HTC Droid Eris : Remove A Bluetooth Device?
Jan 11, 2010Can someone please tell me how to remove a bluetooth device that I no longer want to connect to my eris.

Can someone please tell me how to remove a bluetooth device that I no longer want to connect to my eris.
Basically I have a couple devices showing in my bluetooth list that I no longer own and would like to delete them from that list. Is there a simple way to do it that I'm overlooking? This is probably more of an OCD thing than a superneccessity, but any help would be appreciated.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to a contact and press it, I initiate a phone call. But I also see a bluetooth button on the screen. Is there a way to bluetooth the contact to another device? When I press the contact, it dials immediately.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIm looking to get a pair of stereo bluetooth headphones to use when I work out. There are three so far that caught my eye
Motorola Motorkr S9-HD
Jaybird JB-200m
Altek BackBeat 903
I tried to connect a Droid to a BlueAnt ST3 in-car bluetooth device. The Droid found the ST3 but would not connect. Any suggestions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust trying to get bearing on this project Im working on for Android / Droid devices.
Im about ready to release a beta test for a printing utility in a week or two and was wondering if a Bluetooth printing utility would interest anyone.
Basically it will print from various standard PIM applications on the device printing Text and Graphics on Full-Size HP-PCL compatible printers as well Small Format ESC/POS mobile printers.
Does anyone know where I can get the bluetooth peripheral device driver for the X?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a hp pavilion dv 6000 i am trying to connect it to my computer via blue tooth but neither devices are registering the other my question is "is there any benefits to having them connected such as moving files and what not. even if i could get them paired would there be any actual reason to even try?"
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't figure how to remove bookmarks that I have created. I can remove the icons, but they still show on the bookmarks list.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIm curious if there is anyway to remove the Verizon branding from the front of my eris? It seems like the logo is physically under the glass but I'm not positice. I think removing thebrandimg would really clean up the front of my eris!
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny idea how to get the odd shortcuts off my main screen? accidentally added a few feet
View 2 Replies View RelatedI first exported my contacts from Outlook to my gmail in order to add them to my Eris. Later I used the HTC sync to import my calendar but the contacts went with it. Is there any way to remove all of these 'phone' type contacts and keep them from being synced again?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can you remove a file from the PDF viewer? I called and spoke to someone at htc and when I was done they could not help and wiped out all of my contacts.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to remove the clock from the homescreen? Or can I change it to a digital clock - I'm not a fan of that old style flip change clock.
View 16 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a way to remove and clean the trackball and rolling bars under it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have searched google and the forum here. I have also looked on the phone, but it is possible I am missing the setting I am looking for. Under the People 'app,' there is an updates and events tab. I am a bit OCD, and will clear notifications after I view them. However, facebook has about 7-8 notifications that are "stuck." A few say multiple updates and others say uploaded new pictures. I have viewed each of the notifications many times at this point and they still will not clear. Does anyone know how to clear the Updates section on the Updates and Events? I do have the facebook app installed and I am willing to remove it to make this go away.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI followed the instructions on stopping Sense.Didn't like the results so I tried to start it up again.Now when I power up my Eris it gives me the choice.I prefer not to have the choice but I obviously did not follow the instructs correctly.How do I remove the choice on start up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I got Eris yesterday and I have not put the thing down. Been scanning QR codes and messing around with it. Now the all programs menu, is there anyway to remove shortcuts from that menu?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo on my Droid Eris, I tried to change the boot animation to the word ANDROID with matrix numbers falling. Anyway, instead of doing that like it was supposed to, it ended up taking my bootscreen away and just put a still shot of the numbers covering the word Android. And now, I'm getting a replacement phone and I'm trying to rid the phone of the evidence that I tampered with it, do any of you have any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am relatively new to posting here, but have been reading the posts here for quite some time. Thanks for the great info that you all provide.
I have 2 questions about the All Programs screen ......
Is there a way to re-arrange the order of the way the apps are arranged on this page ? If so, how?
Secondly, how can I remove apps off of the All Programs screen ? I know that apps that I download from The Market will disappear once they have been 'uninstalled', but what about anything else such as "Amazon MP3", "Visual Voicemail", "Stocks", etc. ?
These are things (apps listed above ) I have NO interest in, but they crowd up my All Programs screen and force me to do a lot more scrolling (due to not being able to re-arrange my most used apps on this page, SO FAR).
Is there a way to remove the soft Phone button from the bottom of the screen so you can only press the physical Phone button to bring up the phone. I find it's way to easy to accidentally hit the soft Phone button when trying to press the Menu and back buttons.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded a few free applications from the market for evaluation. After deciding that they were not what I was looking for I have uninstalled the applications. The problem is that they still show up under My Downloads in my Market app. Is there a way to remove lame programs from that list?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need some instructions on how to remove the Eris 2.1 leak that I installed? I did it by downloading some file and copying it to my memory card, then holding down the vol button and the power button. How do I flash it back to 1.5? This leak is very buggy on my phone.
View 17 Replies View RelatedDid a search for this and couldn't find anything. I'm trying to connect my phone to my Macbook via bluetooth and, although it is paired, it won't connect. any special software I need for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThese are our first smart phones so if you could help us out with some issues.
1. Oregon in now hands free and we dont want to wear earpieces. Can someone recomend a good in car bluetooth for the eris? We have the Motorola FM transmiter bluetooth for universal use but it does not really work that well. My wife has not been able to use hers yet. I am reluctant to take mine out of the box if they are not very good ones.
2. I read that video quality is much better on youtube if you press the menu button when the video starts and select HD. This procedure has not worked. I dont get a prompt when pressing the menu button.
3. Is there any way to send a message from the landscape view with keyboard? It seams you have to back out to do this with the lower left hand icon.
4. When ending a call the phone reacts really slowly. I am used to pressing end and immediately being notified call has ended. With the eris, I press end and nothing happens for a second or two. So I figure I missed the button and repress it. This redials the person and it continues like this until I exersize some patients.
5. With the seven home screens, is there any way to select what you want displayed on a screen if it had a default widget there already? For instance, say I want to move the email widget from one to the left of home to two to the left of home. Also, while trying to add people or favorites to the first screen to the right of home the boarders on that widget disapeared. Now its just a background and people faces.
6. Peoples contact faces in thumbnail size are much blurier than when the camera shoots them.
7. Switching from screen to screen, backing up, etc. seems slow.
8. How do you pop up a browser to select "home" when online. When I go back online after viewing something it takes me to the last visited site as opposed to google home. Is there away to select home from any website? I really just need a browser bar.
I think thats it. Also, my phone battery is only awake for 13-20% of the time. I heard alot of reports saying people are around 50-70% awake? Did I get lucky or do I just not use it enough?
I did a search and it looks like some others had problems with this as well.I am new to the Droid world (tried Blackberry but hated it) and I really like the phone overall, minus a few software bugs. Anyway, my question is how do I set up the phone to play in the car?I have bluetooth on my car and it works for phone calls (it drops every now and then) but I can't get the audio to work.My bluetooth manual for my Volkswagon says the phone needs to be turned onto headset mode? How do I do this and are there any other suggestions to try?I also have a Aux hookup and an Ipod connection.However, I really wanted to use the bluetooth if possible.I haven't tried the Aux hook up yet either.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 09 mini cooper with built in blue tooth.It worked GREAT with my Motorola Razr3m but on my eris it is driving me crazy.The phone paired initially just fine. Address book was in sync and it sounded ok.But after a few days the phone would just unpair after driving down the road a bit.For no reason I can see and it would happen whether I was on the phone or not.Now it is getting worse.I called Verizon and we did a master reset. Today it disconnected twice on my way into work.I got it to reconnect once but now I can't get them to see each other at all.So is anyone else using their eris on a car blue tooth? Does it work? Is anyone using it with a Mini.I am trying to figure out if I should return the phone for a new one or just give up entirely. This is the MOST important feature I need in a phone and if it doesn't work it is useless.I like the eris but this is driving me nuts.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have an Otter box Commuter for my Eris, and I love it. My one question is about the screen protector. Recently my trackball failed, and Verizon is sending me a replacement Eris. How can I take the screen protector off, and not damage it for use on the new one? Is this possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedBut is there a way to remove words that have been created in the custom dictionary? it is driving me crazy.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone know of a way to remove the Amazon MP3 Store application from an Eris? I have root access thanks to Universal 1 Click, but I don't see a way to remove this application. It keeps starting itself and I don't ever use it. While I do use apps on my phone I don't even play music on it.
Using AndExplorer I can navigate to my App folder and see that I can reinstall by clicking on the Amazommp3.apk file, but it won't let me delete that file and there is no uninstall option.