreases brightness by another 10-20%. May not work for some brighter situations, but if you want to have the screen "always on" or know you'll be going hard w/ Facebook, every little bit helps.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI don't think Ive ever owned a phone where the battery charged back to 100% so fast...what do you guys think?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've had my Evo for about 2 months now and the battery life wasn't so great. Being that I'm coming from a Hero, it wasn't surprising. But the past week its got incredibly worse. I've done the battery conditioning thing and have a auto task killer. But for example, i got 4 hrs and 17m on one battery today with VERY MINIMAL use. I had bought a back up battery and that has about the same life. I've never rooted and really considering it now. Is 2.2 rootable yet?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm thinking about rooting the fiance's evo, she could careless about all the ins and outs of it. My main reason for wanting to do it is for battery life increase. When rooted and flashed to a custom rom is battery life increased? When I rooted and flashed a custom rom my battery life doubled on my hero. Is it possible for the evo?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis thread along with the other is being created for the purpose of merging all battery threads into three. It will keep the forum clean and will also serve as a one stop information collective. This particular [Battery] thread is for Fixes and Tips on how to increase battery life. If you have found any ways to help get the most out of your battery please share it here and help other members if you can. Please don't get angry or upset with another member if they disagree with your fix or tip.
View 49 Replies View RelatedAccording to a lecturer at uni, mobile devices use more power when they have to try and hold a connection (wifi or mobile network) that is further away.
Apparently moving your router closer will allow the device to conserve energy by allowing it to power down it's radio because it's not having to broadcast it's signal as far. This also extends to cell towers - it seems living a long way away from one will make your phone work harder to keep a 3G/EDGE/GPRS signal and thus wastes battery. I'm inclined to take his word for it, what with a PhD under his belt on the subject!
Heres a new battery saving tip
I think this holds some truth, when I was in London over the summer I swear my battery used to die so much quicker because it kept having to try desperately to hold onto weak signals being blocked by all the built up areas. Not a lot anyone can do about it but it might go some way to explaining the differences in battery life people are reporting.
SetCPU claims to be able to increase your battery life by limiting the speed your processor can run at. This seems like sound reasoning at first, but then I remember roughly what a CPU is and how it works...
So let's say you've set a profile so that when the screen is off it will be limited to half the clock speed; around 500mHz. Lets then say your email wants to get updated, so your processor chugs away that that. If it was set to full capacity it may take say, 1 second to complete the task then go back to it's idol state. With SetCPU limiting it, it would take twice as long and would still use exactly the same number of cycles as before.
In fact, when you think about it, it doesn't actually matter what speed your phones processor is running at all the time, what matters is how much work you're asking it to do. Surely the best and only way to increase battery life is to simply have your processor complete less tasks, therefore using less clock cycles? Sending a text message uses the same amount of clock cycles no matter what your max setting is, so as a result uses the same amount of power.
If anything, having SetCPU running all the time just gives your phone more work to do and therefore decreases battery life?
My Captivate has been plugged in for the past 2+ hours and I barely have 40% battery. Also, my charging cord doesn't stay plugged in. If I pick it up at all while it is charging, the cord falls out. I love this phone, but this may be a deal breaker. What are the chances these issues are just with the phone? Should I go to AT&T and get a new one?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I increase my battery life in my HTC inspire?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone about 2 days ago and I did a nandroid backup, titanium backup, used titanium backup to freeze some of the bloatware.. Have not yet installed any ROMs or Kernels. I got SetCPU and made several profiles in an attempt to increase my battery life. I wanted to see if it was working so I set up a widget, and despite the fact that my battery was at 20% (I have a <25% battery profile setting) the max was still 998
View 22 Replies View RelatedI just ordered the Xperia X10a. Customer Retentions gave me a great deal on it (Great deal = entirely 100% free, I figure I really couldn't beat "free" :P) and so I said "Yes, that sounds lovely" (not an exact transcript of my reaction). I now await its arrival in the mail. So I've been pretty damn excited about it. But then I did the ONE thing I told myself not to do: go trolling on the internet for all the negatives. I knew there were going to be negatives, that's the nature of smartphones, there's always going to be something if not multiple somethings. But I have to admit I was unprepared for the sheer amount of complaints over the battery life. Now I'm depressed (not really, but you know what I mean). Did I just order myself a lemon? I mean don't get me wrong, you still can't beat a free phone I suppose, but is it a free mobile phone, or a free "I need to get to a wall outlet so I can charge this thing because it discharged after only an hour and a half" phone, which isn't exactly all that mobile (ok, well it's mobile, just not mobile + useful at the same time -- I admit I was sort of hoping for the latter. Pipe dreams, what can I say).
View 24 Replies View RelatedThere are a few things you can do that will help your battery life and performance...
� Do some graphical tweaks...
1. Install Spare parts
2. Set Window animations > Fast
3. Set Transition animations > Fast
4. Set Wifi sleep policy > Never While Plugged
� Adjust the Android memory management...
1. Install Autokiller
2. Menu > Presets
3. Most people have best results with 'Moderate' but you could also try 'Optimum'
4. Menu > Settings > tick 'Apply settings on boot'
� Wipe your battery stats...
1. Allow the phone to discharge completely
2. Boot into recovery (hold Home and press On) plug the phone in if you don't have enough charge to get into recovery
3. Select Wipe > Wipe battery stats
4. Go back and Reboot
5. Leave the phone to do a complete charge (preferably over night)
� Adjust your radio settings...
1. Go to Settings > About phone > System updates > Update PRL (it's normal that the phone process will force close at this point and the radio will reboot)
2. Go to your dialer
3. Dial *#*#INFO#*#*
4. Click 'Phone information'
5. Scroll down to the first dropdown selection and set according to your preference below...
� WCDMA preferred (default) - This will automatically switch you between G/E/3G/H depending on the best signal available by constantly monitoring all signals. This uses the most battery.
� WCDMA Only - If you only want to use 3G/H (3G) and do not want to use G/E (2G) select this.
� GSM auto (PRL) - This is the preferred option as it will allow you to use G/E/3G/H but uses the PRL list on your phone (provided by your carrier in the PRL update) rather than constantly monitoring all frequencies thus saving your battery. This may not work with all carriers if you have difficulty getting mobile data in some areas you will have to use one of the other options.
� GSM only - If you only use G/E (2G) select this (it's the same as selecting '2G only' through the settings menu). This option uses the least battery.
Upon making your selection the radio will reboot and the setting is saved, so just back out back to the dialer and you are done.
I am a complete noob at this stuff and was planning on using my samsung moment with stock android 2.1 but..........the battery life sucks. I'll be lucky if i get through a day with only two phone calls and a couple of texts. I was reading on these forums about how rooting can increase battery life on the moment, but how? can someone explain to me how? Oh and if i wanted to root my moment, would this be the easiest way?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought an Eris and the battery lasts a half day. I am bummed.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to improve the battery life on my Eris, but much of it didn't seem to apply or help much. All I really got out of it was "if you turn off all of the cool features of this new smartphone, your battery will last longer". What's the point? Anyway, the problem that I'm having with my battery is that is seem to drain very, very fast. For example: I took it off of the charger today @ 7:10am. It is now 8:35am and I'm down to 85%. I'll have to put it on the charger again by 2pm. That's really terrible. I don't sit and put a heavy load on it all day with tons of surfing, etc. I have it check my email accounts once per hour, and its doing the normal smartphone things in the background (weather, etc). I'm running the GDE home app with the iDroid theme. I used to have Advanced Task Killer and would periodically kill off any running apps, but I got the impression that it drained the battery so I uninstalled it.
I'm just trying to figure out how to tell what could be going on that is running the battery down so quickly (in my mind that is). I think that something must be running that's doing it, because as a side effect, I notice that at times, the phone is very slow to respond. For instance, when I go into my email, it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to bring it up, click Menu->Delete->Mark All->Delete, then go back to main screen. Not acceptable
I didn't at first, but I have been for at least the last week. I'm not entirely certain why, though. I used to be below 30% at the end of every day (1.5 and 2.1 OTA), regardless of how much/little I used the phone. Often having to put it on the charger when I got home from work just to make it through the evening. Lately, I've been ending my day (15+ hours off the charger) at 50-60% remaining, consistently. I'm curious to know if others have experienced this, or if it's just something weird with my phone. AFAIK, most of the data sync settings are exactly the same as they were.
Interestingly, I am leaving 3g and GPS on always, now, where I used to turn them on only when needed. Also, it seems that my mail and weather widgets are not updating as consistently, which could be leading to some increases. I have used the "end all" in System Panel a few times when the battery seemed to be draining extra fast, but I have my mail, weather, sms, etc. Excluded, so I don't know if that's it.
I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for How long does the 1750mAh battery and the 3500mAh battery last with moderate to heavy usage? I'm getting about 10-12 hours on stock 1300mAh battery. I take the phone off of the charger at 5 in the morning and by the time its 5pm the battery is in the red at 5-10%
View 3 Replies View RelatedOK, we all know the Eris battery is a major complaint. Has anyone bought an extended life battery for the Eris yet? If so, is it worth it? Is there a noticeable difference in battery life? It aint cheap so I would appreciate any feedback on this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedGoogle: "If You Are Not Getting A Day [of Android Battery], There Is Something Wrong" - Android battery life - Gizmodo
View 21 Replies View RelatedSomeone said there is a battery from another HTC device that fits in the Droid. It does not extend the battery life significantly, but every little bit would help, even if it was just 10% mote. Which other battery fits inside of the case?
View 46 Replies View RelatedI've read up on the battery life sticky and various other threads pertaining to battery life and awake time. But my phone seems to still be around 50-60 percent. I don't use my phone all too much, and neither do I have any programs set to auto do anything except for mail to go and do its thing. But I remembered I do have various Sense widgets... could those be draining my battery? I have the Facebook, Mail, Calender, Sense Clock, Music, Weather, A Calender reminder, and Bookmarks. I can't afford a better battery. Making 8.25 an hour really suckz. On a side note, I know that 8.25 is more than last year, and the year before that
View 5 Replies View RelatedThis is kind of a detailed question, but basically, I have been reading through some threads and came across someone who wrote that keeping the wifi turned on to 'never sleep' optimizes your battery life by a lot (instead of using mobile connection). So I set this up, but I also have the app Advanced Task Killer and I am trying to figure out if I need to set the wifi to the ignore list (so that it doesn't get killed everytime) or if Advanced Task Killer doesn't effect this.I am just trying to optimize my battery so I can actually use the internet without it dying on me so quickly. I charged it all night and literally 5 minutes after I unplugged it, my phone was down to 90% life.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found that really saved my battery life was either during off 3G or installing Juicedefender, which helped, but it was still draining a ton.
What I did was I checked when facebook updated my contacts to once a day instead of the default. Which I believe the default setting was Every hour, because honestly I don't need it to check every hour for a profile picture change or a few things that I normally check on my own with the facebook app.
The way you do that is
Menu->Settings->Accounts and Sync->Facebook for HTC Sense->Account Settings->Change it to Once a day.
Also I recently found out that you can use your gmail account to have it check a work e-mail or another e-mail, by using pop e-mail, so I didn't have to leave my phone set to check my work e-mail every 15 minutes and drain battery life that way, and that works really well too so your just using your gmail account for e-mail, plus your gmail account pushes to your phone every time a new e-mail comes, which it can do for a work e-mail or your gmail e-mail.
The way you set that up is,
Login to your gmail->Settings->Accounts and Imports->Under Check mail using POP3->Click add POP3 account->Then start adding your work e-mail in there
You can also select Send mail as and add your work e-mail in there, so you can just use your gmail account to send e-mail, I would prefer to use IMAP, but since I am usually in front of a computer, cleaning up my e-mail isn't too much of a job to do.
But this is a great way to use less data and to save a TON on your battery, by the time I was done with work today, I was at 80% battery, when I am normally around 40% to 50%, and after a few short phone calls and showing my mom about 100+ phones from the 3D photo gallery I am still at around 60% on my battery.